39 research outputs found

    Experiences of Sex Education and Sexual Awareness in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The research investigated feelings towards sex education and sexual awareness in young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Data were generated from the sexual knowledge, experiences, feelings and needs questionnaire (McCabe et al. 1999), the sexual awareness questionnaire (Snell et al. 1991) and semi-structured interviews. Twenty typically developing and 20 ASD individuals participated. Feelings toward sex education did not differ between the groups, but the groups differed significantly on measures of sexual awareness. Negative experiences of sex education and issues of vulnerability, social anxiety, and confused sexuality were prominent features of the qualitative interviews. This report suggest that mainstream sex and relationship education is not sufficient for people with ASD, specific methods and curricular are necessary to match their needs

    Investigating eye movement patterns, language, and social ability in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Although all intellectually high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) display core social and communication deficits, some develop language within a normative timescale and others experience significant delays and subsequent language impairment. Early attention to social stimuli plays an important role in the emergence of language, and reduced attention to faces has been documented in infants later diagnosed with ASD. We investigated the extent to which patterns of attention to social stimuli would differentiate early and late language onset groups. Children with ASD (mean age = 10 years) differing on language onset timing (late/normal) and a typically developing comparison group completed a task in which visual attention to interacting and noninteracting human figures was mapped using eye tracking. Correlations on visual attention data and results from tests measuring current social and language ability were conducted. Patterns of visual attention did not distinguish typically developing children and ASD children with normal language onset. Children with ASD and late language onset showed significantly reduced attention to salient social stimuli. Associations between current language ability and social attention were observed. Delay in language onset is associated with current language skills as well as with specific eye-tracking patterns

    Shining a Light on a Hidden Population: Social Functioning and Mental Health in Women Reporting Autistic Traits But Lacking Diagnosis

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    Female Phenotype Theory (FPT) suggests that autistic women often present with less obvious social impairments than autistic men. We examined the possibility of an exaggerated female phenotype among undiagnosed but probably autistic women. In two nationwide online surveys, we compared self-reported social functioning and mental health between diagnosed autistic women and women without diagnosis who scored ≥ 32 on the Autism Quotient. Compared to diagnosed autistic women, probably autistic women had higher empathy and general social functioning, and were more likely to have received a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. Autistic women had typically received more mental health diagnoses prior to their ASC diagnosis than autistic men. These findings shed light on the history of misdiagnosis experienced by many autistic women

    Altered bodily self-consciousness and peripersonal space in autism

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    There is some evidence that disordered self-processing in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is linked to the social impairments characteristic of the condition. To investigate whether bodily self-consciousness is altered in ASD as a result of multisensory processing differences, we tested responses to the full body illusion (FBI) and measured peripersonal space (PPS) in 22 adults with ASD and 29 neurotypical adults. In the FBI setup, participants wore a head mounted display showing a view of their 'virtual body' being stroked synchronously or asynchronously with respect to felt stroking on their back. After stroking, we measured the drift in perceived self-location and self-identification with the virtual body. To assess the PPS boundary we employed an audiotactile reaction time task. Results showed that participants with ASD are markedly less susceptible to the FBI, not demonstrating the illusory self-identification and self-location drift. Strength of self-identification was negatively correlated with severity of autistic traits and contributed positively to empathy scores. Results also demonstrated a significantly smaller PPS, with a sharper (steeper) boundary, in ASD participants. These results suggest that bodily self-consciousness is altered in participants with ASD due to differences in multisensory integration, and this may be linked to deficits in social functioning

    How Sensory Experiences Affect Adolescents with an Autistic Spectrum Condition within the Classroom

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    Sensory processing difficulties are consistently reported amongst individuals with an autistic spectrum condition (ASC); these have a significant impact on daily functioning. Evidence in this area comes from observer reports and first-hand accounts; both have limitations. The current study used the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP; Brown and Dunn in The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile: self questionnaire. Pearson, 2002a), and a qualitative questionnaire to investigate sensory issues in school children with ASC. The AASP found that the participants’ mean scores were outside normal parameters. Participants reported difficulties in at least one sensory domain, with hearing affecting them the most. Content analysis revealed sensory sensitivity to affect the participant’s learning and that sensory experiences were largely negative. Results suggest that schools need to create sensory profiles for each individual with ASC

