18 research outputs found

    Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances & Energy Use: A Holistic Transformation Approach Applied to Block 39 in Belgrade (Serbia) Via IMM

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    Cities are responsible up to 75% of energy consumptions and 80% of CO2 emissions and due to the fact that the correlation between urban morphology and environmental stewardship has become crystal clear.In this scenario is framed the case study of block 39 in Belgrade in which an innovative methodology, IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology), has been applied in order to transform an existing urban context into a more efficient and sustainable one. The presented case study in Belgrade aims to became a more general paradigm for similar condition in East Europe, defining integrated new strategies based on IMM methodology to retrofit and transform the energy dissipative existing neighborhood in more efficient, liveable and integrated urban system.The city is considered as a single complex entity composed by heterogeneous components connected each other. A strictly sectorial approach could result in neglecting mutual dependencies of these demands. Conversely, an integrated approach can help to sharpen a better comprehension of the different performances of different urban assessment. IMM methodology through Phasing Process shows how incorporating a wide range of issues makes it possible to improve the metabolism of the city as well as its energy performance

    Testing of correlation between amounts of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue in obese people measured by ultrasound and biochemical indicators of glycolipid status

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    Introduction: Obesity is a growing health problem in economically developed countries. Abdominal fat is distributed in two large compartments: visceral fat is localized in the abdominal cavity (around the abdominal organs) and subcutaneous fat (between the skin and muscle layers of the abdominal wall). Ultrasonography is the most appropriate imaging method for estimating the amount of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat in obese patients. Aim: The aim is to assess the correlation between the amount of visceral and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, estimated by ultrasound in obese individuals, and biochemical indicators of their glycolipid status. Material and Methods: Retrospective study included 183 adult obese patients (131 women and 52 men, mean age 42.6 Ā± 12.2, mean weight 123.4 Ā± 26.7 kg, mean BMI 43.5 Ā± 7.6kg/m2), in whom diameters of visceral (dVAFT) and subcutaneous abdominal fat (dSCAFT) were measured by ultrasonography. Following anthropometric parameters, height, weight, waist circumference (WC) and hip cimrcumference (HC) were also measured. Also, biochemical analysis of the concentration of glucose, insulin, HbA1c, triglycerides and cholesterol (parameters of the glycolipid status) was done. Correlation among these parameters was tested using Pearson's test of linear correlation (r). Results: Positive correlation was found between the dVAFT and all analyzed biochemical parameters of the glycolipid status (p < 0.001). The exceptions were total cholesterol (p = 0.158), negative correlation between the dSCAFT and concentrations of serum glucose, HbA1c and triglycerides (p < 0.01), dVAFT/dSCAFT index most strongly positively correlated with the glucose concentration (r = 0.534), HbA1c (r = 0.456) and triglyceride levels (r = 0.443). WC and WC/HC index significantly correlated with the concentration of all biochemical parameters of glycolipid status, except total cholesterol, but less strongly than dVAFT and dVAFT/dSCAFT index. Conclusion: Visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat diameters were measured by ultrasound, and especially dVAFT/dSCAFT index, express stronger correlation with the biochemical parameters of glycolipid status, than the anthropometric parameters, in adult obese people

    Ecological and economic effects of applying the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (FAPSMS): The case of Barička river basin

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    It is necessary to harmonize the needs of society in terms of agricultural production and land protection from various forms of degradation. Assessing the justifi cation of investment in sustainable management of land resources is an important step in that process. Consequently, in the suburban area of the morphological unit of the Barička river basin, an analysis of soil erosion risk was carried out using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) method, with the existing and projected structure of agricultural production according to the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model from the Aspect of Preserving Land Resources for Mountain Catchment Areas of Serbia (FAPSMS). The value of the existing and projected production structure from the economic aspect was also examined, using dynamic economic methods. In order to assess the risk and uncertainty of investments, a sensitive analysis of dynamic methods was carried out. The results of the research showed that soil erosion losses are already below tolerance values with the existing production structure and that they could be reduced even more by applying the designed structure. Economic indicators have shown that the investment is justified and that it is more sensitive to changes in income

    Ecological and Economic Effects of Applying the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model (FAPSMS): The Case Study of the Barička River Basin Sustainability

