51 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konten Vlog Dalam Youtube Terhadap Pembentukan Sikap Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    Vlog adalah satu video berisi mengenai opini, cerita atau kegiatan harian yang biasanya dibuat tertulis pada blog. Vlog pada awalnya menjadi sarana untuk mengekspresikan diri dan pendapat kepada publik. Namun, lama-kelamaan, hasil yang ada akhirnya, beberapa Vlogger mengekspresikan dirinya terlalu ‘bebas' dan cenderung secara ‘negatif' sehingga muncul tren seperti penggunaan kata kasar atau makian dalam video dan tren gaya hidup berbudaya barat yang bebas. Maraknya Vlog di media sosial menjadi tontonan rutin para anak muda. Fenomena ini juga muncul dalam kalangan mahasiswa, lebih khususnya mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi.Jadi untuk mengetahui pengaruh konten Vlog dalam Youtube terhadap pembentukan sikap Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi maka penelitian menggunakan teori Jarum Hipodermik yang berdasarkan anggapan bahwa media massa memiliki pengaruh langsung, segera, dan sangat menentukan terhadap khalayak. Maka konten Vlog dalam Youtube bersifat seperti jarum suntik yang mempengaruhi penonton yang nantinya diukur sejauh mana penonton menyadari, memahami, dan menerima isi video yang diunggah Vlogger. Nantinya akan timbul efek dari segi kognitif, afektif dan behavioral.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode korelasional untuk mencari tahu besarnya pengaruh yang disebabkan oleh variabel X yaitu ‘Konten Vlog' terhadap variabel Y yaitu ‘Sikap Mahasiswa'lalu akan dianalisis dengan analisis Koefisien Korelasi dengan rumus Product Moment yang menyatakan kekuatan hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih, juga dapat menentukan arah hubungan dari kedua variabel. Nilai korelasi yang didapat adalah kuat dan positif. Positif maksudnya terjadi hubungan searah antara konten Vlog dan sikap mahasiswa. Bila konten Vlog sering ditonton maka akan terjadi pembentukan sikap pada mahasiswa. Pembentukan sikap yang terjadi adalah sikap yang positif dengan maksud karena para mahasiswa senang dan gemar menonton Vlog, ingin mencoba hal-hal yang ada dalam Vlog, bahkan memiliki keinginan untuk menjadi Vlogger

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Camat terhadap Kesadaran Masyarakat dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Eris Kabupaten Minahasa

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    The Earth and building tax is a direct tax that is withheld by the Central Government, butthe results received are intended for community interests in the area corresponding to the layout and thetax object. The existence of tendencies and a sense of reluctance from some community Districts that paytaxes in Eris views from various things relating to public awareness itself due to a weak economy thatfactor in the work of inner as farmers, the Bill that is not in accordance with the objects of taxation andthere are people who deliberately don't want to pay UN.. Therefore, this research aims to know theinfluence of the leadership of the Head of community awareness in the Earth and buildings to pay taxes.The independent variables (free) in this study was leadership of (X) is a capacity that has theability to affect or right to steer, or encourage a person to do everything which is the wisdom or acommand for a particular purpose. The dependent variable (tied) in the penenlitian this is the awarenessof UN Pay as a Variable (Y) the existence of public awareness will encourage a strong desire to improveand develop common interests in order to achieve a better life. The type of research used in this study is aresearch method of quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics, with a view to seeking influencesbetween the dependent variable and independent variable.Overall analysis of the results indicates that the leadership of the Head has a positive influence on theAwareness of society in the pay of the UN in the Sub-District of Eris. As the results of this research as wellas the theoretical opinion then it can be stated that the leadership of the Head has a positive influence onthe Awareness of society in the pay of the UN

    HST/STIS Spectroscopy of the Lyman-Alpha Emission Line in the Central Dominant Galaxies in A426, A1795, and A2597: Constraints on Clouds in the Intracluster Medium

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    We report on HST/STIS spectra of the Lyman-alpha emission in the central dominant galaxies in three rich clusters of galaxies. We find evidence for a population of clouds in the intracluster medium.We detect 10 Ly-alpha absorption systems towards the nucleus of NGC1275 with columns of N(HI) 1E12-1E14 cm-2. The detected absorption features are most consistent with associated nuclear absorption systems. There is very little nuclear absorption at the systemic velocity in NGC1275. This implies that the large columns detected in the 21 cm line towards the parsec scale radio source avoid the line of sight to the nucleus. This gas may be located in a circumnuclear disk or torus. We detect at least one and possibly two absorption features towards the extended Ly-alpha in A426. We do not detect absorption towards the extended Ly-alpha emission in A1795, and A2597 with upper limits N(HI) 1E13 cm-2 for optically thin absorbers. Our data constrain the covering factor of any high column density gas in the ICM to be less than 25%. Our results suggest that the lack of observed intermediate temperature gas is not explained by obscuration. In addition, the low columns of gas on the 100 kpc scales in the ICM suggests that (1) the rate at which cold gas accumulates in the ICM on these scales is very low, and (2) the dense nebulae in the central 10 kpc must have cooled or been deposited in situ.Comment: 6 figure

