108 research outputs found

    Carence en fer, anémie et anémie ferriprive chez les donneurs de sang à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

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    Introduction: En République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), plus d'un million de don de sang ont été réalisés entre 2007 et 2011. Cependant, aucun bilan portant sur la carence en fer et l'anémie ferriprive, conséquence d'un don de sang chez les donneurs de sang (DS), n'est disponible dans ce pays. L'objectif de cette étude était d'estimer la prévalence de la carence en fer, de l'anémie et de l'anémie ferriprive chezles DS au Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine (CNTS) à Kinshasa en RDC. Méthodes: Entre Décembre 2012 et Août 2013, une étude transversale a été menée au CNTS où des DS éligibles au don de sang ont été inclus. Les informations socio démographiques et des prélèvements sanguins ont été collectés de manière simultanée au don de sang. La ferritine sérique a été dosée pour évaluer la carence en fer en utilisant la technique ELISA. L'hémogramme a été réalisé en vue d'évaluer et mettre au point l'anémie. Résultats: Au total 386 DS ont été inclus dans cette étude. La prévalence de la carence en fer et de l'anémie ferriprive étaient respectivement de 63,2% (244/386) et 25,9% (100/386) des DS. Une anémie a été trouvée chez 36.5% (141/386) au moment du don de sang. Conclusion: La carence en fer, l'anémie et l'anémie ferriprive demeurent très fréquentes chez les DS à Kinshasa. Ces résultats suggèrent la révision des tests biologiques utilisés dans le recrutement des DS au CNTS. Par ailleurs le dosage de la ferritine s'impose en routine chez les DS régPan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Synergistic effects of novel penicillin-binding protein 1A amino acid substitutions contribute to high-level amoxicillin resistance of Helicobacter pylori

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    The growing resistance to amoxicillin (AMX)—one of the main antibiotics used in Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy—is an increasing health concern. Several mutations of penicillin-binding protein 1A (PBP1A) are suspected of causing AMX resistance; however, only a limited set of these mutations have been experimentally explored. This study aimed to investigate four PBP1A mutations (i.e., T558S, N562H, T593A, and G595S) carried by strain KIN76, a high-level AMX-resistant clinical H. pylori isolate with an AMX minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of 2 µg/mL. We transformed a recipient strain 26695 with the DNA containing one to four mutation allele combinations of the pbp1 gene from strain KIN76. Transformants were subjected to genomic exploration and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The resistance was transformable, and the presence of two to four PBP1A mutations (T558S and N562H, or T593A and G595S), rather than separate single mutations, was necessary to synergistically increase the AMX MIC up to 16-fold compared with the wild-type (WT) strain 26695. An AMX binding assay of PBP1A was performed using these strains, and binding was visualized by chasing Bocillin, a fluorescent penicillin analog. This revealed that all four-mutation allele-transformed strains exhibited decreased affinity to AMX on PBP1A than the WT. Protein structure modeling indicated that functional modifications occur as a result of these amino acid substitutions. This study highlights a new synergistic AMX resistance mechanism and establishes new markers of AMX resistance in H. pylori

    Challenges in interpreting SARS-CoV-2 serological results in African countries

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    A diagnosis of COVID-19 is based on a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Over the past year, PCR testing capacity has varied globally due to the availability of tests, and testing strategies have targeted mainly symptomatic individuals. Therefore, the spread of the virus is probably wider than the numbers reported by official surveillance systems that are based on PCR results. Serology tests detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, which start being measurable around 1–2 weeks after infection. They are used in seroprevalence studies to estimate the proportion of people in a population that has been infected, including asymptomatic infection. These studies are of particular importance in African countries, where reported testing and incidence are among the lowest in the world.Peer Reviewe

    What questions we should be asking about COVID-19 in humanitarian settings: perspectives from the Social Sciences Analysis Cell in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    COVID-19 is but one of many public health crises facing the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). On 25 June 2020, the DRC government announced the end of the country's largest Ebola outbreak on record and the second largest Ebola outbreak worldwide, a mere few weeks after a new outbreak (11th) started on 1 June 2020, in Mbandaka, Equateur Province.1 In 2019, measles claimed the lives of over 6000 people including 4500 children under the age of 5, malaria killed 17000 individuals, and cholera outbreaks affected 20 of 26 provinces, resulting in 31000 cases

    Bonobos Maintain Immune System Diversity with Three Functional Types of MHC-B

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    Fast-evolving MHC class I polymorphism serves to diversify NK cell and CD8 T cell responses in individuals, families, and populations. Because only chimpanzee and bonobo have strict orthologs of all HLA class I, their study gives unique perspectives on the human condition. We defined polymorphism of Papa-B, the bonobo ortholog of HLA-B, for six wild bonobo populations. Sequences for Papa-B exon 2 and 3 were determined from the genomic DNA in 255 fecal samples, minimally representing 110 individuals. Twenty-two Papa-B alleles were defined, each encoding a different Papa-B protein. No Papa-B is identical to any chimpanzee Patr-B, human HLA-B, or gorilla Gogo-B. Phylogenetic analysis identified a Glade of MHC-B, defined by residues 45-74 of the alpha(1) domain, which is broadly conserved among bonobo, chimpanzee, and gorilla. Bonobo populations have 3-14 Papa-B allotypes. Three Papa-B are in all populations, and they are each of a different functional type: allotypes having the Bw4 epitope recognized by killer cell Ig-like receptors of NK cells, allotypes having the Cl epitope also recognized by killer cell Ig-like receptors, and allotypes having neither epitope. For population Malebo, these three Papa-B are the only Papa-B allotypes. Although small in number, their sequence divergence is such that the nucleotide diversity (mean proportional distance) of Papa-B in Malebo is greater than in the other populations and is also greater than expected for random combinations of three Papa-B. Overall, Papa-B has substantially less diversity than Patr-B in chimpanzee subspecies and HLA-B in indigenous human populations, consistent with bonobo having experienced narrower population bottlenecks
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