428 research outputs found

    Organic Geochemical Investigation of a Highly Contaminated Urban Waterway: The Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn, New York, USA

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    The Gowanus Canal is an industrial waterway constructed in the mid-19th century by widening and deepening a natural tidal channel. It is ca. 3 km in length and empties into Gowanus Bay, an arm of New York Harbor. Its banks, reinforced by bulkheads and piers, became the site of intensive industrial activity, including oil refining, coal gasification, soap making and tanning. Even though much of the industrial activity along the canal has ceased, its sediments remain highly enriched in organic and inorganic contaminants, with combined sewer outfalls continuing to transport pollutants into the canal. The canal area remains densely populated and community pressure is providing impetus for remediation and redevelopment (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2004). As part of a program of continuing sediment quality monitoring, a series of 10 grab samples were collected along the length of the canal. Standard environmental chemical analyses were performed (volatile and semi-volatile organics, PCBs, metals). Dried sediment samples were also analyzed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and thermodesorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS). Py-GC/MS results from two samples are presented. Sample 15A was collected near the mid-point of the canal and is the most highly enriched in parent PAHs, up to several hundred mg/kg. Sample 29A was collected near the head of the canal, i.e., the point farthest inland, with parent PAH concentrations of 5-70 mg/kg. The pyrolyzates contain phenols, pyrroles, indoles and guaiacols as both terrestrial and aquatic biomass signatures, but these are overshadowed by the 3 to 5 ring PAHs, parent and methylated, for sample 15A and by sterenes and fatty acids for sample 29A. For sample 15A, the phenanthrene series (up to the C3-alkylphenanthrenes), the pyrene series (up to C2-alkylpyrenes and isomers), and the chrysene series (including methylchrysenes and isomers) are strongly predominant, along with benzofluoranthenes and benzopyrenes. The dibenzothiophene and benzonaphthothiophene series attest to a significant organosulfur component within the mixture. The pyrolyzate of sample 29A contains the same aromatic compounds, but at much lower concentrations. Rather, there is the striking predominance of C27 and C29 sterenes, along with C16 and C18 fatty acids. Steradienes, C28 sterenes, alkylnitriles and alkylamides are also detected, but at lower concentrations. The sterenes and fatty acids are minor components in sample 15A as well. The PAH distributions are characteristic of creosote, a coal-tar derivative and by-product of coal gasification. If these had been due to petroleum or petroleum product contamination, more abundant petroleum biomarker compounds would be expected. These were detected by TD-GC/MS using selected ion monitoring, but in trace quantities only. The sterenes and fatty acids likely derive from raw and/or partially treated sewage. In spite of the recent reopening of the flushing tunnel at the head of the canal after decades of disuse, it is evident that acute sediment pollution persists in the Gowanus sediments

    Progress in Payload Separation Risk Mitigation for a Deployable Venus Heat Shield

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    A deployable decelerator known as the Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT) offers substantial science and mass savings for the Venus In Situ Explorer (VISE) mission. The lander and science payload must be separated from ADEPT during atmospheric entry. This paper presents a trade study of the separation system concept of operations and provides a conceptual design of the baseline: aft-separation with a subsonic parachute. Viability of the separation system depends on the vehicle's dynamic stability characteristics during deceleration from supersonic to subsonic speeds. A trajectory sensitivity study presented shows that pitch damping and Venusian winds drive stability prior to parachute deployment, while entry spin rate is not a driver of stability below Mach 5. Additionally, progress in free-flight CFD techniques capable of computing aerodynamic damping parameters is presented. Exploratory simulations of ADEPT at a constant speed of Mach number of 0.8 suggest the vehicle may have an oscillation limit cycle near 5 angle-of-attack. The proposed separation system conceptual design is thought to be viable

    NuSTAR Observations of the Magnetar 1E 2259+586

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    We report on new broad band spectral and temporal observations of the magnetar 1E 2259+586, which is located in the supernova remnant CTB 109. Our data were obtained simultaneously with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Swift, and cover the energy range from 0.5-79 keV. We present pulse profiles in various energy bands and compare them to previous RXTE results. The NuSTAR data show pulsations above 20 keV for the first time and we report evidence that one of the pulses in the double-peaked pulse profile shifts position with energy. The pulsed fraction of the magnetar is shown to increase strongly with energy. Our spectral analysis reveals that the soft X-ray spectrum is well characterized by an absorbed double-blackbody or blackbody plus power-law model in agreement with previous reports. Our new hard X-ray data, however, suggests that an additional component, such as a power-law, is needed to describe the NuSTAR and Swift spectrum. We also fit the data with the recently developed coronal outflow model by Beloborodov for hard X-ray emission from magnetars. The outflow from a ring on the magnetar surface is statistically preferred over outflow from a polar cap.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, corresponding author, [email protected]

    NuSTAR study of Hard X-Ray Morphology and Spectroscopy of PWN G21.5-0.9

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    We present NuSTAR high energy X-ray observations of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN)/supernova remnant G21.5-0.9. We detect integrated emission from the nebula up to ~40 keV, and resolve individual spatial features over a broad X-ray band for the first time. The morphology seen by NuSTAR agrees well with that seen by XMM-Newton and Chandra below 10 keV. At high energies NuSTAR clearly detects non-thermal emission up to ~20 keV that extends along the eastern and northern rim of the supernova shell. The broadband images clearly demonstrate that X-ray emission from the North Spur and Eastern Limb results predominantly from non-thermal processes. We detect a break in the spatially integrated X-ray spectrum at ~9 keV that cannot be reproduced by current SED models, implying either a more complex electron injection spectrum or an additional process such as diffusion compared to what has been considered in previous work. We use spatially resolved maps to derive an energy-dependent cooling length scale, L(E)EmL(E) \propto E^{m} with m=0.21±0.01m = -0.21 \pm 0.01. We find this to be inconsistent with the model for the morphological evolution with energy described by Kennel & Coroniti (1984). This value, along with the observed steepening in power-law index between radio and X-ray, can be quantitatively explained as an energy-loss spectral break in the simple scaling model of Reynolds (2009), assuming particle advection dominates over diffusion. This interpretation requires a substantial departure from spherical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), magnetic-flux-conserving outflow, most plausibly in the form of turbulent magnetic-field amplification.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    NuSTAR observations of X-ray bursts from the magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937

