235 research outputs found
At the Intersection of Tangible and Intangible : Constructing a Framework for the Protection of Indigenous Sacred Sites in the Pursuit of Natural Resource Development Projects
La problĂ©matique de la protection des sites sacrĂ©s autochtones dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement des ressources naturelles est devenue un sujet dâintĂ©rĂȘt public suite Ă la couverture mĂ©diatique internationale, au dĂ©but de 2017, du âDakota Access Line Protest (DAPL)â du Standing Rock Sioux dans le Nord Dakota. Toutefois, cela fait trĂšs longtemps que ces prĂ©occupations existent pour de nombreuses communautĂ©s autochtones Ă travers le monde. Cette thĂšse aborde ce sujet Ă partir de trois angles complĂ©mentaires : lâanthropologie juridique / la thĂ©orie autochtone, le droit international et le droit comparatif.
Lâanthropologie juridique jumelĂ©e Ă la thĂ©orie autochtone, utilisĂ©es comme savoirs externes, permet dans cette optique une approche Ă©quilibrĂ©e, pour comprendre les conceptions du temps, de lâespace et du sacrĂ©, dans une posture non-rĂ©ductrice, non-essentialisĂ©e et non-romantique, en comparant quatre juridictions, celles du Canada, des Ătats-Unis, de lâAustralie et de lâAotearoa Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande.
Lâobjectif de cette Ă©tude comparative est de crĂ©er une matrice qui permettra dâĂ©valuer les mĂ©canismes et/ou dispositions juridiques pour la protection des sites sacrĂ©s autochtones dans le cadre du dĂ©veloppement des ressources naturelles dans les quatre systĂšmes juridiques comparĂ©s. Notre but est dâĂ©laborer un cadre juridique plus efficace, sensible aux contextes particuliers, pour la protection des sites sacrĂ©s autochtones dans chacune de ces juridictions. Sensible aux contextes particuliers signifie que ce cadre sera en accord avec la culture juridique du pays, les valeurs, coutumes et identitĂ©s autochtones du territoire ainsi que les normes internationales potentiellement pertinentes pour ce pays. Cette approche se doit de tenir compte des diffĂ©rents paliers et dâĂȘtre multidimensionnelle.
La perspective internationale est essentielle pour trois raisons. Tout dâabord, dans le monde moderne, on retrouve la globalisation, lâinternationalisation et la glocalisation. Ensuite, les nouvelles technologies de communication permettent aux Autochtones dâobtenir des appuis Ă leurs causes sur la scĂšne internationale. Et, finalement, partout Ă travers le monde, le principe fondamental de souverainetĂ© des Ătats est hautement conflictuel avec lâautodĂ©termination des Autochtones. Cette Ă©tude est nĂ©cessairement limitĂ©e aux relations entre le droit international et les droits internes de ces quatre systĂšmes juridiques.
Comme il sâagit dâune thĂšse de doctorat en droit, le droit comparatif en est au cĆur. Une mĂ©thodologie similaire, en quatre Ă©tapes, est utilisĂ©e pour analyser chacune des quatre juridictions. En premier lieu, les mĂ©canismes juridiques les plus pertinents pour la protection des sites sacrĂ©s sont examinĂ©s en dĂ©tail. DeuxiĂšmement, une Ă©tude de cas, abordĂ©e dans chaque juridiction, permet de jauger concrĂštement lâefficacitĂ© de ces mĂ©canismes. De plus, la matrice Ă©laborĂ©e auparavant sert de toile fond pour Ă©valuer ces mĂ©canismes dans ce contexte concret. TroisiĂšmement, tous les Ă©lĂ©ments recueillis pour chaque juridiction sont mis en relation, analysĂ©s et synthĂ©tisĂ©s. Finalement, des conclusions sont tirĂ©es pour chaque pays et serviront Ă la construction du cadre proposĂ© dans le dernier chapitre.
