20 research outputs found

    Robot-Based Image Analysis for Evaluating Rehabilitation after Brain Surgery

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    After certain types of brain surgery, patients are often affected by changes in both their dynamic balance and facial disorder. Because rehabilitation takes several months, it is important that both doctors and patients are able to monitor progress quantitatively. At present, such quantification is subjective and highly dependent on the doctor’s opinion. Thus, we here investigate the use of robot-based image analysis for measuring rehabilitation. To evaluate a patient’s dynamic balance, we developed a mobile robotic platform that uses a stereovision camera (MS Kinect) to capture a video of the subject walking along a hospital corridor. To evaluate a patient’s facial disorders, the same camera is used in a static mode to detect and capture precise facial movements that the subject is asked to perform. From these videos, specific patterns can be extracted for rehabilitation process description

    Citlivá CE-MS metoda pro monitorování hladin riociguátu a desmethylriociguátu v lidském séru

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    Riociguat is novel antihypertensive drug for treatment of pulmonary hypertension. As such, it is still being tested in many clinical and pharmacokinetic trials. Existing methods that determine serum riociguat and desmethylriociguat (DMR) are based solely on liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Therefore, we present a novel capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry method (CE-MS) for their determination in human serum as alternative method for ongoing trials. Complete resolution of both analytes was achieved by means of pH optimization of ammonium formate background electrolytes that are fully compatible with ESI/MS detection. Simple liquid-liquid extraction was used as sample pretreatment. The calibration dependence of the method was linear (in the range of 10-1000 ng/mL), with adequate accuracy (90.1-114.9%) and precision (13.4%). LOD and LOQ were arbitrarily set at 10 ng/mL for both analytes. Clinical applicability was validated using serum samples from patients treated with riociguat in pharmacokinetic study and the results corresponded with reference HPLC-MS/MS values. Capillary electrophoresis proved to be sensitive and selective tool for the analysis of riociguat and DMR.Riociguat je nové antihypertenzivum pro léčbu plicní hypertenze. Jako takový je stále testován v mnoha klinických a farmakokinetických studiích. Stávající metody stanovení sérového riociguátu a desmethylriociguátu (DMR) jsou založeny výhradně na kapalinové chromatografii s hmotnostní spektrometrií. Tato práce prezentuje kapilární elektroforézu s metodou hmotnostní spektrometrie (CE-MS) pro jejich stanovení v lidském séru jako alternativní metodu pro probíhající studie. Úplného rozlišení obou analytů bylo dosaženo pomocí optimalizace pH elektrolytů založených na mravenčanu amonném, ​​které jsou plně kompatibilní s detekcí ESI / MS. Jako předúprava vzorku byla použita jednoduchá extrakce kapalina-kapalina. Závislost kalibrace metody byla lineární (v rozmezí 10–1000 ng/ml), s odpovídající přesností (90,1–114,9%) a precizností (13,4%). LOD a LOQ byly u obou analytů nastaveny na 10 ng/ml. Klinická použitelnost byla ověřena pomocí vzorků séra od pacientů léčených riociguatem ve farmakokinetické studii a výsledky odpovídaly referenčním hodnotám HPLC-MS/MS. Kapilární elektroforéza se ukázala jako citlivý a selektivní nástroj pro analýzu riociguátu a DMR

    Compounds produced by bilirubin phototherapy.

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    <p>(A) TLC plate after first chromatography. (B) Most important compounds 1 and 7 were separated by re-chromatography from the 1<sup>st</sup> (upper panel), and 7<sup>th</sup> zone (lower panel). UCB, unconjugated bilirubin.</p