483 research outputs found

    Quantification of Spatial Parameters in 3D Cellular Constructs Using Graph Theory

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    Multispectral three-dimensional (3D) imaging provides spatial information for biological structures that cannot be measured by traditional methods. This work presents a method of tracking 3D biological structures to quantify changes over time using graph theory. Cell-graphs were generated based on the pairwise distances, in 3D-Euclidean space, between nuclei during collagen I gel compaction. From these graphs quantitative features are extracted that measure both the global topography and the frequently occurring local structures of the “tissue constructs.” The feature trends can be controlled by manipulating compaction through cell density and are significant when compared to random graphs. This work presents a novel methodology to track a simple 3D biological event and quantitatively analyze the underlying structural change. Further application of this method will allow for the study of complex biological problems that require the quantification of temporal-spatial information in 3D and establish a new paradigm in understanding structure-function relationships

    The Marco Gonzalez Maya site, Ambergris Caye, Belize: assessing the impact of human activities by examining diachronic processes at the local scale

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    Research at the Maya archaeological site of Marco Gonzalez on Ambergris Caye in Belize is socio-ecological because human activities have been a factor in the formation and fluctuation of the local marine and terrestrial environments over time. The site is one of many on Belize's coast and cayes that exhibit anomalous vegetation and dark-coloured soils. These soils, although sought for cultivation, are not typical 'Amazonian Dark Earths' but instead are distinctive to the weathering of carbonate-rich anthropogenic deposits. We tentatively term these location-specific soils as Maya Dark Earths. Our research seeks to quantify the role of human activities in long-term environmental change and to develop strategies, specifically Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), that can be applied to environmental impact modelling today

    Stability Assessment of p i n Perovskite Photovoltaic Mini Modules Utilizing Different Top Metal Electrodes

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    Long term stability is one of the major challenges for p i n type perovskite solar modules PSMs . Here, we demonstrate the fabrication of fully laser patterned series interconnected p i n perovskite mini modules, in which either single Cu or Ag layers are compared with Cu Au metal bilayer top electrodes. According to the scanning electron microscopy measurements, we found that Cu or Ag top electrodes often exhibit flaking of the metal upon P3 top contact removal laser patterning. For Cu Au bilayer top electrodes, metal flaking may cause intermittent short circuits between interconnected sub cells during operation, resulting in fluctuations in the maximum power point MPP . Here, we demonstrate Cu Au metal bilayer based PSMs with an efficiency of 18.9 on an active area of 2.2 cm2 under continuous 1 sun illumination. This work highlights the importance of optimizing the top contact composition to tackle the operational stability of mini modules, and could help to improve the feasibility of large area module deployment for the commercialization of perovskite photovoltaic

    Enumeration of islets by nuclei counting and light microscopic analysis

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    Author Manuscript 2011 May 1.Islet enumeration in impure preparations by conventional dithizone staining and visual counting is inaccurate and operator dependent. We examined nuclei counting for measuring the total number of cells in islet preparations, and we combined it with morphological analysis by light microscopy (LM) for estimating the volume fraction of islets in impure preparations. Cells and islets were disrupted with lysis solution and shear, and accuracy of counting successively diluted nuclei suspensions was verified with (1) visual counting in a hemocytometer after staining with crystal violet, and automatic counting by (2) aperture electrical resistance measurement and (3) flow cytometer measurement after staining with 7-aminoactinomycin-D. DNA content averaged 6.5 and 6.9 pg of DNA per cell for rat and human islets, respectively, in agreement with literature estimates. With pure rat islet preparations, precision improved with increasing counts, and samples with about greater than or equal to 160 islets provided a coefficient of variation of about 6%. Aliquots of human islet preparations were processed for LM analysis by stereological point counting. Total nuclei counts and islet volume fraction from LM analysis were combined to obtain the number of islet equivalents (IEs). Total number of IE by the standard method of dithizone staining/manual counting was overestimated by about 90% compared with LM/nuclei counting for 12 freshly isolated human islet research preparations. Nuclei counting combined with islet volume fraction measurements from LM is a novel method for achieving accurate islet enumeration.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NCRR ICR U4Z 16606)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-DK063108-01A1)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NCRR ICR U42 RR0023244-01)Joslin Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (Grant DK36836)Diabetes Research & Wellness FoundationJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (Islet Transplantation, Harvard Medical School

    Half-life determination of Tb-155 from mass-separated samples produced at CERN-MEDICIS

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    Terbium-155 has been identified for its potential for single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in nuclear medicine. For activity measurements, an accurate and precise half-life of this radionuclide is required. However, the currently evaluated half-life of 5.32(6) d with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.1% determines the precision possible. Limited literature for the half-life measurements of this radionuclide is available and all reported investigations are prior to 1970. Further measurements are therefore needed to confirm the accuracy and improve the precision of the half-life for its use in the clinical setting. Two samples produced and mass separated at the CERN-MEDICIS facility have been measured at the National Physical Laboratory by two independent techniques: liquid scintillation counting and high-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometry. A half-life of 5.2346(36) d has been determined from the weighted mean of the half-lives determined by the two techniques. The half-life reported in this work has shown a relative difference of 1.6% to the currently evaluated half-life and has vastly improved the precision.Peer reviewe

