65 research outputs found

    Neuroimaging in social anxiety disorder—a meta-analytic review resulting in a new neurofunctional model.

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    Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most frequent anxiety disorders. The landmark meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies by Etkin and Wager (2007) revealed primarily the typical fear circuit as overactive in SAD. Since then, new methodological developments such as functional connectivity and more standardized structural analyses of grey and white matter have been developed. We provide a comprehensive update and a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies in SAD since 2007 and present a new model of the neurobiology of SAD. We confirmed the hyperactivation of the fear circuit (amygdala, insula, anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex) in SAD. In addition, task-related functional studies revealed hyperactivation of medial parietal and occipital regions (posterior cingulate, precuneus, cuneus) in SAD and a reduced connectivity between parietal and limbic and executive network regions. Based on the result of this meta-analysis and review, we present an updated model of SAD adopting a network-based perspective. The disconnection of the medial parietal hub in SAD extends current frameworks for future research in anxiety disorders.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is printed by Elsevier in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763414002012

    Novel Insights Into the Neurobiology of the Antidepressant Response From Ketamine Research: A Mini Review

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    The serendipitous discovery of ketamine's antidepressant effects represents one of the major landmarks in neuropsychopharmacological research of the last 50 years. Ketamine provides an exciting challenge to traditional concepts of antidepressant drug therapy, producing rapid antidepressant effects seemingly without targeting monoaminergic pathways in the conventional way. In consequence, the advent of ketamine has spawned a plethora of neurobiological research into its putative mechanisms. Here, we provide a brief overview of current theories of antidepressant drug action including monoaminergic signaling, disinhibition of glutamatergic neurotransmission, neurotrophic and neuroplastic effects, and how these might relate to ketamine. Given that research into ketamine has not yet yielded new therapies beyond ketamine itself, current knowledge gaps and limitations of available studies are also discussed

    Corrigendum: Elena+ Care for COVID-19, a Pandemic Lifestyle Care Intervention: Intervention Design and Study Protocol

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    Background: The current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is an emergency on a global scale, with huge swathes of the population required to remain indoors for prolonged periods to tackle the virus. In this new context, individuals' health-promoting routines are under greater strain, contributing to poorer mental and physical health. Additionally, individuals are required to keep up to date with latest health guidelines about the virus, which may be confusing in an age of social-media disinformation and shifting guidelines. To tackle these factors, we developed Elena+, a smartphone-based and conversational agent (CA) delivered pandemic lifestyle care intervention. Methods: Elena+ utilizes varied intervention components to deliver a psychoeducation-focused coaching program on the topics of: COVID-19 information, physical activity, mental health (anxiety, loneliness, mental resources), sleep and diet and nutrition. Over 43 subtopics, a CA guides individuals through content and tracks progress over time, such as changes in health outcome assessments per topic, alongside user-set behavioral intentions and user-reported actual behaviors. Ratings of the usage experience, social demographics and the user profile are also captured. Elena+ is available for public download on iOS and Android devices in English, European Spanish and Latin American Spanish with future languages and launch countries planned, and no limits on planned recruitment. Panel data methods will be used to track user progress over time in subsequent analyses. The Elena+ intervention is open-source under the Apache 2 license (MobileCoach software) and the Creative Commons 4.0 license CC BY-NC-SA (intervention logic and content), allowing future collaborations; such as cultural adaptions, integration of new sensor-related features or the development of new topics. Discussion: Digital health applications offer a low-cost and scalable route to meet challenges to public health. As Elena+ was developed by an international and interdisciplinary team in a short time frame to meet the COVID-19 pandemic, empirical data are required to discern how effective such solutions can be in meeting real world, emergent health crises. Additionally, clustering Elena+ users based on characteristics and usage behaviors could help public health practitioners understand how population-level digital health interventions can reach at-risk and sub-populations. Keywords: chatbot; conversational agent (CA); coronavirus–COVID-19; digital coaching; digital health; gamification; mental health; pandemic lifestyle care

    Behandlungsempfehlungen Insomnie der Gruppe «Schlaf & Psychiatrie» der SGSSC

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    Die Insomnie ist eine häufige Störung der Schlaf-Wach-Regulation und tritt oft komorbid auf. Die nachfolgenden Behandlungsempfehlungen stellen evidenzbasierte Diagnostik- und Therapiestrategien vor und umfassen sowohl psychotherapeutische wie auch pharmakotherapeutische Interventionen. Diese Empfehlungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung, Schlafmedizin und Chronobiologie (SGSSC) für die Behandlung der Insomnie wurden auf Grundlage der Leitlinien der «European Sleep Research Society» (ESRS) von 2023 [1] sowie der S3-Leitlinie/Nationalen Versorgungsleitlinie «Nicht erholsamer Schlaf/Schlafstörungen» der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin (DGSM) von 2017 [2] erstellt. Sie geben nicht unbedingt die Ansicht der SMF-Redaktion wieder. Der Inhalt untersteht der redaktionellen Verantwortung der unterzeichnenden Fachgesellschaft bzw. Arbeitsgruppe

