21 research outputs found

    ErgebnisheterogenitÀt in der Strategischen Managementforschung - Analyse und Lösungsmöglichkeiten

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    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Methodenproblemen in der Strategischen Managementforschung. Auf Basis einer Meta-Analyse zum Zusammenhang zwischen Ressourcen im Sinne des Resource-based view und der Performance von Unternehmen werden verschiedene ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr die zu beobachtende ErgebnisheterogenitĂ€t in den PrimĂ€rstudien empirisch gegenĂŒbergestellt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Operationalisierung des Konstrukts "organisationale Leistung" den grĂ¶ĂŸten Beitrag zur ErklĂ€rung der Varianz der Studienergebnisse erbringt. Die Appropriationstheorie liefert einen ĂŒberzeugenden ErklĂ€rungsansatz zum systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung und Studienergebnissen.:1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Problemstellung 1 1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5 2. Grundlagen 8 2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8 2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19 2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25 2.4 Zwischenfazit 30 3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33 3.1 Überblick 33 3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34 3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44 3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70 4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77 4.1 Forschungsansatz 77 4.2 Ergebnisse 89 4.3 Diskussion 96 5. Metaanalyse 99 5.1 Forschungsansatz 99 5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103 5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106 5.4 Analyse 113 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141 5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153 6. ZusammenfĂŒhrung und Diskussion 157 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157 6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165 AnhĂ€nge 174The dissertation thesis contrasts various explanations for heterogeneity in strategic management research findings using meta-analytical techniques. I evaluate research results for a well-known research questions in strategic management research, the relation between performance and resources in the framework of resource-based view, and find that the way how the construct ‘performance’ is being operationalized explains a significant part of the observed heterogeneity in research findings, distinctly more than problems like population selection or the unclear temporal link between dependent and independent variables. Appropriation theory is shown to provide a convincing explanation for the observed outcome.:1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Problemstellung 1 1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5 2. Grundlagen 8 2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8 2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19 2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25 2.4 Zwischenfazit 30 3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33 3.1 Überblick 33 3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34 3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44 3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70 4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77 4.1 Forschungsansatz 77 4.2 Ergebnisse 89 4.3 Diskussion 96 5. Metaanalyse 99 5.1 Forschungsansatz 99 5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103 5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106 5.4 Analyse 113 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141 5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153 6. ZusammenfĂŒhrung und Diskussion 157 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157 6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165 AnhĂ€nge 17

    Hochschulen als regionaler Innovationsmotor? Innovationstransfer aus Hochschulen und seine Bedeutung fĂŒr die regionale Entwicklung

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    Die Studie basiert auf einer empirischen Analyse des Innovationsgeschehens in vier ostdeutschen Fallstudienregionen- Dresden, Halle, Jena und Rostock. Alle vier Regionen besitzen sowohl eine universitĂ€re als auch eine industrielle Tradition. Die EntwicklungsverlĂ€ufe seit dem Systembruch im Jahr 1990 fallen in diesen Regionen jedoch unterschiedlich aus. Der Untersuchung liegen verschiedene Datenquellen zugrunde: Neben der Auswertung der Hochschulstatistik, der Statistik der sozialversicherungspflichtig BeschĂ€ftigten und der Patentstatistik wurden zwei umfangreiche postalische Erhebungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Eine dieser Befragungen war an regionale SchlĂŒsselakteure (Industrie- und Handelskammern, Patentstellen, Gewerkschaften u. a.) gerichtet und zielte auf die EinschĂ€tzung der regionalen Gegebenheiten. Adressaten der zweiten Befragung waren Professoren in den untersuchten Hochschulen. Hier ging es um Umfang, Art, Ablauf und Probleme von KooperationsaktivitĂ€ten. Die hier gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden durch eine Reihe von Interviews mit aktiv kooperierenden Professoren und den Leitungen von Hochschulen weiter vertieft

    (No) Time for Change : When and Why Entrepreneurs Act During Underperforming Fundraising Attempts

