10,845 research outputs found

    Optimal decision making for sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise

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    For navigation, microscopic agents such as biological cells rely on noisy sensory input. In cells performing chemotaxis, such noise arises from the stochastic binding of signaling molecules at low concentrations. Using chemotaxis of sperm cells as application example, we address the classic problem of chemotaxis towards a single target. We reveal a fundamental relationship between the speed of chemotactic steering and the strength of directional fluctuations that result from the amplification of noise in the chemical input signal. This relation implies a trade-off between slow, but reliable, and fast, but less reliable, steering. By formulating the problem of optimal navigation in the presence of noise as a Markov decision process, we show that dynamic switching between reliable and fast steering substantially increases the probability to find a target, such as the egg. Intriguingly, this decision making would provide no benefit in the absence of noise. Instead, decision making is most beneficial, if chemical signals are above detection threshold, yet signal-to-noise ratios of gradient measurements are low. This situation generically arises at intermediate distances from a target, where signaling molecules emitted by the target are diluted, thus defining a `noise zone' that cells have to cross. Our work addresses the intermediate case between well-studied perfect chemotaxis at high signal-to-noise ratios close to a target, and random search strategies in the absence of navigation cues, e.g. far away from a target. Our specific results provide a rational for the surprising observation of decision making in recent experiments on sea urchin sperm chemotaxis. The general theory demonstrates how decision making enables chemotactic agents to cope with high levels of noise in gradient measurements by dynamically adjusting the persistence length of a biased persistent random walk.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental Monte Carlo Quantum Process Certification

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    Experimental implementations of quantum information processing have now reached a level of sophistication where quantum process tomography is impractical. The number of experimental settings as well as the computational cost of the data post-processing now translates to days of effort to characterize even experiments with as few as 8 qubits. Recently a more practical approach to determine the fidelity of an experimental quantum process has been proposed, where the experimental data is compared directly to an ideal process using Monte Carlo sampling. Here we present an experimental implementation of this scheme in a circuit quantum electrodynamics setup to determine the fidelity of two qubit gates, such as the cphase and the cnot gate, and three qubit gates, such as the Toffoli gate and two sequential cphase gates

    Dumbbell diffusion in a spatially periodic potential

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    We present a numerical investigation of the Brownian motion and diffusion of a dumbbell in a two-dimensional periodic potential. Its dynamics is described by a Langevin model including the hydrodynamic interaction. With increasing values of the amplitude of the potential we find along the modulated spatial directions a reduction of the diffusion constant and of the impact of the hydrodynamic interaction. For modulation amplitudes of the potential in the range of the thermal energy the dumbbell diffusion exhibits a pronounced local maximum at a wavelength of about 3/2 of the dumbbell extension. This is especially emphasized for stiff springs connecting the two beads.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, published in Phys. Rev. E (2008

    Lithium abundance and 6Li/7Li ratio in the active giant HD123351 I. A comparative analysis of 3D and 1D NLTE line-profile fits

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    Current three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical model atmospheres together with NLTE spectrum synthesis, permit to derive reliable atomic and isotopic chemical abundances from high-resolution stellar spectra. Not much is known about the presence of the fragile 6Li isotope in evolved solar-metallicity RGB stars, not to mention its production in magnetically active targets like HD123351. From fits of the observed CFHT spectrum with synthetic line profiles based on 1D and 3D model atmospheres, we seek to estimate the abundance of the 6Li isotope and to place constraints on its origin. We derive A(Li) and the 6Li/7Li isotopic ratio by fitting different synthetic spectra to the Li-line region of a high-resolution CFHT spectrum (R=120 000, S/R=400). The synthetic spectra are computed with four different line lists, using in parallel 3D hydrodynamical CO5BOLD and 1D LHD model atmospheres and treating the line formation of the lithium components in non-LTE (NLTE). We find A(Li)=1.69+/-0.11 dex and 6Li/7Li=8.0+/-4.4 % in 3D-NLTE, using the line list of Mel\'endez et al. (2012), updated with new atomic data for V I, which results in the best fit of the lithium line profile of HD123351. Two other line lists lead to similar results but with inferior fit qualities. Our 2-sigma detection of the 6Li isotope is the result of a careful statistical analysis and the visual inspection of each achieved fit. Since the presence of a significant amount of 6Li in the atmosphere of a cool evolved star is not expected in the framework of standard stellar evolution theory, non-standard, external lithium production mechanisms, possibly related to stellar activity or a recent accretion of rocky material, need to be invoked to explain the detection of 6Li in HD123351.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Quantum Phase Transition of Ground-state Entanglement in a Heisenberg Spin Chain Simulated in an NMR Quantum Computer

