12 research outputs found

    Evaluating sampling completeness in a desert plant-pollinator network

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    1. The study of plant-pollinator interactions in a network context is receiving increasing attention. This approach has helped to identify several emerging network patterns such as nestedness and modularity. However, most studies are based only on qualitative information, and some ecosystems, such as deserts and tropical forests, are underrepresented in these data sets. 2. We present an exhaustive analysis of the structure of a 4-year plant-pollinator network from the Monte desert in Argentina using qualitative and quantitative tools. We describe the structure of this network and evaluate sampling completeness using asymptotic species richness estimators. Our goal is to assess the extent to which the realized sampling effort allows for an accurate description of species interactions and to estimate the minimum number of additional censuses required to detect 90% of the interactions. We evaluated completeness of detection of the community-wide pollinator fauna, of the pollinator fauna associated with each plant species and of the plant-pollinator interactions. We also evaluated whether sampling completeness was influenced by plant characteristics, such as flower abundance, flower life span, number of interspecific links (degree) and selectiveness in the identity of their flower visitors, as well as sampling effort. 3. We found that this desert plant-pollinator network has a nested structure and that it exhibits modularity and high network-level generalization. 4. In spite of our high sampling effort, and although we sampled 80% of the pollinator fauna, we recorded only 55% of the interactions. Furthermore, although a 64% increase in sampling effort would suffice to detect 90% of the pollinator species, a fivefold increase in sampling effort would be necessary to detect 90% of the interactions. 5. Detection of interactions was incomplete for most plant species, particularly specialists with a long flowering season and high flower abundance, or generalists with short flowering span and scant flowers. Our results suggest that sampling of a network with the same effort for all plant species is inadequate to sample interactions. 6. Sampling the diversity of interactions is labour intensive, and most plant-pollinator networks published to date are likely to be undersampled. Our analysis allowed estimating the completeness of our sampling, the additional effort needed to detect most interactions and the plant traits that influence the detection of their interactions. © 2011 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2011 British Ecological Society.Research was funded by grants from CONICET (PIP 6564), FONCYT (PICT 20805, PICT 1471) and BBVA Foundation (BIOCON03-162)Peer Reviewe

    Chronic toxicity test with sea urchin Echinometra lucunter and Lytechinus variegatus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea), exposed to light-stick - flag paternoster used for longline surface fishing

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    In this work, the chronic toxicity of a mixture of light-stick chemicals and water was tested. The light-stick is used in fishery activities to catch swordfish. The tubes were collected on the beaches of the Costa dos Coqueiros - BA, Brazil, in the period from 14th to 31st July 2007. The method used was a short chronic toxicity test where embryos of the sea urchins Echinometra lucunter and Lytechinus variegatus were exposed to a stock solution consisting of the supernatant formed from a mixture of sea water and the orange-colored light-stick chemical. After a preliminary test, concentrations defined were 0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.02, 0.1, 1.0% of stock solution. The final test ran for 36 hours for E. Lucunter and 24 hours for L. variegatus with 4 replicates for each concentration. The value of EC50 - 36h was 0.062% with confidence limits ranging from 0.042 to 0.079% and the EC50 - 24h was 0.011% with confidence limits ranging from 0.009 to 0.014%, i.e., the chemical mix present in the light-stick is potentially toxic. So, as these flags are commonly used for fishing there is potential danger in their disposal in the open ocean.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade crônica da água do mar em contato com o líquido contido no light-stick, sinalizador utilizado em pesca de espinhel de superfície para a captura de espadarte. Os tubos foram coletados nas praias da Costa dos Coqueiros - BA, no período de 14 a 31 de Julho de 2007. O método utilizado para a verificação da toxicidade crônica foi o teste de curta duração com embriões de ouriço-do-mar Echinometra lucunter e Lytechinus variegatus, os ensaios foram realizados com solução estoque que consiste do sobrenadante formado a partir de uma mistura de água do mar com o líquido do sinalizador de coloração laranja. Após um teste preliminar as concentrações definidas foram 0.002; 0.003; 0.01; 0.02; 0.1; 1.0%. O teste definitivo teve duração de 36 horas para E. lucunter e 24 horas para L. variegatus, sendo preparadas 4 réplicas para cada concentração. O valor da CE50 - 36h encontrado foi de 0.062% com limites de aceitabilidade variando de 0.042 a 0.079% e a CE50 - 24h encontrada foi de 0.011% com limites de aceitabilidade variando de 0.009 a 0.014%, ou seja, os compostos químicos presentes no light-stick são potencialmente tóxicos. Portanto já que esses sinalizadores são utilizados comumente como petrechos de pesca há a necessidade de que eles sejam recolhidos, pois podem causar efeitos adversos quando abrem nos oceanos