28 research outputs found

    Cervical cancer screening in partly HPV vaccinated cohorts - A cost-effectiveness analysis

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    Background: Vaccination against the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 will reduce the prevalence of these types, thereby also reducing cervical cancer risk in unvaccinated women. This (measurable) herd effect will be limited at first

    The Natural Disease Course of Pancreatic Cyst–Associated Neoplasia, Dysplasia, and Ductal Adenocarcinoma:Results of a Microsimulation Model

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    Background &amp; Aims: Estimates on the progression of precursor lesions to pancreatic cancer (PC) are scarce. We used microsimulation modeling to gain insight into the natural disease course of PC and its precursors. This information is pivotal to explore the efficacy of PC screening. Methods: A Microsimulation Screening Analysis model was developed in which pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasms and cysts can evolve from low-grade dysplasia (LGD) to high-grade dysplasia (HGD) to PC. The model was calibrated to Dutch PC incidence data and Japanese precursor prevalence data (autopsy cases without PC) and provides estimates of PC progression (precursor lesion onset and stage duration).Results: Mean LGD state durations of cysts and pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasms were 15.8 years and 17.1 years, respectively. Mean HGD state duration was 5.8 years. For lesions that progress to PC, the mean duration was 4.8–4.9 years for LGD lesions and 4.0–4.1 years for HGD lesions. In 13.7% of individuals who developed PC, the HGD state lasted less than 1 year. The probability that an individual at age 50 years developed PC in the next 20 years was estimated to be 1.8% in the presence of any cyst and 6.1% in case of an LGD mucinous cyst. This 20-year PC risk was estimated to be 5.1% for individuals with an LGD pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm. Conclusions: Mean duration of HGD lesions before development of PC was estimated to be 4.0 years. This implies a window of opportunity for screening, presuming the availability of a reliable diagnostic test. The probability that an LGD cyst will progress to cancer was predicted to be low.</p

    Comparing SurePath, ThinPrep, and conventional cytology as primary test method: SurePath is associated with increased CIN II+ detection rates

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    Purpose: Within the last decade, SurePath and ThinPrep [both liquid-based cytology (LBC) tests] have replaced conventional cytology (CC) as primary test method in cervical cancer screening programs of multiple countries. The aim of our study was to examine the effect in the Dutch screening program. Methods: All primary smears taken within this program from 2000 to 2011 were analyzed using the nationwide registry of histo- and cytopathology (PALGA) with a follow-up until March 2013. The percentage of smears classified as borderline/mildly dyskaryotic (BMD) and >BMD as well as CIN and cervical cancer detection rates were compared between SurePath and ThinPrep versus CC by logistic regression analyses (adjusted for age, screen region, socioeconomic status, and calendar time). Results: We included 3,118,685 CC, 1,313,731 SurePath, and 1,584,587 ThinPrep smears. Using SurePath resulted in an increased rate of primary smears classified as >BMD [odds ratio (OR) = 1.12 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09–1.16)]. CIN I and II+ detection rates increased by 14 % [OR = 1.14 (95% CI 1.08–1.20)] and 8 % [OR = 1.08 (95% CI 1.05–1.12)]. Cervical cancer detection rates were unaffected. Implementing ThinPrep did not result in major alterations of the cytological classification of smears, and it did not affect CIN detection rates. While not significant, cervical cancer detection rates were lower [OR = 0.87 (95% CI 0.75–1.01)]. Conclusions: The impact of replacing CC by LBC as primary test method depends on the type of LBC test used. Only the use of SurePath was associated with increased CIN II+ detection, although it simultaneously increased the detection of CIN I

    Cervical cancer incidence after normal cytological sample in routine screening using SurePath, ThinPrep, and conventional cytology: population based study

