151 research outputs found

    Pepducins as a potential treatment strategy for asthma and COPD.

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    Current therapies to treat asthma and other airway diseases primarily include anti-inflammatory agents and bronchodilators. Anti-inflammatory agents target trafficking and resident immunocytes and structural cells, while bronchodilators act to prevent or reverse shortening of airway smooth muscle (ASM), the pivotal tissue regulating bronchomotor tone. Advances in our understanding of the biology of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and biased agonism offers unique opportunities to modulate GPCR function that include the use of pepducins and allosteric modulators. Recent evidence suggests that small molecule inhibitors of GÎą q as well as pepducins targeting G q -coupled receptors can broadly inhibit contractile agonist-induced ASM function. Given these advances, new therapeutic approaches can be leveraged to diminish the global rise in morbidity and mortality associated with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Biased TAS2R Bronchodilators Inhibit Airway Smooth Muscle Growth by Downregulating pERK1/2

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    Bitter taste receptor (TAS2R) agonists dilate airways by receptor-dependent smooth muscle relaxation. Besides coupling to relaxation, we have found that human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cell TAS2Rs activate (phosphorylate) ERK1/2, but the cellular effects are not known. Here we show in HASM cells that TAS2R agonists initially stimulate pERK1/2, but by 24 hrs cause a marked (50-70%) downregulation of pERK1/2 without a change in total ERK1/2. It was hypothesized that TAS2R agonists suppress cell growth through this pERK1/2 downregulation. Agonist-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation was indeed found in HASM cells derived from normal and asthmatic human lungs, as well as an immortalized HASM cell line. pERK1/2 downregulation was linked to downregulation of the upstream kinase MEK1/2. Various structurally diverse TAS2R agonists evoked a range of inhibition of HASM proliferation, the magnitude of which directly correlated with the downregulation of pERK1/2 (R2 = 0.86). Some TAS2R agonists were as effective in suppressing growth as pharmacological inhibitors of Raf1 and MEK1/2. siRNA silencing of TAS2Rs (subtypes 10, 14, 31) ablated the pERK1/2 and growth inhibiting effects of TAS2R agonists. These phenotypes were attenuated by inhibiting the TAS2R G-protein Gι, and by knocking-down β-arrestin1/2, indicating a dual pathway, although there may be additional mechanisms involved in this HASM TAS2R multidimensional signaling. Thus TAS2R agonist structure can be manipulated to maintain the relaxation response, and be biased towards suppression of HASM growth. The latter response is of potential therapeutic benefit in asthma, where an increase in smooth muscle mass contributes to airway obstruction

    Common ADRB2 Haplotypes Derived from 26 Polymorphic Sites Direct β2-Adrenergic Receptor Expression and Regulation Phenotypes

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    The beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) is expressed on numerous cell-types including airway smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Drugs (agonists or antagonists) acting at these receptors for treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart failure show substantial interindividual variability in response. The ADRB2 gene is polymorphic in noncoding and coding regions, but virtually all ADRB2 association studies have utilized the two common nonsynonymous coding SNPs, often reaching discrepant conclusions.We constructed the 8 common ADRB2 haplotypes derived from 26 polymorphisms in the promoter, 5'UTR, coding, and 3'UTR of the intronless ADRB2 gene. These were cloned into an expression construct lacking a vector-based promoter, so that beta2AR expression was driven by its promoter, and steady state expression could be modified by polymorphisms throughout ADRB2 within a haplotype. "Whole-gene" transfections were performed with COS-7 cells and revealed 4 haplotypes with increased cell surface beta2AR protein expression compared to the others. Agonist-promoted downregulation of beta2AR protein expression was also haplotype-dependent, and was found to be increased for 2 haplotypes. A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was derived and annotated by cellular phenotypes, revealing a pattern potentially driven by expression.Thus for obstructive lung disease, the initial bronchodilator response from intermittent administration of beta-agonist may be influenced by certain beta2AR haplotypes (expression phenotypes), while other haplotypes may influence tachyphylaxis during the response to chronic therapy (downregulation phenotypes). An ideal clinical outcome of high expression and less downregulation was found for two haplotypes. Haplotypes may also affect heart failure antagonist therapy, where beta2AR increase inotropy and are anti-apoptotic. The haplotype-specific expression and regulation phenotypes found in this transfection-based system suggest that the density of genetic information in the form of these haplotypes, or haplotype-clusters with similar phenotypes can potentially provide greater discrimination of phenotype in human disease and pharmacogenomic association studies

    Biased TAS2R Bronchodilators Inhibit Airway Smooth Muscle Growth by Downregulating Phosphorylated Extracellular Signal–regulated Kinase 1/2

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    Bitter taste receptor (TAS2R) agonists dilate airways by receptor-dependent smooth muscle relaxation. Besides their coupling to relaxation, we have found that human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cell TAS2Rs activate (phosphorylate) extracellular signal–related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), but the cellular effects are not known. In the present study, we show in HASM cells that TAS2R agonists initially stimulate phosphorylated ERK1/2 (pERK1/2) but by 24 hours cause a marked (50–70%) downregulation of pERK1/2 without a change in total ERK1/2. It was hypothesized that TAS2R agonists suppress cell growth through this pERK1/2 downregulation. Agonist-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation was indeed found in HASM cells derived from normal and asthmatic human lungs, as well as in an immortalized HASM cell line. pERK1/2 downregulation was linked to downregulation of the upstream kinase MEK1/2 (mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal–regulated kinase). Various structurally diverse TAS2R agonists evoked a range of inhibition of HASM proliferation, the magnitude of which directly correlated with the downregulation of pERK1/2 (R^2 = 0.86). Some TAS2R agonists were as effective as pharmacological inhibitors of Raf1 and MEK1/2 in suppressing growth. siRNA silencing of TAS2Rs (subtypes 10, 14, and 31) ablated the pERK1/2 and growth-inhibitory effects of TAS2R agonists. These phenotypes were attenuated by inhibiting the TAS2R G protein G_(αi) and by knocking down β-arrestin 1/2, indicating a dual pathway, although there may be additional mechanisms involved in this HASM TAS2R multidimensional signaling. Thus, TAS2R agonist structure can be manipulated to maintain the relaxation response and can be biased toward suppression of HASM growth. The latter response is of potential therapeutic benefit in asthma, in which an increase in smooth muscle mass contributes to airway obstruction

