182 research outputs found

    Virtual water as ecological resource in agricultural and industrial production in the Republic of Serbia

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    Jedan od najznačajnijih prirodnih resursa je voda. Od prvih početaka života na planeti, voda se neprestano koristi i postepeno kontaminira biljnim, životinjskim i humanim otpadom i debrijem. Razvoj urbanih područja izazvao je značajno povećanje količine organskog otpada u vodenim tokovima, prevazilazeći autopurifikacioni kapacitet same vode. Zbog kompleksne prirode korištenja i visokog značaja za održavanje života na Zemlji, integralna zaštita voda je prioritetni zadatak. Virtuelna voda predstavlja vodu koja je sastavni deo proizvoda, onu koja je utrošena u procesu njegove proizvodnje i koja je tim procesom zagađena. Ova količina varira u zavisnosti od tipa proizvoda. Ovaj koncept na jedinstven i logičan način, povezuje trgovinu i vodu, kako površinsku, tako i podzemnnu i vodu sadržanu u porama zemljišta. Vodno najzahtevnija tehnološka oblast je proizvodnja hrane. Sa aspekta međunarodne trgovine, država koja uvozi/izvozi pšenicu, takođe izvozi i vodu koja je u njoj sadržana i koja je utrošena za njenu proizvodnju, i to u odnosu od 1159 kubnih metara vode po svakoj toni proizvoda. U radu je analiziran vodni potencijal Republike Srbije i njegovo korištenje u poljoprivrednoj i industrijskoj proizvodnji, sa aspekta zelene, plave i sive vode, a u cilju ekonomske i ekološke održivosti, zaštite životne sredine i obezbeđivanja vonde samoodrživsti zemlje. Rad ukazuje na nepostojanje pravne regulative, kojom bi se definisala vrednost virtuelne vode, a samim tim ne kao i sistema monitoringa njenog režima, te na neophodnost izrade strateških programa, koji bi definisali osnovna načela i mere upravljanja ovim resursom u Republici Srbiji.One of the most important natural resources is water. Since the first beginnings of life on the planet, water is continuously used and gradually contaminated by plant, animal and human waste and debriefing. The development of urban areas caused a significant increase in the amount of organic waste in watercourses, exceeding the autopurification capacity of the water itself. Due to the complex nature of the use and the high importance of maintaining life on Earth, integral water protection is a priority task. Virtual water is water that is an integral part of the product, the one consumed in the process of its production and which is contaminated with the process. This quantity varies depending on the type of product. This concept in a unique and logical way connects trade and water, both surface, as well as underground and water contained in the pores of the land. The most demanding technological area is food production. From the aspect of international trade, the state that imports / exports wheat also exports the water contained in it and which is spent on its production, in relation to 1159 cubic meters of water per ton of products. The paper analyzes the water potential of the Republic of Serbia and its use in agricultural and industrial production, from the aspect of green, blue and gray water, with the aim of economic and ecological sustainability, environmental protection and securing the country's voodoo sustainability. The paper points out that there is no legal regulation that would define the value of virtual water, and therefore not as a system of monitoring its regime, and the necessity of drafting strategic programs that would define the basic principles and measures of managing this resource in the Republic of Serbia

    Clinical significance of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis of fever of unknown