Dans le dernier chapitre, on retrouve tout dâabord, la formulation dâune solution idĂ©ale, voire idĂ©aliste. Ensuite, des propositions pragmatiques y sont formulĂ©es pour chaque juridiction dans son contexte actuel. Somme toute, cette thĂšse conclut que lâapproche juridique de lâAotearoa Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande apporte une base de rĂ©flexion intĂ©ressante. Celle-ci pourrait, en effet, ĂȘtre transposĂ©e aux trois autres juridictions, non pas parce que ces juridictions partagent le mĂȘme hĂ©ritage du Common Law, mais en raison de la possible compatibilitĂ© juridique, dans ces pays, de la mĂ©thodologie utilisĂ©e par lâAotearoa Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande pour dĂ©velopper les mĂ©canismes permettant lâexpression des valeurs culturelles, des traditions et des identitĂ©s autochtones, Ă travers les concepts et structures juridiques occidentaux.While the issue of protecting Indigenous sacred sites in the pursuit of natural resource projects only came to public attention with the international press coverage of the Standing Rock Siouxâs Dakota Access Line Protest (DAPL) in North Dakota earlier in 2017, it has long been an issue of considerable concern for Indigenous peoples worldwide. This thesis considers the matter from three angles: legal anthropology/Indigenous theory, international law and comparative law.
The twin perspectives of legal anthropology and Indigenous theory are employed as external disciplines in a check-and-balance exercise that aims to clarify the Indigenous conceptions of time, space and the sacred in the four jurisdictions under comparison âCanada, the United States, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealandâ in a non-reductive, non-essentialized, non-romanticized manner. The objective of this exercise is to create a matrix against which juridical mechanisms and/or legal provisions for the protection of Indigenous sacred sites can be measured in the four jurisdictions studied, with the ultimate aim of crafting an improved, context-sensitive framework for the protection of Indigenous sacred sites in each such jurisdiction. Context-sensitive framework refers to a framework aligned with the countryâs legal culture, Indigenous values, customs and identities found within the boundaries of that jurisdiction, and with such international norms as may potentially be pertinent in that state. This demands a multi-faceted, layered approach.
The international law perspective is crucial due to three factors: first, the predominance of phenomena such as globalization, internationalization and glocalization in the modern world; second, the telecommunications revolution, which has meant that Indigenous peoples increasingly rally support for their causes on the international stage; and third, the high-profile conflict between State sovereignty and Indigenous self-determination that is ubiquitous on the world stage. The focus of this study is necessarily limited to the relationship between international and domestic law in each of the four jurisdictions.
Since this is a thesis for a doctorate in law, there is comparative law at the heart of it. In each of the four jurisdictions a similar methodology is followed. In the first step, the most pertinent legal mechanisms for the protection of sacred sites are considered from up close. The second step is to test the effectiveness of such mechanisms with reference to a concrete case study in that jurisdiction. The case study contemplates the legal mechanism in question in its factual contexts with the aid of the matrix as in the first portion of the thesis. Then a process of analysis and synthesis follows, until finally, some conclusions are drawn for utilization in the construction of the final chapterâs proposed framework.
The final chapter proposes both an ideal solution and some pragmatic proposals in the context of each jurisdiction. In sum, the thesis concludes that Aotearoa New Zealandâs legal approach provides an interesting basis for further development. It is deemed to be transposable into the other three jurisdictions not based on the fact that they share a common law heritage, but rather because of the compatibility of the methodology that was followed in developing the said mechanism in a manner that gives expression to Indigenous cultural values, customs and identity through the use of Western legal structures and concepts
Partial purification and properties of thiaminokinase from yeast
Thiaminokinase, the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of thiaminepyrophosphate from thiamine and adenosinetriphosphate, has been extracted from fresh bakers' yeast by plasmolysis by freezing at -70°C and thawing, followed by maceration at 37° in 0.5 M KCl.
