7 research outputs found

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Control Homeostasis of Megakaryopoiesis

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    Platelet homeostasis is essential for vascular integrity and immune defence1,2. Although the process of platelet formation by fragmenting megakaryocytes (MKs; thrombopoiesis) has been extensively studied, the cellular and molecular mechanisms required to constantly replenish the pool of MKs by their progenitor cells (megakaryopoiesis) remains unclear3,4. Here we use intravital imaging to track the cellular dynamics of megakaryopoiesis over days. We identify plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) as homeostatic sensors that monitor the bone marrow for apoptotic MKs and deliver IFNα to the MK niche triggering local on-demand proliferation and maturation of MK progenitors. This pDC-dependent feedback loop is crucial for MK and platelet homeostasis at steady state and under stress. pDCs are best known for their ability to function as vigilant detectors of viral infection5. We show that virus-induced activation of pDCs interferes with their function as homeostatic sensors of megakaryopoiesis. Consequently, activation of pDCs by SARS-CoV-2 leads to excessive megakaryopoiesis. Together, we identify a pDC-dependent homeostatic circuit that involves innate immune sensing and demand-adapted release of inflammatory mediators to maintain homeostasis of the megakaryocytic lineage

    Dissolution Behavior of Different Alumina Phases within Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings

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    The influence of chemical redissolution in the PEO layer-growth equilibrium on aluminum is evaluated differently in literature. In order to estimate whether and to what extent various alumina modifications could be affected by redissolution processes during PEO, immersion experiments were carried out on PEO coatings in model electrolytes of different alkalinity and silicate concentration. Their composition was determined spectroscopically before and after the experiments. The layers were characterized by XRD before and after the tests and examined at affected and unaffected zones using SEM, EDX, and EBSD. The results show that chemical oxide dissolution can only be observed at the layer/substrate interface and that primarily amorphous alumina is affected. This process is intensified by higher alkalinity and inhibited by silicate additives. The crystalline Al2O3 modifications show no significant attack by the electrolytes used. Transferring these observations to plasma electrolytic oxidation, they allow the conclusion that the electrochemically active zone in the pore ground of discharge channels interacts with the electrolytic and electrical process parameters throughout the entire PEO procedure. Influences of bath alkalinity and silicate content on layer growth rates are to be understood as impact on the passivation processes at the layer/substrate interface rather than chemical redissolution

    Taxonomic Implications of Morphological Complexity Within the Testate Amoeba Genus Corythion from the Antarctic Peninsula

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    Precise and sufficiently detailed morphological taxonomy is vital in biology, for example in the accurate interpretation of ecological and palaeoecological datasets, especially in polar regions, where biodiversity is poor. Testate amoebae on the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) are well-documented and variations in their population size have recently been interpreted as a proxy for microbial productivity changes in response to recent regional climate change. AP testate amoeba assemblages are dominated by a small number of globally ubiquitous taxa. We examine morphological variation in Corythion spp. across the AP, finding clear evidence supporting the presence of two morphospecies. Corythion constricta (Certes 1889) was identified on the AP for the first time and has potentially been previously misidentified. Furthermore, a southerly trend of decreasing average test size in Corythion dubium (Taránek 1881) along the AP suggests adaptive polymorphism, although the precise drivers of this remain unclear, with analysis hindered by limited environmental data. Further work into morphological variation in Corythion is needed elsewhere, alongside molecular analyses, to evaluate the potential for (pseudo)cryptic diversity within the genus. We advocate a parsimonious taxonomical approach that recognises genetic diversity but also examines and develops accurate morphological divisions and descriptions suitable for light microscopy-based ecological and palaeoecological studies.The research was funded by the NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative Grant NE/H014896 /awarded to DJC, PC and DAH; PC, DAH and JR contribute to the BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth research programme. Sample collection was supported by HMS Protector and HMS Endurance. Thanks to Iain Rudkin and Ashly Fusiarski for fieldwork support, to Ralf Meisterfeld for his help compiling the list of Corythion taxa, to Thomas Ezard for his advice on using mclust, and to Leonardo D. Fernández and Enrique Lara for their help in obtaining rare literature. Finally, we thank three anonymous reviewers for their helpful and insightful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript

    Mitteilungen des URZ 1/2011

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    Informationen für URZ-Nutzer, in dieser Ausgabe speziell der 'Jahresrückblick 2010' - eine Übersicht zur Entwicklung der zentralen IT-Dienste und der IT-Infrastruktur der TU Chemnitz.:Jahresrückblick 2010 - Der URZ-Beirat - Projekte des Jahres 2010 - Lernmanagement und E-Learning an der TU Chemnitz - Entwicklung der Voice-Over-IP-Dienste - Campusnetz-Infrastruktur und Netzdienste - Koordinierung und Entwicklung zentraler Webangebote (Internet-AG) - Nutzung öffentlicher Rechner - Administrationsdienste - Virtual Private Server Hosting (VPSH) - Server Housing - IT-Dienste für die Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung - IT-Dienste für Universitätsbibliothek und Patentinformationszentrum - Speicherdienste - User-Management und Accounting - Software-Dienste - Hardware-Dienste - Ticketsystem OTRS - Aus- und Weiterbildung Kurzinformationen Software-New