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    Tuberkuloza predstavlja infekciju humanim sojem mikobakterije Mycobacterium tuberculosis uz pojavu karakteristiĉnog imunološkog odgovora organizma. Najĉešća forma bolesti je plućna. Po procenama Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije (SZO) vanplućna tuberkuloza (VPTB) ĉini oko 20-25% formi bolesti. Zbog uglavnom atipiĉne kliniĉke slike (izuzimajući tuberkulozni meningitis), produţenog toka u kome su uz progresivno pogoršanje opšteg stanja, prisutni još samo povišena temperatura i ĉesto pozitivan zapaljenski sindrom, najveći broj ovih bolesnika se razmatra u toku diferencijalne dijagnoze nejasnog febrilnog stanja (NFS). Poseban problem predstavlja teţa dijagnostika VPTB i potreba za ĉešćim korišćenjem invazivne dijagnostike. U periodu do pojave virusa humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) incidenca tuberkuloze u svetu je bila u opadanju, ali se od osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka tuberkuloza ponovo nameće kao bolest od rastućeg interesa. Procenjuje se da je u svetu oko dve milijarde ljudi inficiranih bacilom M. tuberculosis od kojih je oko 8 miliona godišnje razvije aktivnu tuberkulozu, a oko 2 miliona umre. Incidenca oboljevanja od tuberkuloze i VPTB je u porastu svugde u svetu i u HIV negativnoj populaciji. U takvim okolnostima raste i znaĉaj informisanosti lekara dijagnostiĉara, da se u toku dijagnostiĉkog postupka febrilnog stanja mora razmatrati i tuberkulozna infekcija, kako pluća, tako i vanplućna. Tuberkuloza moţe zahvatiti bilo koji organ u organizmu, s’tim da je plućna lokalizacija najĉešća. Terminom VPTB se oznaĉava izolovana pojava tuberkuloze na bilo kom mestu u organizmu van pluća. Ako je uz vanplućnu lokalizaciju prisutna i zahvaćenost pluća takvi se pacijenti kategorizuju pod dijagnozom plućne tuberkuloze. Varijeteti kliniĉke slike VPTB su mnogobrojni što oteţava dijagnostiku. Uz retke lokalizacije koje daju karakteristiĉne simptome i znake (meningitis) ili bar mogu uputiti u pravcu dijagnoze (tuberkulozni limfadenitis), većina drugih, posebno dubokih lokalizacija se manifestuje samo povišenom temperaturom. Zbog ovakvih teškoća u dijagnostici, proporcionalno je veća zastupljenost VPTB u ukupnom broju otkrivenih bolesnika sa tuberkulozom u tercijarnim ustanovama, nego u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti...Tuberculosis is an infection with human mycobacteria strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with the occurrence of the characteristic immune response of the organism. The most common form is lung disease. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) accounts for 20-25% of the tuberculosis. Mainly due to atypical clinical features (except for tuberculous meningitis), the prolong course of the illness with progressive deterioration of general condition, present only with fever and often positive inflammatory syndrome, most of theses patients are considered in the differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin (FUO). A particular problem is a difficult diagnosis of EPTB and the need for more frequent use of invasive diagnostic. Until the appearance of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence of tuberculosis in the world was in decline, but since the eighties of the twentieth century, tuberculosis re-imposed as a disease of growing interest. It is estimated that the world's two billion people infected with an M. tuberculosis, of which about 8 million develop active TB annually, and about 2 million die. The incidence of tuberculosis and EPTB is increasing everywhere in the world and in the HIV negative population too. In such circumstances, medical doctors must have growing awareness of the importance of tuberculosis infection, both lung and extrapulmonary during the diagnostic procedure in febrile conditions. Tuberculosis can affect any organ in the body; however, the most frequent localization is pulmonary. The term EPTB means an isolated occurrence of tuberculosis anywhere in the body outside the lungs. If present with extrapulmonary localization and involvement of the lungs such patients are categorized under the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Varieties of clinical presentations of EPTB are numerous which makes diagnosis difficult. With rare localization which give the characteristic signs and symptoms (meningitis), or at least can make towards the diagnosis (tuberculous lymphadenitis), most of the others, especially the deep localization is only manifested with fever. Because of these difficulties in diagnosis, the greater proportion EPTB was detected in tertiary institutions, instead in primary care. The most common localization of EPTB is tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, genitourinary tuberculosis, abdominal tuberculosis, pleural tuberculosis, tuberculous pericarditis, neurotuberculosis, tuberculosis of bones and joints. Other forms of EPTB occur less frequently..

    Application of Multivariate Analysis in Separation of Higgs Boson Signal at future e+e- colliders

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    Even though the environment at future e+e- colliders is practically QCD background free, there is a large number of processes with high cross-sections and/or similar topology as the Higgs signal of interest. Maximization of the achievable precision of measurements in the Higgs sector and beyond calls for optimized event selection with respect to the statistical significance. This is where the Multivariate Analysis (MVA) is employed, separating the signal from numerous backgrounds on the basis of their kinematic and other properties. In this paper, we discuss the basics of MVA, its application and performance, in examples of several Higgs analyses done in our group using full simulation of the CLIC data.BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields

    Comparison of predictive value of five risk scores in patients with myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Introduction: Mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) treated by primary PCI (pPCI) is relatively high when short and long term-outcomes are concerned, despite the progress of standard of care. The stratification of patients according to risk of death is of great diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic significance. Several risk scores have been developed, however only a few studies so far investigated the efficacy of these scores in predicting long-term mortality. Aim: The aim of study was to compare the predictive value of five risk scores, regarding long-term mortality among patients with AMI treated with pPCI in the Clinical Center of Serbia. Materials and methods: We performed a retrospective study that included 497 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of AMI treated with pPCI in 2012. For every patient, the value of CADILLAC, ZWOLLE, ACEF, TIMI and PAMI scores was calculated. Prognostic ability of risk scores was compared by area under (AUC) the ROC (receiver-operating characteristics) curve. Results: Population consisted of 497 patients with AMI treated with pPCI, average age 61.07 ± 11.55 out of which 67.4 % were male. Cumulative mortality rate at 30 days, 1, 2 and 3 years of clinical follow-up amounted to 1.5 %, 5.2 %, 9.5 % and 10.5 %, respectively. CADILLAC score performed very well predicting one-year (AUC 0.822), two-years (0.819) and three-year mortality (0.815). The good predictive value, although significantly less accurate compared to the CADILLAC score, was shown for ZWOLLE and ACEF score in predicting one-year (0.742; 0.742), two-years (0.728; 0.741) as well as the three-year mortality (0.721; 0.743) respectively, while the PAMI and TIMI scores obtained the lowest predictive values for one-year (0.680; 0.605), two-years (0.706; 0.599), and for the three-year mortality (0.700; 0.590), respectively. Conclusion: CADILLAC risk score showed the best predictive ability regarding mortality up to three years in a population of AMI patients treated with pPCI

    Antioxidant Capacity of Dark Red Corn – Biochemical Properties Coupled with Electrochemical Evaluation

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    Biochemistry coupled with electrochemical approach is employed in a fast, relatively simple, yet highly precise detection of a plant extract antioxidant properties. Antioxidant capacity of dark red corn grains was investigated electrochemically using cyclic voltammetry (CV) on glassy carbon electrode (GC). The linear polarization resistance (LPR) measurements were performed for examining the corrosion inhibitive behavior of polyphenolics on mild steel. The consistent positive correlation (r=0.99) was established between total phenolic and flavonoid contents obtained by CV measurements and spectrophotometric antioxidant assay (DPPH test). Both analyses confirm the high antioxidant activity of tested pigments. Determination of the corrosion inhibition efficiency revealed that the red corn pigments have anti-corrosion effect on mild steels

    Efikasnost bakar-citrata u zaštiti vinove loze od bolesti

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    The control of Plasmopara viticola and Botrytis cinerea, two of the most dangerous pathogens on grapevine, requires frequent treatments with chemicals based on weather conditions. Numerous applications of fungicides have resulted in developing fungicide resistance. Active ingredients based on copper have been used very successfully for a long time to protect grapevines against these pathogens. Application of a copper citrate formulation with high degree dissociation at a very low concentration (1%) was evaluated in field trials. The efficacy of two concentrations of copper citrate, 0.5 and 1.0%, were tested against P. viticola on grapevine in three locations, and against B. cinerea in two locations during 2018. Our results demonstrated that the concentration of 1.0% copper citrate was highly effective against P. viticola (87.4%) and B. cinerea (63.7%), compared to standard treatment (90.6 and 53.1%), under a high level of infection.Zaštita vinove loze od prouzrokovača plamenjače vinove loze - Plasmopara viticola i sive truleži - Botrytis cinerea, je vrlo kompleksna i zahteva primenu većeg broja hemijskih tretmana, u skladu sa vremenskim uslovima. Učestala primena fungicida uslovljavala je pojavu rezistentnih izolata patogena na fungicide. Različite forme bakarnih jedinjenja primenjuju se u zaštiti vinove loze dugi niz godina prilično uspešno. Primena bakar-citrata - formulacije sa visokim stepenom disocijacije u niskoj koncentraciji (1,0%) ispitivana je u poljskim uslovima. Efikasnost dve koncentracije bakar-citrata - 0.5 i 1.0% je testirana u suzbijanju P. viticola i B. cinerea na vinovoj lozi na tri (dva) lokaliteta, tokom 2018 godine. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ispitivana koncentracija od 1,0% bakar-citrata ispoljila zadovoljavajući efekat na P. viticola (87,4%) i B. cinerea (63,7%) u odnosu na primenjene standarde (90,6% i 53,1%) u uslovima visokih zaraza