The enzyme has been partially purified by fractionation of the yeast extract with ammonium sulphate. The active protein fraction has been subjected to fractional analysis according to . It is pointed out that the protein leaving the solution in the same range of salt concentration as does the enzymic activity is not homogeneous and probably does not represent the enzyme protein, but inert proteins which have adsorbed the enzyme - which will only constitute a small fraction of the precipitating protein - to the same extent.
Thiaminokinase requires Mg for its action. Optimal activation is obtained with concentrations of 2·10-2 M. Low concentrations of Mn also activate the enzyme, even more so than comparable amounts of Mg; but concentrations of Mn above 2·10-3 M markedly inhibit the phosphorylation of thiamine.
The action of the enzyme is stimulated strongly by small amounts of inorganic phosphate. Maximal effect is obtained with a concentration of 2·10-3 M.
The crude yeast extract contains at least two factors inhibiting thiaminokinase, which can be removed by dialysis, and are thermostable. One of these is of inorganic nature.
The enzyme deploys its maximal activity in the pH range of 6 to 8.
The purified preparation synthesizes thiaminepyrophosphate at a higher rate from thiamine than from thiamine monophosphate
Project Khepri: Asteroid Mining Project. Final Policy Report
Much like outer space, our legal system consists of many unknowns. This is especially true for new developments in emerging technologies, particularly those related to the exploration, exploitation, and utilization of space resources. The recently developed technical feasibility of space mining has advanced ahead of existing international space treaties. While certain articles of the major UN treaties can be interpreted to adapt to the utilization of space resources, most of these provisions were not originally designed to be applied to a space mining regime.
Keeping in mind this context, this paper sets out the current international law landscape, including the areas which require further development, and provides guidance and recommendations for governments, international communities, and private actors interested in space resources. To this end, the existing international legal framework is summarized by detailing the significance of the United Nations Space Treaties, the role of customary international law, relevant principles, environmental law, the role of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and previous attempts to govern areas known as res communis. Next, Canadian and United States national law is outlined, including relevant aspects of Canadian national mining law.
The paper continues on to analyze various approaches to developing a legal framework for space resource extraction and provides recommendations for industry, national and international actors. Given the widespread support at UN discussions, and years of private actorsâ development and involvement in related projects, the necessary societal desire for space mining regulation is present. To work towards enabling space mining, it is suggested that industry set
aside a portion of profits to later be used for the âbenefit of allâ and work with the
Canadian government. At a national level, it is recommended that Canada consider passing national legislation similar to that passed by the United States, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan. Finally, it is recommended that Canada continue to cooperate through international fora to develop non-legally binding principles, otherwise known as âsoft lawâ to contribute to a bottom-up approach
Stiefvader as seksuele molesteerder
Text in AfrikaansDie doel van die navorsingsondersoek na die stiefvader as sekÂsuele molesteerder van sy stiefdogter is om die probleem te beskryf, te verklaar en aanbevelings te doen aan instansies wat betrokke is by seksuele molestering. Die ondersoek was kwaliÂtatief van aard en die tegnieke van ongestruktureerde onder houdvoering en dokumentere studies is gebruik.By die beskrywing van die probleem is die kenmerke van die stiefgesin waarin seksuele molestering voorkom geidentifiseer. Dit was moeilik om die omvang van seksuele molestering in die stiefgesin te bepaal, weens onvolledige rekordhouding deur inÂstansies. Aannames vanuit die literatuur het die ondersoek gerig en sekÂsuele molestering in die stiefgesin is verklaar aan die hand van die eienskappe van die sisteernbenadering. Navorser het bevind dat seksuele molesteerders swak sosiale verhoudings het en uit disfunksionele gesinne kom. Aanbevelings is gedoen ter voorkoming van seksuele molestering binne stiefgesinne.The object of this research project, the stepfather as sexual molester of his stepdaughter, is to define and explain the problem, and to make recommendations to organisations concerned with sexual abuse. This exploration was qualitative and techniques of unstructured interviewing and documentary studies were employed. In defining the problem, the characteristics of the stepfamily in which sexual molesting occurs, are identified. It was difficult to determine the extent of sexual molesting in the stepfamily, because of the incomplete records of the organisations. Suppositions from literature directed the research on sexual abuse in the stepfamily, and are
explained on the basis of characteristics of the systems approach. Researcher found that sexual molesters have inadequate social relationships and come from dysfunctional families. Recommendations have been made for the prevention of sexual abuse in stepfamilies.Criminology and Security ScienceM.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe (Kriminologie)
Kriminologiese analise van die manlike kindermolesteerder
Afrikaans textKindermolestering het die afgelope vyftien jaar 'n toenemende probleem in Suid-Afrika geword. Baie
aandag is aan die slagoffer gegee, tenvyl die kindermolesteerder as kardinale deel van die
probleem heeltemal verwaarloos is. Laasgenoemde maak hierdie navorsingsondersoek ten opsigte van
die kindermolesteerder dringend noodsaaklik.
en prosesse in die lewe van die kindermolesteerder, waaruit 'n ryk en indiepte beskrywing
van die kindennolesteerder gevolg het.
Die tweede fase is kwantitatief benader en navorser het gebruik gemaak van 'n onderhoudskedule wat
aan 'n meer omvangryke groep kindermolesteerders en verkragters voorgele is om hulle reaksie op
die data syfennatig te bepaal. Verkragters is gekies omdat hulle en die molesteerders 'n seksuele
misdryf as gemene deler het. Navorser wou met laasgenoemde die bruikbaarheid van die skedule bepaal
en verdere ondersteuning vir die ondersoek verkry. Hierdie data is rekenaarmatig verwerk en
skematies uitgebeeld.
Die navorsingsondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat kindermolesteerders uit disfunksionele gesinne
kom, waarin hulle persoonlikheidseienskappe en gedragspatrone aangeleer het, wat kan lei tot
kindermolestering. Laasgenoemde word deur bevindings ten opsigte van
Hierdie navorsingsondersoek het 'n bydrae tot die wetenskaplike kennis gemaak deurdat
die bruikbaarheid van pluralisme in die ondersoek uitgewys is;
âą ooreenkomste en verskille tussen kindermolesteerders en verkragters geYdentifiseer is;
âą die prominente rol van pornografie in kindermolestering aan die lig gekom het;
âą 'n profiel van die kindermolesteerder saamgestel is;
die gedrag van die molesteerder teoreties verklaar is;
âą 'n behandelingstruktuur vir die oortreder saamgestel is.
Aanbevelings vir die toekomstige bantering van die kindermolesteerder en verdere navorsing in die
verband is gemaak.
Die doel van hierdie navorsingsondersoek is om 'n omvattende beeld van die kindermolesteerder as
oortreder te verkry ten einde die probleem van kindermolestering aan te spreek.
Hierdie ondersoek is pluralisties benader en het in opeenvolgende fases plaasgevind. Fase een is
kwalitatief benader en navorser het semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer met tien
kindermolesteerders aan die hand van 'n onderhoudsgids. Aandag is gegee aan die gebeureOver the past fifteen years child molestation has become a growing problem in South Africa.
Much attention has been given to the victim while the child molester as a cardinal part ofthe
problem has been completely neglected, which made this study of the child molester crucial.
The purpose of this study is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the child molester as offender
in order to tackle the problem of child molestation.
The research was conducted in consecutive phases from a pluralistic approach. The first phase was
qualitative and the researcher conducted semi$tructured interviews with ten child molesters, based
on an interview guide. Attention was given to the events and processes in the lives of the
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
A profile of the child molester was compiled and Bandura's social learning theory used to explain
his behaviour. To deal with the problem of child molestation, a treatment schedule was
developed for the child molester.
