304 research outputs found

    Impacto de la formación del profesorado universitario : Aspectos metodológicos y propuesta para futuras investigaciones

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    Este artículo presenta un resumen de cuatro investigaciones empíricas que afrontan la falta de evaluación sistemática de la formación del profesorado en la educación superior. Tres estudios examinan el impacto de la formación en los estilos de enseñanza de los educadores, las percepciones de los estudiantes acerca del comportamiento docente de aquellos, los enfoques de los alumnos y sus resultados de aprendizaje. Un cuarto estudio examina el impacto individual a largo plazo (en las concepciones de enseñanza del profesorado y el comportamiento docente), así como algunos aspectos del impacto institucional. Atendiendo a una evaluación crítica de los resultados y al diseño metodológico de los estudios, se sugieren vías para futuras investigaciones: las condiciones que favorecen el impacto, la triangulación de datos, el impacto a largo plazo y el impacto institucional.Aquest article presenta un resum de quatre investigacions empíriques que afronten la manca d'avaluació sistemàtica de la formació del professorat en l'educació superior. Tres estudis examinen l'impacte de la formació en els estils d'ensenyament dels educadors, les percepcions dels estudiants sobre el comportament docent dels professors, els enfocaments dels alumnes i els resultats d'aprenentatge que assoleixen. Un quart estudi examina l'impacte individual a llarg termini (en les concepcions d'ensenyament del professorat i el comportament docent), així com alguns aspectes de l'impacte institucional. Atenent una avaluació crítica dels resultats i el disseny metodològic dels estudis, se suggereixen vies per a futures investigacions: les condicions que afavoreixen l'impacte, la triangulació de dades, l'impacte a llarg termini i l'impacte institucional.This article presents an overview of four empirical research studies dealing with the lack of systematic evaluation of teacher training in higher education. The core question is: "What is the impact of university teachers' training?" Three of the studies examined the impact of training on teachers' approach to teaching, students' perceptions of teachers' teaching behaviour, students' approach to study, and students' learning outcomes. The fourth study explored the long-term individual impact in terms of teachers' conceptions of teaching and teaching behaviour, as well as some aspects of institutional impact. On the basis of a critical evaluation of the results, as well as the methodological design of the studies, the following pathways for further research are suggested: conditions encouraging impact, triangulation of data, long-term impact and institutional impact

    Health care professionals' perceptions towards lifelong learning in palliative care for general practitioners: a focus group study

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    Background: There is a growing need for palliative care. The majority of palliative patients prefer their general practitioner (GP) to organize their palliative home care. General practitioners need a range of competences to perform this task. However, there has been no general description so far of how GPs keep these competences up-to-date. The present study explores current experiences, views and preferences towards training and education in palliative care among GPs, palliative home-care professionals and professionals from organizations who provide training and education. Methods: Five focus groups were brought together in Belgium, with a total of 29 participants, including members of the three categories mentioned above. They were analysed using a constant comparison method. Results: The analysis revealed that undergraduate education and continuing medical education (CME) while in practice, is insufficient to prepare GPs for their palliative work. Workplace learning (WPL) through collaboration with specialized palliative home-care nurses seems to be a valuable alternative. Conclusions: The effectiveness of undergraduate education might be enhanced by adding practical experience. Providers of continuing medical education should look to organize interactive, practice-based and interprofessional sessions. Therefore, teachers need to be trained to run small group discussions. In order to optimize workplace learning, health care professionals should be trained to monitor each other’s practice and to provide effective feedback. Further research is needed to clarify which aspects of interprofessional teamwork (e.g. professional hierarchy, agreements on tasks and responsibilities) influence the effectiveness of workplace learning

    Strigolactones as an auxiliary hormonal defence mechanism against leafy gall syndrome in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Leafy gall syndrome is the consequence of modified plant development in response to a mixture of cytokinins secreted by the biotrophic actinomycete Rhodococcus fascians. The similarity of the induced symptoms with the phenotype of plant mutants defective in strigolactone biosynthesis and signalling prompted an evaluation of the involvement of strigolactones in this pathology. All tested strigolactone-related Arabidopsis thallana mutants were hypersensitive to R. fascians. Moreover, treatment with the synthetic strigolactone mixture GR24 and with the carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase inhibitor D2 illustrated that strigolactones acted as antagonistic compounds that restricted the morphogenic activity of R. fascians. Transcript profiling of the MORE ILLARY GROWTH1 (M 1), M, M 3, M, 4, and BRANCHED1 (BRC1) genes in the wild-type Columbia-0 accession and in different mutant backgrounds revealed that upregulation of strigolactone biosynthesis genes was triggered indirectly by the bacterial cytokinins via host-derived auxin and led to the activation of BRC1 expression, inhibiting the outgrowth of the newly developing shoots, a typical hallmark of leafy gall syndrome. Taken together, these data support the emerging insight that balances are critical for optimal leafy gall development: the long-lasting biotrophic interaction is possible only because the host activates a set of countermeasures including the strigolactone response in reaction to bacterial cytokinins to constrain the activity of R. fascians

    La formation pédagogique des professeurs dans l’enseignement supérieur

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    Dans cet article, nous analysons la contribution des initiatives de formation prises par les centres de pédagogie universitaire à l’amélioration effective de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur en mesurant l’impact de ces formations sur les pratiques pédagogiques des professeurs. Notre recherche, menée à l’Université d’Anvers, examine ainsi les effets d’une formation d’un an proposée aux enseignants-chercheurs débutants, tant sur ces enseignants, que sur leurs étudiants et l’université. Après avoir présenté et discuté la méthodologie et les résultats de trois études empiriques, nous analysons ces implications en termes de soutien au développement professionnel pédagogique des professeurs.This paper analyses the contribution of training courses implemented by university centres for teaching and learning to the effective improvement of quality of higher education by measuring the impact of these courses on faculty teaching practices. Our research conducted in Antwerp examines the effects of a one-year course for beginning teachers and researchers on teachers, their students and the university. The presentation and discussion of methodology and the findings of three empirical studies are followed by the analysis of its consequences in terms of faculty professional development and support.In diesem Artikel analysieren wir den Einfluss der Ausbildungsinitiativen von pädagogischen Abteilungen an der Universität auf die tatsächliche Verbesserung der Qualität der Vorlesungen. Wir messen den Einfluss dieser Fortbildungsmaßnahmen auf die pädagogischen Praktiken der Professoren. Unsere Forschung wurde an der Universität Antwerpen geführt und untersucht die Auswirkungen einer einjährigen Ausbildung für angehende Professoren sowohl auf diese jungen Professoren selbst als auch auf ihre Studenten und auf die Universität. Nachdem wir die Methode und die Ergebnisse dreier empirischer Studien vorgelegt und erörtert haben, analysieren wir ihren Einfluss, was die Unterstützung der beruflichen pädagogischen Entwicklung von Professoren angeht.En este artículo, analizamos la contribución de las iniciativas de formación tomadas por los centros de pedagogia universitaria a la mejoría efectiva de la calidad de la enseñanza superior midiendo el impacto de estas formaciones sobre las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores. Nuestra investigación, realizada en la Universidad de Anvers, examina así los efectos de una formación de un año propuesta a los docentes-investigadores principiantes, tanto sobre estos docentes como sobre sus estudiantes y la universidad. Después de presentar y discutir la metodología y los resultados de los tres estudios empíricos, analizamos sus implicaciones en términos de apoyo al desarrollo profesional pedagógico de los profesores