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    It is necessary to harmonize the needs of society in terms of agricultural production and land protection from various forms of degradation throughout sustainable land management. Assessing the justification of investment in sustainable management of land resources is an important step in this process. Consequently, an analysis of soil erosion risk was carried out in the suburban area of the morphological unit of the Barička river watershed, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) method, with the existing and projected structure of agricultural production according to the Future Agricultural Production Structure Model from the Aspect of Preserving Land Resources for Mountain Catchment Areas of Serbia (FAPSMS). The value of the existing and projected production structure from an economic aspect was also examined using dynamic economic methods. In order to assess the risk and uncertainty of investments, a sensitive analysis of dynamic methods was carried out. The results show that soil erosion losses are already below tolerance values with the existing production structure and that they could be reduced even more by applying the designed structure. Economic indicators show that the investment is justified and that it is more sensitive to changes in income

    Optimization of friction welding parameters of Al-Cu joints

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    Zavarivanje trenjem je relativno nova i nedovoljno istražena tehnologija zavarivanja čija je svrha spajanje materijala unosom topline proizvedene trenjem. Konvencionalnim tehnologijama zavarivanja je unos topline ostvaren preko električnog luka pomoću kojeg se metali rastaljuju i formiraju međumolekulske veze koje nakon skrućivanja ostvaruju čvrst zavareni spoj. Takvim načinom zavarivanja je teÅ”ko povezati dva različita metala odnosno metala koja imaju loÅ”u metalurÅ”ku kompatibilnost koja ovisi o radijusu atoma, temperaturi taliÅ”ta, rasporedu elektrona u vanjskoj ljusci, vrsti kristalne reÅ”etke i sposobnosti stvaranja zajedničkih intermetalnih spojeva koji ojačavaju međusobne veze. Nadalje, unos topline kod zavarivanja električnim lukom je proporcionalan kvadratu jakosti struje koja se koristi pri zavarivanju Å”to znači da unesena toplina može postići enormne vrijednosti. Prekomjeran unos topline dovodi do prekomjerno povećanih temperatura koje olakÅ”avaju ostvarivanje nepoželjnih pojava korozije i vodikove krhkosti. Prilikom zavarivanja trenjem, kinetička energija međusobnog gibanja dijelova prelazi u toplinsku energiju i na taj način je unos topline manji. U procesu zavarivanja trenjem metali ne prelaze u tekuće agregacijsko stanje, već postižu viskozno-plastično stanje u kojem pri poviÅ”enoj temperaturi i pod utjecajem tlaka zadržavaju trajnu plastičnu deformaciju i ostvaruju trajnu vezu. Ovim postupkom moguće je zavarivati gotovo sve vrste čelika, titanove legure, magnezij, aluminij i bakar. Glavni nedostatak postupka jest Å”to iziskuje visoka početna ulaganja i to Å”to je uglavnom limitiran na sučeljene i kutne spojeve. U ovom diplomskom radu, navesti će se postupci zavarivanja trenjem i s njima povezani parametri te specificirati kako oni utječu na svojstva zavara. U radu će također biti navedene kombinacije materijala koje je moguće zavarivati trenjem te će se prikazati pregled industrijskih proizvoda kod kojih se koristi zavarivanje trenjem za njihovu izradu. Nadalje, utvrditi će se granični tlak sabijanja za izradu uzoraka promjera 14 mm te će se proučiti kako promjena tlaka sabijanja utječe na Al-Cu spojeve. Izrađeni uzorci će biti analizirani pomoću vlačnog testa i preko svjetlosnog mikroskopa pod uvećanjem od 200 puta. U konačnici će se prikazati rezultati ispitivanja iz kojih će biti izvučeni odgovarajući zaključci.Friction welding is relatively new and insufficiently researched welding technology whose purpose is bonding of metals enabled through heat input created through friction. Heat input of conventional welding technologies is accomplished by electric arc which melts metals that create intermolecular bonds in liquid state. Thus, after solidification is completed, firm welded connection is formed. With arc welding it is hard to bond two different metals that have unfortunate metallurgical compatibility which depends on radii of atoms, layout of outer-shell electrons, crystal lattice, melting temperature and the ability to form intermetallic compunds that strengthen the bond between metals. Furthermore, heat input in arc welding processes is proportional with rate of charges in electric current used for welding squared, which means that excessive heat can be achieved. Overwhelming amount of heat leads to increased temperatures that in turn increase the chances of corrosion and hydrogen induced cracks occurrence. With friction welding, kinetic energy of mutual motion of parts is converted into heat. That way heat input is much lower. In friction welding process, metals do not reach liquid state, but achieve permanent bond through highly viscous-plastic state in which they permanently deform through conditions of increased temperatures and pressures. With this process it is possible to weld almost all types of steel, titanium alloys, magnesium, aluminium and copper. Main drawback of this process is that it requires high starting investment and its usage is mostly limited to angular and butt joints. In this masterā€™s thesis, friction welding processes and their process parameters will be listed. It will also be analyzed how these process parameters affect the properties of the weld. In this thesis, combinations of materials that can be friction welded will also be adduced and industrial products that have friction welding as a part of their making will be showcased. Furthermore, marginal upsetting pressure for the making of samples with the diameter of 14 mm will be established as well as the effect that upsetting pressure has on Al-Cu welds. Samples will be analyzed by tensile test and welds will be studied under optical microscope under 200x magnification. In the end, results of the testing will be shown and appropriate conclusions will be brought

