977 research outputs found

    Insight into the traditional timber frame walls: Herculaneum evidence versus braced frame structures in Portugal and in Italy

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    In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the traditional timber frame constructions in earthquake prone areas, due to their good earthquake resistance and the remarkable architectural features. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the historic timber frame walls and the reasons underpinning their use and dissemination within three different contexts, i.e. Herculaneum (until 79AD), Portugal and South of Italy (18th century). During the Roman Age, the large use of timber frame walls corresponds to a proactive approach to working within a project’s external constrains. Population growth and the need for fast and low-priced structures spurred an upgrade of construction techniques, especially in Herculaneum. After the macro-earthquakes in Portugal and in Italy, instead, a similar construction system, based on three-dimensional timber frames, is expressly employed for its seismic resistance. This diachronic comparison based on literature review and on-site analysis aims to clarify the influence of the timber frame walls on the architectural layout and on the building behaviour in these three case studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Travellers’ perspectives on historic squares and railway stations in Italian heritage cities revealed through sentiment analysis

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    This study undertakes sentiment analysis of online reviews of public exterior spaces – historic squares and railway stations – in popular destinations in Italy, with the aim of offering new perspectives of community engagement in urban design analysis. The experience of walking through urban spaces in Italian heritage cities is evaluated under indicators of place quality and connectivity, i.e., aesthetic perception, social interaction, body mobility, facilities and amenities, sense of safety, and destination loyalty. Such advanced analysis can reshape the way we interpret the thoughts and emotions of wider communities so that these are included in local place-focused development strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The role of badges to spur frequent travelers to write online reviews

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    Purpose: Online travel reviews platforms have become innovative information systems also due to the incorporation of sophisticated gamification elements such as visually appealing badges. This study aims to analyze three features of the review after leveling up a badge: review length (number of words), sentiment scoring, and period between two successive reviews (number of days until the next review is written). Design/methodology/approach: A total of 77k online TripAdvisor reviews written by 100 frequent travelers and contributors are analyzed using a data mining approach. A data-based sensitivity analysis (DSA) is then conducted to provide an understanding of the data mining trained models. Findings: The results show evidence that badges appealing for self-pride (“badge passport”) and for peer-recognition (“badge helpful”) have significant influence across the lifespan of online review, whereas badges simply awarded by counting the contributions have little effect. Originality: This study provides the first analysis of how an experienced traveler is influenced as the badges and points are being awarded. Intrinsic motivational factor to award badges for standard contributions scarcely influence user behavior. Badges need to be designed to reward accomplishments that are not so trivial to be achieved and that do not depend entirely on the user.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Inclusive e-learning to understand collective memories and identify new uses of African plantations heritage

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    Digital globalization has been changing and increasing the flow of information, reshaping perspectives, and actions worldwide, with countless benefits in socio-economic, political, environmental, and cultural realms. However, less-developed countries or historically areas subjected to foreign dependency, such as former colonies, have not benefited from sustainable economic development arising from digital globalization. Moreover, historical biases and underrepresented narratives should be also brought to light, especially in Europe. This ongoing project provides new insights on the Roças, which were built from the mid-19th century in São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) for the production of soft-commodities – mainly cocoa and coffee. This study tackles timely aspects about Roças and its ethical reanalysis by the transnational community. Then, it explores how audio-visual storytelling, serious board game or immersive authentic multisensory tools for visual and auditory stimuli, can be used for making accessible and preserving the value of African plantations heritage. Overcoming the difficulties to reach far and different communities, this project attempts to raise awareness on the tangible and intangible value worldwide. It proposes to pave the way for a dialogue among STP’s community (both local and now living in Portugal) with researchers, policy-oriented organizations, policymakers, local entrepreneurs, and archival curatorial staff. In fact, these groups are often disconnected from consuming and discussing the legacies of colonialism in their twofold aspects, as architectures of violence and as part of the most promising production system. This study offers the opportunity to use inclusive e-learning tools for promoting reflexivity and resilience of STP and European communities when addressing dichotomous values of built heritage. In line with recent research paths on digital cultural heritage conducted by ISTAR team, it is shown how mixed and augmented reality tools enable to convey both inclusive e-learning for a broad community and promote sustainable development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise multicritério das técnicas de reforço locais: aplicação ao frontal de edifícios Pombalinos

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    As dinâmicas da reabilitação do património Pombalino em Lisboa (1755-1880) envolvem três macro-fatores interdependentes: i) o artefacto histórico; ii) os proprietários e utilizadores; iii) os agentes especializados. A dicotomia entre a integração e a integralidade do Património cultural (PC) deriva das diferentes atribuições de valor (cultural, histórico, funcional, económico) ao edifício histórico e da coexistência de objetivos contraditórios. De facto, o domínio da reutilização e da reabilitação dos imóveis históricos (na qual se pode incluir o reforço estrutural) é marcado pela complexidade na seleção das soluções de intervenção, de projeto e técnicas. Este artigo aborda o estudo comparativo in itinere das técnicas de reforço da parede mista (frontal) através de métodos de análise de decisão multicritério (MCDA). O estudo visa propor um modelo de seleção das atuais técnicas de reforço utilizando como critérios a compatibilidade material, a autenticidade arquitectónica e estrutural e a perda de material original. Os critérios de avaliação das práticas de reforço estrutural e as combinações das variantes de reforço são brevemente discutidos. Salienta-se que a reflexão sobre o impacto das intervenções no património histórico e a necessidade de introduzir transparência no processo decisório representam prioridades no cenário contemporâneo lisboeta, bem como no contexto internacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The MACBETH approach to evaluate strategies for the conservation of architectural heritage

