212 research outputs found

    Multi‐scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse

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    Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) are endemic to grassland and shrub‐steppe ecosystems of western North America, yet their distribution has contracted to \u3c10% of their historical range. Primary threats to Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse include loss of native habitat and conversion to agriculture, reductions in habitat once provided by the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), wildfire, and drought conditions, yet population‐level consequences of these threats and their spatio‐temporal scales of effect are poorly understood. We evaluated multi‐scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire histories on patterns of abundance and productivity for Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse populations during 1995–2020 in Idaho, USA, using mixedeffects generalized regression and remotely sensed data. We demonstrated negative effects of fire, tree encroachment, and bare ground, positive effects of spring and summer precipitation and cover of shrubs and perennial forbs and grasses, and positive effects of CRP on grouse abundance that changed in magnitude with cover of perennials and shrubs near leks (i.e., strongest effects when average cover of shrubs and perennial forbs and grasses were less abundant). We also demonstrated per capita recruitment of Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse is positively associated with late‐summer greenness. Our results show that several suspected threats have measurable, population‐level impacts to Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse within Idaho. Moreover, our results suggest ongoing changes occurring within the core range of Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse, including loss of CRP cover to tilled agriculture and changes to wildfire and precipitation dynamics are likely to have negative effects on populations

    Affective response as a mediator of the association between the physical and social environment and physical activity behavior

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    Perceptions of the physical and social environment have been shown to be predictive of physical activity (PA) behavior. However, the mechanisms of this association have not been examined. Affective response to PA was examined as a putative mediator of the association between perceptions of the PA environment and subsequent PA behavior. As part of a PA promotion study, 59 low-active overweight or obese but otherwise healthy adults completed real-time assessments of the perceived physical and social PA environment, affective response to PA, and PA behavior over a 6-month period. As hypothesized, decreased latency to and greater duration of subsequent PA was predicted by engaging in PA with a partner (b = 17.24, SE = .45, p \u3c .01), engaging in PA outdoors versus indoors (b = 3.70, SE = 0.67, p \u3c .01), and perceived pleasantness of the physical (b = 0.59, SE = .17, p \u3c .01) and social settings (b = 0.68, SE = .16, p \u3c .01). Affective response to PA (a shift toward feeling good versus bad during PA) mediated the association between engaging in PA with a partner (a path: 0.53(.11), p \u3c .01, b path: 0.42(.12), p \u3c .01, ab path: 0.22(.08), 95% CI .09–.41) and perceived pleasantness of the physical (a path: .38(.02), p \u3c .01; b path: .65(.23), p = .01; ab path: .25(.09), 95% CI .08–.43) and social setting (apath: .35(.02), p \u3c .01; b path: .57(.23), p = .01; ab path: .20(.08), 95% CI .03–.37) and PA behavior, but not the association between engaging in PA outdoors versus indoors and PA behavior. These findings suggest that perceived environmental variables may have their effects on PA through the process of psychological hedonism

    Linking Social and Built Environmental Factors to Leisure-Time Physical activity in Rural Cancer Survivors

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    BACKGROUND: This study explored associations between social and built environmental factors and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) in rural cancer survivors (RCS) and whether these associations differed by exercise stage of change (SOC). METHOD: RCS (n = 219) completed questionnaires assessing LTPA, SOC, and social (social status, connectedness, support) and environmental (home environment, neighborhood environment) factors. Linear regression models examined associations between social and built environmental factors and LTPA and tested for moderation by SOC. RESULTS: Half (50.7%) of RCS were physically active, and 49.3% were not active. Social factors positively associated with LTPA included subjective social status in the community (B = 89.0, P = .014) and in the United States (B = 181.3, P \u3c .001), social connectedness (B = 122.3, P = .024), and social support for physical activity from family (B = 41.9, P \u3c .001) and friends (B = 44.3, P \u3c .001). Environmental factors positively associated with LTPA included the home environment (B = 111.2, P \u3c .001), perceived environmental support for PA (B = 355.4, P = .004), and neighborhood attributes, including bicycling infrastructure (B = 191.3, P = .003), proximity to recreation facilities (B = 140.1, P = .021), traffic safety (B = 184.5, P = .025), and aesthetics (B = 342.6, P \u3c .001). SOC statistically significantly moderated the association between social status in the United States and LTPA (B = 160.3, P = .031). CONCLUSIONS: Social and built environmental factors were consistently linked with LTPA and provide context for multilevel interventions promoting LTPA in RCS

    Cognitive Phenotypes and the Evolution of Animal Decisions

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    Despite the clear fitness consequences of animal decisions, the science of animal decision making in evolutionary biology is underdeveloped compared with decision science in human psychology. Specifically, the field lacks a conceptual framework that defines and describes the relevant components of a decision, leading to imprecise language and concepts. The ‘judgment and decision-making’ (JDM) framework in human psychology is a powerful tool for framing and understanding human decisions, and we apply it here to components of animal decisions, which we refer to as ‘cognitive phenotypes’. We distinguish multiple cognitive phenotypes in the context of a JDM framework and highlight empirical approaches to characterize them as evolvable traits

