66 research outputs found


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    Placenta abruption is an obstetric accident which endangers life and health of both mother and embryo. It is one of the most serious obstetric complications, whose incidence ranges from 4.9-12.9 per 1,000 labours, and according to frequency, it represents the second cause of perinatal death. Retrospective analysis included the interval from 1996 to 2005. Total number of labours was analyzed and it was 32358. In addition, the number of labours complicated by placenta abruption was analyzed, and it was 119 or 0.37%. It analyzed the incidence of placenta abruption according to age of pregnancy and the integrity of embryonic membranes. It is established that there is no statistically significant difference in the incidence of placenta abruption appearing in pregnant women, with and without the disruption of embryonic membranes. The age of pregnant women was also analyzed, and it was found out that the pregnant women with placenta abruption and PPROM were 5 years older than those with placenta abruption without PPROM, and that this difference was very significant. Disruption duration was analyzed as well as the time from the first uterus bleeding to labour. The difference between PPROM and PROM duration was statistically significant, as well as the difference in duration between spontaneous and artificial rupture of embryonic membranes. The way of labour termination was analyzed in pregnant women with verified placenta abruption. In 80% of pregnant women, the labour was terminated by Caesarian section, and only 20% by vaginal labour. Also, the perinatal outcome was analyzed, according to Apgar score in the first and fifth minute. Apgar score showed that out of the total number of abruptions, 7 neonatuses was born dead (11.66%), 13 (21.66%) was born in good condition (Apgar score>7), 26 (43.33%) was marked with 4-7, while 14 (23.33%) was in hard asphyxia (Apgar score 1-5)

    Aspekty razvitiâ kolhoznoj demokratii

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    Viral Infection in Renal Transplant Recipients

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    Viruses are among the most common causes of opportunistic infection after transplantation. The risk for viral infection is a function of the specific virus encountered, the intensity of immune suppression used to prevent graft rejection, and other host factors governing susceptibility. Although cytomegalovirus is the most common opportunistic pathogen seen in transplant recipients, numerous other viruses have also affected outcomes. In some cases, preventive measures such as pretransplant screening, prophylactic antiviral therapy, or posttransplant viral monitoring may limit the impact of these infections. Recent advances in laboratory monitoring and antiviral therapy have improved outcomes. Studies of viral latency, reactivation, and the cellular effects of viral infection will provide clues for future strategies in prevention and treatment of viral infections. This paper will summarize the major viral infections seen following transplant and discuss strategies for prevention and management of these potential pathogens

    Evaluating the Role of Content in Subjective Video Quality Assessment

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    Video quality as perceived by human observers is the ground truth when Video Quality Assessment (VQA) is in question. It is dependent on many variables, one of them being the content of the video that is being evaluated. Despite the evidence that content has an impact on the quality score the sequence receives from human evaluators, currently available VQA databases mostly comprise of sequences which fail to take this into account. In this paper, we aim to identify and analyze differences between human cognitive, affective, and conative responses to a set of videos commonly used for VQA and a set of videos specifically chosen to include video content which might affect the judgment of evaluators when perceived video quality is in question. Our findings indicate that considerable differences exist between the two sets on selected factors, which leads us to conclude that videos starring a different type of content than the currently employed ones might be more appropriate for VQA


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    Background: In a view of sex work being a sexual behavioural activity, the main objective of our research was to explore the sexuality of sex workers in Serbia regarding to intensity of their sexual arousability. Subjects and methods: The research was conducted on 30 sex workers and 30 controls of randomly selected social and demographic characteristics, without any signs of psychiatric morbidity. For the evaluation of the intensity of sexual arousability, SAI (Sexual Arousability Index) questionnaire was used. Results: The analysis of the main total scores of the SAI for the sex workers and control participants showed no statistically significant difference in the overall intensity of arousability (p>0.05). However, item by item analysis of the questionnaire showed qualitative difference in sexuality between sex workers and controls, related to certain aspects of sexuality. Conclusions: These findings allow the space for further research in the way of identifying origins of qualitative issues in the sexual profile of sex workers, in correlation to women who are not sex workers, i.e. whether they had been result of potential biological, specific psychodynamic factors, or have been formed as a result of the direct influence of the sex work

