226 research outputs found

    Regulation of a Dna-Compacting Plastid Nucleoid Protein

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    DCP68, a DNA-compacting nucleoid protein, was further characterized in order to understand how plastid nucleoid proteins affect the structure and function of chloroplast DNA. Previously, DCP68 was identified as ferredoxin: sulfite reductase, an enzyme that participates in reductive sulfur assimilation and inhibits chloroplast DNA replication and transcription in vitro [1, 2]. In this study, the portion of SiR that was found to be present in soluble and plastid nucleoid-enriched fractions indicated that most SiR was stromal in Arabidopsis and soybean plants. Although SiR was detected in Arabidopsis chloroplast nucleoid-enriched fractions, the study of nucleoid dynamics proved to be difficult due to the few nucleoids that could be isolated from this model plant. Furthermore, Arabidopsis heterozygous mutants that contained a reduced SiR protein level did not display an obvious mutant phenotype that could be ascribed to the role of SiR in plastid nucleoids. A significantly higher amount of SiR was present in nucleoid-enriched fractions from young soybean leaves than in mature leaves. The variation in the amount of SiR allocated to plastid nucleoids supports the hypothesis that the interaction of SiR with ctDNA is regulated. The factors that may influence the association of SiR with plastid nucleoids remain elusive. In vitro evidence suggested that the phosphorylation status of SiR could potentially regulate its interaction with DNA [2], The isoelectric point profile of SiR was examined in vivo, as a first step towards identifying possible developmental differences in the post-translational modification of SiR. In conjunction with these studies, SiR was found to contain a conserved CK2 phosphorylation site and was capable of being phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro

    Detection of trace Al in model biological tissue with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), which is an excellent tool for trace elemental analysis, was studied as a method of detecting sub-part-per-106 (ppm) concentrations of aluminum in surrogates of human tissue. Tissue was modeled using a 2% agarose gelatin doped with an Al2O3 nanoparticle suspension. A calibration curve created with standard reference samples of known Al concentrations was used to determine the limit of detection, which was less than 1 ppm. Rates of false negative and false positive detection results for a much more realistic sampling methodology were also studied, suggesting that LIBS could be a candidate for the real-time in vivo detection of metal contamination in human soft tissue

    Importation of Exotic Ticks and Tick-Borne Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae into the United States by Migrating Songbirds

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    Birds are capable of carrying ticks and, consequently, tick-transmitted microorganisms over long distances and across geographical barriers such as oceans and deserts. Ticks are hosts for several species of spotted fever group rickettsiae (SFGR), which can be transmitted to vertebrates during blood meals. In this study, the prevalence of this group of rickettsiae was examined in ticks infesting migratory songbirds by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). During the 2009 and 2010 spring migration season, 2064 northward-migrating passerine songbirds were examined for ticks at Johnson Bayou, Louisiana. A total of 91 ticks was removed from 35 individual songbirds for tick species identification and spotted fever group rickettsia detection. Ticks were identified as Haemaphysalis juxtakochi (n = 38, 42%), Amblyomma longirostre (n = 22, 24%), Amblyomma nodosum (n = 17, 19%), Amblyomma calcaratum (n = 11, 12%), Amblyomma maculatum (n = 2, 2%), and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (n = 1, 1%) by comparing their 12S rDNAgene sequence to homologous sequences in GenBank. Most of the identified ticks were exotic species originating outside of the United States. The phylogenetic analysis of the 71 ompA gene sequences of the rickettsial strains detected in the ticks revealed the occurrence of 6 distinct rickettsial genotypes. Two genotypes (corresponding to a total of 28 samples) were included in the Candidatus Rickettsia amblyommii clade (less than 1% divergence), 2 of them (corresponding to a total of 14 samples) clustered with Rickettsia sp. “Argentina” with less than 0.2% sequence divergence, and 2 of them (corresponding to a total of 27 samples), although closely related to the R. parkeri–R. africae lineage (2.50–3.41% divergence), exhibited sufficient genetic divergence from its members to possibly constitute a new rickettsial genotype. Overall, there does not seem to be a specific relationship between exotic tick species, the rickettsiae they harbor, or the reservoir competence of the corresponding bird species