    Multiple interactions between the alpha2C- and beta1-adrenergic receptors influence heart failure survival

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Persistent stimulation of cardiac β<sub>1</sub>-adrenergic receptors by endogenous norepinephrine promotes heart failure progression. Polymorphisms of this gene are known to alter receptor function or expression, as are polymorphisms of the ι<sub>2C</sub>-adrenergic receptor, which regulates norepinephrine release from cardiac presynaptic nerves. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible synergistic effects of polymorphisms of these two intronless genes (<it>ADRB1 </it>and <it>ADRA2C</it>, respectively) on the risk of death/transplant in heart failure patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixteen sequence variations in <it>ADRA2C </it>and 17 sequence variations in <it>ADRB1 </it>were genotyped in a longitudinal study of 655 white heart failure patients. Eleven sequence variations in each gene were polymorphic in the heart failure cohort. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to identify polymorphisms and potential intra- or intergenic interactions that influenced risk of death or cardiac transplant. A leave-one-out cross-validation method was utilized for internal validation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three polymorphisms in <it>ADRA2C </it>and five polymorphisms in <it>ADRB1 </it>were involved in eight cross-validated epistatic interactions identifying several two-locus genotype classes with significant relative risks ranging from 3.02 to 9.23. There was no evidence of intragenic epistasis. Combining high risk genotype classes across epistatic pairs to take into account linkage disequilibrium, the relative risk of death or transplant was 3.35 (1.82, 6.18) relative to all other genotype classes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Multiple polymorphisms act synergistically between the <it>ADRA2C </it>and <it>ADRB1 </it>genes to increase risk of death or cardiac transplant in heart failure patients.</p

    The odorant receptor OR2W3 on airway smooth muscle evokes bronchodilation via a cooperative chemosensory tradeoff between TMEM16A and CFTR.

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    The recent discovery of sensory (tastant and odorant) G protein-coupled receptors on the smooth muscle of human bronchi suggests unappreciated therapeutic targets in the management of obstructive lung diseases. Here we have characterized the effects of a wide range of volatile odorants on the contractile state of airway smooth muscle (ASM) and uncovered a complex mechanism of odorant-evoked signaling properties that regulate excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in human ASM cells. Initial studies established multiple odorous molecules capable of increasing intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in ASM cells, some of which were (paradoxically) associated with ASM relaxation. Subsequent studies showed a terpenoid molecule (nerol)-stimulated OR2W3 caused increases in [Ca2+]i and relaxation of ASM cells. Of note, OR2W3-evoked [Ca2+]i mobilization and ASM relaxation required Ca2+ flux through the store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) pathway and accompanied plasma membrane depolarization. This chemosensory odorant receptor response was not mediated by adenylyl cyclase (AC)/cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels or by protein kinase A (PKA) activity. Instead, ASM olfactory responses to the monoterpene nerol were predominated by the activity of Ca2+-activated chloride channels (TMEM16A), including the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expressed on endo(sarco)plasmic reticulum. These findings demonstrate compartmentalization of Ca2+ signals dictates the odorant receptor OR2W3-induced ASM relaxation and identify a previously unrecognized E-C coupling mechanism that could be exploited in the development of therapeutics to treat obstructive lung diseases

    What Ecological Factors Shape Species-Area Curves in Neutral Models?

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    Understanding factors that shape biodiversity and species coexistence across scales is of utmost importance in ecology, both theoretically and for conservation policies. Species-area relationships (SARs), measuring how the number of observed species increases upon enlarging the sampled area, constitute a convenient tool for quantifying the spatial structure of biodiversity. While general features of species-area curves are quite universal across ecosystems, some quantitative aspects can change significantly. Several attempts have been made to link these variations to ecological forces. Within the framework of spatially explicit neutral models, here we scrutinize the effect of varying the local population size (i.e. the number of individuals per site) and the level of habitat saturation (allowing for empty sites). We conclude that species-area curves become shallower when the local population size increases, while habitat saturation, unless strongly violated, plays a marginal role. Our findings provide a plausible explanation of why SARs for microorganisms are flatter than those for larger organisms

    Sequencing of Culex quinquefasciatus establishes a platform for mosquito comparative genomics

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    Culex quinquefasciatus (the southern house mosquito) is an important mosquito vector of viruses such as West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus, as well as of nematodes that cause lymphatic filariasis. C. quinquefasciatus is one species within the Culex pipiens species complex and can be found throughout tropical and temperate climates of the world. The ability of C. quinquefasciatus to take blood meals from birds, livestock, and humans contributes to its ability to vector pathogens between species. Here, we describe the genomic sequence of C. quinquefasciatus: Its repertoire of 18,883 protein-coding genes is 22% larger than that of Aedes aegypti and 52% larger than that of Anopheles gambiae with multiple gene-family expansions, including olfactory and gustatory receptors, salivary gland genes, and genes associated with xenobiotic detoxification
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