6 research outputs found

    Delegation ärztlicher Leistungen an rheumatologische Fachassistenten: Effekte auf Depression und Angst bei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis

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    Background: At least 1 comorbidity occurs in 80% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In addition to cardiovascular comorbidities psychological comorbid conditions are common. The prevalence of depression and anxiety is higher in patients than in the general population. Screening for comorbidities is crucial. A shortage of outpatient specialist care barely allows resources for this. The implementation of team-based care holds the potential to improve the standard of care while simultaneously working against the shortage of care. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the effects of care on the course of depression and anxiety in patients with seropositive RA and active disease. Material and methods: A multicenter pragmatic randomized controlled trial was conducted over the course of 1 year with 224 patients. After baseline, five more visits followed. In the intervention group (IG), three were initially carried out by qualified rheumatological assistants. Depression, anxiety and patient satisfaction with outpatient care were looked at in detail. Results: In the IG the anxiety symptoms significantly improved over 12 months (p = 0.036). The proportions of patients with anxiety also significantly changed in the IG (p < 0.001), while there was no change in the control group between baseline and month 12. The values of the depression scale did not differ significantly (p = 0.866). In terms of the information dimension of the satisfaction questionnaire, patients in the IG felt significantly better informed after 6 months (p = 0.013) and 12 months (p = 0.003). Conclusion: A positive effect of team-based care on the course of depression and anxiety in patients with seropositive RA and active disease could be shown.Hintergrund: Bei 80 % der Patienten mit einer rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA) tritt mindestens eine Komorbidität auf. Neben kardiovaskulären Komorbiditäten sind psychische Erkrankungen häufig. Die Prävalenz von Depression und Angst ist bei Betroffenen höher als in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Ein Screening auf Komorbidität ist hoch relevant. Die Unterversorgung im fachärztlichen Bereich lässt dies kaum zu. Die Implementierung einer Visite durch die rheumatologische Fachassistenz (RFA) bietet Potenzial, die Versorgung zu verbessern und der Unterversorgung zu begegnen. Fragestellung: Ziel ist, Auswirkungen einer teambasierten Versorgung auf den Verlauf von Depression und Angst bei Patienten mit einer seropositiven RA im Krankheitsschub zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Es handelt sich um eine multizentrische, pragmatische, randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie über 1 Jahr mit 224 Patienten. Nach Baseline folgen 5 Visiten. In der Interventionsgruppe (IG) fanden 3 zunächst bei der RFA statt. Depression, Angst und Behandlungszufriedenheit werden genauer betrachtet. Ergebnisse: In der IG hat sich die ängstliche Symptomatik über 12 Monate signifikant verbessert (p = 0,036). Auch die Anteile der Patienten mit Ängstlichkeit verändern sich signifikant in der Interventionsgruppe (p < 0,001), während es in der Kontrollgruppe im Vergleich zwischen Baseline und Monat 12 zu keiner Veränderung kam. Die Werte der Depressionsskala unterschieden sich nicht signifikant (p = 0,866). Bei der Dimension „Information“ des Zufriedenheitsfragebogens haben sich die Patienten in der IG nach 6 (p = 0,013) und 12 Monaten (p = 0,003) signifikant besser informiert gefühlt. Diskussion: Ein positiver Effekt der teambasierten Versorgung auf den Verlauf von Depression und Angst bei Patienten mit einer seropositiven RA im Krankheitsschub konnte gezeigt werden

    Digitally-supported patient-centered asynchronous outpatient follow-up in rheumatoid arthritis - an explorative qualitative study

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    Objective A steadily increasing demand and decreasing number of rheumatologists push current rheumatology care to its limits. Long travel times and poor accessibility of rheumatologists present particular challenges for patients. Need-adapted, digitally supported, patient-centered and flexible models of care could contribute to maintaining high-quality patient care. This qualitative study was embedded in a randomized controlled trial (TELERA) investigating a new model of care consisting of the use of a medical app for ePRO (electronic patient-reported outcomes), a self-administered CRP (C-reactive protein) test, and joint self-examination in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. The qualitative study aimed to explore experiences of RA patients and rheumatology staff regarding (1) current care and (2) the new care model. Methods The study included qualitative interviews with RA patients (n = 15), a focus group with patient representatives (n = 1), rheumatology nurses (n = 2), ambulatory rheumatologists (n = 2) and hospital-based rheumatologists (n = 3). Data was analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Results Participants described current follow-up care as burdensome. Patients in remission have to travel long distances. Despite pre-scheduled visits physicians lack questionnaire results and laboratory results to make informed shared decisions during face-to-face visits. Patients reported that using all study components (medical app for ePRO, self-performed CRP test and joint self-examination) was easy and helped them to better assess their disease condition. Parts of the validated questionnaire used in the trial (routine assessment of patient index data 3; RAPID3) seemed outdated or not clear enough for many patients. Patients wanted to be automatically contacted in case of abnormalities or at least have an app feature to request a call-back or chat. Financial and psychological barriers were identified among rheumatologists preventing them to stop automatically scheduling new appointments for patients in remission. Rheumatology nurses pointed to the potential lack of personal contact, which may limit the holistic care of RA-patients. Conclusion The new care model enables more patient autonomy, allowing patients more control and flexibility at the same time. All components were well accepted and easy to carry out for patients. To ensure success, the model needs to be more responsive and allow seamless integration of education material