    Polarimetry and the High-Energy Emission Mechanisms in Quasar Jets. The Case of PKS 1136-135

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    Since the discovery of kiloparsec-scale X-ray emission from quasar jets, the physical processes responsible for their high-energy emission have been poorly defined. A number of mechanisms are under active debate, including synchrotron radiation, inverse-Comptonized CMB (IC/CMB) emission, and other Comptonization processes. In a number of cases, the optical and X-ray emission of jet regions are inked by a single spectral component, and in those, high- resolution multi-band imaging and polarimetry can be combined to yield a powerful diagnostic of jet emission processes. Here we report on deep imaging photometry of the jet of PKS 1136-135 obtained with the {\it Hubble Space Telescope.} We find that several knots are highly polarized in the optical, with fractional polarization Π>30\Pi>30%. When combined with the broadband spectral shape observed in these regions, this is very difficult to explain via IC/CMB models, unless the scattering particles are at the lowest-energy tip of the electron energy distribution, with Lorentz factor γ1\gamma \sim 1, and the jet is also very highly beamed (δ20\delta \geq 20) and viewed within a few degrees of the line of sight. We discuss both the IC/CMB and synchrotron interpretation of the X-ray emission in the light of this new evidence, presenting new models of the spectral energy distribution and also the matter content of this jet. The high polarizations do not completely rule out the possibility of IC/CMB optical-to-X-ray emission in this jet, but they do strongly disfavor the model. We discuss the implications of this finding, and also the prospects for future work.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, ApJ in pres

    Constraints on UV Absorption in the Intracluster Medium of Abell 1030

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    We present results from an extensive HST spectroscopic search for UV absorption lines in the spectrum of the quasar B2~1028+313, which is associated with the central dominant galaxy in the cluster Abell~1030 (z=0.178z=0.178). This is one of the brightest known UV continuum sources located in a cluster, and therefore provides an ideal opportunity to obtain stringent constraints on the column densities of any cool absorbing gas that may be associated with the intracluster medium (ICM). Our HST spectra were obtained with the FOS and GHRS, and provide continuous coverage at rest-frame wavelengths from 975\sim 975 to 4060~\AA, thereby allowing the investigation of many different elements and ionization levels. We utilize a new technique that involves simultaneous fitting of large numbers of different transitions for each species, thereby yielding more robust constraints on column densities than can be obtained from a single transition. This method yields upper limits of 10111013\lesssim 10^{11} - 10^{13} cm2^{-2} on the column densities of a wide range of molecular, atomic and ionized species that may be associated with the ICM. We also discuss a possible \Lya and C IV absorption system associated with the quasar. We discuss the implications of the upper limits on cool intracluster gas in the context of the physical properties of the ICM and its relationship to the quasar.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press, 19 pages, includes 5 PostScript figures. Latex format, uses aas2pp4.sty and epsfig.sty file

    Purification, characterization and utilization of polysaccharide of Araucaria heterophylla gum for the synthesis of curcumin loaded nanocarrier

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    In this study, gum of Araucaria heterophylla was collected. The collected gum was subjected for extraction of polysaccharide using solvent extraction system. Thus, extracted polysaccharide was further purified using solvent method and was characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy, Phenol sulfuric acid assay, FTIR, TGA, TLC and GC-MS. The gum derived polysaccharide was found to have the following sugars Rhamnose, Allose, Glucosinolate, Threose, Idosan, Galactose and Arabinose. The extracted polysaccharide was tested for various in-vitro bioactive studies such as antibacterial activity, antioxidant activity and anticancer activity. The polysaccharide was found to have antioxidant and anticancer activity. Further, the polysaccharide was subjected for carboxymethylation to favor the nanocarrier synthesis, where it was chelated using Sodium Tri Meta Phosphate (STMP) to form nanocarriers. The nanocarriers so formed were loaded with curcumin and were characterized using FTIR, SEM, EDX and AFM. Both the loaded and unloaded nanocarriers were studied for its in-vitro cytotoxic effect against the MCF7 human breast cancer cell lines. The nanocarriers were found to deliver the drug efficiently against the cancer cell line used in this study