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    Entrepreneurs need to mobilize funds, but they do so under considerable uncertainty about resource holders’ preferences, leading often to fundraising attempts that perform below entrepreneurs’ aspirations. Past research has offered contrasting theorizing and evidence for why entrepreneurs then make changes to their product offering during such attempts as well as for why entrepreneurs refrain from taking such action. This paper develops and tests behavioral theory to reconcile this tension, explicating when and why entrepreneurs change their product offering during underperforming fundraising attempts. Specifically, we argue that entrepreneurs draw on three sources of information that are inherent to fundraising attempts and that inform the extent of their actions to change their product offering: the degree to which they perform below their own fundraising aspirations, the degree to which they fall below peer fundraising performance, and the time that remains until the deadline for the fundraising attempt. Longitudinal data on 576 fundraising campaigns (6,758 observations) published on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter support our theory. By developing novel behavioral theory on when and why entrepreneurs take action during resource mobilization, we offer contributions to research on entrepreneurial resource mobilization, the crowdfunding literature, and the Behavioral Theory of the Firm.© 2023 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You are free to download this work and share with others, but cannot change in any way or use commercially without permission, and you must attribute this work as Organization Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2020.13803, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Only a matter of chance? How firm performance measurement impacts study results

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    Although strategic management research is well aware of the importance of construct measurement, surprisingly little rigor is applied regarding its core concept, firm performance. Using the example of the resource-based view (RBV), this paper demonstrates how divergence between theory-building and construct measurement regarding firm performance can produce misleading conclusions. The RBV seeks to explain value creation in the marketplace, yet empirical studies often measure various aspects of firm financial performance. Building on appropriation theory, I show that it is not possible to infer to changes in firm value creation from observed changes in firm financial performance measures and vice versa due to an omitted variable bias: the neglect of the relative bargaining power of stakeholders. This paper derives conclusions for research practice and suggests theoretically meaningful ways of bridging the gap between value creation and firm financial performance in the RBV framework. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Challenge of Integration: A Review of the M&A Integration Literature

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    The integration of acquired or merging firms is a key driver of the success or failure of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Over the last 30 years, a substantial body of research has addressed M&A integration, offering rich but widely dispersed insights into this phenomenon. This paper takes stock of the current knowledge, based on a review of articles published in scholarly journals. The review advances the conceptual understanding of the phenomenon by inductively developing an overarching framework for the M&A integration literature, where integration success is a function of context, structural and communication-based interventions, which interact with collective sensemaking processes and negotiations among integration stakeholders. Based on this framework, a research agenda is suggested. I proposes that, in particular, the interaction between structural interventions and leadership warrants further study. Also, little is known about integration project management and integration team composition or the interaction between integration context and collective sensemaking processes. Finally, there is a shortage of research on temporal dynamics within integration projects. The review demonstrates that M&A scholars made substantial progress regarding our understanding of the M&A integration process, yet much remains to be done

    ErgebnisheterogenitÀt in der Strategischen Managementforschung - Analyse und Lösungsmöglichkeiten

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    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Methodenproblemen in der Strategischen Managementforschung. Auf Basis einer Meta-Analyse zum Zusammenhang zwischen Ressourcen im Sinne des Resource-based view und der Performance von Unternehmen werden verschiedene ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr die zu beobachtende ErgebnisheterogenitĂ€t in den PrimĂ€rstudien empirisch gegenĂŒbergestellt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Operationalisierung des Konstrukts "organisationale Leistung" den grĂ¶ĂŸten Beitrag zur ErklĂ€rung der Varianz der Studienergebnisse erbringt. Die Appropriationstheorie liefert einen ĂŒberzeugenden ErklĂ€rungsansatz zum systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung und Studienergebnissen.:1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Problemstellung 1 1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5 2. Grundlagen 8 2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8 2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19 2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25 2.4 Zwischenfazit 30 3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33 3.1 Überblick 33 3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34 3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44 3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70 4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77 4.1 Forschungsansatz 77 4.2 Ergebnisse 89 4.3 Diskussion 96 5. Metaanalyse 99 5.1 Forschungsansatz 99 5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103 5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106 5.4 Analyse 113 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141 5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153 6. ZusammenfĂŒhrung und Diskussion 157 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157 6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165 AnhĂ€nge 174The dissertation thesis contrasts various explanations for heterogeneity in strategic management research findings using meta-analytical techniques. I evaluate research results for a well-known research questions in strategic management research, the relation between performance and resources in the framework of resource-based view, and find that the way how the construct ‘performance’ is being operationalized explains a significant part of the observed heterogeneity in research findings, distinctly more than problems like population selection or the unclear temporal link between dependent and independent variables. Appropriation theory is shown to provide a convincing explanation for the observed outcome.:1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Problemstellung 1 1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5 2. Grundlagen 8 2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8 2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19 2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25 2.4 Zwischenfazit 30 3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33 3.1 Überblick 33 3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34 3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44 3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70 4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77 4.1 Forschungsansatz 77 4.2 Ergebnisse 89 4.3 Diskussion 96 5. Metaanalyse 99 5.1 Forschungsansatz 99 5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103 5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106 5.4 Analyse 113 5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141 5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153 6. ZusammenfĂŒhrung und Diskussion 157 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157 6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165 AnhĂ€nge 17

