24 research outputs found

    Serial macromolecular crystallography at ALBA Synchrotron Light Source

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    12 pags., 4 figs., 2 tabs. -- Addenda and errata: https://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2022/03/00/rv5160/rv5160.pdfThe increase in successful adaptations of serial crystallography at synchrotron radiation sources continues. To date, the number of serial synchrotron crystallography (SSX) experiments has grown exponentially, with over 40 experiments reported so far. In this work, we report the first SSX experiments with viscous jets conducted at ALBA beamline BL13-XALOC. Small crystals (15-30 μm) of five soluble proteins (lysozyme, proteinase K, phycocyanin, insulin and α-spectrin-SH3 domain) were suspended in lipidic cubic phase (LCP) and delivered to the X-ray beam with a high-viscosity injector developed at Arizona State University. Complete data sets were collected from all proteins and their high-resolution structures determined. The high quality of the diffraction data collected from all five samples, and the lack of specific radiation damage in the structures obtained in this study, confirm that the current capabilities at the beamline enables atomic resolution determination of protein structures from microcrystals as small as 15 μm using viscous jets at room temperature. Thus, BL13-XALOC can provide a feasible alternative to X-ray free-electron lasers when determining snapshots of macromolecular structures.The following funding is acknowledged: Ayuda de Atracciony Retencion de Talento Investigador" from the Community of Madrid (scholarship No. 2019-T1/BMD-15552); STC Programof the National Science Foundation through BioXFEL (awardNo. 1231306); the Centre for Applied Structural Discovery(CASD) at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grants EQC2021-007532-P, PID2020-117028GB-I00, BIO2016-77883-C2-2-

    Changes in an Enzyme Ensemble During Catalysis Observed by High Resolution XFEL Crystallography

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    Enzymes populate ensembles of structures with intrinsically different catalytic proficiencies that are difficult to experimentally characterize. We use time-resolved mix-and-inject serial crystallography (MISC) at an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) to observe catalysis in a designed mutant (G150T) isocyanide hydratase (ICH) enzyme that enhances sampling of important minor conformations. The active site exists in a mixture of conformations and formation of the thioimidate catalytic intermediate selects for catalytically competent substates. A prior proposal for active site cysteine charge-coupled conformational changes in ICH is validated by determining structures of the enzyme over a range of pH values. A combination of large molecular dynamics simulations of the enzyme in crystallo and timeresolved electron density maps shows that ionization of the general acid Asp17 during catalysis causes additional conformational changes that propagate across the dimer interface, connecting the two active sites. These ionization-linked changes in the ICH conformational ensemble permit water to enter the active site in a location that is poised for intermediate hydrolysis. ICH exhibits a tight coupling between ionization of active site residues and catalysis-activated protein motions, exemplifying a mechanism of electrostatic control of enzyme dynamics

    Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser.

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    G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) signal primarily through G proteins or arrestins. Arrestin binding to GPCRs blocks G protein interaction and redirects signalling to numerous G-protein-independent pathways. Here we report the crystal structure of a constitutively active form of human rhodopsin bound to a pre-activated form of the mouse visual arrestin, determined by serial femtosecond X-ray laser crystallography. Together with extensive biochemical and mutagenesis data, the structure reveals an overall architecture of the rhodopsin-arrestin assembly in which rhodopsin uses distinct structural elements, including transmembrane helix 7 and helix 8, to recruit arrestin. Correspondingly, arrestin adopts the pre-activated conformation, with a ∼20° rotation between the amino and carboxy domains, which opens up a cleft in arrestin to accommodate a short helix formed by the second intracellular loop of rhodopsin. This structure provides a basis for understanding GPCR-mediated arrestin-biased signalling and demonstrates the power of X-ray lasers for advancing the frontiers of structural biology

    Heterogeneity in the M. tuberculosis β-Lactamase Inhibition by Sulbactam

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    15 pags., 7 figs., 1 tab.For decades, researchers have been determined to elucidate essential enzymatic functions on the atomic lengths scale by tracing atomic positions in real time. Our work builds on new possibilities unleashed by mix-and-inject serial crystallography (MISC) 1-5 at X-ray free electron laser facilities. In this approach, enzymatic reactions are triggered by mixing substrate or ligand solutions with enzyme microcrystals 6 . Here, we report in atomic detail and with millisecond time-resolution how the Mycobacterium tuberculosis enzyme BlaC is inhibited by sulbactam (SUB). Our results reveal ligand binding heterogeneity, ligand gating 7-9 , cooperativity, induced fit 10,11 and conformational selection 11-13 all from the same set of MISC data, detailing how SUB approaches the catalytic clefts and binds to the enzyme non-covalently before reacting to a trans- enamine. This was made possible in part by the application of the singular value decomposition 14 to the MISC data using a newly developed program that remains functional even if unit cell parameters change during the reaction.This work was supported by NSF-STC-1231306 (BioXFEL). P.F. was supported by NSF BioXFEL STC grant NSF-1231306 Biology with X-ray Lasers, the NIH grant R01GM095583, and the ASU Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery. A.O. was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under award DESC0002164 (underlying dynamical techniques) and by the US National Science Foundation under awards STC-1231306 (underlying data analytical techniques) and DBI-2029533 (underlying analytical models). K.A.Z. was supported by the Cornell Molecular Biophysics Training Program (NIH T32-GM008267). D.F, L.A., and E.A.S. were supported by NSF STC BioXFEL center award 6227. L.A. training was supported in part by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) -T34 GM105549 grant. We acknowledge funding from DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF; the Cluster of Excellence “Advanced Imaging of Matter” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - EXC 2056 - project ID 390715994; the Helmholtz Association Impulse and Networking fund - project InternLabs-0011 “HIR3X”; and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - project 05K18CHA. Use of the LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. DOE, Office of Science, BES, under contract no. DE-AC02-76SF00515. The HERA system for in-helium experiments at MFX was developed by Bruce Doak and funded by the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research. One or more of the authors of this paper received support from a program designed to increase minority representation in sciencePeer reviewe

    Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at the European X-ray free electron laser

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) allows structure determination of membrane proteins and time-resolved crystallography. Common liquid sample delivery continuously jets the protein crystal suspension into the path of the XFEL, wasting a vast amount of sample due to the pulsed nature of all current XFEL sources. The European XFEL (EuXFEL) delivers femtosecond (fs) X-ray pulses in trains spaced 100 ms apart whereas pulses within trains are currently separated by 889 ns. Therefore, continuous sample delivery via fast jets wastes >99% of sample. Here, we introduce a microfluidic device delivering crystal laden droplets segmented with an immiscible oil reducing sample waste and demonstrate droplet injection at the EuXFEL compatible with high pressure liquid delivery of an SFX experiment. While achieving ~60% reduction in sample waste, we determine the structure of the enzyme 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase from microcrystals delivered in droplets revealing distinct structural features not previously reported

    Electrically stimulated droplet injector for reduced sample consumption in serial crystallography

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    15 pags., 6 figs., 1 tab.With advances in X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs), serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) has enabled the static and dynamic structure determination for challenging proteins such as membrane protein complexes. In SFX with XFELs, the crystals are typically destroyed after interacting with a single XFEL pulse. Therefore, thousands of new crystals must be sequentially introduced into the X-ray beam to collect full data sets. Because of the serial nature of any SFX experiment, up to 99% of the sample delivered to the X-ray beam during its "off-time" between X-ray pulses is wasted due to the intrinsic pulsed nature of all current XFELs. To solve this major problem of large and often limiting sample consumption, we report on improvements of a revolutionary sample-saving method that is compatible with all current XFELs. We previously reported 3D-printed injection devices coupled with gas dynamic virtual nozzles (GDVNs) capable of generating samples containing droplets segmented by an immiscible oil phase for jetting crystal-laden droplets into the path of an XFEL. Here, we have further improved the device design by including metal electrodes inducing electrowetting effects for improved control over droplet generation frequency to stimulate the droplet release to matching the XFEL repetition rate by employing an electrical feedback mechanism. We report the improvements in this electrically triggered segmented flow approach for sample conservation in comparison with a continuous GDVN injection using the microcrystals of lysozyme and 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate synthase and report the segmented flow approach for sample injection applied at the Macromolecular Femtosecond Crystallography instrument at the Linear Coherent Light Source for the first time.Financial support from the STC Program of the National Science Foundation through BioXFEL under agreement no. 1231306, NSF ABI Innovations award no. 1565180, and the National Institutes of Health award no. R01GM095583 is gratefully acknowledged. The use of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is generously supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract no. DE-AC02-76SF00515. The HERA system for in-helium experiments at MFX was developed by Bruce Doak and funded by the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research. This work was also supported by The Center for Structural Dynamics in Biology, NIH grant P41GM139687.Peer reviewe

    Structural insights into functional properties of the oxidized form of cytochrome c oxidase

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    Abstract Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is an essential enzyme in mitochondrial and bacterial respiration. It catalyzes the four-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to water and harnesses the chemical energy to translocate four protons across biological membranes. The turnover of the CcO reaction involves an oxidative phase, in which the reduced enzyme (R) is oxidized to the metastable OH state, and a reductive phase, in which OH is reduced back to the R state. During each phase, two protons are translocated across the membrane. However, if OH is allowed to relax to the resting oxidized state (O), a redox equivalent to OH, its subsequent reduction to R is incapable of driving proton translocation. Here, with resonance Raman spectroscopy and serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (SFX), we show that the heme a 3 iron and CuB in the active site of the O state, like those in the OH state, are coordinated by a hydroxide ion and a water molecule, respectively. However, Y244, critical for the oxygen reduction chemistry, is in the neutral protonated form, which distinguishes O from OH, where Y244 is in the deprotonated tyrosinate form. These structural characteristics of O provide insights into the proton translocation mechanism of CcO

    Chemical crystallography by serial femtosecond X-ray diffraction.

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    Inorganic-organic hybrid materials represent a large share of newly reported structures, owing to their simple synthetic routes and customizable properties1. This proliferation has led to a characterization bottleneck: many hybrid materials are obligate microcrystals with low symmetry and severe radiation sensitivity, interfering with the standard techniques of single-crystal X-ray diffraction2,3 and electron microdiffraction4-11. Here we demonstrate small-molecule serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (smSFX) for the determination of material crystal structures from microcrystals. We subjected microcrystalline suspensions to X-ray free-electron laser radiation12,13 and obtained thousands of randomly oriented diffraction patterns. We determined unit cells by aggregating spot-finding results into high-resolution powder diffractograms. After indexing the sparse serial patterns by a graph theory approach14, the resulting datasets can be solved and refined using standard tools for single-crystal diffraction data15-17. We describe the ab initio structure solutions of mithrene (AgSePh)18-20, thiorene (AgSPh) and tethrene (AgTePh), of which the latter two were previously unknown structures. In thiorene, we identify a geometric change in the silver-silver bonding network that is linked to its divergent optoelectronic properties20. We demonstrate that smSFX can be applied as a general technique for structure determination of beam-sensitive microcrystalline materials at near-ambient temperature and pressure