8 research outputs found

    Matriconditioning on physiological performance of amaranth seeds

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    Matriconditioning is a technique that aims to standardize and accelerate the germination of seeds and the emergence of plantlets. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of that methodology under the physiological performance of amaranth seeds. The experiment used two lots of seeds at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Dois Vizinhos (Parana State). Plastic boxes of the Gerbox type were the matriconditioning environment, containing 55.5 g of sterile vermiculite moisturized with distilled water at 100% of the retention capacity. Plastic boxes were placed in a germination chamber at ten degrees Celcius. Four repetitions of 100 seeds had their weight measured at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 h after the procedure started to obtain the curve of imbibition. The following tests were performed after each period: Germination test, first germination count; length and dry mass of plantlets; emergence speed index, and accumulated emergence tests. Amaranth seeds achieve phase II of germination around 8 h of imbibition by matriconditioning. The effect of matriconditioning in the physiological performance of amaranth seeds varies as a function of the used lot

    Response of Jabuticaba [Plinia cauliflora (Mart) Kausel] seedlings to herbicides

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    Jabuticaba (Plinia sp.) is one of the most important fruit species in the Brazilian flora; it is appreciated for fresh consumption or products produced from its fruits. The establishing of orchards requires the determination of management methods that favor the development and productivity of this species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of jabuticaba seedlings to application of herbicides and determine possible phytotoxicity. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, in Dois Vizinhos, PR, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, with 5 plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of applications of pre-emergence herbicides (Dual Gold® and Spider®) and post-emergence herbicides (2,4-D, Ally®, Enlist®, Primatop®, Fusilade®, Imazetapyr, Flex®, Plenum®, and Volcane®). The applied herbicide rates were equivalent to 50% of their commercial recommendation. A spray volume equivalent to 250 L ha-1 was applied, using water as diluent. The following parameters were evaluated 45 days after applications: stem diameter at 1 cm above ground (cm); plant height (cm); numbers of necrotic, chlorotic, shriveled, and healthy leaves; number and length of shoots (cm); survival rate (%); and chlorophyll contents (a, b, and total). The application of the herbicides Ally®, Enlist®, and Flex® resulted in less harmful effects on jabuticaba seedlings. The lowest survival rates were found in plants in the treatments with the herbicides Dual Gold®, Volcane®, and Primatop®.Jabuticaba (Plinia sp.) is one of the most important fruit species in the Brazilian flora; it is appreciated for fresh consumption or products produced from its fruits. The establishing of orchards requires the determination of management methods that favor the development and productivity of this species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of jabuticaba seedlings to application of herbicides and determine possible phytotoxicity. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, in Dois Vizinhos, PR, Brazil. A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, with 5 plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of applications of pre-emergence herbicides (Dual Gold® and Spider®) and post-emergence herbicides (2,4-D, Ally®, Enlist®, Primatop®, Fusilade®, Imazetapyr, Flex®, Plenum®, and Volcane®). The applied herbicide rates were equivalent to 50% of their commercial recommendation. A spray volume equivalent to 250 L ha-1 was applied, using water as diluent. The following parameters were evaluated 45 days after applications: stem diameter at 1 cm above ground (cm); plant height (cm); numbers of necrotic, chlorotic, shriveled, and healthy leaves; number and length of shoots (cm); survival rate (%); and chlorophyll contents (a, b, and total). The application of the herbicides Ally®, Enlist®, and Flex® resulted in less harmful effects on jabuticaba seedlings. The lowest survival rates were found in plants in the treatments with the herbicides Dual Gold®, Volcane®, and Primatop®

    Período de estratificación, tiempo de enbebición en soluciones de GA3, H2O y NaClO en germinación de (Psidium cattleyanum)

