2,948 research outputs found

    A concise history of the Episcopal teacher training college in Scotland

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    The history of the Episcopal Training Institution is an under researched area of teacher education in Scotland. The College was opened in Edinburgh in 1850 and initially trained male students. After 1867, the male students transferred to Durham and the College trained female students. The students were trained to teach in the Episcopal schools throughout Scotland. These schools were predominantly established for the children of the Episcopal denomination or they were mission schools that educated the poor. The College struggled to recruit sufficient numbers of students in the early twentieth century and the College closed in 1934. A very small number of Episcopal schools still exist in the twenty-first century Scotland

    Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Black Sea: a test of depth-dependent stretching models

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    Subsidence analysis of the eastern Black Sea basin suggests that the stratigraphy of this deep, extensional basin can be explained by a predominantly pure-shear stretching history. A strain-rate inversion method that assumes pure-shear extension obtains good fits between observed and predicted stratigraphy. A relatively pure-shear strain distribution is also obtained when a strain-rate inversion algorithm is applied that allows extension to vary with depth without assuming its existence or form. The timing of opening of the eastern Black Sea, which occupied a back-arc position during the closure of the Tethys Ocean, has also been a subject of intense debate; competing theories called for basin opening during the Jurassic, Cretaceous or Paleocene/Eocene. Our work suggests that extension likely continued into the early Cenozoic, in agreement with stratigraphic relationships onshore and with estimates for the timing of arc magmatism. Further basin deepening also appears to have occurred in the last 20 myr. This anomalous subsidence event is focused in the northern part of the basin and reaches its peak at 15–10 Ma. We suggest that this comparatively localized shortening is associated with the northward movement of the Arabian plate. We also explore the effects of paleowater depth and elastic thickness on the results. These parameters are controversial, particularly for deep-water basins and margins, but their estimation is a necessary step in any analysis of the tectonic subsidence record stored in stratigraphy. <br/

    Excited state baryon spectroscopy from lattice QCD

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    We present a calculation of the Nucleon and Delta excited state spectrum on dynamical anisotropic clover lattices. A method for operator construction is introduced that allows for the reliable identification of the continuum spins of baryon states, overcoming the reduced symmetry of the cubic lattice. Using this method, we are able to determine a spectrum of single-particle states for spins up to and including J = 7/2, of both parities, the first time this has been achieved in a lattice calculation. We find a spectrum of states identifiable as admixtures of SU(6) x O(3) representations and a counting of levels that is consistent with the non-relativistic qqqqqq constituent quark model. This dense spectrum is incompatible with quark-diquark model solutions to the "missing resonance problem" and shows no signs of parity doubling of states.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figure

    Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma of the maxillary sinus

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    We describe the case of a 43-year-old man who was referred to our dental school’s acute care clinic with pain and swelling of presumed dental origin in the left maxillary quadrant. Radiographic examination revealed extensive dental decay and periodontal disease. On questioning, the patient admitted to paresthesia of recent onset. Paresthesia associated with pain or swelling of the jaws is an ominous sign that should alert the clinician to the possibility of an underlying aggressive neoplasm. In this case, biopsy of the lesion confirmed that the patient had a rare malignant tumour of maxillary sinus origin,a sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma

    Students’ Acquisition of Agricultural and Entrepreneurship (Agripreneurship) Knowledge and Skills: Does Instructional Approach and their Sex Matter?

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    Agricultural and Entrepreneurship education are interdisciplinary due to amalgamating the natural sciences and social sciences. These disciplines have gained the interest of those looking to equip youth with skills for self-reliance. Teachers employ various instructional approaches, including student-centric approaches such as project-based learning (PjBL) and teacher-centric methods, for example, the lecture method, to facilitate learning. Existing research, however, suggests that students’ learning can be influenced by other factors, for example, learning styles, socio-cultural norms, sex stereotypes, and the instructional approach(es) used. We examined the impact of using the lecture method (counterfactual group) versus PjBL (treatment group) approaches on student acquisition of agricultural knowledge in the context of poultry science and their intentions to become agripreneurs. A statistically significant disordinal interaction with a medium effect size was found at p \u3c .05 between groups and student sex for poultry science knowledge. The female students performed better under the PjBL, while the males did so under lecture-based instruction. We also found a statistically significant and positive (p \u3c .05) association between students’ sex and their intent to become agripreneurs for the treatment group. More female students than males in the treatment group indicated they were either likely or highly likely to become agripreneurs in the future. These findings imply that females in the treatment group benefited more from the intervention, PjBL, than their male peers. Additional research should be conducted to measure the long-term impact of using various teaching approaches on students’ learning of agriculture and entrepreneurship content depending on their sex

