1,025 research outputs found


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    Laboratory experimentation was used to assess the impacts of information disclosure in imperfect markets. A dual oligopoly market structure was designed with contract information disclosed to subjects under three treatments: no, partial, and full disclosure. Regression analysis revealed some increase in selling price with full information disclosure, but no discernable effects on negotiated prices with partial disclosure. Alternative specifications showed large traders earning significantly lower profits, and information on large traders significantly beneficial to both buyers and sellers. Probit analysis of information selection determinants revealed no significant economic content in trader requests for information under partial disclosure.Marketing,


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    The Staggers Rail Act of 1980 granted railroads freedom to establish rates and enter into confidential contracts with grain shippers. Recent legislation (1986) required that certain contract terms be disclosed. This study shows rail rates in the Plains region commenced an upward trend after implementation of the disclosure policy. Results suggest contract disclosure and increased reliance on posted tariffs facilitated rate coordination within the oligopolistic railroad industry.Public Economics,

    A Spatial Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Bio-Fuels Energy Policy on Grain Transportation Flows

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    Traffic flows in the U.S. have been affected by the substantial increase and, as of January 2009, decrease in biofuel production and use. This paper considers a framework to study the effect on grain transportation flows of the 2005 Energy Act and subsequent legislation, which mandated higher production levels of biofuels, e.g. ethanol and biodiesels. Future research will incorporate changes due to the recent economic slowdown.ethanol, biodiesel, spatial equilibrium, quadratic programming, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    Monte-Carlo simulation modeling is used to perform a feasibility study of alternative locations for a MixAlco production facility. Net present value distributions will be ranked within feasible risk aversion boundaries. If MixAlco is a profitable investment, it would have a major impact on the fuel oxygenate and gasoline markets.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Classical, novel and atypical isoforms of PKC stimulate ANF- and TRE/AP-1-regulated-promoter activity in ventricular cardiomyocytes

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    Cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were co-transfected with expression plasmids encoding protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms from each of the PKC subfamilies (classical PKC-α, novel PKC-ε or atypical PKC-ξ) together with an atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) reporter plasmid. Each PKC had been rendered constitutively active by a single Ala→Glu mutation or a small deletion in the inhibitory pseudosubstrate site. cPKC-α, nPKC-ε or aPKC-ξ expression plasmids each stimulated ANF-promoter activity and expression of a reporter gene under the control of a 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate-response element (TRE). Upregulation of the ANF promoter is characteristic of the hypertrophic response in the heart ventricle and a TRE is present in the ANF promoter. Thus all subfamilies of PKC may have the potential to contribute to hypertrophic response in cardiomyocytes

    Loss-of-function/gain-of-function polymorphisms of the ATP sensitive P2X7R influence sepsis, septic shock, pneumonia, and survival outcomes

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    IntroductionExtracellular ATP (eATP) released from damaged cells activates the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) ion channel on the surface of surrounding cells, resulting in calcium influx, potassium efflux and inflammasome activation. Inherited changes in the P2X7R gene (P2RX7) influence eATP induced responses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of P2RX7 influence both function and signaling of the receptor, that in addition to ion flux includes pathogen control and immunity.MethodsSubjects (n = 105) were admitted to the ICU at the University Hospital Ulm, Germany between June 2018 and August 2019. Of these, subjects with a diagnosis of sepsis (n = 75), were also diagnosed with septic shock (n = 24), and/or pneumonia (n = 42). Subjects with pneumonia (n = 43) included those without sepsis (n = 1), sepsis without shock (n = 29) and pneumonia with septic shock (n = 13). Out of the 75 sepsis/septic shock patients, 33 patients were not diagnosed with pneumonia. Controls (n = 30) were recruited to the study from trauma patients and surgical patients without sepsis, septic shock, or pneumonia. SNP frequencies were determined for 16 P2RX7 SNPs known to affect P2X7R function, and association studies were performed between frequencies of these SNPs in sepsis, septic shock, and pneumonia compared to controls.ResultsThe loss-of-function (LOF) SNP rs17525809 (T253C) was found more frequently in patients with septic shock, and non-septic trauma patients when compared to sepsis. The LOF SNP rs2230911 (C1096G) was found to be more frequent in patients with sepsis and septic shock than in non-septic trauma patients. The frequencies of these SNPs were even higher in sepsis and septic patients with pneumonia. The current study also confirmed a previous study by our group that showed a five SNP combination that included the GOF SNPs rs208294 (C489T) and rs2230912 (Q460R) that was designated #21211 was associated with increased odds of survival in severe sepsis.DiscussionThe results found an association between expression of LOF P2RX7 SNPs and presentation to the ICU with sepsis, and septic shock compared to control ICU patients. Furthermore, frequencies of LOF SNPs were found to be higher in sepsis patients with pneumonia compared to those without pneumonia. In addition, a five SNP GOF combination was associated with increased odds of survival in severe sepsis. These results suggest that P2RX7 is required to control infection in pneumonia and that inheritance of LOF variants increases the risk of sepsis when associated with pneumonia. This study confirms that P2RX7 genotyping in pneumonia may identify patients at risk of developing sepsis. The study also identifies P2X7R as a target in sepsis associated with an excessive immune response in subjects with GOF SNP combinations

    Cryo-Electron Tomographic Structure of an Immunodeficiency Virus Envelope Complex In Situ

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    The envelope glycoprotein (Env) complexes of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV, respectively) mediate viral entry and are a target for neutralizing antibodies. The receptor binding surfaces of Env are in large part sterically occluded or conformationally masked prior to receptor binding. Knowledge of the unliganded, trimeric Env structure is key for an understanding of viral entry and immune escape, and for the design of vaccines to elicit neutralizing antibodies. We have used cryo-electron tomography and averaging to obtain the structure of the SIV Env complex prior to fusion. Our result reveals novel details of Env organisation, including tight interaction between monomers in the gp41 trimer, associated with a three-lobed, membrane-distal gp120 trimer. A cavity exists at the gp41–gp120 trimer interface. Our model for the spike structure agrees with previously predicted interactions between gp41 monomers, and furthers our understanding of gp120 interactions within an intact spike