91 research outputs found

    Demythologizing the portrayal of Emiliano Zapata in the novels set in the Mexican Revolution

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji „Demitologizacija slike Emilijana Sapate u romanima sa temom Meksičke revolucije” bavimo se analizom književne slike meksičkog revolucionara Emilijana Sapate u romanima sa temom Meksičke revolucije nastalim između 1913. i 2019. godine. Korpus čini jedanaest romana prilikom čije se analize vodimo teorijom romana o meksičkoj revoluciji, novog istorijskog i novog detektivskog romana, kao i Crack generacije, u zavisnosti od perioda u kom su dela napisana. Razvrstavajući romane u tri vremenske ravni prati se evolucija romaneskne slike ovog revolucionara od antijunaka, preko mitskog junaka Meksičke revolucije do običnog čoveka koji doživljava višestruke identitetske promene. Pokazuje se da je u romanima pisanim tokom Sapatinog života njegov lik predstavljen kao antijunak, zločinac i bandit sa ciljem umanjivanja vrednosti sapatističke revolucionarne frakcije i uzdizanja drugih revolucionarnih vođa. Istraživanjem se pokazuje da je nakon Sapatine smrti stvoren politički mit o njemu kao pravedniku koji je stradao za dobrobit kolektiva, što se inkorporira u tadašnje romane sa ciljem remitologizacije ovog junaka. Analizom romana iz 40-ih godina utvrđena je uslovljenost diskursa ideološkom orijentacijom autora. Od 70-ih godina prošlog veka pisci remitologizuju sliku Sapate sa ciljem njene demitologizacije. Sledeći teorije savremenih hispanoameričkih književnih tendencija u drugoj polovini XX veka ukazujemo da pisci u svoja dela upisuju prethodno pripisana značenja Emilijanu Sapati da bi na temelju postojeće slike izgradili alternativnu verziju njegovog života. Alternativna verzija Sapatinog života bazirana je na humanizaciji istorijskog junaka. Pisci demitologizuju lik Sapate skidajući mu masku neranjivog junaka i prikazujući ga kao ambivalentno biće. Prateći književni razvoj lika Sapate od zločinca, preko junaka do humanizovanog ljudskog bića zaključujemo da je on primer crack pojedinca kog, kao i Meksičku revoluciju, odlikuje fragmentarnost. U najnovijim delima on je kvir junak čiji je identitet otvoren i višeznačan. Ključne reči: Emilijano Sapata, Meksička revolucija, roman o meksičkoj revoluciji, novi istorijski roman, novi detektivski roman, generacija Crack, remitologizacija, demitologizacija.In this doctoral dissertation entitled “Demythologizing the portrayal of Emiliano Zapata in the novels set in the Mexican Revolution,” we analyse the portrayal of the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata in the novels about the Mexican revolution written between 1913 and 2019. The corpus is comprised of 11 novels. Depending on the time period in which the novels were written, we analyzed the novels relying on the theory of the novel of the Mexican revolution, new historical novel, new detective novel, as well as the Crack generation. We classified the novels into three time periods for the purposes of tracing the changing portrayal of the revolutionary from an antihero to the mythical hero of the Mexican revolution, and, finally, to the ordinary man who undergoes multiple identity changes. The analysis of the novels written during Zapata’s lifetime shows that he is portrayed as an antihero in these novels, a criminal and a bandit, all with the aim of discrediting the Zapatista revolutionary faction and elevating other revolutionary leaders. In addition, the research shows that after Zapata’s death a political myth about him was created. He is now portrayed as a righteous man who died for the common good. This myth is incorporated into the novels from that particular time period with the aim of remythologizing the hero. The analysis of the novels from the 1940s shows that the discourse surrounding Zapata is determined by the ideological orientation of the author. Since the 1970s, writers have been remythologizing the representation of Zapata with the aim of its demythologization. Relying on the theories of modern literary trends in Hispanic- American literature from the second half of the 20th century, we point out the fact that writers incorporate meanings previously ascribed to Zapata in order to create an alternative version of his life on a foundation of his existing portrayal. The alternative version of Zapata’s life is based on the humanization of the historical hero. The writers demythologize Zapata by unmasking him: he is portrayed as an ambivalent being, not an invulnerable hero. The analysis of the literary evolution of Zapata from a hero to a humanized individual leads us to the conclusion that he is an example of a crack individual, who is defined by his fragmentation in the same way the Mexican revolution is. In the most recently written works, he is a queer character whose identity is open and ambiguous