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    The critical appraisal of alternative strategies in conservation projects of historical buildings is often a complex task that requires balancing a variety of conflicting criteria related to multiple stakeholders and requirements. The main purpose of this study is to make the case for the use of multi-criteria decision analysis in supporting a consistent and transparent, inter-disciplinary decision-making process, using the case study of repair and strengthening techniques of timber frame walls. The MACBETH approach is particularly suitable in this field of research since the judgment procedures allow for an appropriate analysis of intangible values such as the ones at stake in architectural heritage.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Gaiola vs Borbone system: a comparison between 18th Century anti-seismic case studies

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    This article briefly discusses the seismic-resistant heritage of the 18th century, circumscribed in Lisbon's Baixa Pombalina (post 1755) and case baraccate of Southern Italy (post 1783).A comparison of these anti-seismic systems is discussed through the architectural principles and the mechanical behavior. It is shown that, despite the wide diversity of cases and the different geo-historical conditioning, both systems arise from an intuition of the compound seismic efficiency, the typical pragmatism of the enlightenment period and an interpretation of the classic composition code.Two specific case studies, a private building in Baixa Pombalina (Lisbon) and the Bishop's Palace of Mileto (Calabria region) are compared. We briefly analyze: (i) configuration and structural principles; (ii) characteristics of the materials; and (iii) seismic behavior.A standardized spatial morphology closely linked to traditional construction techniques positively determines the seismic response and it is one of the key common factors in this heritage to be preserved.In both cases, the architectural and structural choices are crucial to the seismic response of the building and must be respected as an identity of a specific technical knowledge. Moreover, this materiality represents a historical continuity of the community's memory that requires transdisciplinary, critical understanding, and preservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Energy and seismic retrofit of historic timber-framed houses in Portugal: Building predictive models in future scenarios

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    This research addresses the comparison of building performance before and after implementing energy and seismic retrofitting techniques within simulation models, under the current climate condition vs. predicted environment conditions (2030-2100). It aims to identify a set of feasible interventions within distinct indoor building conditions (number of inhabitants and occupancy schedule) in three design scenarios. To this end, we adopt parametric modelling tools (Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, EnergyPlus) combined with a multicriteria decision analysis (M-MACBETH, Measuring Attractiveness through a Categorical-Based Evaluation Technique). This model is tested in an historic house, a multi-storey overhanging timber-framed house in Lisbon parish, which is representative of valuable traditional construction systems in high seismic hazard zone in the Mediterranean basin. Future studies can address other building simulations evaluated against architectural, structural, environmental, and economic-related parameters. The influence of weighting on the interventions against different criteria can be addressed also considering the uncertainty about the impact of each group of intervention in sensitivity and robustness analyses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of retrofitting techniques for historical adobe constructions using a multi-criteria decision analysis: The case study of Chile

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    The evaluation of retrofitting techniques against multiple (often conflicting) criteria requires an expert-driven approach with in-depth context-based knowledge. This research evaluates the expected performance of retrofitting techniques for historical adobe constructions by integrating literature-data and expert assessment. Consideration is given to performance-based criteria (structural behaviour, material compatibility), values around cultural built heritage (degree of intrusion, retreatability), and local constraints (cost-effectiveness). A multi-criteria decision analysis using MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical-Based Evaluation TecHnique) is undertaken in this study in order to facilitate the selection process for retrofitting techniques within distinct damage scenarios. The MACBETH model is applied to three historical adobe buildings in Chile using a weighted criteria matrix, while a sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the stability of interventions. The best-scoring options for each damage pattern are then compared with national guidelines and the current practice. Among the best-ranking solutions obtained from MACBETH models, the use of wooden corner keys makes it possible to effectively counteract flexural cracks or mid-height cracks, damage at intersections of perpendicular walls, corner-damage vertical cracks, and in-plane damage. Wooden tie beams are effective solutions for corner-damage vertical cracks. Geo-mesh also obtains a high score yet is limited by its cost and low reversibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Surface plasmon induction in multiwalled carbon nanotube arrays

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    Disclosed are optical devices including one or more carbon nanotubes that can function as plasmon waveguides. The presently disclosed devices advantageously utilize the existence of surface plasmons on carbon nanotubes through the generation and transport of surface plasmon polaritons across the nanotubes. Also disclosed are methods for tuning the devices through particular formation parameters for the nanotubes and/or selection of particular substrate materials. Systems of the present invention can provide optical data concerning a sample, for instance via construction of an NSOM image, as well as topological date concerning a sample via construction of an AFM image. In one embodiment, the disclosed systems can provide simultaneous acquisition of optical images and topological images