    Emotions in sensemaking: a change management perspective

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    Purpose - Following various calls for research, the purpose of this paper is to adopt theories of emotion and action to understand the affective dimension of sensemaking processes in organizational change endeavors. Design/methodology/approach - This paper is conceptual in nature, introducing theories from psychology, in particular dual processing theory and the somatic marker hypothesis, to the field of intra-and inter-personal sensemaking in change processes. Findings - The author discusses how emotions shape sensemaking and thus the perception of change events and how four discrete emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, hope) shape content and motivational strength of sensemaking accounts, influence the likelihood that a person will engage in sensegiving activities and will be willing to accept inter-personal sensemaking outcomes. The author proposes that emotions are an input to as well as an outcome of sensemaking processes. Research limitations/implications - Although this research builds on a strong empirical basis, is conceptual in nature. Future research might test the relationships suggested in this paper empirically. Practical implications - The findings suggest that the management of affective reactions of people subjected to change processes might be a field currently not sufficiently accounted for in change management. Active emotion management might be a way to steer change processes in a positive way for all the stakeholders involved. Originality/value - The conceptualization presented here contributes to the often requested development of a conceptual model integrating emotions into the sensemaking perspective. The introduction of distinct emotions and the grounding in multi-disciplinary theory as well as the strong implications for change management theory and practice make this contribution valuable

    Organizing for the Big One: A Review of Case Studies and a Research Agenda for Multi-Agency Disaster Response

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    Disaster response operations require the cooperation of agencies that seldom interact in their daily operations. The result is a complex coordination problem, which has been in the focus of many case studies. In an effort to facilitate cross-case learning, this study presents a review of empirical studies on the multi-agency coordination of disaster response operations. The review covers 80 empirical studies and highlights the importance of training, expertise, planning and plan enactment, leadership and personal acquaintance between the actors in emergent multi-agency response networks. The analysis results also show that while some areas have received extensive coverage in scholarly publications (e.g., training, skills), a number of important topics have yet to be studied in sufficient depth (e.g., leadership and role taking, plan enactment). Based on these insights, a research agenda is proposed and a number of recommendations for practical disaster response management are made

    Should I stay, or should I go? Multi-focus identification and employee retention in post-acquisition integration

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    Retaining key employees is often one of the most crucial goals when an acquirer buys a target firm. However, what determines whether employees stay or leave once the firm has been bought? This article investigates how organizational and occupational identification influence employee exit intentions. Based on a longitudinal configurational study in two acquired hospitals, our findings challenge the popular belief that identification with the organization consistently increases retention, and we stress the important effect of occupational identification, which has been largely neglected by research on post-acquisition integration. We find that under certain conditions, occupational identification increases employees’ exit intentions but that neither identification with the firm nor identification with the occupation are necessary or sufficient to entice employees to stay or leave. Instead, their effects are contingent on the professionalization of an occupation and the degree to which employees’ expectations have been disappointed. Our findings further suggest that attention is an important mediating mechanism linking identification and exit intentions, as employees focus predominantly on topics that relate to the social entities they most strongly identify with. This article develops theory on the effects of social identification on exit intentions after acquisitions and contributes to research on multi-focus identification and post-acquisition integration