680 research outputs found

    Evaluating the feasibility of 'zero carbon' compact dwellings in urban areas

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    Reducing the carbon footprint of domestic properties is, due to global warming and social impact of increased energy costs, an ever increasing priority. Although the compulsive building standards are set by the building regulation part L1, The Code for Sustainable Homes have set more stringent requirements above the requirements of Building Regulations to achieve zero carbon emissions during occupation. This Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) requires all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016. Land scarcity and lower number of people per household forces developers to develop compact apartment-based dwellings on brown field sites, constraining the design. The aim of this research is to understand the effect of practical constraints on real building design and technology on achieving zero carbon performance in compact urban dwellings in a maritime northern European climate. In this work, currently commercially implementable renewable generation technologies are evaluated for their suitability in a compact urban setting. A model-based approach is developed to evaluate the energy consumption (both regulated and unregulated) and energy balance under the specific constraints of compact urban buildings. Graphical representation enables the introduction of a demand envelope, which shows the boundaries of the minimum and maximum expected thermal and electrical energy consumption over one year period. The research has three key findings: 1.Due to variations in energy consumption by the occupants, mainly by the unregulated energy consumption, multiple renewable energy technologies would have to be implemented to achieve the lowest possible carbon emission. 2.Although the combination of PV, CHP and HP is the generation option with the lowest carbon emissions, it is not completely carbon free when producing the required electrical and thermal energy. This suggests that there is a high likelihood that zero-carbon energy generation can not be achieved in this case study of a compact urban dwelling with the currently available technology. 3.The simulations show that with highly insulated dwellings the amount of space heating required is less than 10% of the overall energy consumption, as opposed to the 60% generally achieved in the building industry. Subsequent on-site measurements showed an estimation of just under 30% of the total energy consumption was used in space heating, which is higher than the simulated value, but still less than half that of a conventional dwelling. The main academic recommendation resulting from this research is a requirement for further ongoing research into new generation technologies as they become mature. Recommendations for the sponsoring company include continuation of measurements at the case study building to enable confirmation of energy consumption/generation findings so far

    Large variety in a panel of human colon cancer organoids in response to EZH2 inhibition

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    EZH2 inhibitors have gained great interest for their use as anti-cancer therapeutics. However, most research has focused on EZH2 mutant cancers and recently adverse effects of EZH2 inactivation have come to light. To determine whether colorectal cancer cells respond to EZH2 inhibition and to explore which factors influence the degree of response, we treated a panel of 20 organoid lines derived from human colon tumors with different concentrations of the EZH2 inhibitor GSK126. The resulting responses were associated with mutation status, gene expression and responses to other drugs. We found that the response to GSK126 treatment greatly varied between organoid lines. Response associated with the mutation status of ATRX and PAX2, and correlated with BIK expression. It also correlated well with response to Nutlin-3a which inhibits MDM2-p53 interaction thereby activating p53 signaling. Sensitivity to EZH2 ablation depended on the presence of wild type p53, as tumor organoids became resistant when p53 was mutated or knocked down. Our exploratory study provides insight into which genetic factors predict sensitivity to EZH2 inhibition. In addition, we show that the response to EZH2 inhibition requires wild type p53. We conclude that a subset of colorectal cancer patients may benefit from EZH2-targeting therapies

    Werken vanuit het innerlijk

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    Hoe kan een geestelijk begeleider of coach in het eigen innerlijk aanwezig zijn en vanuit het innerlijk werken met de gesprekspartner? Hierover gaat dit onderzoek naar het werken vanuit het innerlijk. Ik onderzoek een eigen casus uit mijn werk als humanistisch geestelijk verzorger in een ziekenhuis. Vanuit deze casus onderzoek ik de wijze waarop ik mij innerlijk voorbereid op een gesprek en de wijze waarop ik mij verhoud tot hetgeen ik tijdens het gesprek in mijn innerlijk waarneem. Het praktijkgeval wordt methodisch geanalyseerd en dit leidt tot een beschrijving van innerlijke aanwezigheid. Innerlijke aanwezigheid wordt verwoord in kwaliteiten als opmerkzaamheid, rust, intuïtie en innerlijke afstemming. Vervolgens wordt innerlijke aanwezigheid als competentie van een begeleider in de literatuur onderzocht. Verschillende beschrijvingen in de literatuur verwijzen op herkenbare wijze naar het vermogen om het zelf in het eigen innerlijk te decentreren en daarmee het innerlijk waarnemingsperspectief te veranderen. Het perspectief verandert van een identificatie met de waarneming naar een getuige zijn van de waarneming. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat een begeleider die in staat is om vanuit een gedecentreerd zelf begeleidende gesprekken aan te bieden, meer voor zijn cliënten kan betekenen doordat kwaliteiten als opmerkzaamheid, rust, empathie, betrokkenheid en intuïtie in ruimere mate bij de begeleider beschikbaar komen

    An air source heat pump model for operation in cold humid environments

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    There is considerable interest in the use of heat pumps as a potential low-carbon alternative to fossil fuel-based domestic space heating and hot water systems. In many cases, heat pumps are combined with other energy sources such as solar thermal and/or electric resistive heating, to ensure that building thermal loads can be met, and in order to minimise carbon emissions from such integrated systems. Whilst meeting the comfort demands in the occupied space, relatively complex control strategies are required in comparison to simple thermostatic control typically implemented to control gas fired heating systems in domestic buildings. Well characterised models of the principal components of these systems are required to explore and identify the most appropriate strategies in simulation. However, models of air source heat pumps (ASHPs) operating in humid climates, such as the UK, are limited. This paper presents an experimental setup designed to capture the operation of the ASHP in conditions similar to those found throughout a typical heating season in the UK. Results from a number of tests on a 10kW ASHP are presented in terms of the coefficient of performance (COP) and the steady-state operation are used to develop a model using empirical curve fitting. The overall maximum time constant is also established. The resulting model calculates COP as a function of air humidity, air temperature on the evaporator side and water temperature on the condenser side

    Establishing the zero-carbon performance of compact urban dwellings

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    This paper presents an analysis of the zero-carbon performance of a case-study building which is representative of a growing number of new buildings that are being built on redevelopment sites in inner-city areas in the UK. Compact urban dwellings are apartment style buildings with a floor area of 50 m2 per dwelling, often based over two floors. The constraints of this type of building on achieving zero-carbon performance in the context of the Code for Sustainable Homes is discussed and the shortcomings of the code are demonstrated in terms of the target heat and electricity demand targets for the design of the building systems. A graphical representation of the simulation results is used to present the findings. It has been demonstrated that in specific urban contexts, zero-carbon performance as defined within the current UK compliance framework may be very difficult to achieve in practice given the assumptions used in the simulation here. Therefore, it is very likely that zero-carbon compact urban dwellings may require a net off-site import of electrical and/or thermal energy

    The 4^4He(e,e′p)(e,e'p) Cross Section at Large Missing Energy

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    The (e,e′p)(e,e'p) reaction on 4He^{4}{He} nuclei was studied in kinematics designed to emphasize effects of nuclear short-range correlations. The measured cross sections display a peak in the kinematical regions where two-nucleon processes are expected to dominate. Theoretical models incorporating short-range correlation effects agree reasonably with the data.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, using espcrc1.sty and wrapfig.sty (included), two figures. Talk presented by J. Templon at the 15th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The Netherlands, 22-26 July, 199
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