3 research outputs found

    Computer-assisted instruction: ‘JClic’ as a new pedagogical tool for EFL learners

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    The present study has a double purpose: firstly, to evaluate the effect of JClic on students' performance in the use of Simple Present Perfect in English and secondly, to establish the impact of the use of JClic on students' engagement and motivation. In other words, this research seeks to find out if student engagement and motivation in the learning process are heightened while using JClic, as a pedagogical tool, to carry out instruction. In this study, the Simple Present Perfect is presented in contrast to Simple Past in order to strengthen students' knowledge and understanding of the two tenses, although only the first one is evaluated as it was more problematic for them (according to the results from the 2nd end of term exam). Furthermore, a description and practice activities, involving the use of both tenses, are presented. In this study, we use mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative), in order to answer the research questions and obtain a better triangulation and complementarity regarding data collection. The findings reveal that the use of the JClic software, as a computer-assisted language-learning (CALL) tool, can increase students' engagement, motivation, and learning achievement. Thus, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) might complement teacher-directed instruction through motivating activities that are helpful to students so as to improve their academic performance. Finally, the results of this study may be useful for English teachers as they can use students' achievement data in order to make instructional decisions to change classroom environment and improve learning

    JCLIC as a pedagogical tool to increase students' mastery of 'present perfect simple' in English

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP419. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014The purpose of the present study is twofold. Firstly, it attempts to determine whether Jclic as an instructional tool can improve students' ability in using present perfect simple, since this is a troublesome form for many English language learners. Secondly, it aims at identifying the effect of the use of Jclic on student engagement and motivation. In other words, this investigation seeks to find out if student engagement and intrinsic motivation in the learning process are heightened while using Jclic to carry out instruction. In this study, the present perfect simple is presented in contrast to past simple in order to strengthen students' knowledge and understanding of the two tenses. A description and practice activities, involving the use of both tenses, are presented. The investigation is carried out in the 3rd term of the academic year 2013-2014, throughout the teachertraining programme performed at the High School I.E.S Álvaro Falomir in Almazora (Castellón). This project has been designed to cover three 55-minute class sessions, with seventeen students in the 1st Year of Bachillerato (Upper Secondary level). This is a classroom action research with a quasi-experimental (before-after) design, focused on studying one problem within a single classroom, and consists of a single cycle of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In addition, in order to obtain a better triangulation and complementarity regarding data collection, the mixed methods: quantitative and qualitative are used. The data collection instruments used to measure student outcomes are: 2nd end-of-term English exam results (as pre-test), 3rd end-of-term English exam (as post-test), a self-assessment questionnaire (about the Jclic intervention) and observational field notes. Analysis of the data is undertaken using the Paired Two Samples Student's T-Test for differences in means, percentage in bar chart for means as a whole, percentage in pie chart for overall motivation level and Likert scale for motivation level per questioned item. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference in present perfect usage between the pre-test and post-test scores. In addition, data analysis reveals that the use of Jclic software, as a computer-assisted language learning (CALL) tool, can increase students' engagement, motivation, and learning achievement. Then, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) can complement teacherdirected instruction by means of intrinsically-motivating activities that are helpful to students for improving their academic performance and thus be better prepared for the University Entrance Exams. Moreover, the results of this study can be useful for English teachers as they can use students' achievement data in order to make instructional decisions to change classroom environment and improve learning. Finally, the critical reflection leads us to plan the second cycle, for which the action plan is refitted and the research process redesigned