1,059 research outputs found

    До проблеми термінологічної норми

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    У статті висвітлено поняття термінологічної норми, проаналізовано особливості норм сучасних українських терміносистем, окреслено варіантність норм термінолексем, названі причини їхнього порушення, охарактеризовано джерела, шляхи і способи кодифікації. (The article clarifies the notion of terminological standards, analyzed the features of the norms of the modern Ukrainian terminology systems, outlines the variation of terms, called the reason of their violation, characterized sources, the ways of and means of codification.


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    A growing number of financial institutions are unable to raise the required amount of equity and have to raise their own funds by means of public mezzanine. If these problems continue, the role of hybrids may become more significant, as they may be considered as a replacement of common equity for the purpose of counter-cyclical buffers, capital surcharges and so on. Thus, the importance of mezzanine capital for the financial system is already established and has a potential for further growth, while regulatory aspects and risk assessment of these relatively new instruments remain unsolved. In the article, the author analyses key regulatory concerns of Basel Accords in regards to mezzanine instruments, assesses the methodology of rating agencies to evaluate the risks incorporated in hybrid securities and compares the risk profiles of traditional convertible and recently developed contingent convertible bonds. The results articulate that measures applied by both Basel Committee members and rating agencies (Fitch, Moody’s, etc.) are not sufficient to manage risks incorporated in hybrid securities. The latter may contribute to the growth of financial failures we have observed in recent years.Растущее число финансовых учреждений, не способных привлечь необходимое количество акционерного капитала, вынуждены привлекать средства через инструменты мезонинного финансирования. Если данные трудности продолжатся, то роль гибридных ценных бумаг может стать более существенной, так как их можно будет рассматривать в качестве замены обычным акциям в целях контрциклического буфера капитала, удовлетворению дополнительных требований увеличения капитала и т.д. Таким образом, важность мезонинного финансирования как для банковского сектора, так и прочих отраслей экономики очевидна и имеет потенциал для дальнейшего роста, однако нормативные аспекты и риски новых инструментов остаются до конца не исследованными. С этим связан интерес к такому методу финансирования участников российского финансового рынка, а задача обеспечения приемлемости уровня риска, передаваемого инвестору при структурировании мезонинного финансирования, в условиях кризиса приобретает особую остроту. В статье автор анализирует ключевые аспекты Базельских соглашений в отношении регулирования инструментов мезонинного финансирования, методологию рейтинговых агентств по оценке гибридных ценных бумаг и изучает влияние механизма конвертации на уровень риска гибридных ценных бумаг

    Regional Control Over Compliance with the Requirements of the Legislation of the Russian Federation in the Field of Children’s Recreation and Health

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    This article discusses issues related to the emergence of a new type of control from January 1, 2017, namely, regional control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organization of recreation and rehabilitation of children. The subjects of control are identified. It is noted that the lack of a clear wording of the subject of control impedes the effective implementation of the activities of its entities and creates the possibility of double control of children's recreation organizations and their recovery by officials of various public authorities. The author formulated a proposal to eliminate a gap in the legislation related to the absence of a Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offense, which provides for administrative liability for violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organization of recreation and recreation for children

    Effect of chemically active medium on frequency dependence of magnetic losses in soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys

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    The effects of the electrolytic hydrogenation and oxidation and of the interaction of the surface ribbon with water and vapor on the frequency dependence of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle are studied based on the example of soft magnetic Fe81B13Si 4C2 amorphous alloy, which exhibits a positive saturation magnetostriction. It was shown that, after the hydrogenation and oxidation of soft magnetic amorphous alloys, their frequency dependences of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle, which are reduced to unit induction, exhibit groups of hydrogen- and oxygen-related peaks in the frequency ranges of 35-55 and 55-80 Hz, which can be explained by the formation of O-A and H-A atomic pairs (where A are atoms of alloy components) and their reorientation in a magnetic field in the course of magnetization reversal at certain frequencies. The formation of analogous groups of peaks for samples of soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys was observed after the interaction of the ribbon surface with water and vapor and after heat treatment in air. This fact confirms the possibility of the hydrogenation and oxidation of the alloys during the aforementioned processes. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Variation in guided streamer propagation along a DBD plasma jet by tailoring the applied voltage waveform

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    Experimental data on the evolution of a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet driven by two different voltage waveforms are presented. The characteristics of directed ionization waves (guided streamers) were compared for a sinusoidal voltage waveform with a frequency of 52 kHz and a voltage waveform that was formed via the superposition of 41.6 kHz bipolar square pulses and 300 kHz oscillations. With the sinusoidal voltage, two consecutive ionization waves were observed. With a special tailoring voltage, control of the guided streamer propagation in a stepwise mode was achieved. The observed second streamer and the second step of propagation could be regarded as a secondary ionization wave for both voltages. A change in the voltage waveform led to significant variations in the secondary ionization wave formation and streamer parameters. The voltage waveform enabled the number of ionization waves and their propagation to change, which provided the possibility of controlling the plasma parameters of the jet