    "Todos los gatos son pardos" : Moctezuma, Hernán Cortés y Gustavo Díaz Ordaz : [abstract]

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    Source apportionment of oxidative potential: What we know so far

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    In numerous epidemiological studies, exposure to particulate matter (PM) has been associated with negative health outcomes. It has been established so far that the detrimental health effects of particles cannot be explained by a single parameter, such as particle mass, as the complexity of chemical composition and reactivity of particles are not always represented by the mass loadings. The oxidative potential (OP) of aerosol particles represents a promising indicator of their potential toxicity. To develop strategies and regulations at improving the air quality, an increasing number of studies are focused on the application of source apportionment (SA) of PM., while a limited number of SA investigations have been applied to OP. In this review previous research of SA of atmospheric PM OP and proposed guidelines for future studies are summarized. Most of the research studies were carried out in an urban area and focused on PM2.5, while few studies examined other PM fractions. It was noted that the three dominant contributors to OP were biomass burning (9-97%), secondary aerosols (6-67%), and traffic/vehicles (16-88%). The presence of other factors that contributed to the in-crease of OP to a lesser extent depended on the location and season. Further, a considerable discrepancy in the contribution of various OP vs. PM sources was discovered using SA models. Because of this, the use of SA is not equivalent when considering the mass of PM and its toxicity

    Antifungalna aktivnost hitosana prema Alternaria alternata i Colletotrichum gloeosporoides

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    Chitosan and its derivatives have been reported as a promising alternative for control of postharvest fungal pathogens. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in situ antifungal activity of chitosan against Alternaria alternata and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from decayed apple fruits. The fungi were tested in vitro using PDA medium with three concentrations of chitosan (1, 2 and 3 mg/ml). Fungal growth of the test pathogens was significantly affected by all chitosan doses (P lt 0.05) after 7 days of incubation at 25°C. Water solution of 3 mg/ml of chitosan inhibited completely the conidial germination of A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides after 18 h incubation at 25°C. The results obtained from biocontrol assay indicate that the inhibition of postharvest decay of A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides was significantly influenced by chitosan concentrations. Disease incidence in chitosan-treated fruit after 7 days incubation at 25°C was significantly lower than in the positive control for both fungi tested (P lt 0.05). A. alternata and C. gloeosporioides used in this study were progressively inhibited in vitro and in situ with increasing concentrations of chitosan from 1 to 3 mg/ml.Istraživanja pokazuju da su hitosan i njegovi derivati dobra alternativa u kontroli skladišnih fitopatogenih gljiva. Cilj ovog rada bio je da ispita antifungalnu aktivnost hitosana prema Alternaria alternata i Colletotrichum gloeosporoides, izolovanih sa inficiranih plodova jabuke, u in vitro i in situ uslovima. Rast gljiva je testiran in vitro koristeći PDA podlogu sa različitim koncentracijama hitosana (1, 2 i 3 mg/ml). Porast oba patogena je bio značajno smanjen (P lt 0.05) u svim koncentracijama hitosana nakon 7 dana inkubacije na 25°C. Vodeni rastvor hitosana koncentracije 3 mg/ml je u potpunosti inhibirao klijanje konidija A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides nakon inkubacije od 18 sati na temperaturi od 25°C. Rezultati ogleda in situ ukazuju da inhibicija propadanja plodova inficiranih sa A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides zavisi od koncentracije rastvora hitosana. Pojava bolesti na plodovima jabuka tretiranih rastvorom hitosana nakon 7 dana inkubacije na 25°C bila je značajno smanjena za obe vrste gljiva (P lt 0.05) u odnosu na pozitivnu kontrolu. Rast A. alternata i C. gloeosporoides je bio progresivno inhibiran in vitro i in situ sa povećanjem koncentracije rastvora hitosana, od 1 do 3 mg/ml