    Živa u različitim vrstama morskih riba na srpskom tržištu

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    Proučavanje žive (Hg) u marinskim sistemima je od velikog interesa, s obzirom da je reč o toksičnom metalu koji ima sposobnost bioakumulacije i biomagnifikacije u lancu ishrane. Vodeni sistemi, a time i ribe, mogu biti kontaminirani živom kao posledicom zagađenja životne sredine prirodnim procesima (vulkanske erupcije, klimatske promene itd.) i antropogenim izvorima zagađenja (industrija, rudarstvo itd.). Živa (Hg) može postojati kao elementarna, neorganska i organska živa. Najtoksičniji oblik žive je metil živa (MetHg) koja čini od 70-100% ukupne Hg u ribi. Naučna ispitivanja ukazuju da velike količine žive u hrani mogu negativno uticati na razvoj fetusa i izazvati oštećenja mozga i jetre. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje sadržaja žive u jestivim delovima tri vrste morske ribe na tržištu Srbije: oslić - Merluccius merluccius (n=84), skuša - Scomber scombrus (n=35) i papalina - Sprattus sprattus (n=17)). Prosečna potrošnja ribe u Srbiji iznosi oko 5 kg po glavi stanovnika, što je znatno niže u poređenju sa EU prosekom (21 kg po glavi stanovnika). Svi uzorci uzeti su i analizirani tokom 2014. godine. Analiza sadržaja žive urađena je primenom induktivno-kuplovane plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS), merenjem izotopa 202Hg. Najviša srednja vrednost sadržaja žive utvrđena je u uzorcima skuše (0,056 mg/kg), zatim kod oslića (0,034 mg/kg), a najniža kod papaline (0,016 mg/kg). Maksimalno dozvoljene količine Hg u ispitanim ribama, koje su definisane zakonskom regulativom Srbije [MDK (oslić, papalina) = 500 ng/g, MDK (skuša) = 1000 ng/g] nisu prekoračene u svim ispitanim uzorcima. Statističkom evaluacijom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički zanačajna razlika (p<0,005) u sadržaju Hg između oslića i skuše, kao i između skuše i papaline. Za procenu unosa Hg konzumiranjem ribe korišćeni su podaci iz „GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets database“. Prema ovom izvoru, procenjena prosečna nedeljna potrošnja morske ribe u Srbiji iznosi 106,4 g. Koristeći podatke iz ove studije izračunat je nedeljni unos Hg, baziran na srednjoj vrednosti sadržaja Hg u konzumiranoj ribi i prosečnoj telesnoj težini čoveka od 70 kg. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti za nedeljni unos Hg (oslić: 0,051-0,208 µg/kg telesne težine; skuša: 0,086-0,289 µg/kg telesne težine; papalina: 0,025-0,050 µg/kg telesne težine) može se zaključiti da je unos žive pri konzumaciji oslića, skuše i papaline znatno niži od preporučenih graničnih vrednosti svetske zdravstvene organizacije (1,6 µg MetHg /kg telesne težine)


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    Background: In a view of sex work being a sexual behavioural activity, the main objective of our research was to explore the sexuality of sex workers in Serbia regarding to intensity of their sexual arousability. Subjects and methods: The research was conducted on 30 sex workers and 30 controls of randomly selected social and demographic characteristics, without any signs of psychiatric morbidity. For the evaluation of the intensity of sexual arousability, SAI (Sexual Arousability Index) questionnaire was used. Results: The analysis of the main total scores of the SAI for the sex workers and control participants showed no statistically significant difference in the overall intensity of arousability (p>0.05). However, item by item analysis of the questionnaire showed qualitative difference in sexuality between sex workers and controls, related to certain aspects of sexuality. Conclusions: These findings allow the space for further research in the way of identifying origins of qualitative issues in the sexual profile of sex workers, in correlation to women who are not sex workers, i.e. whether they had been result of potential biological, specific psychodynamic factors, or have been formed as a result of the direct influence of the sex work

    Predictors of poor neonatal outcomes in fetuses diagnosed with congenital urinary tract anomalies

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    Objectives: Urinary tract anomalies account for approximately one-quarter of all antenatally detected anomalies. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with severe adverse neonatal outcomes of a prenatally diagnosed urinary tract anomaly.Material and methods: A retrospective-prospective study included 101 pregnant women with prenatally diagnosed fetal urinary tract anomalies presented to the Council for Fetal Anomalies. Prenatal diagnoses were compared with autopsy findings in cases of terminated pregnancy or with clinical and operative findings of the infants.Results: The mortality rate in the group of patients with fetal obstructive uropathy (60 patients) was 10% and in the group of patients with fetal multicystic dysplastic kidney (38 patients) 15.7%. Surgery was performed on 53.4% of the children, whereas more than half of the operations involved resolving associated urinary tract anomalies. Postoperative renal function deterioration occurred in 19% of the children.Conclusions: The prognosis of renal function in obstructive uropathies is excellent if oligoamnios does not develop prenatally and in case of timely provided surgical care is provided postnatally. The finding of the bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney is associated with poor prognosis. The prognosis in fetal unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney depends primarily on the condition of the contralateral kidney and the existence of associated anomalies