    Health and economic burden of skin melanoma in Croatia – cost-of-illness study

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    Melanoma incidence is increasing, especially in the younger population. The aim of this study was to investigate the cost of this disease in the Croatian population and to identify costs through types of care and types of costs. The secondary goal was to estimate the prevalence of certain types of melanoma (as well as staging distribution) and to connect each stage and its prevalence in Croatia to related costs. A cost-of-illness analysis was performed, mainly including direct costs (monitoring, drugs, primary health care services, hospitalizations, and diagnostics). The calculations were based on data collected from Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center in Zagreb and from Cancer Registry Data. The number of patients with melanoma was calculated using the Markov model for melanoma staging and 5-year survival. The estimated total prevalence of melanoma in 2011 in Croatia was 2,180. The total cost of melanoma was estimated to 1,063,488 EUR, with 46% used for hospitalization and chemotherapy, 10% for dermatoscopy, and the remaining 17% being monitoring costs. The average cost per patient was estimated to range between 98 and 4,333 EUR depending on the stage of the disease. The cost of melanoma in the adult population in Croatia in a one-year timeframe accounted for as much as 0.04% of the total Croatian national health care budget for 2011. Study findings indicate the need for a clear strategy to achieve regular screening in order to detect the disease at an early stage.  </p

    Determination of the CPV Higgs mixing angle in ZZ-fusion at 1.4 TeV CLIC

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    In this talk we discuss the CP violation in the Higgs sector under assumption that Higgs is a mixture of CP even and odd states. Study is done in ZZ-fusion, at the intermediate energy stage of CLIC, in full simulation of a detector and machine and physics related backgrounds. By measuring kinematic properties of electron and positron in the final state, in the Higgs exlusive decay to bb¯ to reduce backgrounds, we discuss the statistical precision of CP-violating mixing angle measurement with 2.5 ab−1 of data.BPU11 : 11th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union : Proceedings book; Aug 11 - Sep 1, 2022S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields

    Edible snail farming in Serbia: Present and future

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    Snail farming is a type of sustainable animal production, which could become an important source of incomes for the country, and prevent further exhaustion of natural snail populations. It has raised considerable public attention in Serbia. There are over 350 newly registered snail farms that have started production in the past couple of years. The idea of snail farming in Serbia is strongly and erroneously influenced by media, often presented as an low investment cycle, low manpower, and a very advantageous side activity. On the other hand export of snails collected from natural populations has been very profitable in the past decade despite the economic blockade of the country during the 90s. In this paper, beginnings of snail farming in Serbia, problems of investments, production and protection technology, and marketing are discussed. The need of regulation is pointed out

    The first outbreak of brucellosis in the region of Šabac

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    Background/Aim. In Serbia brucellosis is a primary disease of the animals in the southern parts of the country. The aim of this study was to describe the first outbreak of human and animal brucellosis in the region of Šabac, Serbia. Methods. An epidemiological investigation was conducted to identify a source of outbreak and the ways of transmission of brucellosis infection in human population. A descriptive and analytical epidemiological methods (cohort study) were used. Additional data included monthly reports of the infectious diseases from the Institutes of Public Health and data from the Veterinary Specialistic Institute in Šabac. The serological tests for human brucellosis cases were performed in the Laboratory of the Military Medical Academy; laboratory confirmation of animal brucellosis cases was obtained from the reference laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. Results. Twelve cases of brucellosis were recorded from February 9 to September 1, 2004. Total attack rate was 8.1% (7.5% of males, 14.2% of females). Relative risk (RR) of milk consumption was 8.9 (95% confidence interval: 1.63-13.38), and RR for direct contact with animals was 14 (95% confidence interval: 3.5-55.6). The prevalence of seropositive animals in 33 villages of the Mačva region accounted for 0.8%. Regarding animal species, sheep were predominant - 264 (95.7%). Out of a total number of seropositive animals, ELISA results were positive in 228 (88.7%) of them. Conclusion. As contact epidemics generally last longer, it is probable that the implemented measures of outbreak control did reduce the length of their duration