6 research outputs found

    Patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis exhibit reduced production of Th17-associated cytokines IL-17 and IL-22

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) constitutes a selective inability to clear infection with the yeast Candida, resulting in persistent debilitating inflammation of skin, nails, and mucous membranes. The underlying defect is unknown. Only recently, IL-17-producing T cells have been reported to be involved in clearing Candida infections. In order to characterize T cellular immune response to Candida, we analyzed T-cell cytokine secretion to Candida antigen and mitogenic stimuli in CMC patients, immunocompetent patients suffering from acute Candida infection, and healthy volunteers. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from CMC patients produced significantly lower amounts of IL-17 and IL-22 mRNA and protein when stimulated with Candida albicans or mitogen in vitro compared with that in matched healthy individuals. Additionally, PBMCs from immunocompetent Candida-infected patients secreted more IL-17 and IL-22 than those of both CMC patients and healthy, non-infected controls. Flow cytometry revealed a decreased number of CCR6+ IL-17-producing T cells in CMC patients, whereas the amount of CCR6+/CCR4+ cells was not altered. Levels of differentiating cytokines for human Th17 cells, IL-1β and IL-6, tended to be higher in CMC patients. The inability to clear C. albicans in CMC patients could be due to a defect in the immune response of IL-17-producing T cells

    Altered, but not diminished specific T cell response in chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis patients

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    Patients suffering from chronic mucocutaneous infections with the yeast Candida albicans (CMC) are discussed to have an underlying primary cellular immunodeficiency. In order to characterise cellular immunity in CMC patients, we analysed chemotaxis and myeloperoxidase (MPO) releases of neutrophils and T cell proliferation and cytokine production to Candida albicans. Patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (n = 4) and healthy volunteers of same sex and similar age (n = 14) were enrolled into the study. Neutrophil chemotaxis was assessed by transwell migration assay, and MPO release by ELISA. T cell proliferation capacity was investigated by thymidine incorporation and cytokine secretion in supernatants by ELISA. Neither neutrophil migration nor MPO release differed between CMC patients and healthy controls. The relative lymphocyte stimulation index (SI Candida/SI PHA) was heterogenous, but overall it was higher in CMC patients compared to controls. However, Candida-specific IFN-gamma production was significantly reduced in CMC patients. Notably, Candida-specific T cell IL-10 production was markedly higher in CMC patients. The inability to clear the yeast Candida albicans in our CMC patients does not seem to be due to an impaired neutrophil function or reduced antigen specific proliferation of lymphocytes. In fact, our patients tended to proliferate stronger to Candida antigen relative to PHA than healthy controls. However, the impaired Th1 cytokine production with an enhanced IL-10 production could play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic mucocutaneous Candida infections

    Immediate-Type Respiratory Allergy to Millet-Containing Seed Mixture of Bird Food

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    A 21-year-old patient experienced asthmatic attacks when cleaning the cage of his budgerigar. Skin tests and radioallergosorbent test were positive to grass pollen and negative for budgerigar feathers and feces. When the food of the bird, a mixture of grain, was tested, a positive reaction to millet was found. Nasal provocation test with millet was positive. Specific immunoglobulin E antibodies against millet were detected in the radioallergosorbent test and in immunoblot analysis. The immunoblot showed specific immunoglobulin E antibodies against a 60-kd protein in millet of birdseed and against a 60-and 36-kd protein in common millet. Immediate-type allergy to millet is rare and occurs mostly as anaphylactic reaction after ingestion of millet but may also occur as asthmatic attack after inhalation of millet. Keywords: bronchial asthma, type I allergy, millet, bird foo