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    Para iniciar a inserção de uma nova cultura, como é o caso do araçazeiro, é necessário técnicas eficientes para produção de mudas de qualidade.  O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar período de estratificação, bem como a aplicação do tipo de solução composta por GA3 ou NaClO com o tempo de imersão, na influência da germinação de sementes de araçazeiro amarelo. Foi realizado experimento em DIC no arranjo multifatorial triplo [período de estratificação x tipo de solução x tempo de imersão na solução]. Cinco períodos de estratificação (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 dias), cinco tipos de solução de imersão (nenhuma, H2O, NaClO 5%, GA3 100 mg L-1, GA3 300 mg L-1) e três tempos de imersão em solução (seis, 12 e 24 horas) com quatro repetições de 100 sementes. Avaliou-se a germinação, o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e o tempo médio de germinação (TMG). O GA3 mostrou-se promotor eficiente para rápida germinação de sementes de araçazeiro. A estratificação só é recomendada para sementes de araçazeiro amarelo se não associados ao uso do GA3. Os períodos de estratificação podem ter o vigor das sementes afetados se aumentar os tempos de embebição nas soluções.Para comenzar la inserción de un nuevo cultivo, como es el caso del araçazeiro (Psidium cattleyanum), se necesitan técnicas eficientes para producir plántulas de calidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el período de estratificación, así como la aplicación del tipo de solución compuesta por GA3 o NaClO con el tiempo de inmersión, en la influencia em la germinación de semillas de araçazeiro amarillo. El experimento se realizó en DI enC la disposición multifactorial triple [período de estratificación x tipo de solución x tiempo de inmersión en la solución]. Cinco períodos de estratificación (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 días), cinco tipos de solución de inmersión (ninguno, H2O, NaClO al 5%, GA3 100 mg L-1, GA3 300 mg L-1) y tres inmersión en solución (seis, 12 y 24 horas) con cuatro repeticiones de 100 semillas. Se evaluaron la germinación, el índice de velocidad de germinación (IVG) y el tiempo medio de germinación (GMT). GA3 demostró ser un promotor eficiente para la germinación rápida de semillas de araçazeiro. La estratificación solo se recomienda para las semillas de araçazeiro amarelo si no está asociada con el uso de GA3. Los períodos de estratificación pueden tener el vigor de las semillas afectadas al aumentar los tiempos de inmerción en las soluciones.In order to achieve success in the insertion of a new crop, such as the araçá tree, it is necessary efficient techniques for the production of quality seedlings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stratification period, as well as the application of the type of solution composed by GA3 or NaClO with the immersion time, on the influence of the germination of yellow araçá tree seeds. A DIC experiment was performed in the triple multifactor arrangement [stratification period x type of solution x immersion time in the solution]. Five stratification periods (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 days), five types of immersion solution (none, H2O, NaClO 5%, GA3 100 mg L-1, GA3 300 mg L-1) and three immersion in solution (six, 12 and 24 hours) with four replicates of 100 seeds. Germination, germination velocity index (IVG) and average germination time (TMG) were evaluated. GA3 show efficient promoter for rapid germination of arachis seeds. Stratification is only recommended for yellow seedlings if not associated with the use of GA3. The stratification periods may have the vigor of the affected seeds if they increase the soaking times in the solutions

    Matriconditioning effect on the physiological performance of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.)

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    Solid matrix priming (matriconditioning) permits slow seed hydration, and germination and emergence period reduction. In general, seeds need to be soaked to start their germination process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the matriconditioning under the imbibition curve and the physiological performance of two lots of chia seeds with different qualities. The study was performed with chia seeds harvested by small-scale farmers. To estimate the imbibition curve, seeds from both lots were started in the imbibition process on a stainless-steel screen placed in plastic boxes, containing 55.5 grams of sterilized vermiculite and moisturized with distilled water at 100% of their retention capability. The imbibition curve weights were made 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 hours after the process had started. Simultaneously, in each evaluation period, seeds were submitted to the following tests: germination, first count of germination, plantlet shoot, root and total lengths, emergence velocity index and average time, and accumulated emergence. A completely randomized experimental design was used. It was possible to conclude that the beginning of phase II of germination in matriconditioned seeds varies in function of the chia seeds' lot quality. The matriconditioning contributes to the physiological performance, increasing and accelerating plantlets' emergence

    Light intensity and Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora) seedlings growth