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    #### Objective To compare the cumulative incidence of cervical cancer diagnosed within 72 months after a normal screening sample between conventional cytology and liquid based cytology tests SurePath and ThinPrep. #### Design Retrospective population based cohort study. #### Setting Nationwide network and registry of histo- and cytopathology in the Netherlands (PALGA), January 2000 to March 2013. #### Population Women with 5924474 normal screening samples (23833123 person years). #### Exposure Use of SurePath or ThinPrep versus conventional cytology as screening test. #### Main outcome measure 72 month cumulative incidence of invasive cervical cancer after a normal screening sample for each screening test. Cox regression analyses assessed the hazard ratios, adjusted for calendar time, age, screening history, and socioeconomic status and including laboratories as random effects. #### Results The 72 month cumulative cancer incidence was 58.5 (95% confidence interval 54.6 to 62.7) per 100000 normal conventional cytology samples, compared with 66.8 (56.7 to 78.7) for ThinPrep and 44.6 (37.8 to 52.6) for SurePath. Compared with conventional cytology, the hazard of invasive cancer was 19% lower (hazard ratio 0.81, 95% confidence interval 0.66 to 0.99) for SurePath, mainly caused by a 27% lower hazard (0.73, 0.57 to 0.93) of a clinically detected cancer. For ThinPrep, the hazard was on average 15% higher (hazard ratio 1.15, 0.95 to 1.38), mainly caused by a 56% higher hazard of a screen detected cancer (1.56, 1.17 to 2.08). #### Conclusions These findings should provoke reconsideration of the assumed similarity in sensitivity to detect progressive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia between different types of liquid based cy

    The Impact of Different Screening Model Structures on Cervical Cancer Incidence and Mortality Predictions: The Maximum Clinical Incidence Reduction (MCLIR) Methodology

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    Background. To interpret cervical cancer screening model results, we need to understand the influence of model structure and assumptions on cancer incidence and mortality predictions. Cervical cancer cases and deaths following screening can be attributed to 1) (precancerous or cancerous) disease that occurred after screening, 2) disease that was present but not screen detected, or 3) disease that was screen detected but not successfully treated. We examined the relative contributions of each of these using 4 Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) models. Methods. The maximum clinical incidence reduction (MCLIR) method compares changes in the number of clinically detected cervical cancers and mortality among 4 scenarios: 1) no screening, 2) one-time perfect screening at age 45 that detects all existing disease and delivers perfect (i.e., 100% effective) treatment of all screen-detected disease, 3) one-time realistic-sensitivity cytological screening and perfect treatment of all screen-detected disease, and 4) one-time realistic-sensitivity cytological screening and realistic-effectiveness treatment of all screen-detected disease. Results. Predicted incidence reductions ranged from 55% to 74%, and mortality reduction ranged from 56% to 62% within 15 years of follow-up for scenario 4 across models. The proportion of deaths due to disease not detected by screening differed across the models (21%–35%), as did the failure of treatment (8%–16%) and disease occurring after screening (from 1%–6%). Conclusions. The MCLIR approach aids in the interpretation of variability across model results. We showed that the reasons why screening failed to prevent cancers and deaths differed between the models. This likely reflects uncertainty about unobservable model inputs and structures; the impact of this uncertainty on policy conclusions should be examined via comparing findings from different well-calibrated and validated model platforms

    Identifying key factors for the effectiveness of pancreatic cancer screening:A model-based analysis

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) survival is poor, as detection usually occurs late, when treatment options are limited. Screening of high-risk individuals may enable early detection and a more favorable prognosis. Knowledge gaps prohibit establishing the effectiveness of screening. We developed a Microsimulation Screening Analysis model to analyze the impact of relevant uncertainties on the effect of PC screening in high-risk individuals. The model simulates two base cases: one in which lesions always progress to PC and one in which indolent and faster progressive lesions coexist. For each base case, the effect of annual and 5-yearly screening with endoscopic ultrasonography/magnetic resonance imaging was evaluated. The impact of variance in PC risk, screening test characteristics and surgery-related mortality was evaluated using sensitivity analyses. Screening resulted in a reduction of PC mortality by at least 16% in all simulated scenarios. This reduction depended strongly on the natural disease course (annual screening: −57% for “Progressive-only” vs −41% for “Indolent Included”). The number of screen and surveillance tests needed to prevent one cancer death was impacted most by PC risk. A 10% increase in test sensitivity reduced mortality by 1.9% at most. Test specificity is important for the number of surveillance tests. In conclusion, screening reduces PC mortality in all modeled scenarios. The natural disease course and PC risk strongly determines the effectiveness of screening. Test sensitivity seems of lesser influence than specificity. Future research should gain more insight in PC pathobiology to establish the true value of PC screening in high-risk individuals.</p