    Knockdown of Selenocysteine-Specific Elongation Factor in \u3ci\u3eAmblyomma maculatum\u3c/i\u3e Alters the Pathogen Burden of \u3ci\u3eRickettsia parkeri\u3c/i\u3e with Epigenetic Control by the Sin3 Histone Deacetylase Corepressor Complex

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    Selenocysteine is the 21st naturally-occurring amino acid. Selenoproteins have diverse functions and many remain uncharacterized, but they are typically associated with antioxidant activity. The incorporation of selenocysteine into the nascent polypeptide chain recodes the TGA stop codon and this process depends upon a number of essential factors including the selenocysteine elongation factor (SEF). The transcriptional expression of SEF did not change significantly in tick midguts throughout the blood meal, but decreased in salivary glands to 20% at the end of the fast feeding phase. Since selenoprotein translation requires this specialized elongation factor, we targeted this gene for knockdown by RNAi to gain a global view of the role selenoproteins play in tick physiology. We found no significant differences in tick engorgement and embryogenesis but detected no antioxidant capacity in tick saliva. The transcriptional profile of selenoproteins in R. parkeri-infected Amblyomma maculatum revealed declined activity of selenoprotein M and catalase and increased activity of selenoprotein O, selenoprotein S, and selenoprotein T. Furthermore, the pathogen burden was significantly altered in SEF-knockdowns. We then determined the global impact of SEF-knockdown by RNA-seq, and mapped huge shifts in secretory gene expression that could be the result of downregulation of the Sin3 histone deacetylase corepressor complex

    Potential markets for advanced satellite communications

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    This report identifies trends in the volume and type of traffic offered to the U.S. domestic communications infrastructure and extrapolates these trends through the year 2011. To describe how telecommunications service providers are adapting to the identified trends, this report assesses the status, plans, and capacity of the domestic communications infrastructure. Cable, satellite, and radio components of the infrastructure are examined separately. The report also assesses the following major applications making use of the infrastructure: (1) Broadband services, including Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (BISDN), Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), and frame relay; (2) mobile services, including voice, location, and paging; (3) Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT), including mesh VSAT; and (4) Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) for audio and video. The report associates satellite implementation of specific applications with market segments appropriate to their features and capabilities. The volume and dollar value of these market segments are estimated. For the satellite applications able to address the needs of significant market segments, the report also examines the potential of each satellite-based application to capture business from alternative technologies

    Molecular Characterization and Functional Significance of the Vti Family of SNARE Proteins in Tick Salivary Glands

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    Exocytosis involves membrane fusion between secretory vesicles and the plasma membrane. The Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment proteins (SNAPs) and their receptor proteins (SNAREs) interact to fuse vesicles with the membrane and trigger the release of their sialosecretome out of the tick salivary gland cells. In this study, we examined the functional significance of the Vti family of SNARE proteins of blood-feeding Amblyomma maculatum and Amblyomma americanum. Vti1A and Vti1B have been implicated in multiple functional roles in vesicle transport. QRT-PCR studies demonstrated that the highest transcriptional expression of vti1a and vti1b genes occurs in unfed salivary glands, suggesting that elevated secretory vesicle formation occurs prior to feeding but continues at low rates after blood feeding commences. Vti1A and Vti1B localize to the secretory vesicles in unfed tick salivary glands in immunofluorescence microscopy studies. Knockdown of vti1a and vti1b by RNA interference resulted in a significant decrease in the engorged tick weight compared to the control during prolonged blood-feeding on the host. RNA interference of vti1a or vti1b impaired oviposition and none of the ticks produced eggs masses. Surprisingly, the double knockdown did not produce a strong phenotype and ticks fed normally on the host and produced egg masses, suggesting a compensatory mechanism exists within the secretory system which may have been activated in the double knockdown. These results suggest an important functional role of the Vti family of SNARE proteins in tick blood feeding and ultimately oviposition. Understanding the basic functions of the Vti family of SNARE proteins in salivary glands may lead to better ways to prevent tick attachment and transmission of tick-borne diseases