    Associations between language development and skin conductance responses to faces and eye gaze in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Attention to social stimuli is associated with language development, and arousal is associated with the increased viewing of stimuli. We investigated whether skin conductance responses (SCRs) are associated with language development in ASD: a population that shows abnormalities in both attention to others and language development. A sample of 32 children with ASD (7 y – 15 y; M =9 y) was divided into two groups, based on language onset histories. A typically developing comparison group consisted of 18 age and IQ matched children. SCRs were taken as the participants viewed faces. SCRs differentiated the ASD group based on language onset and were associated with abnormal attention to gaze in infancy and subsequent language development

    Community recommendations on cryoEM data archiving and validation

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    In January 2020, a workshop was held at EMBL-EBI (Hinxton, UK) to discuss data requirements for the deposition and validation of cryoEM structures, with a focus on single-particle analysis. The meeting was attended by 47 experts in data processing, model building and refinement, validation, and archiving of such structures. This report describes the workshop’s motivation and history, the topics discussed, and the resulting consensus recommendations. Some challenges for future methods-development efforts in this area are also highlighted, as is the implementation to date of some of the recommendations.The workshop was supported by funding to PDBe and EMDB by the Wellcome Trust (grant No. 104948/Z/14/Z awarded to GJK, SV and AP) and by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Travel was supported by the PDBe, EMDB, RCSB PDB, PDBj, BMRB and EMDR. RCSB PDB is jointly funded by the National Science Foundation (grant No. DBI1832184); the US Department of Energy (grant No. DESC0019749); and the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (grant No. R01GM133198). PDBj is funded by JST-NBDC and BMRB by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (grant No. R24GM150793). EMDR was funded by the NIGMS of the NIH (grant No. R01GM079429).Peer reviewe

    The feeling of me feeling for you: Interoception, alexithymia and empathy in autism.

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    Following recent evidence for a link between interoception, emotion and empathy, we investigated relationships between these factors in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 26 adults with ASD and 26 healthy participants completed tasks measuring interoception, alexithymia and empathy. ASD participants with alexithymia demonstrated lower cognitive and affective empathy than ASD participants without alexithymia. ASD participants showed reduced interoceptive sensitivity (IS), and also reduced interoceptive awareness (IA). IA was correlated with empathy and alexithymia, but IS was related to neither. Alexithymia fulfilled a mediating role between IA and empathy. Our findings are suggestive of an alexithymic subgroup in ASD, with distinct interoceptive processing abilities, and have implications for diagnosis and interventions

    Autistic traits in individuals self-defining as transgender or nonbinary

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    Background: Autism spectrum traits are increasingly being reported in individuals who identify as transgender, and the presence of such traits have implications for clinical support. To-date little is known about autism traits in individuals who identify as nonbinary. Aims: To empirically contribute to current research by examining autistic traits in a self-identifying transgender and nonbinary gender group. Method: One hundred and seventy-seven participants responded to a survey consisting of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), the Empathy Quotient (EQ), the Systematising Quotient (SQ) and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task (RME). Comparisons were made between cisgender, transgender and nonbinary groups. Results: Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or meeting the AQ cut-off score for ASD were over-represented in both the transgender and nonbinary groups. The key variables differentiating the transgender and nonbinary groups from the cisgender group were systematising and empathy. Levels of autistic traits and cases of ASD were higher in individuals assigned female at birth than those assigned male at birth. Conclusions: A proportion of individuals seeking help and advice about gender identity will also present autistic traits and in some cases undiagnosed autism. Lower levels of empathy, diminished theory of mind ability and literalness may impede the delivery of effective support. Clinicians treating transgender and nonbinary individuals, should also consider whether clients, especially those assigned female at birth, have an undiagnosed ASD