    Übersetzung der 2018 EULAR Empfehlungen zu körperlicher Aktivität von Menschen mit entzündlich-rheumatischen und degenerativen Erkrankungen ins Deutsche und sprachliche Validierung im deutschsprachigen Raum mit medizinischen Fachpersonen

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    Regular physical activity is beneficial for people with rheumatic diseases and one of the cornerstones in its management. Based on the international recommendations of the World Health Organization for the general population, the "2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis" provide evidence-based recommendations on the prescription, performance, and implementation of physical activity exercises in this population for the first time.; Translation of the 2018 EULAR recommendations into German and linguistic validation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.; A professional translation of the EULAR recommendations into the German language was performed and revised by German-speaking experts from all three countries. The translation was validated by healthcare professionals consisting of rheumatologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, and medical assistants in a field test. In each of the three countries, eight structured interviews were conducted on comprehensibility, wording, completeness, and feasibility. The experts then discussed changes until consensus was reached and indicated the level of agreement with the final translation.; The translation of the EULAR recommendations was substantially revised. Based on the results of the cognitive test, formulations were adapted in order to increase comprehensibility. The level of agreement between 10 (SD 0.0) and 8.9 (SD 1.5) was very high.; The final German version of the EULAR recommendations is comprehensible and accepted across all three German-speaking countries. It can help to improve the structure and clarity of the handling of physical activity and promote physical activity for healthcare providers and patients

    [Translation of the 2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis and linguistic validation in German-speaking countries with healthcare professionals].

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    BACKGROUND Regular physical activity is beneficial for people with rheumatic diseases and one of the cornerstones in its management. Based on the international recommendations of the World Health Organization for the general population, the "2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis" provide evidence-based recommendations on the prescription, performance, and implementation of physical activity exercises in this population for the first time. AIM Translation of the 2018 EULAR recommendations into German and linguistic validation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. METHODS A professional translation of the EULAR recommendations into the German language was performed and revised by German-speaking experts from all three countries. The translation was validated by healthcare professionals consisting of rheumatologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, and medical assistants in a field test. In each of the three countries, eight structured interviews were conducted on comprehensibility, wording, completeness, and feasibility. The experts then discussed changes until consensus was reached and indicated the level of agreement with the final translation. RESULTS The translation of the EULAR recommendations was substantially revised. Based on the results of the cognitive test, formulations were adapted in order to increase comprehensibility. The level of agreement between 10 (SD 0.0) and 8.9 (SD 1.5) was very high. DISCUSSION The final German version of the EULAR recommendations is comprehensible and accepted across all three German-speaking countries. It can help to improve the structure and clarity of the handling of physical activity and promote physical activity for healthcare providers and patients

    Effect of nurse-led care on outcomes in patients with ACPA/RF-positive rheumatoid arthritis with active disease undergoing treat-to-target: a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To determine the non-inferiority of nurse-led care (NLC) in patients with anticitrullinated protein antibody (ACPA)-positive and/or rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with active disease who are starting disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy, following treat-to-target (T2T) recommendations.Methods A multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial was conducted to assess clinical effectiveness, anxiety, depression and patient satisfaction following a non-inferiority design. The participants were 224 adults with ACPA/RF-positive RA who were randomly assigned to either NLC or rheumatologist-led care (RLC). The primary outcome was the Disease Activity Score in 28 Joints measured with C reactive protein (DAS28-CRP) assessed at baseline and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. A DAS28-CRP difference of 0.6 was set as the non-inferiority margin. Mean differences between the groups were assessed following per-protocol and intention-to-treat strategies.Results Demographic data and baseline characteristics of patients in the NLC group (n=111) were comparable to those of patients in the RLC group (n=113). The improvement in disease activity (change in DAS28-CRP, primary outcome) over the course of 12 months was significant in both groups (p&lt;0.001). No significant differences were observed between the NLC and RLC groups (p=0.317). Non-inferiority of NLC was shown for the primary outcome and all secondary outcomes.Conclusion This study supported the non-inferiority of NLC in managing T2T and follow-up care of patients with RA with moderate to high disease activity and poor prognostic factors in addition to RLC.Trial registration number DRKS00013055