    Microbiologically influenced corrosion of stainless steels

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    Nehrđajući čelici nalaze sve Å”iru primjenu u različitim granama industrije kao Å”to su kemijska, prehrambena, farmaceutska, građevinarstvo, brodogradnja te u medicini i svakodnevnom životu. Tako Å”iroka primjena nehrđajućih čelika najlakÅ”e se može objasniti zbog njihovih izuzetnih mehaničkih svojstava i visoke korozijske postojanosti. Ipak često se tijekom njihovog koriÅ”tenja mogu dogoditi neočekivana oÅ”tećenja poput lokaliziranog oÅ”tećivanja rupičastom korozijom ili korozijom u procijepu. Ova oÅ”tećenja su najčeŔća na nehrđajućim čelicima koji se koriste u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. U takvim uvjetima bi nehrđajući čelici trebali biti otporni na korozijsko razaranje, ali do njega svejedno dolazi upravo zbog toga Å”to su sustavi za gospodarenje vodom pogodni za razmnožavanje mikroorganizama koji svojim metaboličkim procesima mjenjaju korozivnost okoline i postepeno razaraju metale koji postaju neotporni na mehanizme korozije. U radu su opisani nehrđajući čelici, njihova podjela i svojstva. Također je opisana njihova primjena u industriji, poglavito primjena u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. Detaljnije je opisana i mikrobioloÅ”ki poticana korozija te mehanizmi njenog nastajanja. Sagledane su i metode sprječavanja nastajanja mikrobioloÅ”ki poticane korozije i izneseni su primjeri oÅ”tećenja koja se mogu pojaviti na nehrđajućim čelicima u sustavima gospodarenja vodom.More and more applications of stainless steel are found in techonology and different branches of industry such as chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry, civil engineering, naval architecture, medicine and in every day lives. Their extraordinary mechanical properties as well as their high resistance to corrosion can easily provide an explanation for their wide usage. However, there are often unexpected localised damages of material that can occur in the form of pits as a consequence of pitting corrosion or crevice corrosion processes. These damages are more common on stainless steels that are used in water management systems. In such conditions, stainless steel should be completely resistant to types of localised corrosion mentioned above, but the damage still occurs because water management systems are extremely suitable for reproduction of microorganisms that change corrosivity of their surroundings with their metabolical processes and release chemical compunds that gradually devastate the metal which in turn becomes less resistant to other types of corrosion. Stainless steels, their classification and properties, application in industries (mainly in water management systems) are described in this bachelor thesis. Microbiologically influenced corrosion and its mechanisms are also described in detail. Methods of prevention of microbiologically influenced corrosion are percieved as well and examples of damage that can occur on stainless steel used in water management systems

