309 research outputs found

    ECS Evaluation Survey Instruments

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    This is a compilation of several surveys used in conjunction with a large-scale implementation of the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum in high schools in the Chicago Public Schools: ECS student presurvey pp. 1--2, ECS student postsurvey pp. 3--4, teacher background survey pp. 5--11, teacher ECS workshop feedback form pp. 12--13, teacher ECS implementation survey pp. 14--2

    Educational Magic Tricks Based on Error-Detection Schemes

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    Magic tricks based on computer science concepts help grab student attention and can motivate them to delve more deeply. Error detection ideas long used by computer scientists provide a rich basis for working magic; probably the most well known trick of this type is one included in the CS Unplugged activities. This paper shows that much more powerful variations of the trick can be performed, some in an unplugged environment and some with computer assistance. Some of the tricks also show off additional concepts in computer science and discrete mathematics

    Investigating Which Elements of ECS Teaching Motivate Subsequent Computer Science Course Taking

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    A key strategy for broadening computer science participation in a large urban school district has been the enactment of a high school computer science graduation requirement. The Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum and professional development program serves as a core foundation for supporting the enactment of this policy. ECS seeks to foster broadening participation in computer science through activities designed to engage students in computer science inquiry connected to meaningful problems. Prior research has shown that student motivation is an important mediating factor for the impact of ECS on broadening participation in future CS coursework. The current study was undertaken to investigate which ECS teaching practices inuence students\u27 motivation to pursue additional high school computer science coursework. Researchers used the Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Tripod 7C as indicators of ECS teaching practices and expectancy-value-cost as a proxy for the likelihood of students taking additional coursework. Researchers collected and analyzed video observations and student surveys from one ECS lesson from 21 teachers. The results indicate that ECS teaching practices related to equity play a signifcant role in supporting inquiry around important computer science content. Those practices related to inquiry and computer science content were in turn correlated with student measures of motivation to enroll in future CS coursework. The results of this research provide evidence of the central role that equitable teaching practices play in broadening participation in computer science by increasing student motivation to enroll in future CS coursework

    A Comparison of a Single Receiver and a Multi-Receiver Techniques to Mitigate Partial Band Interference

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    Many acoustic channels suffer from interference which is neither narrowband nor impulsive. This relatively long duration partial band interference can be particularly detrimental to system performance. We survey recent work in interference mitigation as background motivation to develop a spatial diversity receiver for use in underwater networks and compare this novel multi-receiver interference mitigation strategy with a recently developed single receiver interference mitigation algorithm using experimental data collected from the underwater acoustic network at the Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center. The network consists of multiple distributed cabled hydrophones that receive data transmitted over a time-varying multipath channel in the presence of partial band interference produced by interfering active sonar signals. In operational networks, many dropped messages are lost due to partial band interference which corrupts different portions of the received signal depending on the relative position of the interferers, information source and receivers due to the slow speed of propagation

    The Impact of the Exploring Computer Science Instructional Model in Chicago Public Schools

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    As part of the Taste of Computing project, the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) instructional model has been expanded to many high schools in the Chicago Public Schools system. We report on initial outcomes showing that students value the ECS course experience, resulting in increased awareness of and interest in the field of computer science. We compare these results by race and gender. The data provide a good basis for exploring the impact of meaningful computer science instruction on students from groups underrepresented in computing; of several hundred students surveyed, nearly half were female, and over half were Hispanic or African-American

    The Impact of Meaningful High School Computer Science Experiences in the Chicago Public Schools

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    We report on initial outcomes of the Taste of Computing project, under which a meaningful computer science course has been initiated in many high schools of the Chicago Public Schools system. Surveys of students have shown that they attribute high value to the course and have experienced increases in their understanding and interest regarding the computing field. Data was also collected from teachers participating in professional development regarding their preparation and confidence in teaching the new course. We report on the strengths of various survey responses and their relationships, and we compare student responses by race and gender. The data provide a good basis for exploring the impact of meaningful computer science instruction on students from groups underrepresented in computing; of several hundred students surveyed, nearly half were female, and over half were Hispanic or African-American

    Study of access and outcomes from advanced computer science coursework in the Chicago Public Schools\u27\u27 poster in Structured Poster Session CS for All: An intersectional approach to unpacking equity in computer science education

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    The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has taken a unique approach to broadening participation of low-income students, students of color, and girls by establishing Computer Science (CS) as a high school graduation requirement. This policy ensures that all CPS high school students will take a CS course, starting with the class of 2020. However, equity is more than just access. We define equity as equivalence in both the quality and outcomes of CS experiences. Exploring Computer Science (ECS) is the foundational course that fulfills the CPS requirement. Through ECS professional development, the number of qualified ECS teachers has grown. Two years into policy implementation, three-fourths of the schools offered ECS. Our prior research has shown that ECS participation rates by race, gender, and income closely reflect representation of the corresponding populations in CPS. In addition, student performance on the ECS end-of-course assessment was equivalent by race, gender, and income level. This evidence suggests that the CPS graduation policy is contributing towards equitable access to introductory CS with equitable course outcomes. Another outcome of interest is the equitable pursuit of advanced CS. Our primary research question for this poster is the extent to which there is equitable representation and outcomes of students who pursue advanced CS coursework in CPS. In particular, we focused on enrollment in the AP Computer Science A (CSA) and AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) courses from the 2014--15 to the 2017--18 school year. The 2014--15 school year was the first year that the CSP course was pilot tested in CPS, and the 2016--17 school year was the first year that the CSP exam was available. For every student enrolled in either AP CS course, the dataset included race, gender, special education status, English language learner status, free and reduced lunch status, overall GPA, AP course grade, and AP exam score. During the target period, enrollment in CSA declined from a high of 220 to a low of 136 students, while CSP enrollment increased from a pilot of 29 students to 693 students. The combined representation of students by race and gender in both courses was not reflective of the district\u27s student demographics. However, student representation by race and gender was closer to the district representation for CSP than for CSA. We conducted a multiple regression of the factors that correlated with the AP exam performance. The students\u27 overall GPA and the grade in the course were significantly correlated with exam scores. Girls scored statistically lower than boys and Latinx students scored statistically lower than Caucasian, Asian, and African-American students. Students who took ECS prior to CSP scored statistically higher on the CSP exam. These results show promise that using ECS as a foundation course is helpful for students who go on to pursue AP CSP. However, more work needs to be done to capitalize on the success of ECS to encourage CPS schools to offer AP CS courses and to encourage girls and students from underrepresented minority groups to pursue advanced CS coursework

    The Viability and Simplicity of 3D-Printed Construction: A Military Case Study

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    In November 2019, U.S. Marines, Air Force, and Army Corps of Engineers personnel demonstrated the viability and simplicity of three-dimensionally (3D)-printed construction in a controlled environment at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center—Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign, Illinois. The tri-service exercise spanned three days and culminated in the construction of three 1 m × 1 m × 1 m (3 ft × 3 ft × 3 ft) concrete dragon’s teeth (square pyramid military fortifications used to defend against tanks and armored vehicles) and several custom-designed objects. The structural components were printed using a custom-built, gantry-style printer called ACES Lite 2 and a commercially available, proprietary mortar mix. This paper examines the viability of using 3D-printed construction in remote, isolated, and expeditionary environments by considering the benefits and challenges associated with the printing materials, structural design, process efficiency, labor demands, logistical considerations, environmental impact, and project cost. Based on the results of this exercise, 3D-printed construction was found to be faster, safer, less labor-intensive, and more structurally efficient than conventional construction methods: the dragon’s teeth were printed in an average of 57 min each and required only two laborers. However, the use of commercially procured, pre-mixed materials introduced additional cost, logistical burden, and adverse environmental impact as compared to traditional, on-site concrete mixing and production. Finally, this paper suggests future applications and areas of further research for 3D-printed construction

    An examination of the factors correlating with course failure in a high school computer science course

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    Across the United States, enrollment in high school computer science (CS) courses is increasing. These increases, however, are not spread evenly across race and gender. CS remains largely an elective class, and fewer than three-fourths of the states allow it to count towards graduation. The Chicago Public Schools has sought to ensure access for all students by recently enacting computer science as a high school graduation requirement. The primary class that fulfills the graduation requirement is Exploring Computer Science (ECS), a high school introductory course and professional development program designed to foster deep engagement through equitable inquiry around CS concepts. The number of students taking CS in the district increased significantly and these increases are distributed equitably across demographic characteristics. With ECS serving as a core class, it becomes critical to ensure success for all students independent of demographic characteristics, as success in the course directly affects a student\u27s ability to graduate from high school. In this paper, we examine the factors that correlate with student failure in the course. At the student level, attendance and prior general academic performance correlate with passing the class. After controlling for student characteristics, whether or not teachers participated in the professional development program associated with ECS correlates with student success in passing the course. These results provide evidence for the importance of engaging teachers in professional development, in conjunction with requiring a course specifically designed to provide an equitable computer science experience, in order to broaden participation in computing

    Evaluation of the IMPACTS Computer Science Presentations

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    Recent computer science enrollments have shown positive trends. However, these trends are not evenly distributed by gender and race. Efforts to recruit underrepresented students should focus on providing information that demystifies the field of computer science. This paper reports on such an effort to inform underrepresented high school students about the field and its diversity. The results suggest that increasing awareness in an enjoyable format can increase student interest in pursuing computer science. These results can provide guidance about ways to encourage students to take high school computer science classes as motivation and preparation for college-level computer science
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