200 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic selection rules in the triangular alpha-cluster model of 12C

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    After recapitulating the procedure to find the bands and the states occurring in the D3h\mathcal{D}_{3h} alpha-cluster model of 12^{12}C in which the clusters are placed at the vertexes of an equilateral triangle, we obtain the selection rules for electromagnetic transitions. While the alpha cluster structure leads to the cancellation of E1 transitions, the approximations carried out in deriving the roto-vibrational hamiltonian lead to the disappearance of M1 transitions. Furthermore, although in general the lowest active modes are E2, E3, ⋯\cdots and M2, M3, ⋯\cdots, the cancellation of M2, M3 and M5 transitions between certain bands also occurs, as a result of the application of group theoretical techniques drawn from molecular physics. These implications can be very relevant for the spectroscopic analysis of γ\gamma-ray spectra of 12^{12}C

    Effect of Vacuum on Venous Drainage: an Experimental Evaluation on Pediatric Venous Cannulas and Tubing Systems.

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    Introduction: To observe how vacuum assisted venous drainage (VAVD) may influence the flow in a cardiopulmonary bypass circuit with different size of venous lines and cannulas. Methods: The experimental circuit was assembled to represent the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit routinely used during cardiac surgery. Wall suction was applied directly, modulated and measured into the venous reservoir. The blood flow was measured with a flow-meter positioned on the venous line. The circuit prime volume was replaced with group O date expired re-suspended red cells and Plasmalyte 148 to a hematocrit of 28% to 30%. Results: In an open circuit with gravity siphon venous drain, angled cannulae drain more than straight ones regardless the amount of suction applied to the venous line (16 Fr straight cannula (S) drains 90 ml/min less than a 16 Fr angled (A) with a siphon gravity). The same flow can be obtained with lower cannula size and higher suction (i.e. 12 A with and -30 mmHg). Tables have been created to list how the flow varies according to the size of the cannulas, the size of the venous tubes, and the amount of suction applied to the system. Conclusions: Vacuum assisted venous drainage allows the use of smaller cannulae and venous lines to maintain a good venous return, which is very useful during minimally invasive approaches. The present study should be considered as a preliminary attempt to create a scientific-based starting point for a uniform the use of VAVD. Keywords: cardio-pulmonary bypass; experimental study; vacuum assisted drainage

    Endoscopic transcanal approach to geniculate ganglion hemangioma and simultaneous facial nerve reinnervation: A case report

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    Hemangioma of the facial nerve (FN) is a very rare benign tumor whose origin is the vascular plexi that surround the nerve. The transpetrous, retrosigmoid, and middle cranial fossa (MCF) routes are the traditional and most widely used approaches to reach these lateral skull base neoformations. However, this very complex region can be reached through an exclusive transcanal endoscopic procedure in selected cases. One of these was a 42-year-old patient who had been presenting a worsening left FN paralysis (grade VI according to the House-Brackmann scale at the time of visit) for 22 months without a history of trauma or infection. Radiological studies showed a lesion in the region of the geniculate ganglion. A suprageniculate endoscopic approach was performed to remove the lesion, with the sacrifice of the FN and a simultaneous hypoglossal-facial anastomosis. The aim of this minimally invasive surgery is the complete excision of the disease, maintaining the hearing function intact and restoration of facial function, whenever possible, avoiding more invasive approaches

    Right atrium and superior vena cava pressure measurements in a novel animal model to study one and a half ventricle repair as compared to Fontan type procedure

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    Background & Objectives: To evaluate the advantages of the one and a half ventricle repair on maintaining a low pressure in the inferior vena cava district. Also evaluate the competition of flows at the superior vena cava – right pulmonary artery anastomosis site, in order to understand the hemodynamic interaction of a pulsatile flow in combination to a laminar one. Materials & Methods: Adult rabbits (n=30) in terminal anaesthesia with a follow up of 8 h were used, randomly distributed in three experimental groups: Group 1: animals with an anastomosis between superior vena cava and right pulmonary artery, as a model of one and one half ventricle repair; Group 2: animals with the cavopulmonary anastomosis followed by clamping of the right pulmonary artery proximal to the anastomosis; and Group 3: sham animals. Pressures of superior vena cava and pulmonary arteries were afterwards measured, in a resting condition as well as after induced pharmacological stress test.Results: In Group 1, superior vena cava pressure was significantly higher, while venous pressure in the inferior vena cava – right atrium district was constant or lower in comparison with the other groups. After stress test, the pressure in the superior vena cava and the heart rate both increased further, but the right ventricular, right atrial and pulmonary artery pressures remained similar to the values in a resting condition. This proved that the inferior vena cava return was well-preserved, and no venous hypertension was present in the inferior vena cava district even after stress test (good exercise tolerance).Conclusion: One and one half ventricle repair can be considered a good surgical strategy for maintaining a low pressure in the inferior vena cava district with potential for right ventricle growth, restoring the more physiological circulation in borderline or failing right ventricle conditions. The experiment presented a positive finding in favour of one and one half ventricle repair, as compared to Fontan type procedure