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    We report the detection of eight bright X-ray bursts from the 6.5-s magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937, during a 2013 July observation campaign with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). We study the morphological and spectral properties of these bursts and their evolution with time. The bursts resulted in count rate increases by orders of magnitude, sometimes limited by the detector dead time, and showed blackbody spectra with kT=6-8 keV in the T90 duration of 1-4 s, similar to earlier bursts detected from the source. We find that the spectra during the tail of the bursts can be modeled with an absorbed blackbody with temperature decreasing with flux. The bursts flux decays followed a power-law of index 0.8-0.9. In the burst tail spectra, we detect a ~13 keV emission feature, similar to those reported in previous bursts from this source as well as from other magnetars observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). We explore possible origins of the spectral feature such as proton cyclotron emission, which implies a magnetic field strength of B~2X10^15 G in the emission region. However, the consistency of the energy of the feature in different objects requires further explanation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantum-Hall Quantum-Bits

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    Bilayer quantum Hall systems can form collective states in which electrons exhibit spontaneous interlayer phase coherence. We discuss the possibility of using bilayer quantum dot many-electron states with this property to create two-level systems that have potential advantages as quantum bits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, version to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications

    The smooth cyclotron line in Her X-1 as seen with NuSTAR

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    Her X-1, one of the brightest and best studied X-ray binaries, shows a cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF) near 37 keV. This makes it an ideal target for detailed study with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), taking advantage of its excellent hard X-ray spectral resolution. We observed Her X-1 three times, coordinated with Suzaku, during one of the high flux intervals of its 35d super-orbital period. This paper focuses on the shape and evolution of the hard X-ray spectrum. The broad-band spectra can be fitted with a powerlaw with a high-energy cutoff, an iron line, and a CRSF. We find that the CRSF has a very smooth and symmetric shape, in all observations and at all pulse-phases. We compare the residuals of a line with a Gaussian optical depth profile to a Lorentzian optical depth profile and find no significant differences, strongly constraining the very smooth shape of the line. Even though the line energy changes dramatically with pulse phase, we find that its smooth shape does not. Additionally, our data show that the continuum is only changing marginally between the three observations. These changes can be explained with varying amounts of Thomson scattering in the hot corona of the accretion disk. The average, luminosity-corrected CRSF energy is lower than in past observations and follows a secular decline. The excellent data quality of NuSTAR provides the best constraint on the CRSF energy to date.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Amelioration of Proteolipid Protein 139–151-Induced Encephalomyelitis in SJL Mice by Modified Amino Acid Copolymers and Their Mechanisms

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    Copolymer 1 [Cop1, glatiramer acetate, Copaxone, poly(Y,E,A,K)n] is widely used in the treatment of relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis in which it reduces the frequency of relapses by ≈30%. In the present study, copolymers with modified amino acid compositions (based on the binding motif of myelin basic protein 85–99 to HLA-DR2) have been developed with the aim of suppressing multiple sclerosis more effectively. The enhanced efficacy of these copolymers in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced in SJL/J mice with proteolipid protein 139–151 was demonstrated by using three protocols: (i) simultaneous administration of autoantigen and copolymer (termed prevention), (ii) pretreatment with copolymers (vaccination), or (iii) administration of copolymers after disease onset (treatment). Strikingly, in the treatment protocol administration of soluble VWAK and FYAK after onset of disease led to stasis of its progression and suppression of histopathological evidence of EAE. The mechanisms by which these effects are achieved have been examined in several types of assays: binding of copolymers to I-As in competition with proteolipid protein 139–151 (blocking), cytokine production by T cells (T helper 2 polarization), and transfer of protection by CD3+ splenocytes or, notably, by copolymer-specific T cell lines (induction of regulatory T cells). The generation of these copolymerspecific regulatory T cells that secrete IL-4 and IL-10 and are independent of the immunizing autoantigen is very prominent among the multiple mechanisms that account for the observed suppressive effect of copolymers in EAE

    Understanding extreme quasar optical variability with CRTS:II. Changing-state quasars

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    We present the results of a systematic search for quasars in the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey exhibiting both strong photometric and spectroscopic variability over a decadal baseline. We identify 73 sources with specific patterns of optical and mid-IR photometric behavior and a defined spectroscopic change. These "Changing-State" quasars (CSQs) form a higher luminosity sample to complement existing sets of "Changing-Look" AGN and quasars in the literature. The CSQs (by selection) exhibit larger photometric variability than the CLQs. The spectroscopic variability is marginally stronger in the CSQs than CLQs as defined by the change in Hβ\beta/[OIII] ratio. We find 36 sources with declining Hβ\beta flux, 37 sources with increasing Hβ\beta flux and discover seven sources with z>0.8z > 0.8, further extending the redshift arm. Our CSQ sample compares to the literature CLQ objects in similar distributions of Hβ\beta flux ratios and differential Eddington ratios between high (bright) and low (dim) states. Taken as a whole, we find that this population of extreme varying quasars is associated with changes in the Eddington ratio and the timescales imply cooling/heating fronts propagating through the disk.Comment: 43 pages, 22 figures, submitte