    Cellular and Matrix Mechanics of Bioartificial Tissues During Continuous Cyclic Stretch

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    Bioartificial tissues are useful model systems for studying cell and extra-cellular matrix mechanics. These tissues provide a 3D environment for cells and allow tissue components to be easily modified and quantified. In this study, we fabricated bioartificial tissue rings from a 1 ml solution containing one million cardiac fibroblasts and 1 mg collagen. After 8 days, rings compacted to <1% of original volume and cell number increased 2.4 fold. We initiated continuous cyclic stretching of the rings after 2, 4, or 8 days of incubation, while monitoring the tissue forces. Peak tissue force during each cycle decreased rapidly after initiating stretch, followed by further slow decline. We added 2 μM Cytochalasin-D to some rings prior to initiation of stretch to determine the force contributed by the matrix. Cell force was estimated by subtracting matrix force from tissue force. After 12 h, matrix force-strain curves were highly nonlinear. Cell force-strain curves were linear during loading and showed hysteresis indicating viscoelastic behavior. Cell stiffness increased with stretching frequency from 0.001–0.25 Hz. Cell stiffness decreased with stretch amplitude (5–25%) at 0.1 Hz. The trends in cell stiffness do not fit simple viscoelastic models previously proposed, and suggest possible strain-amplitude related changes during cyclic stretch

    Instability of Plastid DNA in the Nuclear Genome

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    Functional gene transfer from the plastid (chloroplast) and mitochondrial genomes to the nucleus has been an important driving force in eukaryotic evolution. Non-functional DNA transfer is far more frequent, and the frequency of such transfers from the plastid to the nucleus has been determined experimentally in tobacco using transplastomic lines containing, in their plastid genome, a kanamycin resistance gene (neo) readymade for nuclear expression. Contrary to expectations, non-Mendelian segregation of the kanamycin resistance phenotype is seen in progeny of some lines in which neo has been transferred to the nuclear genome. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the instability of kanamycin resistance in nine of these lines, and we show that it is due to deletion of neo. Four lines showed instability with variation between progeny derived from different areas of the same plant, suggesting a loss of neo during somatic cell division. One line showed a consistent reduction in the proportion of kanamycin-resistant progeny, suggesting a loss of neo during meiosis, and the remaining four lines were relatively stable. To avoid genomic enlargement, the high frequency of plastid DNA integration into the nuclear genome necessitates a counterbalancing removal process. This is the first demonstration of such loss involving a high proportion of recent nuclear integrants. We propose that insertion, deletion, and rearrangement of plastid sequences in the nuclear genome are important evolutionary processes in the generation of novel nuclear genes. This work is also relevant in the context of transgenic plant research and crop production, because similar processes to those described here may be involved in the loss of plant transgenes

    Multichannel electrocardiogram diagnostics for the diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

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    Aims: The identification of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) from 12-channel standard electrocardiogram (ECG) is challenging. High density ECG data may identify lead locations and criteria with a higher sensitivity. Methods and results: Eighty-channel ECG recording from patients diagnosed with ARVD and controls were quantified by magnitude and integral measures of QRS and T waves and by a measure (the average silhouette width) of differences in the shapes of the normalized ECG cycles. The channels with the best separability between ARVD patients and controls were near the right ventricular wall, at the third intercostal space. These channels showed pronounced differences in P waves compared to controls as well as the expected differences in QRS and T waves. Conclusion: Multichannel recordings, as in body surface mapping, add little to the reliability of diagnosing ARVD from ECGs. However, repositioning ECG electrodes to a high anterior position can improve the identification of ECG variations in ARVD. Additionally, increased P wave amplitude appears to be associated with ARVD

    Laser based series interconnection of chalcopyrite und perovskite solar cells Analysis of material modifications and implications for achieving small dead area widths

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    Both nanosecond pulses and picosecond laser pulses are used for P2 patterning of chalcopyrite Cu In,Ga Se2, CIGSe and metal halide perovskite solar cell absorber layers. For CIGSe, the range of the modified material visualized by photoluminescence imaging is significantly wider than the actual physical linewidth, since energy input by the laser pulses leads to material modification in the vicinity of the scribed lines. This effect does not occur with the perovskite absorber layers, where there is no apparent influence on the edge regions. From numerical calculations of the temperature depth profiles and the surface temperature distributions it is concluded that this effect is due to the significantly lower perovskite absorber layer thickness compared to CIGSe and the nevertheless significantly higher laser fluence required for perovskite ablation. The unaffected edge regions around the P2 line in the perovskite enabled a reduction of the dead area width in the fabrication of 3 segmented mini modules, which could be significantly reduced from 430 to 230 m, while increasing the aperture area power conversion efficiency and also the geometric fill factor, which could be increased up to 94.