    Microbiologically influenced corrosion of stainless steels

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    Nehrđajući čelici nalaze sve Å”iru primjenu u različitim granama industrije kao Å”to su kemijska, prehrambena, farmaceutska, građevinarstvo, brodogradnja te u medicini i svakodnevnom životu. Tako Å”iroka primjena nehrđajućih čelika najlakÅ”e se može objasniti zbog njihovih izuzetnih mehaničkih svojstava i visoke korozijske postojanosti. Ipak često se tijekom njihovog koriÅ”tenja mogu dogoditi neočekivana oÅ”tećenja poput lokaliziranog oÅ”tećivanja rupičastom korozijom ili korozijom u procijepu. Ova oÅ”tećenja su najčeŔća na nehrđajućim čelicima koji se koriste u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. U takvim uvjetima bi nehrđajući čelici trebali biti otporni na korozijsko razaranje, ali do njega svejedno dolazi upravo zbog toga Å”to su sustavi za gospodarenje vodom pogodni za razmnožavanje mikroorganizama koji svojim metaboličkim procesima mjenjaju korozivnost okoline i postepeno razaraju metale koji postaju neotporni na mehanizme korozije. U radu su opisani nehrđajući čelici, njihova podjela i svojstva. Također je opisana njihova primjena u industriji, poglavito primjena u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. Detaljnije je opisana i mikrobioloÅ”ki poticana korozija te mehanizmi njenog nastajanja. Sagledane su i metode sprječavanja nastajanja mikrobioloÅ”ki poticane korozije i izneseni su primjeri oÅ”tećenja koja se mogu pojaviti na nehrđajućim čelicima u sustavima gospodarenja vodom.More and more applications of stainless steel are found in techonology and different branches of industry such as chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry, civil engineering, naval architecture, medicine and in every day lives. Their extraordinary mechanical properties as well as their high resistance to corrosion can easily provide an explanation for their wide usage. However, there are often unexpected localised damages of material that can occur in the form of pits as a consequence of pitting corrosion or crevice corrosion processes. These damages are more common on stainless steels that are used in water management systems. In such conditions, stainless steel should be completely resistant to types of localised corrosion mentioned above, but the damage still occurs because water management systems are extremely suitable for reproduction of microorganisms that change corrosivity of their surroundings with their metabolical processes and release chemical compunds that gradually devastate the metal which in turn becomes less resistant to other types of corrosion. Stainless steels, their classification and properties, application in industries (mainly in water management systems) are described in this bachelor thesis. Microbiologically influenced corrosion and its mechanisms are also described in detail. Methods of prevention of microbiologically influenced corrosion are percieved as well and examples of damage that can occur on stainless steel used in water management systems

    Optimization of friction welding parameters of Al-Cu joints

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    Zavarivanje trenjem je relativno nova i nedovoljno istražena tehnologija zavarivanja čija je svrha spajanje materijala unosom topline proizvedene trenjem. Konvencionalnim tehnologijama zavarivanja je unos topline ostvaren preko električnog luka pomoću kojeg se metali rastaljuju i formiraju međumolekulske veze koje nakon skrućivanja ostvaruju čvrst zavareni spoj. Takvim načinom zavarivanja je teÅ”ko povezati dva različita metala odnosno metala koja imaju loÅ”u metalurÅ”ku kompatibilnost koja ovisi o radijusu atoma, temperaturi taliÅ”ta, rasporedu elektrona u vanjskoj ljusci, vrsti kristalne reÅ”etke i sposobnosti stvaranja zajedničkih intermetalnih spojeva koji ojačavaju međusobne veze. Nadalje, unos topline kod zavarivanja električnim lukom je proporcionalan kvadratu jakosti struje koja se koristi pri zavarivanju Å”to znači da unesena toplina može postići enormne vrijednosti. Prekomjeran unos topline dovodi do prekomjerno povećanih temperatura koje olakÅ”avaju ostvarivanje nepoželjnih pojava korozije i vodikove krhkosti. Prilikom zavarivanja trenjem, kinetička energija međusobnog gibanja dijelova prelazi u toplinsku energiju i na taj način je unos topline manji. U procesu zavarivanja trenjem metali ne prelaze u tekuće agregacijsko stanje, već postižu viskozno-plastično stanje u kojem pri poviÅ”enoj temperaturi i pod utjecajem tlaka zadržavaju trajnu plastičnu deformaciju i ostvaruju trajnu vezu. Ovim postupkom moguće je zavarivati gotovo sve vrste čelika, titanove legure, magnezij, aluminij i bakar. Glavni nedostatak postupka jest Å”to iziskuje visoka početna ulaganja i to Å”to je uglavnom limitiran na sučeljene i kutne spojeve. U ovom diplomskom radu, navesti će se postupci zavarivanja trenjem i s njima povezani parametri te specificirati kako oni utječu na svojstva zavara. U radu će također biti navedene kombinacije materijala koje je moguće zavarivati trenjem te će se prikazati pregled industrijskih proizvoda kod kojih se koristi zavarivanje trenjem za njihovu izradu. Nadalje, utvrditi će se granični tlak sabijanja za izradu uzoraka promjera 14 mm te će se proučiti kako promjena tlaka sabijanja utječe na Al-Cu spojeve. Izrađeni uzorci će biti analizirani pomoću vlačnog testa i preko svjetlosnog mikroskopa pod uvećanjem od 200 puta. U konačnici će se prikazati rezultati ispitivanja iz kojih će biti izvučeni odgovarajući zaključci.Friction welding is relatively new and insufficiently researched welding technology whose purpose is bonding of metals enabled through heat input created through friction. Heat input of conventional welding technologies is accomplished by electric arc which melts metals that create intermolecular bonds in liquid state. Thus, after solidification is completed, firm welded connection is formed. With arc welding it is hard to bond two different metals that have unfortunate metallurgical compatibility which depends on radii of atoms, layout of outer-shell electrons, crystal lattice, melting temperature and the ability to form intermetallic compunds that strengthen the bond between metals. Furthermore, heat input in arc welding processes is proportional with rate of charges in electric current used for welding squared, which means that excessive heat can be achieved. Overwhelming amount of heat leads to increased temperatures that in turn increase the chances of corrosion and hydrogen induced cracks occurrence. With friction welding, kinetic energy of mutual motion of parts is converted into heat. That way heat input is much lower. In friction welding process, metals do not reach liquid state, but achieve permanent bond through highly viscous-plastic state in which they permanently deform through conditions of increased temperatures and pressures. With this process it is possible to weld almost all types of steel, titanium alloys, magnesium, aluminium and copper. Main drawback of this process is that it requires high starting investment and its usage is mostly limited to angular and butt joints. In this masterā€™s thesis, friction welding processes and their process parameters will be listed. It will also be analyzed how these process parameters affect the properties of the weld. In this thesis, combinations of materials that can be friction welded will also be adduced and industrial products that have friction welding as a part of their making will be showcased. Furthermore, marginal upsetting pressure for the making of samples with the diameter of 14 mm will be established as well as the effect that upsetting pressure has on Al-Cu welds. Samples will be analyzed by tensile test and welds will be studied under optical microscope under 200x magnification. In the end, results of the testing will be shown and appropriate conclusions will be brought

