
Fuzzy Extra Dimensions: Dimensional Reduction, Dynamical Generation and Renormalizability


We examine gauge theories defined in higher dimensions where theextra dimensions form a fuzzy (finite matrix) manifold. First we reinterpret these gauge theories as four-dimensional theories with Kaluza-Klein modes and then we perform a generalized \`a la Forgacs-Manton dimensional reduction. We emphasize some striking features emerging in the later case such as (i) the appearance of non-abelian gauge theories in four dimensions starting from an abelian gauge theory in higher dimensions, (ii) the fact that the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the theory takes place entirely in the extra dimensions and (iii) the renormalizability of the theory both in higher as well as in four dimensions. Then reversing the above approach we present a renormalizable four dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with a suitable multiplet of scalar fields, which via spontaneous symmetry breaking dynamically develops extra dimensions in the form of a fuzzy sphere. We explicitly find the tower of massive Kaluza-Klein modes consistent with an interpretation as gauge theory on M4×S2M^4 \times S^2, the scalars being interpreted as gauge fields on S2S^2. Depending on the parameters of the model the low-energy gauge group can be of the form SU(n1)×SU(n2)×U(1)SU(n_1) \times SU(n_2) \times U(1).Comment: 18 pages, Based on invited talks presented at various conferences, Minor corrections, Acknowledgements adde

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