227 research outputs found

    Boundary element based multiresolution shape optimisation in electrostatics

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    We consider the shape optimisation of high-voltage devices subject to electrostatic field equations by combining fast boundary elements with multiresolution subdivision surfaces. The geometry of the domain is described with subdivision surfaces and different resolutions of the same geometry are used for optimisation and analysis. The primal and adjoint problems are discretised with the boundary element method using a sufficiently fine control mesh. For shape optimisation the geometry is updated starting from the coarsest control mesh with increasingly finer control meshes. The multiresolution approach effectively prevents the appearance of non-physical geometry oscillations in the optimised shapes. Moreover, there is no need for mesh regeneration or smoothing during the optimisation due to the absence of a volume mesh. We present several numerical experiments and one industrial application to demonstrate the robustness and versatility of the developed approach.Web of Science29759858

    Neurocognitive Predictors of Reading Outcomes for Children With Reading Disabilities

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    This study reports on several specific neurocognitive process predictors of reading outcomes for a sample of 278 children with reading disabilities. Three categories of response (i.e., poor, average, and good) were formed via growth curve models of six reading outcomes. Two nested discriminant function analyses were conducted to evaluate the predictive capability of the following models: (a) an intervention and phonological processing model that included intervention group, phonological awareness, and rapid naming and (b) an additive cognitive neuropsychological model that included measures of memory, visual processes, and cognitive or intellectual functioning. Over and above the substantial explanatory power of the base model, the additive model improved classification of poor and good responders. Several of the cognitive and neuropsychological variables predicted degree of reading outcomes, even after controlling for type of intervention, phonological awareness, and rapid naming

    Renewable energy deployment - do the benefits outweigh the costs?

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    The increasing use of energy from renewable sources (RE) for the generation of heat and electricity in Germany has also led to an increasingly intensive debate on its advantages and disadvantages. The discussion mostly centers on the cost effects, because beneficial effects often are harder to quantify. Benefits comprise indirect effects or effects which lie far in the future. Scientific studies also frequently focus on single aspects, which cannot be aggregated easily, because they occur in different sectors and comprise technology system-wide effects, distributional effects or overall macro-economic effects. This study intends to answer questions refering to clear definitions of effects when increasing renewable energy, methods of adding and balancing the effects, the choice of methodological approach, support mechanisms, suitable time span or spatial system border. After a brief sketch of the basic methods applied, the contribution will present estimates for a wide range of effects. It closes with suggestions on possibilities how to add and balance the effects

    The Relevance of Grain Dissection for Grain Size Reduction in Polar Ice: Insights from Numerical Models and Ice Core Microstructure Analysis

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    The flow of ice depends on the properties of the aggregate of individual ice crystals, such as grain size or lattice orientation distributions. Therefore, an understanding of the processes controlling ice micro-dynamics is needed to ultimately develop a physically based macroscopic ice flow law. We investigated the relevance of the process of grain dissection as a grain-size-modifying process in natural ice. For that purpose, we performed numerical multi-process microstructure modelling and analysed microstructure and crystallographic orientation maps from natural deep ice-core samples from the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) project. Full crystallographic orientations measured by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) have been used together with c-axis orientations using an optical technique (Fabric Analyser). Grain dissection is a feature of strain-induced grain boundary migration. During grain dissection, grain boundaries bulge into a neighbouring grain in an area of high dislocation energy and merge with the opposite grain boundary. This splits the high dislocation-energy grain into two parts, effectively decreasing the local grain size. Currently, grain size reduction in ice is thought to be achieved by either the progressive transformation from dislocation walls into new high-angle grain boundaries, called subgrain rotation or polygonisation, or bulging nucleation that is assisted by subgrain rotation. Both our time-resolved numerical modelling and NEEM ice core samples show that grain dissection is a common mechanism during ice deformation and can provide an efficient process to reduce grain sizes and counter-act dynamic grain-growth in addition to polygonisation or bulging nucleation. Thus, our results show that solely strain-induced boundary migration, in absence of subgrain rotation, can reduce grain sizes in polar ice, in particular if strain energy gradients are high. We describe the microstructural characteristics that can be used to identify grain dissection in natural microstructures

    Multiple component remediation of developmental reading disabilities: A Controlled factorial evaluation of the influence of IQ, socioeconomic status, and race on outcomes