    Microbiologically influenced corrosion of stainless steels

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    Nehrđajući čelici nalaze sve Å”iru primjenu u različitim granama industrije kao Å”to su kemijska, prehrambena, farmaceutska, građevinarstvo, brodogradnja te u medicini i svakodnevnom životu. Tako Å”iroka primjena nehrđajućih čelika najlakÅ”e se može objasniti zbog njihovih izuzetnih mehaničkih svojstava i visoke korozijske postojanosti. Ipak često se tijekom njihovog koriÅ”tenja mogu dogoditi neočekivana oÅ”tećenja poput lokaliziranog oÅ”tećivanja rupičastom korozijom ili korozijom u procijepu. Ova oÅ”tećenja su najčeŔća na nehrđajućim čelicima koji se koriste u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. U takvim uvjetima bi nehrđajući čelici trebali biti otporni na korozijsko razaranje, ali do njega svejedno dolazi upravo zbog toga Å”to su sustavi za gospodarenje vodom pogodni za razmnožavanje mikroorganizama koji svojim metaboličkim procesima mjenjaju korozivnost okoline i postepeno razaraju metale koji postaju neotporni na mehanizme korozije. U radu su opisani nehrđajući čelici, njihova podjela i svojstva. Također je opisana njihova primjena u industriji, poglavito primjena u sustavima gospodarenja vodom. Detaljnije je opisana i mikrobioloÅ”ki poticana korozija te mehanizmi njenog nastajanja. Sagledane su i metode sprječavanja nastajanja mikrobioloÅ”ki poticane korozije i izneseni su primjeri oÅ”tećenja koja se mogu pojaviti na nehrđajućim čelicima u sustavima gospodarenja vodom.More and more applications of stainless steel are found in techonology and different branches of industry such as chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry, civil engineering, naval architecture, medicine and in every day lives. Their extraordinary mechanical properties as well as their high resistance to corrosion can easily provide an explanation for their wide usage. However, there are often unexpected localised damages of material that can occur in the form of pits as a consequence of pitting corrosion or crevice corrosion processes. These damages are more common on stainless steels that are used in water management systems. In such conditions, stainless steel should be completely resistant to types of localised corrosion mentioned above, but the damage still occurs because water management systems are extremely suitable for reproduction of microorganisms that change corrosivity of their surroundings with their metabolical processes and release chemical compunds that gradually devastate the metal which in turn becomes less resistant to other types of corrosion. Stainless steels, their classification and properties, application in industries (mainly in water management systems) are described in this bachelor thesis. Microbiologically influenced corrosion and its mechanisms are also described in detail. Methods of prevention of microbiologically influenced corrosion are percieved as well and examples of damage that can occur on stainless steel used in water management systems