50 research outputs found

    Sociotechnical design of mHealth applications for chronic diseases

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    This workshop paper aims at briefly presenting the authors’ previous experience in the field of sociotechnical design of mHealth applications and at illustrating the opportunity in joining forces of multidisciplinary researchers, domain experts, and practitioners for improving the field

    CulturalWiki: A Semantic Map-Based Wiki for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

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    The use of digital maps capitalizes on the long tradition of using paper maps as mean of communication and learning among people. More than ever, maps are becoming one of the most used metaphors to present concepts and knowledge. This paper presents a wiki infrastructure for map-based information systems’ design that, through an ontology, defines a semantic model able to minimize the problems in communication across interdisciplinary communities by putting together cultural information from different data sources. Using map-oriented solution, the wiki is aimed at enabling intercultural collaboration and learning among all the stakeholders involved in cultural heritage projects. A living lab based on the use of the CulturalWiki framework is described and the results of evaluations are presented

    A semantic approach to build personalized interfaces in the cultural heritage domain

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    In this paper we present a system we have built to disseminate cultural heritage distributed across multiple museums. Our system addresses the requirements of two categories of users: the end users that need to access information according to their interests and interaction preferences, and the domain experts and museum curators that need to develop thematic tours providing end users with a better understanding of the single artefact or collection. In our approach we make use of a semantic representation of the given heritage domain in order to build multiple visual interfaces, called Virtual Wings (VWs). Such interfaces allow users to navigate through data available from digital archives and thematic tours and to create their own personalized virtual visits. An interactive application integrating personalized digital guides (using PDAs) and 360 panoramic images is the example of VW presented

    Beitrag zur kenntnis der tribus Litoborini der tenebrioniden - unterfamilie der Opatrinae (Col. Ten.)

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    Prof. Maurice Antoine hat 1946 (Bull. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de l'Afr. du Nord, XXXVII, p. 51-59) meine 1944 (Eos, XX, págs. 388-433) erschienene Arbeit mit seinen in derselben Zeit veröffentlichten, mir aber infolge des Krieges unzugänglich gewesenen, Studien über diese Gruppe der Opatrinae (Bull. Soc. Scienc. Nat. Maroc, XXI, 1941, p. 19-52) einer berechtigten Kritik unterzogen und meine Resultate mit den seinen und den inzwischen auch von Herrn F. Español Coll über diese Gruppe veröffentlichten Untersuchungen (Eos, XX, p. 213-232) in Einklang gebracht.Peer reviewe

    Participatory knowledge-management design: A semiotic approach

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    The aim of this paper is to present a design strategy for collaborative knowledge-management systems based on a semiotic approach. The contents and structure of experts' knowledge is highly dependent on professional or individual practice. Knowledge-management systems that support cooperation between experts from different (sub-)fields need to be situated and tailored to provide effective support even if the common aspects of the data need to be described by ontologies that are generic in respect to the sub-disciplines involved. To understand and approach this design problem, we apply a semiotic perspective to computer application and human-computer interaction. From a semiotic perspective, the computer application is both a message from the designer to the user about the structure of the problem domain, as well as about interaction with it, and a structured channel for the user's communication with herself, himself or other users of the software. Tailoring or \u201cend-user development\u201d \u2013 i.e. adapting the knowledge-management system to a specific (sub-)discipline, task or context \u2013 then refines both the message and adapts the structure of the interaction to the situated requirements. The essential idea of this paper is to define a new perspective for designing and developing interactive systems to support collaborative knowledge management. The key concept is to involve domain experts in participatory knowledge design for mapping and translating their professional models into the proper vocabularies, notations, and suitable visual structures for navigating among interface elements. To this end, the paper describes how our semiotic approach supports processes for representing, storing, accessing, and transferring knowledge, through which the information architecture of an interactive system can be defined. Finally, the results of applying our approach to a real-world case in an archaeological context are presented

    ESISTE: Supporting Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in Mainstream Classrooms

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    Part 1: PracticeInternational audienceThis chapter presents the outcomes of the first stage of ESISTE (Expert System Interaction Structured To Education), an interdisciplinary research project aimed at designing and developing an interactive system for the management of ICF-CY classification (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – Children and Youth) in primary, secondary, and higher education levels in Italy. The goal of the project is to enable the inclusion in the education system of students with special needs involving in the process their teachers, family members, close friends, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders