45,924 research outputs found

    Improved decision support for engine-in-the-loop experimental design optimization

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    Experimental optimization with hardware in the loop is a common procedure in engineering and has been the subject of intense development, particularly when it is applied to relatively complex combinatorial systems that are not completely understood, or where accurate modelling is not possible owing to the dimensions of the search space. A common source of difficulty arises because of the level of noise associated with experimental measurements, a combination of limited instrument precision, and extraneous factors. When a series of experiments is conducted to search for a combination of input parameters that results in a minimum or maximum response, under the imposition of noise, the underlying shape of the function being optimized can become very difficult to discern or even lost. A common methodology to support experimental search for optimal or suboptimal values is to use one of the many gradient descent methods. However, even sophisticated and proven methodologies, such as simulated annealing, can be significantly challenged in the presence of noise, since approximating the gradient at any point becomes highly unreliable. Often, experiments are accepted as a result of random noise which should be rejected, and vice versa. This is also true for other sampling techniques, including tabu and evolutionary algorithms. After the general introduction, this paper is divided into two main sections (sections 2 and 3), which are followed by the conclusion. Section 2 introduces a decision support methodology based upon response surfaces, which supplements experimental management based on a variable neighbourhood search and is shown to be highly effective in directing experiments in the presence of a significant signal-to-noise ratio and complex combinatorial functions. The methodology is developed on a three-dimensional surface with multiple local minima, a large basin of attraction, and a high signal-to-noise ratio. In section 2, the methodology is applied to an automotive combinatorial search in the laboratory, on a real-time engine-in-the-loop application. In this application, it is desired to find the maximum power output of an experimental single-cylinder spark ignition engine operating under a quasi-constant-volume operating regime. Under this regime, the piston is slowed at top dead centre to achieve combustion in close to constant volume conditions. As part of the further development of the engine to incorporate a linear generator to investigate free-piston operation, it is necessary to perform a series of experiments with combinatorial parameters. The objective is to identify the maximum power point in the least number of experiments in order to minimize costs. This test programme provides peak power data in order to achieve optimal electrical machine design. The decision support methodology is combined with standard optimization and search methods – namely gradient descent and simulated annealing – in order to study the reductions possible in experimental iterations. It is shown that the decision support methodology significantly reduces the number of experiments necessary to find the maximum power solution and thus offers a potentially significant cost saving to hardware-in-the-loop experi- mentation

    From Shop floor to top floor. An exploratory study of sustainable progression in the retial sector: the case of Morrisons

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    There has been increasing political and media attention given to the issue of social mobility in recent times. The interest has been sparked by research which suggests that social mobility may have stalled or even declined in the UK during the post-war period. Various factors have been identified as inhibiting social mobility including early years experiences in the home and at school, education and health along with area based influences. Employment and labour market experiences are also key factors contributing to social mobility with the importance of ‘getting a job’ and ‘sustainable progression’ increasingly recognised as an important means of improving social mobility. There now appears consensus that occupational mobility and career development is a key factor in overcoming social mobility, and the extent to which organisations develop pathways and support careers is a critical element in pursuing social mobility. This exploratory study has been commissioned by Morrisons to investigate the factors which impact on progression in the workplace and the effect of these on the social mobility of research participants. The study adopts the framework of ‘career development’ as a construct to explore sustainable progression, drawing on the employment and labour market experiences of employees at Morrisons who, having started on the ‘shop floor’ have progressed to senior management levels in the company. The study is based on their ‘life stories’ to identify the key factors associated with a successful career at Morrisons

    Metamodelling of multivariable engine models for real-time flight simulation.