    Cost-effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccination in children with medical risk conditions in the Netherlands.

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    Background: In many countries, annual immunization with inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) is recommended for children with medical risk conditions. Prior cost-effectiveness analyses found such immunization to be cost saving, but assumed effectiveness against non-severe influenza outcomes and a higher effectiveness against severe influenza outcomes than recent studies would suggest. However, recent vaccine studies do not indicate any reduction in community or outpatient disease episodes in IIV immunized individuals. We therefore evaluated cost-effectiveness of IIV immunization in children with medical risk conditions in the Netherlands, assuming that IIV reduces influenza-related hospitalization and death, but has no meaningful impact on non-severe health outcomes. Methods: A health economic decision tree model was developed to evaluate health effects and costs of annual IIV immunization versus no immunization. Model inputs were based on our study on influenza-related primary care visits and other literature. Immunization was considered cost effective if associated costs were less than €20,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed to assess robustness of results, and one-way sensitivity analyses and scenario analyses were done to assess the influence of individual parameters. Results: Annual IIV prevents an average of 1.59 influenza-related hospitalizations and 0.02 deaths per 1,000 children with medical risk conditions. This results in an expected QALY gain of 0.43 at incremental costs of €21,564 per 1,000 children, corresponding to an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €50,297/QALY compared to no immunization. Under base case assumptions, immunization had a 5% probability of being cost effective. Results were most influenced by vaccine efficacy against fatal influenza, QALY loss due to death, and mortality rate. Conclusions: If IIV only reduces severe disease outcomes, as current evidence suggests, annual immunization of medical risk children is unlikely to be cost effective. Results should however be interpreted with caution as cost-effectiveness is largely dependent on incidence and QALY losses for fatal influenza, for which evidence is scarce

    The Differential Risk of Cervical Cancer in HPV-Vaccinated and -Unvaccinated Women: A Mathematical Modeling Study

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    Background: With increased uptake of vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), protection against cervical cancer will also increase for unvaccinated women, due to herd immunity. Still, the differential risk between vaccinated and unvaccinated women might warrant a vaccination-status–screening approach. To understand the potential value of stratified screening protocols, we estimated the risk differentials in HPV and cervical cancer between vaccinated and unvaccinated women. Methods: We used STDSIM, an individual-based model of HPV transmission and control, to estimate the HPV prevalence reduction over time, after introduction of HPV vaccination. We simulated scenarios of bivalent or nonavalent vaccination in females-only or females and males, at 20% coverage increments. We estimated relative HPV-type–specific prevalence reduction compared with a no-vaccination counterfactual and then estimated the age-specific cervical cancer risk by vaccination status. Results: The relative cervical cancer risk for unvaccinated compared with vaccinated women ranged from 1.7 (bivalent vaccine for females and males; 80% coverage) to 10.8 (nonavalent vaccine for females-only; 20% coverage). Under 60% vaccination coverage, which is a representative coverage for several western countries, including the United States, the relative risk (RR) varies between 2.2 (bivalent vaccine for females and males) and 9.2 (nonavalent vaccine for females). Conclusions: We found large cervical cancer risk differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated women. In general, our model shows that the RR is higher in lower vaccine coverages, using the nonavalent vaccine, and when vaccinating females only. Impact: To avoid a disbalance in harms and benefits between vaccinated and unvaccinated women, vaccination-based screening needs serious consideration