    Mental Health Among Medical Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Eight European Countries: Cross-sectional Survey Study

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    BACKGROUND The death toll of COVID-19 topped 170,000 in Europe by the end of May 2020. COVID-19 has caused an immense psychological burden on the population, especially among doctors and nurses who are faced with high infection risks and increased workload. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare the mental health of medical professionals with nonmedical professionals in different European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hypothesized that medical professionals, particularly those exposed to COVID-19 at work, would have higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. We also aimed to determine their main stressors and most frequently used coping strategies during the crisis. METHODS A cross-sectional online survey was conducted during peak COVID-19 months in 8 European countries. The questionnaire included demographic data and inquired whether the participants were exposed to COVID-19 at work or not. Mental health was assessed via the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales32 (23.53)-21 (DASS-21). A 12-item checklist on preferred coping strategies and another 23-item questionnaire on major stressors were completed by medical professionals. RESULTS The sample (N=609) consisted of 189 doctors, 165 nurses, and 255 nonmedical professionals. Participants from France and the United Kingdom reported experiencing severe/extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress more often compared to those from the other countries. Nonmedical professionals had significantly higher scores for depression and anxiety. Among medical professionals, no significant link was reported between direct contact with patients with COVID-19 at work and anxiety, depression, or stress. "Uncertainty about when the epidemic will be under control" caused the most amount of stress for health care professionals while "taking protective measures" was the most frequently used coping strategy among all participants. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19 poses a major challenge to the mental health of working professionals as a considerable proportion of our participants showed high values for depression, anxiety, and stress. Even though medical professionals exhibited less mental stress than nonmedical professionals, sufficient help should be offered to all occupational groups with an emphasis on effective coping strategies

    The psychological syndrome associated with Long-COVID: A study protocol

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    IntroductionChronic post-viral syndromes, including Long-COVID, are characterized by a range of persistent symptoms that occur following a viral infection. Psychological symptoms are prevalent in Long-COVID patients and can have a significant impact on their quality of life. However, the specific patterns of psychological symptoms, their associations with physical symptoms, and the factors predicting their severity remain poorly understood.AimsThis study aims to explore and systematically assess psychological symptoms in Long-COVID, to identify syndrome clusters based on these symptoms, to examine their relationship with physical symptoms, and to investigate the influence of pandemic-related variables.MethodsDescriptive, cross-sectional study with data collected through an online questionnaire across several EU countries, from February 2020 to December 2022. Participants were recruited using public relations, the social media and information campaigns directed at the public and health professionals using snowball sampling.ResultsThe findings will allow to phenotype Long-COVID related psychological symptom clusters based on self-reports. facilitating improved assessment and treatment approaches.ConclusionsThe results will provide important knowledge for the public health management of the public healh management of Long COVID. The findings will contribute to a better understanding of the psychological symptoms associated with Long-COVID and the development of specific treatment guidelines for psychological burden associated with Long-COVID, thereby supporting management strategies to combat the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life

    Elena+ Care for COVID-19, A Pandemic Lifestyle Care Intervention: Intervention Design and Study Protocol

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    Background: The current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is an emergency on a global scale, with huge swathes of the population required to remain indoors for prolonged periods to tackle the virus. In this new context, individuals’ health-promoting routines are under greater strain, contributing to poorer mental and physical health. Additionally, individuals are required to keep up to date with latest health guidelines about the virus, which may be confusing in an age of social-media disinformation and shifting guidelines. To tackle these factors, we developed Elena+, a smartphone-based and conversational agent (CA) delivered pandemic lifestyle care intervention.Methods: Elena+ utilizes varied intervention components to deliver a psychoeducation-focused coaching program on the topics of: COVID-19 information, physical activity, mental health (anxiety, loneliness, mental resources), sleep and diet and nutrition. Over 43 subtopics, a CA guides individuals through content and tracks progress over time, such as changes in health outcome assessments per topic, alongside user-set behavioral intentions and user-reported actual behaviors. Ratings of the usage experience, social demographics and the user profile are also captured. Elena+ is available for public download on iOS and Android devices in English, European Spanish and Latin American Spanish with future languages and launch countries planned, and no limits on planned recruitment. Panel data methods will be used to track user progress over time in subsequent analyses. The Elena+ intervention is open-source under the Apache 2 license (MobileCoach software) and the Creative Commons 4.0 license CC BY-NC-SA (intervention logic and content), allowing future collaborations; such as cultural adaptions, integration of new sensor-related features or the development of new topics.Discussion: Digital health applications offer a low-cost and scalable route to meet challenges to public health. As Elena+ was developed by an international and interdisciplinary team in a short time frame to meet the COVID-19 pandemic, empirical data are required to discern how effective such solutions can be in meeting real world, emergent health crises. Additionally, clustering Elena+ users based on characteristics and usage behaviors could help public health practitioners understand how population-level digital health interventions can reach at-risk and sub-populations