    Minimally Invasive Approach in Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease

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    Surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) has changed considerably during the last decade. Improved surgical results in patients with simple CHD and new interventional cardiology procedures have stimulated the surgeon to adopt minimally invasive techniques to reduce the patient’s surgical insult and obtain good functional and cosmetic results. As a consequence, new surgical techniques and specialized equipment for minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) procedures have been developed and refined in recent years. The improving surgical outcomes in patients with CHD, the significant advances in surgical instrumentation and perfusion technology, and the broad utilization of new catheter-based interventional procedures to repair simple CHD have triggered surgeons’ interest to adopt and innovate minimally invasive approaches for CHD repair, so as to reduce patient’s surgical trauma and improve functional and cosmetic results while maintaining a high standard of clinical outcomes and possibly shortening hospitalization times. This article reports on our updated full experience and institutional protocols with MICS in children and adults with CHD

    Impact of migraine on fibromyalgia symptoms

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    Background: Fibromyalgia (FMS) and high frequency episodic/chronic migraine (M) very frequently co-occur, suggesting common pathophysiological mechanisms; both conditions display generalized somatic hyperalgesia. In FMS-M comorbidity we assessed if: a different level of hyperalgesia is present compared to one condition only; hyperalgesia is a function of migraine frequency; migraine attacks trigger FMS symptoms. Methods: Female patients with fibromyalgia (FMS)(n.40), high frequency episodic migraine (M1)(n.41), chronic migraine (M2)(n.40), FMS + M1 (n.42) and FMS + M2 (n.40) underwent recording of: −electrical pain thresholds in skin, subcutis and muscle and pressure pain thresholds in control sites, −pressure pain thresholds in tender points (TePs), −number of monthly migraine attacks and fibromyalgia flares (3-month diary). Migraine and FMS parameters were evaluated before and after migraine prophylaxis, or no prophylaxis, for 3 months with calcium-channel blockers, in two further FMS + H1 groups (n.49, n.39). 1-way ANOVA was applied to test trends among groups, Student’s t-test for paired samples was used to compare pre and post-treatment values. Results: The lowest electrical and pressure thresholds at all sites and tissues were found in FMS + M2, followed by FMS + H1, FMS, M2 and M1 (trend: p < 0.0001). FMS monthly flares were progressively higher in FMS, FMS + M1 and FMS + M2 (p < 0.0001); most flares (86–87 %) occurred within 12 h from a migraine attack in co-morbid patients (p < 0.0001). Effective migraine prophylaxis vs no prophylaxis also produced a significant improvement of FMS symptoms (decreased monthly flares, increased pain thresholds)(0.0001 < p < 0.003). Conclusions: Co-morbidity between fibromyalgia and migraine involves heightened somatic hyperalgesia compared to one condition only. Increased migraine frequency – with shift towards chronicity – enhances both hyperalgesia and spontaneous FMS pain, which is reversed by effective migraine prophylaxis. These results suggest different levels of central sensitization in patients with migraine, fibromyalgia or both conditions and a role for migraine as a triggering factor for FMS

    Pre-surgery urine metabolomics may predict late neurodevelopmental outcome in children with congenital heart disease

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    Background: From fetal life until cardiac surgery, complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) exhibit different hemodynamic and oxygenation patterns that can lead to alteration of the metabolic profile. We used a metabolomic approach to identify urine metabolic markers before cardiac surgery, aiming to define the physiology of patients with complex CHD and to contribute to predict their neurodevelopmental outcome. Methods: In a prospective, observational, single-center study we enrolled 28 patients with complex biventricular and univentricular CHD aged less than 5 years, on stable hemodynamic conditions, and with no genetic anomalies. We analyzed urine samples, collected at the induction of anesthesia, by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Profiles of 1H NMR spectra were submitted to unsupervised (principal component) and supervised (partial least squares-discriminant) multivariate analysis. Neurodevelopment was assessed by neuropsychological and adaptive functioning testing. Results: Principal components analysis divided CHD patients metabolic profiles in two distinct clusters (RED and BLACK). Metabolic profiles belonging to the RED cluster showed higher levels of accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates and glucose compared to the profiles in the BLACK cluster, indicating a possible switching to anaerobic metabolism. Patients belonging to the RED cluster were significantly more prone to show an adverse neurodevelopment pattern (p = 0.01). Conclusions: The application of metabolomic analysis to CHD children permitted a deeper insight on their metabolic status that could help to obtain a better understanding of the physiological implications and to predict long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. © 201
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