474 research outputs found

    Fermions on spontaneously generated spherical extra dimensions

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    We include fermions to the model proposed in hep-th/0606021, and obtain a renormalizable 4-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory which spontaneously generates fuzzy extra dimensions and behaves like Yang-Mills theory on M^4 \times S^2. We find a truncated tower of fermionic Kaluza-Klein states transforming under the low-energy gauge group, which is found to be either SU(n), or SU(n_1) x SU(n_2) x U(1). The latter case implies a nontrivial U(1) flux on S^2, leading to would-be zero modes for the bifundamental fermions. In the non-chiral case they may pair up to acquire a mass, and the emerging picture is that of mirror fermions. We discuss the possible implementation of a chirality constraint in 6 dimensions, which is nontrivial at the quantum level due to the fuzzy nature of the extra dimensions.Comment: 34 pages. V2: references added, minor corrections V3: discussion added, final versio

    Matrix Models, Emergent Gravity, and Gauge Theory

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    Matrix models of Yang-Mills type induce an effective gravity theory on 4-dimensional branes, which are considered as models for dynamical space-time. We review recent progress in the understanding of this emergent gravity. The metric is not fundamental but arises effectively in the semi-classical limit, along with nonabelian gauge fields. This leads to a mechanism for protecting certain geometries from corrections due to the vacuum energy.Comment: 8 pages. Based on invited talks given at the Conferences "Quantum Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry", Rome, 2008 and at "Workshop on quantum gravity and nocommutative geometry", Lisbon, 2008 and at "Emergent Gravity", Boston, 2008 and at DICE2008, Italy, 2008 and at "QG2 2008 Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity", Nottingham, 200

    Curvature and Gravity Actions for Matrix Models

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    We show how gravitational actions, in particular the Einstein-Hilbert action, can be obtained from additional terms in Yang-Mills matrix models. This is consistent with recent results on induced gravitational actions in these matrix models, realizing space-time as 4-dimensional brane solutions. It opens up the possibility for a controlled non-perturbative description of gravity through simple matrix models, with interesting perspectives for the problem of vacuum energy. The relation with UV/IR mixing and non-commutative gauge theory is discussed.Comment: 17 pages; v2+v3: minor correction

    Schwarzschild Geometry Emerging from Matrix Models

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    We demonstrate how various geometries can emerge from Yang-Mills type matrix models with branes, and consider the examples of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstroem geometry. We provide an explicit embedding of these branes in R^{2,5} and R^{4,6}, as well as an appropriate Poisson resp. symplectic structure which determines the non-commutativity of space-time. The embedding is asymptotically flat with asymptotically constant \theta^{\mu\nu} for large r, and therefore suitable for a generalization to many-body configurations. This is an illustration of our previous work arXiv:1003.4132, where we have shown how the Einstein-Hilbert action can be realized within such matrix models.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Fuzzy Extra Dimensions: Dimensional Reduction, Dynamical Generation and Renormalizability

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    We examine gauge theories defined in higher dimensions where theextra dimensions form a fuzzy (finite matrix) manifold. First we reinterpret these gauge theories as four-dimensional theories with Kaluza-Klein modes and then we perform a generalized \`a la Forgacs-Manton dimensional reduction. We emphasize some striking features emerging in the later case such as (i) the appearance of non-abelian gauge theories in four dimensions starting from an abelian gauge theory in higher dimensions, (ii) the fact that the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the theory takes place entirely in the extra dimensions and (iii) the renormalizability of the theory both in higher as well as in four dimensions. Then reversing the above approach we present a renormalizable four dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with a suitable multiplet of scalar fields, which via spontaneous symmetry breaking dynamically develops extra dimensions in the form of a fuzzy sphere. We explicitly find the tower of massive Kaluza-Klein modes consistent with an interpretation as gauge theory on M4×S2M^4 \times S^2, the scalars being interpreted as gauge fields on S2S^2. Depending on the parameters of the model the low-energy gauge group can be of the form SU(n1)×SU(n2)×U(1)SU(n_1) \times SU(n_2) \times U(1).Comment: 18 pages, Based on invited talks presented at various conferences, Minor corrections, Acknowledgements adde

    The 2D Continuum Radiative Transfer Problem: Benchmark Results for Disk Configurations

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    We present benchmark problems and solutions for the continuum radiative transfer (RT) in a 2D disk configuration. The reliability of three Monte-Carlo and two grid-based codes is tested by comparing their results for a set of well-defined cases which differ for optical depth and viewing angle. For all the configurations, the overall shape of the resulting temperature and spectral energy distribution is well reproduced. The solutions we provide can be used for the verification of other RT codes.We also point out the advantages and disadvantages of the various numerical techniques applied to solve the RT problem.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Emergent Geometry and Gravity from Matrix Models: an Introduction

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    A introductory review to emergent noncommutative gravity within Yang-Mills Matrix models is presented. Space-time is described as a noncommutative brane solution of the matrix model, i.e. as submanifold of \R^D. Fields and matter on the brane arise as fluctuations of the bosonic resp. fermionic matrices around such a background, and couple to an effective metric interpreted in terms of gravity. Suitable tools are provided for the description of the effective geometry in the semi-classical limit. The relation to noncommutative gauge theory and the role of UV/IR mixing is explained. Several types of geometries are identified, in particular "harmonic" and "Einstein" type of solutions. The physics of the harmonic branch is discussed in some detail, emphasizing the non-standard role of vacuum energy. This may provide new approach to some of the big puzzles in this context. The IKKT model with D=10 and close relatives are singled out as promising candidates for a quantum theory of fundamental interactions including gravity.Comment: Invited topical review for Classical and Quantum Gravity. 57 pages, 5 figures. V2,V3: minor corrections and improvements. V4,V5: some improvements, refs adde

    Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory as a Multitrace Matrix Model

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    We develop an analytical approach to scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere based on considering a perturbative expansion of the kinetic term. This expansion allows us to integrate out the angular degrees of freedom in the hermitian matrices encoding the scalar field. The remaining model depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrices and corresponds to a multitrace hermitian matrix model. Such a model can be solved by standard techniques as e.g. the saddle-point approximation. We evaluate the perturbative expansion up to second order and present the one-cut solution of the saddle-point approximation in the large N limit. We apply our approach to a model which has been proposed as an appropriate regularization of scalar field theory on the plane within the framework of fuzzy geometry.Comment: 1+25 pages, replaced with published version, minor improvement

    Dynamical generation of fuzzy extra dimensions, dimensional reduction and symmetry breaking

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    We present a renormalizable 4-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with a suitable multiplet of scalar fields, which dynamically develops extra dimensions in the form of a fuzzy sphere S^2. We explicitly find the tower of massive Kaluza-Klein modes consistent with an interpretation as gauge theory on M^4 x S^2, the scalars being interpreted as gauge fields on S^2. The gauge group is broken dynamically, and the low-energy content of the model is determined. Depending on the parameters of the model the low-energy gauge group can be SU(n), or broken further to SU(n_1) x SU(n_2) x U(1), with mass scale determined by the size of the extra dimension.Comment: 27 pages. V2: discussion and references added, published versio