    Übersetzung der 2018 EULAR Empfehlungen zu körperlicher Aktivität von Menschen mit entzündlich-rheumatischen und degenerativen Erkrankungen ins Deutsche und sprachliche Validierung im deutschsprachigen Raum mit medizinischen Fachpersonen

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    Hintergrund:\bf Hintergrund: Regelmäßige Bewegung und spezifisches Training sind wichtige Bausteine in der Therapie rheumatischer Erkrankungen, weil ein gesundheitlicher Nutzen für die Patient*innen nachgewiesen ist. Basierend auf den internationalen Empfehlungen der WHO für Gesunde, geben die "2018 EULAR Empfehlungen zu körperlicher Aktivität von Menschen mit entzündlich-rheumatischen und degenerativen Erkrankungen" erstmals evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zu Gestaltung, Durchführung und Implementierung von Bewegungsübungen bei diesen Patient*innen. Ziel:\bf Ziel: Übersetzung ins Deutsche und sprachliche Validierung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Methoden:\bf Methoden: Eine professionelle Übersetzung der EULAR Bewegungsempfehlungen ins Deutsche wurde durch deutschsprachige Experten*innen aus allen 3 Ländern überarbeitet. Die Validierung erfolgte in einem Feldtest mit Rheumatolog*innen, Ergo- und Physiotherapeut*innen, Pflegefachpersonen und medizinischen Fachangestellten aus der Rheumatologie. In den 3 Ländern wurden jeweils 8 strukturierte Interviews zu Verständlichkeit, Wortwahl, Vollständigkeit und Umsetzbarkeit durchgeführt. Die Experten*innen diskutierten die Änderungsvorschläge, bis jeweils ein Konsens erreicht wurde. Zuletzt gaben sie den Grad ihrer Zustimmung zu der finalen Übersetzungsversion an. Ergebnisse:\bf Ergebnisse: Die professionelle Übersetzung wurde substanziell überarbeitet. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Feldtests wurden verschiedene Änderungen einzelner Worte sowie Umformulierungen zur besseren Verständlichkeit vorgenommen. Der Grad der Zustimmung lag mit durchschnittlichen Bewertungen zwischen 10 (SD 0,0) und 8,9 (SD 1,5) insgesamt sehr hoch. Diskussion:\bf Diskussion: Die vorliegende sprachlich validierte deutschsprachige Version der 2018 EULAR Bewegungsempfehlungen kann und soll dazu beitragen, Fachpersonal darin zu unterstützen, körperliche Aktivität bei Menschen mit entzündlich-rheumatischen und degenerativen Erkrankungen zu fördern.Background:\bf Background: Regular physical activity is beneficial for people with rheumatic diseases and one of the cornerstones in its management. Based on the international recommendations of the World Health Organization for the general population, the "2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis" provide evidence-based recommendations on the prescription, performance, and implementation of physical activity exercises in this population for the first time. Aim:\bf Aim: Translation of the 2018 EULAR recommendations into German and linguistic validation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Methods:\bf Methods: A professional translation of the EULAR recommendations into the German language was performed and revised by German-speaking experts from all three countries. The translation was validated by healthcare professionals consisting of rheumatologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, and medical assistants in a field test. In each of the three countries, eight structured interviews were conducted on comprehensibility, wording, completeness, and feasibility. The experts then discussed changes until consensus was reached and indicated the level of agreement with the final translation. Results:\bf Results: The translation of the EULAR recommendations was substantially revised. Based on the results of the cognitive test, formulations were adapted in order to increase comprehensibility. The level of agreement between 10 (SD 0.0) and 8.9 (SD 1.5) was very high. Discussion:\bf Discussion: The final German version of the EULAR recommendations is comprehensible and accepted across all three German-speaking countries. It can help to improve the structure and clarity of the handling of physical activity and promote physical activity for healthcare providers and patients