50 research outputs found

    ERP Solution Acceptance by Students

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    ERP acceptance by its users in companies has been researched by several authors while ERP acceptance by students within study programmes has not been researched so often. For teachers should be important to know which factors have influence on student ERP acceptance. Our study researches student acceptance of ERP solutions while they are exposed to ERP solution and they are involved in ERP actual use. Our research is based on TAM which provides a basis for tracing impact of external factors on internal beliefs (perceived usefulness – PU and perceived ease of use – PEOU), attitudes (AT), intentions (behavioural intention – BI) and actual use. Research model includes additional external factors such as: experience with computer, computer self-efficiency, personal innovativeness toward IT, computer anxiety, user manuals (help), system quality, social influence (environment), training and education etc. Research was conduct within a group of 121 students after short interaction with Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP solution. Results show that most important external factors for student ERP acceptance are: individual benefits, training and education on ERP system and quality of ERP system

    Enterprise values and enterprise policy interdependence

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    Enterprise governance results in enterprise policy, which is influenced by enterprise values. The aim of our research was to identify how enterprise values influence enterprise policy innovation. The study focuses on four value factors and their relationships as well as on their influence on enterprise policy innovation. The results show that enterprises should pay attention to the chain of value factors identified in our study (V3!V2!V4!V1). Namely, factors‘extremes of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V3), ‘analysis of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’ (V2), and‘importance of the examination of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V4) have an indirect impact on factor‘enterprise policy innovation (EPI) via factor‘ values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V1), which influences the factor ‘enterprise policy innovation’ (EPI) directly. The identified chain of value factors has a strong effect on factor‘enterprise policy innovation’(EPI) via factor‘values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V1). The implications happen via enterprise’s management and the basic-realisation process

    Komparativna analiza kritičnih dejavnikov pri uvajanju elektronskega poslovanja

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    The implementation projects of e-business systems are strategic and complex projects. They require substantial resources, and yet, the success is not guaranteed. Organizations must try to minimize risks by focusing on critical success factors (CSFs) of e-business implementation.We have researched different viewpoints of e-business implementation CSFs. The paper presents an overview of some of existing e-business implementation business models and analyses research about e-business implementation CSFs. Identified CSFs are discussed and linked to the e-business implementation process. Key words: E-business, CSFs, e- business implementation, e-transformationProjekti uvajanja sistemov e-poslovanja so strateški in kompleksi projekti. Tovrstni projekti zahtevajo precejšnje resurse, pa vendar njihova uspešnost ni zagotovljena. Organizacije morajo minimizirati tveganja s tem, da se osredotočijo na kritične dejavnike uspeha uvajanja e-poslovanja. V prispevku smo raziskali različne vidike kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha uvajanja e-poslovanja. Predstavljamo pregled nekaterih modelov uvajanja e-poslovanja in raziskav s področja kritičnih dejavnikov uspeha uvajanja e-poslovanja. Prepoznani kritični dejavniki uspeha so predstavljeni, opisane pa so tudi povezave dejavnikov s procesom uvajanja e-poslovanja. Ključne besede: E-poslovanje, kritični dejavniki uspeha, uvajanje e-poslovanja, e-preoblikovanj

    TAM-based external factors related to ERP solutions acceptance in organizations

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    To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ERP solutions use, understanding of critical success factors of ERP solutions assimilation in organizations is crucial. The technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) has been the most widely used model for researching user acceptance and usage of IT/IS. The purpose of this paper is to extend the original TAM with groups of external factors which impact actual ERP system use. First, we focus on ERP system use in companies’ maturity phase. Second, we expose and examine three groups of external factors which influence ERP usage. The model was empirically tested using data collected from a survey of ERP users in 44 organizations. Survey data have been collected from ERP users who have been exposed to an ERP system which has operated for more than one year. The proposed research model was analyzed using the PLS approach


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    A lot of ERP implementations are failure, because organizations which bought ERP systems thought that this was all what they should do. But failure cases of ERP implementation showed, that organizations have to do extensive work on implementation. Because of that, organizations have to create conditions, in which they can implement chosen solution in expected time, scope and evaluated costs. That means that organizations should be aware of what most critical factors for success (CSF) in ERP implementations are. The high failure rate of ERP implementations call for better understanding of critical success factors (CSFs). In the paper we will research the CSFs in ERP implementation by studying published prior research on the field of ERP implementation. We will build a model of CSFs for ERP implementation, discuss in depth some most important factors and present preliminary results of importance CSFs of ERP implementation in Slovenian organizations

    Innovation of enterprise vision toward social responsibility

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    Businesses need new bases and methods taking in account new values, culture, ethics, and norms (VCEN) of humans, leading both humans and businesses to their own requisite holism. This covers also enterprise governance and management and their predisposition to (responsible) enterprise vision (and resulting enterprise policy) we studied. Thus we are researching the formation and development of enterprise vision, the period and wholeness of which are relative. In our discussion we originated in different definitions of vision and we showed a possible development path for it, in order to direct vision towards social responsibility (SR) in enterprise behaviour

    Integracija i primjena interdisciplinarnoga znanja iz područja ekonomije i prostorne znanosti