    Standard microscopic slide preparation technique as a new and useful tool for analyzing mucilage content in marshmallow root

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    Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) root is used as a drug in medicine, pharmaceutical, cosmetic as well as in food products, due to the content of mucilage with a broad range of physicochemical properties. Since mucilage content in roots depends on genotype and growing conditions, the quality control is, therefore, one of the major tasks in the rational use of the drug. In this paper we compare data for mucilage content in roots obtained by standard procedure which implies measuring of swelling ratio in dried samples, with anatomical features of roots obtained by different methods for anatomical analysis, and we have shown that anatomical method could be used for determination of mucilage content in marshmallow root

    The stenoendemism of high-mountain flora of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

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    Among the numerous mountain endemics in the Balkans, the local ones, the distribution of which is restricted only to one massif or geographically neighbouring mountains, pose a peculiar and very interesting geobotanical problem. The analysis was concerned with over 70 local endemic taxa distributed in the mountains of Serbia and Montenegro. The age of each endemic taxon was established according to Turill's division (t927). The number of local endemics in each studied mountain is correlated with height, steepness, geological diversity and degree of isolation, as well as the impact of glacial events. It is established that the great and geologically diverse massifs, i.e. Prokletije and Šarplanina. are characterized by the largest number of local endemics compared with the other mountains studied. The presence of both relict and young endemic originating from Tertiary and glacial ancestors indicate that the "nucleus" of high-mountain flora of the central Balkans is very old'Abstract

    Diversity and threat status of the Yugoslav bryoflora

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    In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 616 species of bryophytes are recorded. Endemism is low compared with the vascular flora. Only 11 taxa have been treated as local endemics, but all except one are now regarded as synonyms of more widespread taxa. Encalypta serbica retains its endemic status, although as a taxonomically doubtful taxon. Of the Red Listed bryophytes of Europe, 37 moss and 5 liverwort species are present in F. R. Yugoslavia. Five of these are endemic to Europe including Maca ronesia. To date, no measures of bryophyte protection have been taken in F. R. Yugosla via. However, the major centres of bryophyte diversity are situated in Scien tific Reserves, Nature Conservation Reserves and National Parks

    Procena kvaliteta polu-prirodnih travnjaka centralne Srbije korišćenjem fitocenoloških i numeričkih analiza

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    The aim of this paper is to present a numeric-statistical model by which it is possible to evaluate the quality of the observed grassland upon floristic and vegetation assessment. Thanks to this new methodological approach, the impact of each individual plant species on overall quality of the grassland could be estimated. The main goal was to determine species which significantly determine the pastoral value of the grassland. The quality (pastoral value) of the grassland was calculated using the numerical values of quality index of each individual species of each relevé of the community. For testing this numerical method, the total of 11 relevés of 4 grassland communities of hilly-mountainous area of Mt. Kopaonik was used. Analyzed vegetation includes previously unpublished phytocenological relevés as result of our own field research. All analyzed relevés were obtained using the method of the Swiss-French phytocenological school. The results showed that the best and the worst quality were determined for the ass. Festuco-Brometum erectii, and the ass. Nardetum strictae, respectively. Species that highly contributed to good and bad quality of grassland were Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca rubra, Dactylis glomerata, Trifolium repens, etc., and Carduus alpestris, Hieracium hoppeanum, Ornithogalum umbelatum, respectively.Travnjaci predstavljaju jedan od najznačajnijih prirodnih resursa; na teritoriji Srbije obuhvataju oko 1.400.000 ha. Koriste se kao izvor stočne hrane ali i kao resurs materija koje se primenjuju u farmaceutskoj industriji. Uzimajući u obzir njihov veliki značaj istraživanja na travnjacima u svrhu ispitivanja njihovog kvaliteta vrše se u Srbiji od 60-ih godina dvadesetog veka na ovamo. Cilj ovog rada je prikazivanje metode kojom se numerički ocenjuje kvalitet travnjaka, a pored toga se prikazuje i doprinos svake, pojedinačne vrste ukupnom kvalitetu. Doprinos vrste, koji je konkretan broj - pozitivan ili negativan, zavisi od njene pokrovnosti i numeričkog indeksa kvaliteta. Zahvaljujući dobijenim vrednostima doprinosa svake vrste kvalitetu izvršena je podela na klastere. To je najpre izvršeno metodom k-means clustering, zadata su četiri klastera, u prvom je samo jedna vrsta Agrostis vulgaris, u drugom su vrste koje pozitivno utiču na kvalitet, u trećem vrste koje negativno utiču na kvalitet a u četvrtom klasteru su neutralne vrste. Ova podela je proverena metodom glavnih komponenti, i na grafikonu je uočljivo razdvajanje vrsta na pomenute klastere. Zahvaljujući ovoj metodi moguće je za kratko vreme dobiti podatke o kvalitetu nekog travnjaka i podatke o vrstama koje tu žive. Ti podaci o konkretnom travnjaku su dovoljni da se proceni njegova upotrebna vrednost kada je u pitanju stočarska proizvodnja a da se pritom izbegnu skupe hemijske analize