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    Results from a controlled evaluation of remedial reading interventions are reported: 279 young disabled readers were randomly assigned to a program according to a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design (IQ, socioeconomic status [SES], and race). The effectiveness of two multiple-component intervention programs for children with reading disabilities (PHAB + RAVE-O; PHAB + WIST) was evaluated against alternate (CSS, MATH) and phonological control programs. Interventions were taught an hour daily for 70 days on a 1:4 ratio at three different sites. Multiple-component programs showed significant improvements relative to control programs on all basic reading skills after 70 hours and at 1-year follow-up. Equivalent gains were observed for different racial, SES, and IQ groups. These factors did not systematically interact with program. Differential outcomes for word identification, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary were found between the multidimensional pro- grams, although equivalent long-term outcomes and equal continued growth confirmed that different pathways exist to effective reading remediation

    Algorithmisches Programmieren (Numerische Algorithmen mit C++)

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    Dieser Kurs führt in die Programmiersprache C++ ein. Es werden die Grundlagen von C++, Kontrollstrukturen, Zahldarstellungen und Datentypen, Funktionen, Zeiger, objekt-orientierte Programmierung, Operatoren und deren Überladung, bishin zu Grundlagen der Vererbung und Klassentemplates, behandelt. Dieses Skriptum ist durch langjährige Erfahrungen der Autoren im Rahmen der gleichnamigen Vorlesung an der Leibniz Universität Hannover entstanden

    Direct Catalytic Route to Biomass-Derived 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid and Its Use as Monomer in a Multicomponent Polymerization

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    Efficient synthesis of valuable platform chemicals from renewable feedstock is a challenging, yet essential strategy for developing technologies that are both economical and sustainable. In the present study, we investigated the synthesis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) in a two-step catalytic process starting from sucrose as largely available biomass feedstock. In the first step, 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) was synthesized by hydrolysis and dehydration of sucrose using sulfuric acid in a continuous reactor in 34% yield. In a second step, the resulting reaction solution was directly oxidized to FDCA without further purification over a Au/ZrO2_{2} catalyst with 84% yield (87% selectivity, batch process), corresponding to 29% overall yield with respect to sucrose. This two-step process could afford the production of pure FDCA after the respective extraction/crystallization despite the impure intermediate HMF solution. To demonstrate the direct application of the biomass-derived FDCA as monomer, the isolated product was used for Ugi-multicomponent polymerizations, establishing a new application possibility for FDCA. In the future, this efficient two-step process strategy toward FDCA should be extended to further renewable feedstock

    Patterning of Nanoparticle‐Based Aerogels and Xerogels by Inkjet Printing

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    Nanoparticle-based voluminous 3D networks with low densities are a unique class of materials and are commonly known as aerogels. Due to the high surface-to-volume ratio, aerogels and xerogels might be suitable materials for applications in different fields, e.g. photocatalysis, catalysis, or sensing. One major difficulty in the handling of nanoparticle-based aerogels and xerogels is the defined patterning of these structures on different substrates and surfaces. The automated manufacturing of nanoparticle-based aerogel- or xerogel-coated electrodes can easily be realized via inkjet printing. The main focus of this work is the implementation of the standard nanoparticle-based gelation process in a commercial inkjet printing system. By simultaneously printing semiconductor nanoparticles and a destabilization agent, a 3D network on a conducting and transparent surface is obtained. First spectroelectrochemical measurements are recorded to investigate the charge–carrier mobility within these 3D semiconductor-based xerogel networks

    CD47 restricts antiviral function of alveolar macrophages during influenza virus infection

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    CD47 is an ubiquitously expressed surface molecule with significant impact on immune responses. However, its role for antiviral immunity is not fully understood. Here, we revealed that the expression of CD47 on immune cells seemed to disturb the antiviral immune response as CD47-deficient mice (CD47−/−) showed an augmented clearance of influenza A virus (IAV). Specifically, we have shown that enhanced viral clearance is mediated by alveolar macrophages (aMФ). Although aMФ displayed upregulation of CD47 expression during IAV infection in wildtype mice, depletion of aMФ in CD47−/− mice during IAV infection reversed the augmented viral clearance. We have also demonstrated that CD47 restricts hemoglobin (HB) expression in aMФ after IAV and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, with HB showing antiviral properties by enhancing the IFN-β response. Our study showed a negative role for CD47 during antiviral immune responses in the lung by confining HB expression in aMФ