This study has contributed to scientific knowledge by
âą showing the usefulness of pluralism in the investigation
âą identifying similarities and differences between child molesters and rapists
âą revealing the prominent role of pornography in child molestation
âą compiling a profile of the child molester
âą explaining the behaviour of the molester theoretically
âą developing a treatment structure for the offender
Recommendations are made for the future treatment of the child molester and further research.Criminology and Security StudiesD.Phil. (Kriminologie
Hormonal contraceptive methods and risk of HIV acquisition in women : a systematic review of epidemiological evidence
Peer reviewedPublisher PD
The mutational profile in a South African cohort with inherited neuropathies and spastic paraplegia
INTRODUCTION: Limited diagnostics are available for inherited neuromuscular diseases (NMD) in South Africa and (excluding muscle disease) are mainly aimed at the most frequent genes underlying genetic neuropathy (GN) and spastic ataxias in Europeans. In this study, we used next-generation sequencing to screen 61 probands with GN, hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), and spastic ataxias for a genetic diagnosis. METHODS: After identifying four GN probands with PMP22 duplication and one spastic ataxia proband with SCA1, the remaining probands underwent whole exome (n = 26) or genome sequencing (n = 30). The curation of coding/splice region variants using gene panels was guided by allele frequencies from internal African-ancestry control genomes (n = 537) and the Clinical Genome Resource's Sequence Variant Interpretation guidelines. RESULTS: Of 32 GN probands, 50% had African-genetic ancestry, and 44% were solved: PMP22 (n = 4); MFN2 (n = 3); one each of MORC2, ATP1A1, ADPRHL2, GJB1, GAN, MPZ, and ATM. Of 29 HSP probands (six with predominant ataxia), 66% had African-genetic ancestry, and 48% were solved: SPG11 (n = 3); KIF1A (n = 2); and one each of SPAST, ATL1, SPG7, PCYT2, PSEN1, ATXN1, ALDH18A1, CYP7B1, and RFT1. Structural variants in SPAST, SPG11, SPG7, MFN2, MPZ, KIF5A, and GJB1 were excluded by computational prediction and manual visualisation. DISCUSSION: In this preliminary cohort screening panel of disease genes using WES/WGS data, we solved ~50% of cases, which is similar to diagnostic yields reported for global cohorts. However, the mutational profile among South Africans with GN and HSP differs substantially from that in the Global North
Zoonotic alphaviruses in fatal and neurologic infections in wildlife and nonequine domestic animals, South Africa
Alphaviruses from Africa, such as Middelburg virus
(MIDV), and Sindbis virus (SINV), were detected in horses
with neurologic disease in South Africa, but their host
ranges remain unknown. We investigated the contribution
of alphaviruses to neurologic infections and death in wildlife
and domestic animals in this country. During 2010â
2018, a total of 608 clinical samples from wildlife and
nonequine domestic animals that had febrile, neurologic
signs or unexplained deaths were tested for alphaviruses.
We identified 32 (5.5%) of 608 alphavirus infections
(9 SINV and 23 MIDV), mostly in neurotissue of wildlife,
domestic animals, and birds. Phylogenetic analysis of the
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene confirmed either
SINV or MIDV. This study implicates MIDV and SINV as
potential causes of neurologic disease in wildlife and nonequine
domestic species in Africa and suggests a wide
host range and pathogenic potential.https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eidpm2020Medical Virolog
West Nile virus in wildlife and nonequine domestic animals, South Africa, 2010â2018
West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2 is associated with neurologic disease in horses and humans in South Africa. Surveillance in wildlife and nonequine domestic species during 2010â2018 identified WNV in 11 (1.8%) of 608 animals with severe neurologic and fatal infections, highlighting susceptible hosts and risk for WNV epizootics in Africa.The work was funded through the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventionâs Global Disease Detection grant for zoonotic arboviruses under grant 1U19GH000571-01-GDD Non-Research CoAg with the National Health Laboratory
Services project 23 and University of Pretoria Zoonotic Arbo and Respiratory Virus Group income-generated funds. J.S. received doctoral scholarships from the National Research Foundation (grant no. 95175), the Meat Industry Trust (grant no. IT8114/98), and the Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (grant no. 15/112) and a partial studentship from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement no. 5 NU2GGH001874-02-00 with the University of Pretoria.http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eidam2020Medical Virolog
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