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    Using an NMR quantum computer, we experimentally simulate the quantum phase transition of a Heisenberg spin chain. The Hamiltonian is generated by a multiple pulse sequence, the nuclear spin system is prepared in its (pseudo-pure) ground state and the effective Hamiltonian varied in such a way that the Heisenberg chain is taken from a product state to an entangled state and finally to a different product state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    New insights into pedestrian flow through bottlenecks

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    Capacity estimation is an important tool for the design and dimensioning of pedestrian facilities. The literature contains different procedures and specifications which show considerable differences with respect to the estimated flow values. Moreover do new experimental data indicate a stepwise growing of the capacity with the width and thus challenge the validity of the specific flow concept. To resolve these differences we have studied experimentally the unidirectional pedestrian flow through bottlenecks under laboratory conditions. The time development of quantities like individual velocities, density and individual time gaps in bottlenecks of different width is presented. The data show a linear growth of the flow with the width. The comparison of the results with experimental data of other authors indicates that the basic assumption of the capacity estimation for bottlenecks has to be revised. In contradiction with most planning guidelines our main result is, that a jam occurs even if the incoming flow does not overstep the capacity defined by the maximum of the flow according to the fundamental diagram.Comment: Traffic flow, pedestrian traffic, crowd dynamics, capacity of bottlenecks (16 pages, 8 figures); (+ 3 new figures and minor revisions

    An in-depth spectroscopic examination of molecular bands from 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres I. Formation of the G-band in metal-poor dwarf stars

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    Recent developments in the three-dimensional (3D) spectral synthesis code Linfor3D have meant that, for the first time, large spectral wavelength regions, such as molecular bands, can be synthesised with it in a short amount of time. A detailed spectral analysis of the synthetic G-band for several dwarf turn-off-type 3D atmospheres (5850 <= T_eff [K] <= 6550, 4.0 <= log g <= 4.5, -3.0 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0) was conducted, under the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We also examine carbon and oxygen molecule formation at various metallicity regimes and discuss the impact it has on the G-band. Using a qualitative approach, we describe the different behaviours between the 3D atmospheres and the traditional one-dimensional (1D) atmospheres and how the different physics involved inevitably leads to abundance corrections, which differ over varying metallicities. Spectra computed in 1D were fit to every 3D spectrum to determine the 3D abundance correction. Early analysis revealed that the CH molecules that make up the G-band exhibited an oxygen abundance dependency; a higher oxygen abundance leads to weaker CH features. Nitrogen abundances showed zero impact to CH formation. The 3D corrections are also stronger at lower metallicity. Analysis of the 3D corrections to the G-band allows us to assign estimations of the 3D abundance correction to most dwarf stars presented in the literature. The 3D corrections suggest that A(C) in CEMP stars with high A(C) would remain unchanged, but would decrease in CEMP stars with lower A(C). It was found that the C/O ratio is an important parameter to the G-band in 3D. Additional testing confirmed that the C/O ratio is an equally important parameter for OH transitions under 3D. This presents a clear interrelation between the carbon and oxygen abundances in 3D atmospheres through their molecular species, which is not seen in 1D.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&