29 research outputs found

    Modulating verbal working memory with fronto‐parietal transcranial electric stimulation at theta frequency: Does it work?

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    Oscillatory theta activity in a fronto-parietal network has been associated with working memory (WM) processes and may be directly related to WM performance. In their seminal study, Polanía et al. (2012) (de-)coupled a fronto-parietal theta-network by applying transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), and showed that anti-phase tACS led to slower and in-phase tACS to faster response times in a verbal WM task compared to placebo stimulation. In the literature, this ‘synchronization-desynchronization’ effect has only been partly replicated, and electric field modelling suggests that it might not be the fronto-parietal network that is primarily stimulated during in-phase tACS with a shared return electrode. This provides one possible reason for inconsistency in the literature. In this study, we aimed to reproduce the findings reported by Polanía et al. (2012). We also aimed to investigate whether in-phase theta tACS with multiple close-by return electrodes for focal stimulation of the frontal and the parietal cortex will have at least as much of a facilitatory effect as the in-phase stimulation as indicated by Polania et al. (2012). In a single-trial distributional analysis, we explored whether mean, variation and right-skewness of the response time distribution are affected. Against our hypothesis, we found no ‘synchronization-desynchronization’ effect by fronto-parietal theta tACS on response times using the same delayed letter discrimination task and stimulation parameters in two experiments, both between-subjects and within-subjects. However, we could show that in a more demanding 3-back task, fronto-parietal in-phase and in-phase focal theta tACS substantially improved task performance compared to placebo stimulation

    The impact of spectral basis set composition on estimated levels of cingulate glutamate and its associations with different personality traits

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    Background: 1H-MRS is increasingly used in basic and clinical research to explain brain function and alterations respectively. In psychosis research it is now one of the main tools to investigate imbalances in the glutamatergic system. Interestingly, however, the findings are extremely variable even within patients of similar disease states. One reason may be the variability in analysis strategies, despite suggestions for standardization. Therefore, our study aimed to investigate the extent to which the basis set configuration– which metabolites are included in the basis set used for analysis– would affect the spectral fit and estimated glutamate (Glu) concentrations in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and whether any changes in levels of glutamate would be associated with psychotic-like experiences and autistic traits. Methods: To ensure comparability, we utilized five different exemplar basis sets, used in research, and two different analysis tools, r-based spant applying the ABfit method and Osprey using the LCModel. Results: Our findings revealed that the types of metabolites included in the basis set significantly affected the glutamate concentration. We observed that three basis sets led to more consistent results across different concentration types (i.e., absolute Glu in mol/kg, Glx (glutamate + glutamine), Glu/tCr), spectral fit and quality measurements. Interestingly, all three basis sets included phosphocreatine. Importantly, our findings also revealed that glutamate levels were differently associated with both schizotypal and autistic traits depending on basis set configuration and analysis tool, with the same three basis sets showing more consistent results. Conclusions: Our study highlights that scientific results may be significantly altered depending on the choices of metabolites included in the basis set, and with that emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting the configuration of the basis set to ensure accurate and consistent results, when using MR spectroscopy. Overall, our study points out the need for standardized analysis pipelines and reporting

    Action selection in early stages of psychosis: an active inference approach

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    BACKGROUND: To interact successfully with their environment, humans need to build a model to make sense of noisy and ambiguous inputs. An inaccurate model, as suggested to be the case for people with psychosis, disturbs optimal action selection. Recent computational models, such as active inference, have emphasized the importance of action selection, treating it as a key part of the inferential process. Based on an active inference framework, we sought to evaluate previous knowledge and belief precision in an action-based task, given that alterations in these parameters have been linked to the development of psychotic symptoms. We further sought to determine whether task performance and modelling parameters would be suitable for classification of patients and controls. METHODS: Twenty-three individuals with an at-risk mental state, 26 patients with first-episode psychosis and 31 controls completed a probabilistic task in which action choice (go/no-go) was dissociated from outcome valence (gain or loss). We evaluated group differences in performance and active inference model parameters and performed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses to assess group classification. RESULTS: We found reduced overall performance in patients with psychosis. Active inference modelling revealed that patients showed increased forgetting, reduced confidence in policy selection and less optimal general choice behaviour, with poorer action-state associations. Importantly, ROC analysis showed fair-to-good classification performance for all groups, when combining modelling parameters and performance measures. LIMITATIONS: The sample size is moderate. CONCLUSION: Active inference modelling of this task provides further explanation for dysfunctional mechanisms underlying decision-making in psychosis and may be relevant for future research on the development of biomarkers for early identification of psychosis

    TMS-induced inhibition of the left premotor cortex modulates illusory social perception