    The Extended Blue Continuum and Line Emission around the Central Radio Galaxy in Abell 2597

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    We present results from detailed imaging of the centrally dominant radio elliptical galaxy in the cooling flow cluster Abell 2597, using data obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This object is one of the archetypal "blue-lobed" cooling flow radio elliptical galaxies, also displaying a luminous emission-line nebula, a compact radio source, and a significant dust lane and evidence of molecular gas in its center. We show that the radio source is surrounded by a complex network of emission-line filaments, some of which display a close spatial association with the outer boundary of the radio lobes. We present a detailed analysis of the physical properties of ionized and neutral gas associated with the radio lobes, and show that their properties are strongly suggestive of direct interactions between the radio plasma and ambient gas. We resolve the blue continuum emission into a series of knots and clumps, and present evidence that these are most likely due to regions of recent star formation. We investigate several possible triggering mechanisms for the star formation, including direct interactions with the radio source, filaments condensing from the cooling flow, or the result of an interaction with a gas-rich galaxy, which may also have been responsible for fueling the active nucleus. We propose that the properties of the source are plausibly explained in terms of accretion of gas by the cD during an interaction with a gas-rich galaxy, which combined with the fact that this object is located at the center of a dense, high-pressure ICM can account for the high rates of star formation and the strong confinement of the radio source.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press, 34 pages, includes 6 PostScript figures. Latex format, uses aaspp4.sty and epsf.sty file

    Radio Loud and Radio Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We generated a sample of 409 AGNs for which both the radio luminosity at 5 GHz and the line luminosity in [OIII] 5007 have been measured. The radio luminosity spans a range of ten orders of magnitude, and the [OIII] line luminosity spans a range of eight orders of magnitude --- both considerably larger than the ranges in previous studies. We show that these two quantities are correlated in a similar way for both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. We demonstrate that the observed correlation can be explained in terms of a model in which jets are accelerated and collimated by a vertical magnetic field.Comment: 45 pages inc. 7 figures, 1 table of 15 pages in ps-format. Accept to AJ September 199

    HST NIR Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts II: An Atlas and Inventory of the Host Galaxies, Mergers and Companions

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    We present the second part of an H-band (1.6 microns) atlas of z<0.3 3CR radio galaxies, using the Hubble Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (HST NICMOS2). We present new imaging for 21 recently acquired sources, and host galaxy modeling for the full sample of 101 (including 11 archival) -- an 87% completion rate. Two different modeling techniques are applied, following those adopted by the galaxy morphology and the quasar host galaxy communities. Results are compared, and found to be in excellent agreement, although the former breaks down in the case of strongly nucleated sources. Companion sources are tabulated, and the presence of mergers, tidal features, dust disks and jets are catalogued. The tables form a catalogue for those interested in the structural and morphological dust-free host galaxy properties of the 3CR sample, and for comparison with morphological studies of quiescent galaxies and quasar host galaxies. Host galaxy masses are estimated, and found to typically lie at around 2*10^11 solar masses. In general, the population is found to be consistent with the local population of quiescent elliptical galaxies, but with a longer tail to low Sersic index, mainly consisting of low-redshift (z<0.1) and low-radio-power (FR I) sources. A few unusually disky FR II host galaxies are picked out for further discussion. Nearby external sources are identified in the majority of our images, many of which we argue are likely to be companion galaxies or merger remnants. The reduced NICMOS data are now publicly available from our website (http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/3cr/)Comment: ApJS, 177, 148: Final version; includes revised figures 1, 15b, and section 7.5 (and other minor changes from editing process. 65 pages, inc. 17 figure

    3C236: Radio Source, Interrupted?

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    We present new HST STIS/MAMA near-UV images and archival WFPC2 V and R band images which reveal the presence of four star forming regions in an arc along the edge of the dust lane in the giant (4 Mpc) radio galaxy 3C236. Two of the star forming regions are relatively young with ages of order 1E7 yr, while the other two are older with ages of order 1E8 - 1E9 yr which is comparable to the estimated age of the giant radio source. Based on dynamical and spectral aging arguments, we suggest that the fuel supply to the AGN was interrupted for 1E7 yr and has now been restored, resulting in the formation of the inner 2 kpc scale radio source. This time scale is similar to that of the age of the youngest of the star forming regions. We suggest that the transport of gas in the disk is non-steady and that this produces both the multiple episodes of star formation in the disk as well as the multiple epochs of radio source activity. If the inner radio source and the youngest star forming region are related by the same event of gas transport, the gas must be transported from the hundreds of pc scale to the sub-parsec scale on a time scale of 1E7 yr, which is similar to the dynamical time scale of the gas on the hundreds of pc scales