    Cognitive Phenotypes and the Evolution of Animal Decisions

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    Despite the clear fitness consequences of animal decisions, the science of animal decision making in evolutionary biology is underdeveloped compared with decision science in human psychology. Specifically, the field lacks a conceptual framework that defines and describes the relevant components of a decision, leading to imprecise language and concepts. The ‘judgment and decision-making’ (JDM) framework in human psychology is a powerful tool for framing and understanding human decisions, and we apply it here to components of animal decisions, which we refer to as ‘cognitive phenotypes’. We distinguish multiple cognitive phenotypes in the context of a JDM framework and highlight empirical approaches to characterize them as evolvable traits

    Barriers and facilitators in implementing a pilot, pragmatic, telemedicine-delivered healthy lifestyle program for obesity management in a rural, academic obesity clinic

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    Few evidence-based strategies are specifically tailored for disparity populations such as rural adults. Two-way video-conferencing using telemedicine can potentially surmount geographic barriers that impede participation in high-intensity treatment programs offering frequent visits to clinic facilities. We aimed to understand barriers and facilitators of implementing a telemedicine-delivered tertiary-care, rural academic weight-loss program for the management of obesity

    Feasibility and acceptability of a rural, pragmatic, telemedicine‐ delivered healthy lifestyle programme

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    Background: The public health crisis of obesity leads to increasing morbidity that are even more profound in certain populations such as rural adults. Live, two‐way video‐conferencing is a modality that can potentially surmount geographic barriers and staffing shortages. Methods: Patients from the Dartmouth‐Hitchcock Weight and Wellness Center were recruited into a pragmatic, single‐arm, nonrandomized study of a remotely delivered 16‐week evidence‐based healthy lifestyle programme. Patients were provided hardware and appropriate software allowing for remote participation in all sessions, outside of the clinic setting. Our primary outcomes were feasibility and acceptability of the telemedicine intervention, as well as potential effectiveness on anthropometric and functional measures. Results: Of 62 participants approached, we enrolled 37, of which 27 completed at least 75% of the 16‐week programme sessions (27% attrition). Mean age was 46.9 ± 11.6 years (88.9% female), with a mean body mass index of 41.3 ± 7.1 kg/m2 and mean waist circumference of 120.7 ± 16.8 cm. Mean patient participant satisfaction regarding the telemedicine approach was favourable (4.48 ± 0.58 on 1‐5 Likert scale—low to high) and 67.6/75 on standardized questionnaire. Mean weight loss at 16 weeks was 2.22 ± 3.18 kg representing a 2.1% change (P \u3c .001), with a loss in waist circumference of 3.4% (P = .001). Fat mass and visceral fat were significantly lower at 16 weeks (2.9% and 12.5%; both P \u3c .05), with marginal improvement in appendicular skeletal muscle mass (1.7%). In the 30‐second sit‐to‐stand test, a mean improvement of 2.46 stands (P = .005) was observed. Conclusion: A telemedicine‐delivered, intensive weight loss intervention is feasible, acceptable, and potentially effective in rural adults seeking weight loss

    ManyDogs Project: A Big Team Science Approach to Investigating Canine Behavior and Cognition

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    Dogs have a special place in human history as the first domesticated species and play important roles in many cultures around the world. However, their role in scientific studies has been relatively recent. With a few notable exceptions (e.g., Darwin, Pavlov, Scott, and Fuller), domestic dogs were not commonly the subject of rigorous scientific investigation of behavior until the late 1990s. Although the number of canine science studies has increased dramatically over the last 20 years, most research groups are limited in the inferences they can draw because of the relatively small sample sizes used, along with the exceptional diversity observed in dogs (e.g., breed, geographic location, experience). To this end, we introduce the ManyDogs Project, an international consortium of researchers interested in taking a big team science approach to understanding canine behavioral science. We begin by discussing why studying dogs provides valuable insights into behavior and cognition, evolutionary processes, human health, and applications for animal welfare. We then highlight other big team science projects that have previously been conducted in canine science and emphasize the benefits of our approach. Finally, we introduce the ManyDogs Project and our mission: (a) replicating important findings, (b) investigating moderators that need a large sample size such as breed differences, (c) reaching methodological consensus, (d) investigating cross-cultural differences, and (e) setting a standard for replication studies in general. In doing so, we hope to address previous limitations in individual lab studies and previous big team science frameworks to deepen our understanding of canine behavior and cognition

    Large-eddy simulation of spectral coherence in a wind turbine wake

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    This work is mainly dedicated to the study of the characteristics of spectral coherence of turbulence fluctuations in wind turbine wakes. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code has been implemented using a large-eddy simulation (LES) approach, which is thought to be conceptually more suitable for studying the turbulence evolution in a wind turbine wake. Comparisons with experimental data from the Nørrekær Enge II Windfarm, in Denmark, and with an analytical model proposed by Panofsky and Dutton have been performed, and the results are found to be in reasonable agreement with both