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    Communicative actions from one person are used to predict another person’s response. However, in some cases, these predictions can outweigh the processing of sensory information and lead to illusory social perception such as seeing two people interact, although only one is present (i.e., seeing a Bayesian ghost). We applied either inhibitory brain stimulation over the left premotor cortex (i.e., real TMS) or sham TMS. Then, participants indicated the presence or absence of a masked agent that followed a communicative or individual gesture of another agent. As expected, participants had more false alarms in the communicative (i.e., Bayesian ghosts) than individual condition in the sham TMS session and this difference between conditions vanished after real TMS. In contrast to our hypothesis, the number of false alarms increased (rather than decreased) after real TMS. These pre-registered findings confirm the significance of the premotor cortex for social action predictions and illusory social perception

    Ämnesövergripande undervisning : SĂ„ beskrivs premisserna, processen och produkten av aktiva lĂ€rare, i examensarbeten skrivna av lĂ€rarstudenter.

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    Denna undersökning syftar till att identifiera de aspekter som anses fördelaktiga vid genomförandet av Àmnesövergripande undervisning pÄ högstadiet och gymnasiet. Studien tar en konstruktivistisk och fenomenografisk utgÄngspunkt i Biggs 3P modell (2003) dÀr tre olika delar beskrivs: premiss, process och produkt. Premisserna innefattar eleverna och den lÀrandemiljön som undervisningen bedrivs i, processen Àr det undervisningssÀtt som anvÀnds och ses i denna studie som Àmnesövergripande undervisning, och produkten ses som elevernas lÀranderesultat. I studien anvÀnds textanalys som metod, dÀr tio examensarbeten frÄn lÀrarprogrammet har analyserats. Examensarbetena Àr frÄn spridda universitet runtom i Sverige och behandlar Àmnesövergripande undervisning. I alla examensarbeten har författarna anvÀnt sig av intervju som metod för att undersöka Àmnesövergripande undervisning. Resultatet visar pÄ att det finns olika definitioner av Àmnesövergripande undervisning och att arbetet lÀggs upp pÄ olika sÀtt. Eleverna beskrivs vara starka för att fÄ ut maximalt av undervisningssÀttet och lÀrandemiljön har en stor inverkan pÄ processen. Detta dÄ olika ramfaktorer sÄ som organisation, mentalitet och instÀllning gentemot Àmnesövergripande undervisning spelar stor roll för dess genomförande. Resultatet visar Àven att mÄlet med Àmnesövergripande undervisning Àr en djupare förstÄelse för helheter och att det Àr detta lÀranderesultat, tillsammans med ökad allmÀnbildning och bÀttre fÀrdigheter inom omrÄden som problemlösning och samarbete, som karaktÀriserar lÀranderesultatet för Àmnesövergripande undervisning.

    Ämnesövergripande undervisning : SĂ„ beskrivs premisserna, processen och produkten av aktiva lĂ€rare, i examensarbeten skrivna av lĂ€rarstudenter.

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    Denna undersökning syftar till att identifiera de aspekter som anses fördelaktiga vid genomförandet av Àmnesövergripande undervisning pÄ högstadiet och gymnasiet. Studien tar en konstruktivistisk och fenomenografisk utgÄngspunkt i Biggs 3P modell (2003) dÀr tre olika delar beskrivs: premiss, process och produkt. Premisserna innefattar eleverna och den lÀrandemiljön som undervisningen bedrivs i, processen Àr det undervisningssÀtt som anvÀnds och ses i denna studie som Àmnesövergripande undervisning, och produkten ses som elevernas lÀranderesultat. I studien anvÀnds textanalys som metod, dÀr tio examensarbeten frÄn lÀrarprogrammet har analyserats. Examensarbetena Àr frÄn spridda universitet runtom i Sverige och behandlar Àmnesövergripande undervisning. I alla examensarbeten har författarna anvÀnt sig av intervju som metod för att undersöka Àmnesövergripande undervisning. Resultatet visar pÄ att det finns olika definitioner av Àmnesövergripande undervisning och att arbetet lÀggs upp pÄ olika sÀtt. Eleverna beskrivs vara starka för att fÄ ut maximalt av undervisningssÀttet och lÀrandemiljön har en stor inverkan pÄ processen. Detta dÄ olika ramfaktorer sÄ som organisation, mentalitet och instÀllning gentemot Àmnesövergripande undervisning spelar stor roll för dess genomförande. Resultatet visar Àven att mÄlet med Àmnesövergripande undervisning Àr en djupare förstÄelse för helheter och att det Àr detta lÀranderesultat, tillsammans med ökad allmÀnbildning och bÀttre fÀrdigheter inom omrÄden som problemlösning och samarbete, som karaktÀriserar lÀranderesultatet för Àmnesövergripande undervisning.