498 research outputs found

    The Doctor and the Charlatan

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    We all know, in fact we are sure, that our medical practices are very different from those in the times of Molière or of Louis XVI. In one way or another medicine has today become ‘modern’ in the same way as the whole set of knowledges and practices that call themselves rational. This is obvious, but I would like to interrogate this obviousness. Not to debunk it so as to show that beyond these appearances nothing has changed, but in order to focus in a slightly clearer way on ‘what’ has changed. To be even more precise, I would like to focus on ‘what’ has changed for the doctor, the one who practises medicine

    Wondering About Materialism: Diderot’s Egg

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    The cosmopolitical proposal

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    Identités, appartenances, transmission (un parcours philosophique avec l'ethnopsychiatrie)

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    Cette recherche est le récit, à vocation conceptuelle, d une rencontre rencontre de la philosophie avec l ethnopsychiatrie, pratique clinique destinée à la prise en charge psychothérapeutique des patients migrants. Elle s est déroulée au centre Georges Devereux dont l équipe a accueilli l auteure pendant deux ans. Rencontrer l autre n est jamais indifférent, cela fait quelque chose: à celui ou celle qui rencontre, à sa pensée et à l héritage qui est le sien. La question principale est donc celle-ci: qu est-ce que cela fait à la pensée philosophique et à celle qui ici la représente de rencontrer l ethnopsychiatrie et les mondes qu elle convoque? Cela implique une double exigence: décrire les transformations que subissent, dans la rencontre, des notions comme celles d identité , de personne ou de relation , mais aussi de collectif , de croyance et de transmission , tout en montrant en quoi le récit de ces transformations n équivaut pas à une enquête introspective et à sa restitution subjective. La transformation principale réside dans le passage d une pensée générale à un autre régime de pensée (qualifié de générique 1) qu il s agit de caractériser dans la mesure où la pratique clinique, en particulier dans le contexte de multiplicité qu imposent les passages entre les mondes, semble le supposer. Dans le cadre thérapeutique d une contrainte à la transformation en effet, les paroles, actes et gestes doivent prendre une consistance propre afin d être opérants. Cette consistance clinique et le plan de pensée qui l accompagne sont ce dont ce travail propose de dessiner les principaux traits: immanence, nouveauté et caractère spéculatif.This research gives the conceptual account of an encounter: the encounter of philosophy with ethnopsychiatry, a clinical practice which proposes psychotherapeutic treatments to migrant patients. This encounter took place at the centre Georges Devereux whose team accepted the author as an observer and participant during two years. Encountering the other is never indifferent. Something happens to the one that encounters, to her thought and to her personal and philosophical heritage. The main question is also this: what effect does this encounter with ethnopsychiatry and the worlds it deals with have on philosophical thought and the researcher who represents it here? This question requires a double answer: describing the changes that notions like identity , relation or person , but also community , culture , belief and transmission undergo in the encounter and showing at the same time that such an account is not the equivalent of an introspective inquiry and its subjective report. The main change consists in the transition from a general way of thinking to another called generic 1. The point is to characterize this generic way of thinking in so far as the clinical practice seems to require it particularly dealing with the multiplicity that crossing between worlds imposes. Indeed, in a therapeutic context requiring change, the words, acts and gestures used have to take a specific consistency to be efficient. This work attempts to draw the mains traits of this clinical consistency and the level of thought that goes with: immanency, novelty and speculative character.NANTERRE-PARIS10-Bib. élec. (920509901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    This Artwork is Having a Rest

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    Both soul and art are terms with which “Western” thought makes a poetics of “energy” familiar, contrasting this to the prose of nouns. Where questions of personhood are not limited simply to oppositions between subject and object, the animate and inanimate, such a poetics engages with examples that can be discovered through their dialogue: work by Takis at Tate Modern and the Facts of Dickens’ Mr Gradgrind; or the metaphysics of clockwork in Baudelaire and the quantifications of energy by Helmholtz. In re-imagining Tylor’s fundamental notion of “animism” as itself a conceptual survival of the pre-industrial past, this article suggests that this very idea of animism already offers a vision of and for a post-industrial future

    Ontologías en disputa: Diálogos entre la antropología y la arqueología para la problematización de paisajes regionals