    Still\u27s Disease in Adults

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    In 1897, Dr. George F. Still described 22 children with a form of chronic joint disease which differed from rheumatic fever. Twelve of these children had a syndrome characterized by glandular and splenic enlargement which, with a characteristic fever pattern, rash, and arthritis, has become known as Still\u27s disease. Subsequent investigators have described patients over age 16 presenting with similar signs and symptoms suggesting that this syndrome is not specific for children. We recently studied a patient in whom the diagnosis of adult onset Still\u27s disease was made

    A lower limb assessment tool for athletes at risk of developing patellar tendinopathy

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    Achilles tendinopathy is a common injury in running sports however the exact etiology of Achilles injury is still unclear. In recent years, altered neuromotor recruitment patterns of the triceps surae have been hypothesized to create differential intra-tendinous loads leading to pathology; however, this hypothesis has not been investigated. Further, the effect foot orthoses may have on neuromotor recruitment of the triceps surae in Achilles tendinopathy has not been investigated. Methods: The electromyographic activity of the triceps surae was recorded during an over-ground running task. Fifteen Achilles injured participants and 19 asymptomatic controls were assessed in a footwear only condition. The Achilles injured participants were also assessed running in a pre-fabricated foot orthoses. Results: In Achilles injured participants, there was a significant difference between soleus and lateral gastrocnemius offset times during running compared to the asymptomatic controls (p \u3c 0.05). There were no significant differences in triceps surae muscle activity between the footwear only and footwear and orthoses condition in the Achilles injured participants. Conclusions: The finding that triceps surae activity is altered in participants with Achilles tendinopathy may have clinical importance as it suggests that intra-tendinous loads are altered which may contribute to pathological changes. Further, foot orthoses have no immediate effect on the neuromotor control of the triceps surae

    An integral investigation into the phenomenology and neurophysiology of Christian Trinity meditation

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    This integral investigation explored phenomenological and neurophysiologic, individual and collective dimensions of Christian Trinitarian meditation experiences in a volunteer, convenience sample of 10 practicing Christians, 6 men and 4 women, with a mean age of 48 years and an age range from 21 to 85 years. Participants meditated for a minimum period of 15 minutes, during which neurophysiologic data in the form of electroencephalographic (EEG), electromyographic (EMG), blood volume pulse (BVP) and respiratory activity were recorded. A phenomenological analysis indicated that the meditation process generally involved a movement from body to mind to spirit as evident in reports of an increasingly relaxed, contented and focused state of consciousness characterised by Christian Trinitarian imagery, wonder, surrender, peace, bliss, openness and formlessness. The neuropsychological findings indicated significant increases, from baseline to meditation recordings, in the alpha and beta range, accompanied by increasing mean trends in the theta and gamma range, and decreasing mean trends in the delta range, EMG, BVP and respiration. Integrative findings indicated the practical theological value of small doses of Christian Trinity meditation to enhance spiritual life for those forms of waking, thinking, conscious behaviour needed in everyday world involvement and healing. Findings were discussed in relation to further integrative investigations and interventions with practical theological implications

    An empirical and experiential investigation into the contemplation of joy

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    The research was generally motivated by a dearth of studies on joy, and particularly inspired by a book of joy celebrating the inter-spiritual dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. Its aim was to investigate whether the direct contemplation of joy would be associated with improvements in psychophysiological coherence, spirituality and various positive emotions and feelings. Integrative quantitative and qualitative findings emerging from a small pilot study, including a convenience sample of six participants with a mean age of 42 years and age range of 25–69 years, supported the research hypothesis. Significant quantitative increases in psychophysiological coherence, spirituality and positive feelings were coherently and consistently supported by participants’ individual and collective experiences. Integrative discussion amplified the paradoxical theme of joy through suffering in human emotional and spiritual life
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