20 research outputs found

    Solar axion search with the CAST experiment

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    Şenel Boydağ, Fatma (Dogus Author), Çetin, Serkant Ali (Dogus Author), Hikmet, İskender (Dogus Author) -- Proceedings of the 34th International Conference in High Energy Physics : (ICHEP08) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 29 - August 5, 2008.The CAST (CERN Axion Solar Telescope) experiment is searching for solar axions by their conversion into photons inside the magnet pipe of an LHC dipole. The analysis of the data recorded during the first phase of the experiment with vacuum in the magnet pipes has resulted in the most restrictive experimental limit on the coupling constant of axions to photons. In the second phase, CAST is operating with a buffer gas inside the magnet pipes in order to extent the sensitivity of the experiment to higher axion masses. We will present the first results on the 4He data taking as well as the system upgrades that have been operated in the last year in order to adapt the experiment for the 3He data taking. Expected sensitivities on the coupling constant of axions to photons will be given for the recent 3He run just started in March 2008


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    The article presents the results of a comparative study of the effect of adjuvant radiotherapy on the survival to biochemical recurrence (BCR) in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP) of prostate cancer (PCa) depending on preand post-operative prognosis factors. Adjuvant radiation therapy following prostatectomy in a total focal dose of 60 Gy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer (pT3a-b) or the localized process with positive surgical margins (rT2R1) and highly differentiated adenocarcinoma (Gleason score equal to 6 or less) according to a postoperative morphological examination significantly increases a 5-year survival to BCR by 25.7 % (p = 0.047) compared to observation. Работа посвящена результатам сравнительного исследования по изучению влияния адъювантной лучевой терапии на выживаемость до биохимического рецидива (БхР) у пациентов, перенесших радикальную простатэктомию (РПЭ) по поводу рака предстательной железы (РПЖ), в зависимости от пред- и послеоперационных факторов прогноза. Проведение адъювантной лучевой терапии после РПЭ в суммарной очаговой дозе 60 Гр у пациентов с местно-распространенным РПЖ (pT3a-b) или локализованным процессом после нерадикально хирургического вмешательства (рТ2R1) и высокодифференцированной аденокарциномой (сумма Глисона 6 и менее) по данным послеоперационного морфологического исследования позволяет статистически значимо на 25,7 % повысить 5-летний показатель выживаемости до БхР (р = 0,047) по сравнению с наблюдением.

    Methods of digital holography

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    Managing in a crisis: Planning, acting, and learning

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    Molecular modeling of immersion optical clearing of biological tissues

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    The interaction of six low-molecular tissue-clearing agents (1,2 and 1,3-propanediol, ethylene glycol, glycerol, xylitol, sorbitol) with the collagen mimetic peptide (GPH)3 was studied by applying the methods of classical molecular dynamics (GROMACS), molecular docking (AutoDock Vina) and quantum chemistry (PM6 and B3LYP). The spatial configurations of intermolecular complexes were determined and interaction energies calculated. The dependence of the volume occupied by the collagen peptide on the clearing agent concentration in an aqueous solution was calculated. This dependence is not linear, and has a maximum for almost all the agents in the study. The correlations between the optical clearing potential and intermolecular interactions parameters, such as the time of an agent being in a hydrogen-bonded state, and the relative probability of formation of double hydrogen bonds and interaction energies, were determined. Using the correlations determined, we predicted the numeric value of the optical clearing potential of dextrose molecules in rat skin, which correlates with experimental data. A molecular mechanism of tissue optical clearing within the post-diffusion stage is suggested

    Molecular modeling of immersion optical clearing of biological tissues

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    The interaction of six low-molecular tissue-clearing agents (1,2 and 1,3-propanediol, ethylene glycol, glycerol, xylitol, sorbitol) with the collagen mimetic peptide (GPH)3 was studied by applying the methods of classical molecular dynamics (GROMACS), molecular docking (AutoDock Vina) and quantum chemistry (PM6 and B3LYP). The spatial configurations of intermolecular complexes were determined and interaction energies calculated. The dependence of the volume occupied by the collagen peptide on the clearing agent concentration in an aqueous solution was calculated. This dependence is not linear, and has a maximum for almost all the agents in the study. The correlations between the optical clearing potential and intermolecular interactions parameters, such as the time of an agent being in a hydrogen-bonded state, and the relative probability of formation of double hydrogen bonds and interaction energies, were determined. Using the correlations determined, we predicted the numeric value of the optical clearing potential of dextrose molecules in rat skin, which correlates with experimental data. A molecular mechanism of tissue optical clearing within the post-diffusion stage is suggested