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    Native fruit tree in Brazil, the Surinam cherry belongs to the family Myrtaceae, with good adaptability, and can be found in all Brazilian biomes, producing edible fruits with excellent nutraceutical characteristics and great added value potential for the agroindustry. However, there is a need to know better the growth behavior of seedlings in the process of domestication of this species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of Surinam cherry seedlings from seed and mini - cutting in conditions of light intensity. Seedlings from seed propagation (sexed), and seedlings from asexual propagation (minicuttings), both approximately two years old, were transplanted to 20-liter pots containing the mixture of red latosol, commercial substrate and sand 3: 1: 1 (v / v) ratio and later were accommodated in screens with different luminous intensities. The experimental design was a completely randomized (DIC), two-factorial scheme: 2 x 5 scheme (propagation method x shading mesh), and 2 x 5 x 12 scheme (propagation method x shading meshes x months), both with 4 replicates of 5 plants per experimental unit. Five screens were implanted (Figure 1), each one differing by the level of shading, being these, (1) full sun; (2) shading with 35% intensity, (3) 35% red photoconverter screen; (4) shading with 50% intensity and (5) shading with intensity of 80%.analyzed variables were mean temperature; relative humidity; luminous intensity and rainfall; leaf area; mass and dryness of the aerial part; number of new leaves; number of shoots sown; shoot size; stem size; stem diameter; neck diameter; total plant size; size of the root system; total number of secondary roots; fresh and dry root mass; root system architecture A and B; volumetric density of the root system; increase in size of the area; increase in stem diameter; increase in number of primary shoots; increase in number of leaves; increased sprout growth; total chlorophyll; morphological characterization of seedling propagated by mini-cutting; and evaluation of seedling adaptation under field conditions. The data were submitted to the normality test of Lilliefors. The averages, whether or not transformed by (x + 1) were submitted to analysis of variance and Duncan's test (α = 0.05) with Sanest® computational application. For the growth of seedlings (Eugenia uniflora), propagated by mini cuttings and by seeds, the use of 50% and 35% shading meshes is recommended. Comparatively, the seedlings propagated by seeds presented better development when compared to seedlings from mini- uttings.The seedlings originated from the mini - set propagation show homogeneity regarding the morphological characters, which are similar to the morphological characteristics of the seedlings propagated by seeds, with the exception of shoots that showed plagiotropic growth. In field conditions the seedlings from both propagation methods showed excellent adaptability.Fruteira nativa do Brasil, a pitangueira pertence à família Myrtaceae, com boa capacidade de adaptação, podendo ser encontrada em todos os biomas brasileiros, produzindo frutos comestíveis com excelentes características nutracêuticas e grande potencial de valor agregado para agroindústria. Entretanto, existe a necessidade de se conhecer melhor o comportamento de crescimento de mudas no processo de domesticação desta espécie. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de mudas de pitangueira oriundas de semente e da mini-estaquia em condições de diferentes intensidades luminosas. As mudas de pitangueira oriundas da propagação via semente (sexuada) e da propagação via assexuada (mini-estacas), ambas com aproximadamente dois anos, foram transplantadas para vasos de 20 litros contendo a mistura de latossolo vermelho, substrato comercial e areia na proporção de 3:1:1 (v/v) e posteriormente foram acomodadas em telados com diferentes intensidades luminosas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), bifatoriais sendo: esquema 2 x 5 (método de propagação x malha de sombreamento) e esquema 2 x 5 x 12 (método de propagação x tela de sombreamento x meses), ambos com 4 repetições de 5 plantas por unidade experimental. Foram implantados cinco telados, diferindo cada um pelo fator nível de sombreamento, sendo estes, (1) pleno sol; (2) sombreamento com intensidade de 35%, (3) tela fotoconversora vermelha de 35%; (4) sombreamento com intensidade de 50% e (5) sombreamento com intensidade de 80%. Foram obtidos dados de temperatura média, umidade relativa, intensidade luminosa e precipitação pluviométrica. Avaliaram-se a área foliar, massa seca da parte aérea, número de folhas novas, número de brotações emitidas, tamanho da parte aérea, tamanho de caule, diâmetro de caule, diâmetro de colo, tamanho total de planta, tamanho do sistema radicular, número total de raízes secundárias, massa fresca e seca de raiz, arquitetura do sistema radicular A e B, densidade volumétrica do sistema radicular, incremento em tamanho da parte área, incremento em diâmetro de caule, incremento em número de brotações primárias, incremento em número de folhas, incremento no crescimento de brotações, clorofila total, caracterização morfológica de muda propagadas por mini-estaquia e avaliação da adaptação das mudas em condições de campo. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade de Lilliefors. As médias transformadas ou não, foram submetidas a análise da variância e ao teste de Duncan (α = 0,05) com aplicativo computacional Sanest®. Para o crescimento de mudas de pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora), propagadas por mini-estaquia e por sementes recomenda-se o uso de malhas de sombreamento 50% e 35%. Comparativamente as mudas propagadas por sementes apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento quando comparadas com as mudas provenientes de mini-estaquia. As mudas oriundas da propagação por mini-estaquia apresentam homogeneidade quanto aos caracteres morfológicos, as quais se assemelharam com as características morfológicas das mudas propagadas por sementes, com exceção das brotações que apresentaram crescimento plagiotrópicos. Em condições de campo as mudas oriundas de ambos os métodos de propagação apresentaram excelente capacidade de adaptação