    Efikasnost bakar-citrata u zaštiti vinove loze od bolesti

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    The control of Plasmopara viticola and Botrytis cinerea, two of the most dangerous pathogens on grapevine, requires frequent treatments with chemicals based on weather conditions. Numerous applications of fungicides have resulted in developing fungicide resistance. Active ingredients based on copper have been used very successfully for a long time to protect grapevines against these pathogens. Application of a copper citrate formulation with high degree dissociation at a very low concentration (1%) was evaluated in field trials. The efficacy of two concentrations of copper citrate, 0.5 and 1.0%, were tested against P. viticola on grapevine in three locations, and against B. cinerea in two locations during 2018. Our results demonstrated that the concentration of 1.0% copper citrate was highly effective against P. viticola (87.4%) and B. cinerea (63.7%), compared to standard treatment (90.6 and 53.1%), under a high level of infection.Zaštita vinove loze od prouzrokovača plamenjače vinove loze - Plasmopara viticola i sive truleži - Botrytis cinerea, je vrlo kompleksna i zahteva primenu većeg broja hemijskih tretmana, u skladu sa vremenskim uslovima. Učestala primena fungicida uslovljavala je pojavu rezistentnih izolata patogena na fungicide. Različite forme bakarnih jedinjenja primenjuju se u zaštiti vinove loze dugi niz godina prilično uspešno. Primena bakar-citrata - formulacije sa visokim stepenom disocijacije u niskoj koncentraciji (1,0%) ispitivana je u poljskim uslovima. Efikasnost dve koncentracije bakar-citrata - 0.5 i 1.0% je testirana u suzbijanju P. viticola i B. cinerea na vinovoj lozi na tri (dva) lokaliteta, tokom 2018 godine. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ispitivana koncentracija od 1,0% bakar-citrata ispoljila zadovoljavajući efekat na P. viticola (87,4%) i B. cinerea (63,7%) u odnosu na primenjene standarde (90,6% i 53,1%) u uslovima visokih zaraza

    Grassland communities of Stol mountain (eastern Serbia ): Vegetation and environment al relationships

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    The systematic survey of grassland communities was performed on Mt. Stol (eastern Serbia). The main aims of the research were to: (1) determine grassland vegetation types of the researched area; (2) correlate the impacts of the soil and environmental conditions on the occurrence of certain plant communities, and (3) comment on the conservational value of the grasslands in the researched area. The data set included 60 phytosociological relevés of grasslands recorded between 2001 and 2004. The main environmental gradients of species composition were analyzed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). For the ecological interpretation of ordination axes, ecological indicator values were used. Three associations were distinguished: Danthonietum calycinae, Asperulo-Agrostietum vulgaris and Ranunculo bulbosi- Arrhenatheretum elatioris belonging to two alliances and two classes: Chrysopogono-Danthonion - Festuco-Brometea and Arrhenatherion - Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. The results of the DCA support our assumption that the main environmental gradient in the species composition of the grasslands is related to nutrients and moisture. The conservational value of grasslands in the researched area is discussed