10 research outputs found

    Pathway and gene-set activation measurement from mRNA expression data: the tissue distribution of human pathways

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    BACKGROUND: Interpretation of lists of genes or proteins with altered expression is a critical and time-consuming part of microarray and proteomics research, but relatively little attention has been paid to methods for extracting biological meaning from these output lists. One powerful approach is to examine the expression of predefined biological pathways and gene sets, such as metabolic and signaling pathways and macromolecular complexes. Although many methods for measuring pathway expression have been proposed, a systematic analysis of the performance of multiple methods over multiple independent data sets has not previously been reported. RESULTS: Five different measures of pathway expression were compared in an analysis of nine publicly available mRNA expression data sets. The relative sensitivity of the metrics varied greatly across data sets, and the biological pathways identified for each data set are also dependent on the choice of pathway activation metric. In addition, we show that removing incoherent pathways prior to analysis improves specificity. Finally, we create and analyze a public map of pathway expression in human tissues by gene-set analysis of a large compendium of human expression data. CONCLUSION: We show that both the detection sensitivity and identity of pathways significantly perturbed in a microarray experiment are highly dependent on the analysis methods used and how incoherent pathways are treated. Analysts should thus consider using multiple approaches to test the robustness of their biological interpretations. We also provide a comprehensive picture of the tissue distribution of human gene pathways and a useful public archive of human pathway expression data

    Genes related to emphysema are enriched for ubiquitination pathways

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    BACKGROUND: Increased small airway resistance and decreased lung elasticity contribute to the airflow limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The lesion that corresponds to loss of lung elasticity is emphysema; the small airway obstruction is due to inflammatory narrowing and obliteration. Despite their convergence in altered physiology, different mechanisms contribute to these processes. The relationships between gene expression and these specific phenotypes may be more revealing than comparison with lung function. METHODS: We measured the ratio of alveolar surface area to lung volume (SA/V) in lung tissue from 43 smokers. Two samples from 21 subjects, in which SA/V differed by >49 cm(2)/mL were profiled to select genes whose expression correlated with SA/V. Significant genes were tested for replication in the 22 remaining subjects. RESULTS: The level of expression of 181 transcripts was related to SA/V ( p < 0.05). When these genes were tested in the 22 remaining subjects as a replication, thirty of the 181 genes remained significantly associated with SA/V (P < 0.05) and the direction of association was the same in 164/181. Pathway and network analysis revealed enrichment of genes involved in protein ubiquitination, and western blotting showed altered expression of genes involved in protein ubiquitination in obstructed individuals. CONCLUSION: This study implicates modified protein ubiquitination and degradation as a potentially important pathway in the pathogenesis of emphysema. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2466-14-187) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users