7 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Data Bibit pada Balai Penyuluhanpertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan (Bp3k) Kec. Sitinjau Laut

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    BP3K kecamatan setinjau laut merupakan badan unit daerah yang fokus di bidangpenyulahan, pertanian perikanan dan kehutanan. “Dalam melakukan pengolahandata BP3K masih menggunakan penginputan data ke dalam buku besar dan belummemiliki suatu sistem penyimpanan data secara komputerisasi yang mampumengedit atau mengolah kembali data yang di simpan sehingga sering mengalamiketerlambatan dan kesalahan dalam pencarian data dan penyajian resi/laporan”.Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas maka diusulkan penerapan program aplikasiyang dikembangkan menjadi sebuah program aplikasi dengan bahasapemrograman dan terintegrasi dengan database. Hasil yang dicapai yaituberupa sebuah rancangan sistem informasi terkomputerisasi berbasis databaseyang dapat memudahkan pihak BP3K dalam mengolah data khususnya masalahbibit masuk atau penyaluran bibit dan memberikan laporan secaracepat dan tepat waktu. Dengandibangunnya aplikasi berbasis komputer ini, diharapkan semua kendala yang adadapat teratasi dengan baik sehingga terwujud sistem yang efektif dan efisien

    Blockchain-based diploma information system development

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    A diploma is a document of recognition of learning achievement from a level of education obtained after completing the study period after passing the final exam. The importance of the certificates' existence for working purposes has resulted in the proliferation of making and using fake certificates for various purposes such as applying for jobs, fulfilling the requirements to become members of the legislature, etc. The Diploma Information System using blockchain-based distributed computing can be one way to maintain the diploma's authenticity and validity. This study uses the waterfall method with several applications, ethereum remix ideas, ganache, and metamask, aiming to develop blockchain-based diploma information on STMIK Indonesia Padang by utilizing blockchain technology.A diploma is a document of recognition of learning achievement from a level of education obtained after completing the study period after passing the final exam. The importance of the certificates' existence for working purposes has resulted in the proliferation of making and using fake certificates for various purposes such as applying for jobs, fulfilling the requirements to become members of the legislature, etc. The Diploma Information System using blockchain-based distributed computing can be one way to maintain the diploma's authenticity and validity. This study uses the waterfall method with several applications, ethereum remix ideas, ganache, and metamask, aiming to develop blockchain-based diploma information on STMIK Indonesia Padang by utilizing blockchain technology

    Comparative study of the physical and tensile properties of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) starch film prepared using three different methods

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    The objective of this work is to study the physical and tensile properties of jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) starch film prepared using three different methods. First, a film is prepared from starch granules after sifting using a sieve shaker. A second film is prepared from starch granules after ultra-sonication. Another film is made by sonicating the starch gel. Ultrasonication is performed using an ultrasonic probe. These three different methods have a significant effect on the properties of the film (p 0.05). The film from the starch granules after sifting using 63μm mesh size and ultrasonication (labeled as S-63U film) shows the optimum properties. Opacity for S-63U film is almost half (48.6%) that of the equivalent non-sonicated film. S-63U film has the highest tensile strength (3.1 MPa), the lowest moisture absorption (18% after 8 h in a humid chamber) and water vapor permeability. FESEM morphology of the fracture surface of the sonicated film display a more homogeneous structure compared to films without ultrasonicatio

    Development Of Resource Sharing E-Magazine At SMKN 3 Payakumbuh Using PHP Programming Language

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    The school magazine at SMK N 3 Payakumbuh still a print magazine that is affixed to wall and less attractive to students. The existence of online media such as e-Magazine as a resource sharing and substitute for print magazine are expected to disseminate information up to date is also made more attractive and spread information quickly without having to look directly magazine that there was a wall at school. Based on these problems then do a needs assessment to collect data as well as interviews, ADDIE methodology used. It can be concluded that it has succeeded in making e-Magazine on SMK 3 Payakumbuh. The goal is to enhance the reader's interest in school magazine and can help provide solutions in development of school magazines. With eMagazine of school easier to disseminate new information about school


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    Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to work with spatially-referenced data or geographic coordinates. According to data owned by Traffic Directorate of West Sumatra Police, the number of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra is 48 points. This leads to the need for a Geographic Information System of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra based on the web to describe the map of vulnerable area locations along with the information needed. Geographic Information System Application of Web-Based Accident Complex, with programming languages (JavaScript and PHP), MySQL as database and Google Maps API. The result of this research is the creation of a web-based GIS application that can present information about the location of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra in detail and can be accessed easily be used people

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Titik Rawan Kecelakaan Daerah Sumatera Barat Berbasis Web

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to work with spatially-referenced data or geographic coordinates. According to data owned by Traffic Directorate of West Sumatra Police, the number of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra is 48 points. This leads to the need for a Geographic Information System of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra based on the web to describe the map of vulnerable area locations along with the information needed. Geographic Information System Application of Web-Based Accident Complex, with programming languages (JavaScript and PHP), MySQL as database and Google Maps API. The result of this research is the creation of a web-based GIS application that can present information about the location of accident-prone areas in West Sumatra in detail and can be accessed easily be used people