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    Objetivo/contexto: Hacia finales del siglo XX, el dualismo ontológico con el que antropólogos y arqueólogos nos hemos formado teórica y metodológicamente ha sido cuestionado y puesto en debate. En este contexto, nuestro objetivo es exponer críticamente los trabajos que se están realizando y que contribuyen a problematizar los paisajes enredados de existencias, materialidades, saberes, sentidos o prejuicios pasados y presentes, y con ello a restablecer el diálogo entre la antropología social y la arqueología. Metodología: Exponemos el estado actual de la apertura ontológica en clave latinoamericana. Problematizamos la noción de paisaje como concepto que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre la antropología y la arqueología, así como con otras disciplinas. También presentamos ejes de comunicación y diálogo entre los artículos que forman parte del presente dossier para finalizar con los desafíos por delante en cuanto a traspasar fronteras disciplinarias, temporales y espaciales. Conclusiones: En contextos de históricas relaciones de poder, de profundas crisis socio-ambientales, los principales desafíos de la apertura ontológica serían: 1) generar referentes teóricos permeables a diversas disciplinas y saberes; 2) consolidar metodologías que integren lo etnográfico con lo arqueológico; 3) alentar diálogos constructivos hacia y con otras disciplinas y saberes, y 4) propiciar la comprensión del entramado político actual y la generación de políticas públicas que permitan diversas formas de relacionamiento con el entorno. Originalidad: El restablecimiento de diálogos entre la arqueología y la antropología social desde las aperturas ontológicas tiene el potencial de discutir cómo en determinados contextos se concretan y/o disputan paisajes y modos hegemónicos de habitar en el mundo, así como se problematizan los usos políticos del pasado y las políticas de uso del espacio y el ambiente.Objective/context: Towards the end of the 20th century, the ontological dualism with which anthropologists and archaeologists have trained us theoretically and methodologically has been questioned and debated. In this context, our objective is to critically expose the works that are being carried out and that contribute to problematizing the landscapes entangled with past and present existences, materialities, knowledge, senses or prejudices, and, with it, to re-establish the dialogue between social anthropology and archaeology. Methodology: We expose the current state of the ontological opening in Latin American code. We problematize the notion of landscape as a concept that allows theoretical-methodological dialogues between anthropology and archaeology, as well as with other disciplines. We also present axes of communication and dialogue between the articles that are part of this dossier, to end with the challenges ahead in terms of crossing disciplinary, temporal and spatial borders. Conclusions: In contexts of historical power relations, of deep socio-environmental crises, the main challenges for an ontological opening would be: 1) to generate theoretical referents permeable to various disciplines and fields of knowledge; 2) to consolidate methodologies that integrate the ethnographic with the archaeological; 3) to encourage constructive dialogues towards and with other disciplines and fields of knowledge; and 4) to propitiate the understanding of the current political framework and the generation of public policies that allow for diverse forms of relation with the environment. Originality: The re-establishment of dialogues between archaeology and social anthropology from ontological openings has the potential to discuss how, in certain contexts, landscapes and hegemonic ways of living are concretized and/or disputed, as well as the political uses of the past and the policies of use of space and the environment.Objetivo/contexto: No final do século XX, o dualismo ontológico com o qual antropólogos e arqueólogos se formaram teórica e metodologicamente vem sendo questionado e colocado em debate. Nesse contexto, nosso objetivo é expor criticamente os trabalhos que estão sendo realizados e que contribuem para problematizar as paisagens permeadas de existências, materialidades, saberes, sentidos ou preconceitos passados e presentes, e, com isso, reestabelecer o diálogo entre a antropologia social e a arqueologia. Metodologia: Expomos o estado atual da abertura ontológica no âmbito latino-americano. Problematizamos a noção de paisagem como conceito que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre a antropologia e a arqueologia, assim como outras disciplinas. Também apresentamos eixos de comunicação e diálogo entre os artigos que fazem parte do presente dossiê para finalizar com os desafios que temos adiante sobre ultrapassar fronteiras disciplinares, temporais e espaciais. Conclusões: Em contextos de históricas relações de poder, de profundas crises socioambientais, os principais desafios para uma abertura ontológica seriam: 1) gerar referentes teóricos permeáveis a diversas disciplinas e saberes; 2) consolidar metodologias que integrem o etnográfico com o arqueológico; 3) promover diálogos construtivos com outras disciplinas e saberes; e 4) propiciar a compreensão da estrutura política atual e a geração de políticas públicas que permitam as diversas formas de relacionamentos com o ambiente. Originalidade: O reestabelecimento de diálogos entre a arqueologia e a antropologia social a partir das aberturas ontológicas tem o potencial de discutir como, em determinados contextos, se concretizam e/ou disputam paisagens e modos hegemônicos de habitar, bem como se problematizam os usos políticos do passado e as políticas de uso do espaço e do ambiente.Fil: Saldi, Leticia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Mafferra, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Barrientos Salinas, J. Alejandro. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; Bolivi