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    This research arises from the importance of integrating knowledge of economic/business and spatial sciences for graduates who must think and act in interdisciplinary contexts. The systematic literature review revealed that this interdisciplinary field is richly present in original scientific research, and is undoubtedly topical and worthy of research efforts. The main objective of this paper is to analyze important factors that contribute to the attitudes of students towards interdisciplinary knowledge, and factors that shape their intentions to use and integrate this knowledge in the future. The conceptual model formed was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). Research results confirm the importance of integrating economic/business and spatial sciences’ knowledge, for graduates. As presented in the paper, results of the study have important implications for higher education institutions, for reform and update of their study programs, as well as for educators in the field of spatial sciences and economic/business sciences, in research and in education.Ovo je istraživanje nastalo zbog važnosti integracije znanja iz područja ekonomskih i prostornih znanosti za studente koji moraju razmišljati i djelovati u interdisciplinarnim kontekstima. Sustavni pregled literature pokazao je da je ovo interdisciplinarno područje u velikoj mjeri prisutno u izvornim znanstvenim istraživanjima te je bez svake sumnje aktualno i vrijedno istraživanja. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada analizirati važne čimbenike koji doprinose izgradnji stavova studenata prema interdisciplinarnom znanju, kao i čimbenike koji utječu na njihove namjere da se u budućnosti koriste takvim znanjima i i integriraju ih. Izrađeni konceptualni model testiran je s pomoću modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM). Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je integracija znanja iz područja ekonomije i prostornih znanosti važna za studente. Kako je prikazano u radu, rezultati istraživanja imaju važne implikacije za institucije visokoga obrazovanja, za reformu i nadogradnju njihovih studijskih programa te za obrazovne djelatnike koji se bave područjima ekonomije i prostorne znanosti, kako u istraživanjima, tako i u obrazovanju

    Technology Acceptance Model Based Study of Students’ Attitudes Toward Use of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are the most frequently used software tool in companies in all industries. Therefore, the labour market requires the knowledge and skills for usage of ERP solutions from graduates – future employees. The main objective of our paper is therefore the identification of important factors that contribute to the acceptance of ERP solutions by students in economics and business and that shape their intentions to use this knowledge in the future. The model of our research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), extended by identified important multidimensional external factors that refer to (1) students’ personal characteristics and information literacy, (2) perceived system and technological characteristics of ERP solutions and (3) perceived support within the study process. Research results revealed that several dimensions of the three multidimensonal factors play an important role in shaping the attitudes towards acceptance of ERP solutions by students

    Research of Business Information Solution Vendors for Company Digital Transformation

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    Znanstvena monografija Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetij obravnava področje trajnostne digitalne preozbrazbe, na katero vpliva tako izbira tehnološke platforme kot tudi informacijska arhitektura digitaliziranih organizacij. Evropska unija (EU) je opredelila digitalno preobrazbo kot eno od ključnih področij razvoja. Evropska komisija je oblikovala in objavila vizijo in smernice za digitalno preobrazbo, ki vključujejo tudi cilje EU na področju digitalne preobrazbe. EU se tudi zaveda izzivov, povezanih z onesnaževanjem in podnebnimi spremembami, ki jih onesnaževanje povzroča, ter njihove povezanosti z digitalno preobrazbo. EU je objavila “European Green Deal”, ki temelji na konceptih trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov. Celovita trajnostno usmerjena obravnava digitalne preobrazbe tako vključuje združitev poslovnih procesov in digitalnih tehnologij v digitalizirano poslovanje. Zato je v prvem delu znanstvene monografije poudarek na digitalni preobrazbi in odgovorih na vprašanje, kako lahko informacijske tehnologije in informacijske rešitve vplivajo na trajnostni razvoj podjetij in družbe. V drugem delu znanstvene monografije je opredeljen sodoben koncept informacijske arhitekture digitaliziranih organizacij. Pomembno vlogo pri digitalni preobrazbi organizacij imajo poslovne informacijske rešitve, ki jih organizacije uporabljajo za informacijsko podporo svojih poslovnih procesov in delovnih tokov. Najpomembnejši predstavnik poslovnih informacijskih rešitev so celovite informacijske rešitve (rešitve ERP). Poleg teh pa v skupino poslovnih informacijskih rešitev uvrščamo tudi rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (rešitve CRM), rešitve za upravljanje dokumentnih sistemov (rešitve DMS), rešitve digitalnega marketinga ter mnoge druge. Za omenjene poslovne informacijske rešitve so v drugem delu znanstvene monografije opisane opredelitve in njihove značilnosti, ponudniki teh poslovnih informacijskih rešitev in podrobnejši opis posameznih poslovnih informacijskih rešitev, prisotnih na slovenskem trgu. Tako si lahko bralec za vsak sklop raziskanih informacijskih rešitev ustvari začetni vtis o uporabnosti posameznih rešitev za posamezno podjetje oz. organizacijo.The scientific monograph "A Study of Business Information Solutions Providers for Digital Transformation of Companies" addresses sustainable digital transformation, which is influenced by both the choice of technological platforms and the information architecture of digitized organizations. The European Union (EU) has identified digital transformation as one of the key areas of development. The European Commission has formulated and published a vision and guidelines for digital transformation, including EU goals in the field of digital transformation. The EU is also aware of the challenges related to pollution and climate change caused by pollution and their connection to digital transformation. The EU has published the "European Green Deal," which is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the United Nations (European Commission, 2021b). A comprehensive sustainability-oriented approach to digital transformation thus involves integrating business processes and digital technologies into digitized business operations. Therefore, the first part of the scientific monograph focuses on digital transformation and addresses how information technologies and solutions can impact the sustainable development of companies and society. In the second part of the scientific monograph, the modern concept of information architecture of digitized organizations is defined. Business information solutions play an important role in the digital transformation of organizations, as organizations use them for information support of their business processes and workflows. The most important representative of business information solutions is the comprehensive information solution (ERP solution). In addition, solutions for customer relationship management (CRM solutions), document management system solutions (DMS solutions), digital marketing solutions, and many others are classified as business information solutions. The second part of the scientific monograph describes the definitions and characteristics of these business information solutions and the providers of these solutions. It provides a detailed description of individual business information solutions available in the Slovenian market. Thus, the reader can gain an initial impression of the usefulness of individual solutions for a particular company or organization for each group of researched information solutions