    Light intensity and giberelic acid in the seedling\production of four ornamental species

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    Ornamental species, especially those involving the use of seedlings in trays to serve residential gardens, need to be produced quickly for commercialization, which requires studies that provide such a condition. The present work aimed to evaluate the effect of light intensity and exogenous application of gibberellin on seedlings of four ornamental species (Calendula officinalis, Gypsophila elegans, Solenostemon scutellarioides and Viola wittrockiana). The experiment was carried out at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos. The seeds were sown in trays containing substrate composed of a mixture of humic Distroferric Red Latosol: medium texture sand: commercial substrate, in the volumetric proportion of 2:1:1, respectively. The trays were kept in shading environments, using black screens with 35%, 50% and 80% shading intensity, red with 35% shading, in addition to full sun. After 30 days of emergence, gibberellic acid solution was applied to the seedlings at concentrations of 0 mg L-1 and 300 mg L-1. Emergence, emergence speed index, mean emergence time, total length, shoot and roots, number of leaves, leaf area, root volume density, shoot, root and total dry matter were evaluated. For each environmental condition of cultivation, the values of temperature and air humidity and light intensity were obtained. The use of gibberellic acid proved to be beneficial for Viola wittrockiana and Solenostemon scutellarioides. The shading environments, regardless of color and light intensity, were more favorable for the formation of seedlings of these four ornamental species


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    Na região Sul do país as fruteiras têm papel importante para exploração econômica. Destacando a família Myrtaceae, com o araçazeiro. Porém, pouco se conhece sobre a espécie, tornando-se necessários mais estudos principalmente quanto à propagação para futura inserção no sistema de produção agrícola da região Sudoeste do Paraná. Bem como, para abastecer o mercado que carece desses produtos. Com isso, o trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de mudas dos araçazeiros amarelo e vermelho em diferentes substratos com aplicação exógena de giberelina. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Câmpus Dois Vizinhos em casa de vegetação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, no fatorial 3x4 (substrato, concentração de GA3), com quatro repetições de 20 plantas por unidade experimental. Foram analisadas variáveis destrutíveis e não destrutíveis de crescimento e o Índice de Qualidade de mudas de Dickson. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância, teste de Duncan e análise de regressão, utilizando o aplicativo computacional estatístico Sanest®. As concentrações de GA3 e os tipos de substratos influenciaram o desenvolvimento de mudas de araçazeiros. Concluindo-se que assim o uso do substrato (S3) associado ao bioestimulante giberelina é recomendado para a produção de mudas de araçazeiro amarelo e vermelho


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    Na flora arbórea brasileira destaca-se o araçazeiro, fruteira nativa da família Myrtaceae com grande potencial de produção. Na propagação predomina o uso de sementes, pois apresenta grande homogeneidade no padrão das mudas obtidas, relacionado a apomixia e curto período juvenil. Entretanto é necessário adotar técnicas de armazenamento que garantam a viabilidade por maior período de tempo. Neste sentido o trabalhou objetivou avaliar formas de conservação da viabilidade de sementes de araçazeiro amarelo cv. Ya-Cy por período de 12 meses. Adotou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado (DIC), em bifatorial 12 X 5 (tempo x formas de armazenamento), com quatro repetições de 100 sementes. Foram avaliadas a porcentagem de germinação (G %), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e tempo médio de germinação (TMG). Recomenda-se o uso de recipientes como eppendorf® ou material tetrapak® para armazenar sementes de araçazeiro Ya-Cy, visando conservar sua viabilidade e vigor até os 330 dias. Utilização de gordura animal não é recomendada para armazenamento de sementes de araçazeiro Ya-Cy