    Role of CD44 + Stem Cells in Mural Cell Formation in the Human Choroid: Evidence of Vascular Instability Due to Limited Pericyte Ensheathment

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    PURPOSE. To examine mural cell differentiation and pericyte ensheathment during human choroidal vascular formation and into adulthood. METHODS. Triple- and double-labeled immunohistochemistry (alpha-smooth muscle actin [αSMA], desmin, NG2, calponin, cal

    Multicenter, randomized trial of a bionic pancreas in type 1 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Currently available semiautomated insulin-delivery systems require individualized insulin regimens for the initialization of therapy and meal doses based on carbohydrate counting for routine operation. In contrast, the bionic pancreas is initialized only on the basis of body weight, makes all dose decisions and delivers insulin autonomously, and uses meal announcements without carbohydrate counting. METHODS: In this 13-week, multicenter, randomized trial, we randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio persons at least 6 years of age with type 1 diabetes either to receive bionic pancreas treatment with insulin aspart or insulin lispro or to receive standard care (defined as any insulin-delivery method with unblinded, real-time continuous glucose monitoring). The primary outcome was the glycated hemoglobin level at 13 weeks. The key secondary outcome was the percentage of time that the glucose level as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring was below 54 mg per deciliter; the prespecified noninferiority limit for this outcome was 1 percentage point. Safety was also assessed. RESULTS: A total of 219 participants 6 to 79 years of age were assigned to the bionic-pancreas group, and 107 to the standard-care group. The glycated hemoglobin level decreased from 7.9% to 7.3% in the bionic-pancreas group and did not change (was at 7.7% at both time points) in the standard-care group (mean adjusted difference at 13 weeks, -0.5 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], -0.6 to -0.3; P\u3c0.001). The percentage of time that the glucose level as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring was below 54 mg per deciliter did not differ significantly between the two groups (13-week adjusted difference, 0.0 percentage points; 95% CI, -0.1 to 0.04; P\u3c0.001 for noninferiority). The rate of severe hypoglycemia was 17.7 events per 100 participant-years in the bionic-pancreas group and 10.8 events per 100 participant-years in the standard-care group (P = 0.39). No episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis occurred in either group. CONCLUSIONS: In this 13-week, randomized trial involving adults and children with type 1 diabetes, use of a bionic pancreas was associated with a greater reduction than standard care in the glycated hemoglobin level. (Funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04200313.)

    Molecular Characterization of Tick Salivary Gland Glutaminyl Cyclase

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    Glutaminyl cyclase (QC) catalyzes the cyclization of N-terminal glutamine residues into pyroglutamate. This post-translational modification extends the half-life of peptides and, in some cases, is essential in binding to their cognate receptor. Due to its potential role in the post-translational modification of tick neuropeptides, we report the molecular, biochemical and physiological characterization of salivary gland QC during the prolonged blood feeding of the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the gulf-coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum). QC sequences from I. scapularis and A. maculatum showed a high degree of amino acid identity to each other and other arthropods and residues critical for zinc binding/catalysis (D159, E202, and H330) or intermediate stabilization (E201, W207, D248, D305, F325, and W329) are conserved. Analysis of QC transcriptional gene expression kinetics depicts an upregulation during the bloodmeal of adult female ticks prior to fast-feeding phases in both I. scapularis and A. maculatum suggesting a functional link with bloodmeal uptake. QC enzymatic activity was detected in saliva and extracts of tick salivary glands and midguts. Recombinant QC was shown to be catalytically active. Furthermore, knockdown of QC transcript by RNA interference resulted in lower enzymatic activity, and small, unviable egg masses in both studied tick species as well as lower engorged tick weights for I. scapularis. These results suggest that the post-translational modification of neurotransmitters and other bioactive peptides by QC is critical to oviposition and potentially other physiological processes. Moreover, these data suggest that tick-specific QC-modified neurotransmitters/hormones or other relevant parts of this system could potentially be used as novel physiological targets for tick control
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