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    Sophisticated real-time distributed flight simulation environments may be constructed from a wide range of modelling and simulation tools. In this way accuracy, detail and model flexibility may be incorporated into the simulator. Distributed components may be constructed by a wide range of methods, from high level environments such as Matlab, through coded environments such as C or Fortran to hardware-in-the- loop. In this paper the Response Surface Methodology is combined with a hyper-heuristic (evolutionary algorithm) and applied to the representation of computationally intensive non-linear multivariable engine modelling. The paper investigates the potential for metamodelling (models of models) dynamic models which were previously too slow to be included in multi-component, high resolution real-time simulation environments. A multi-dimensional gas turbine model with five primary control inputs, six environmental inputs and eleven outputs is considered. An investigation has been conducted to ascertain to what extent these systems can be approximated by response surfaces with experiments which have been designed by hyper-heuristics as a first step towards automatic modelling methodology

    Earth Observations Division version of the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing System (EOD-LARSYS) user guide for the IBM 370/148. Volume 2: User reference manual

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    This document presents instructions for analysts who use the EOD-LARSYS as programmed on the Purdue University IBM 370/148 (recently replaced by the IBM 3031) computer. It presents sample applications, control cards, and error messages for all processors in the system and gives detailed descriptions of the mathematical procedures and information needed to execute the system and obtain the desired output. EOD-LARSYS is the JSC version of an integrated batch system for analysis of multispectral scanner imagery data. The data included is designed for use with the as built documentation (volume 3) and the program listings (volume 4). The system is operational from remote terminals at Johnson Space Center under the virtual machine/conversational monitor system environment

    p-wave Feshbach molecules

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    We have produced and detected molecules using a p-wave Feshbach resonance between 40K atoms. We have measured the binding energy and lifetime for these molecules and we find that the binding energy scales approximately linearly with magnetic field near the resonance. The lifetime of bound p-wave molecules is measured to be 1.0 +/- 0.1 ms and 2.3 +/- 0.2 ms for the m_l = +/- 1 and m_l = 0 angular momentum projections, respectively. At magnetic fields above the resonance, we detect quasi-bound molecules whose lifetime is set by the tunneling rate through the centrifugal barrier

    On asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein's equations periodic in time II. Spacetimes with scalar-field sources

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    We extend the work in our earlier article [4] to show that time-periodic, asymptotically-flat solutions of the Einstein equations analytic at scri, whose source is one of a range of scalar-field models, are necessarily stationary. We also show that, for some of these scalar-field sources, in stationary, asymptotically-flat solutions analytic at scri, the scalar field necessarily inherits the symmetry. To prove these results we investigate miscellaneous properties of massless and conformal scalar fields coupled to gravity, in particular Bondi mass and its loss.Comment: 29 pages, published in Class. Quant. Grav. Replaced. Typos corrected, version which appeared in Class. Quant.Gra

    Multivariate Diophantine equations with many solutions

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    We show that for each n-tuple of positive rational integers (a_1,..,a_n) there are sets of primes S of arbitrarily large cardinality s such that the solutions of the equation a_1x_1+...+a_nx_n=1 with the x_i all S-units are not contained in fewer than exp((4+o(1))s^{1/2}(log s)^{-1/2}) proper linear subspaces of C^n. This generalizes a result of Erdos, Stewart and Tijdeman for m=2 [Compositio 36 (1988), 37-56]. Furthermore we prove that for any algebraic number field K of degree n, any integer m with 1<=m<n, and any sufficiently large s there are integers b_0,...,b_m in a number field which are linearly independent over the rationals, and prime numbers p_1,...,p_s, such that the norm polynomial equation |N_{K/Q}(b_0+b_1x_1+...+b_mx_m)|=p_1^{z_1}...p_s^{z_s} has at least exp{(1+o(1)){n/m}s^{m/n}(log s)^{-1+m/n}) solutions in integers x_1,..,x_m,z_1,..,z_s. This generalizes a result of Moree and Stewart [Indag. Math. 1 (1990), 465-472]. Our main tool, also established in this paper, is an effective lower bound for the number of ideals in a number field K of norm <=X composed of prime ideals which lie outside a given finite set of prime ideals T and which have norm <=Y. This generalizes a result of Canfield, Erdos and Pomerance [J. Number Th. 17 (1983), 1-28], and of Moree and Stewart (see above).Comment: 29 page
