12 research outputs found

    Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury and Endothelial Dysfunction: The Role of Vascular and Biochemical Parameters

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    Introduction: Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CIAKI) is one of the main causes of acute renal failure in hospitalized patients, following the administration of iodinated contrast medium used for CT scans and angiographic procedures. CIAKI determines a high cardiovascular risk and appears to be one of the most feared complications of coronary angiography, causing a notable worsening of the prognosis with high morbidity and mortality. Aim: To evaluate a possible association between the renal resistive index (RRI) and the development of CIAKI, as well as an association with the main subclinical markers of atherosclerosis and the main cardiovascular risk factors. Materials and Methods: We enrolled 101 patients with an indication for coronary angiography. Patients underwent an assessment of renal function (serum nitrogen and basal creatinine, 48 and 72 h after administration of contrast medium), inflammation (C reactive protein (CRP), serum calcium and phosphorus, intact parathormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitaminD (25-OH-VitD), serum uric acid (SUA), total cholesterol, serum triglycerides, serum glucose and insulin). All patients also carried out an evaluation of RRI, intima-media thickness (IMT), interventricular septum (IVS) and the ankle-brachial index (ABI). Results: 101 patients (68 male), with a mean age of 73.0 ± 15.0 years, were enrolled for the study; 35 are affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus. A total of 19 cases of CIAKI were reported (19%), while among diabetic patients we reported an incidence of 23% (8 patients). In our study, patients with CIAKI had significantly higher RRI (p < 0.001) and IMT (p < 0.001) with respect to the patients who did not develop CIAKI. Furthermore, patients with CIAKI had significantly higher CRP (p < 0.001) and SUA (p < 0.006). Conclusions: We showed a significant difference in RRI, IMT, SUA and CRP values between the population developing CIAKI and patients without CIAKI. This data appears relevant considering that RRI and IMT are low-cost, non-invasive and easily reproducible markers of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis

    Agency and signification in learning with digital technologies : a theoretical approximation of actor-network theory and representational perspectives

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    This paper put an approximation of Actor-Network Theory – ANT (cf. Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1988; Latour, 1993; Latour, 1994) and representational philosophies deriving from the social semiotic multimodal theories (e.g., Hodge & Kress, 1988; Kress, 2010; Kress & van Leeuwen, 2021; van Leeuwen, 2005) to the fore to conceptualize how meaning-making (known as sign-making, learning, the process of signification, Bateman, 2018; Bezemer & Kress, 2016; Kress, 2010) via technologies come about from the technologies' various prompts. It is essential to recognize how representations such as semiotic resources – here, technologies and sign systems – have agency to form social practices. They are agentively selected, interpreted, and acted upon by the user into meaning-making activities (Jewitt, 2008, 2009, 2014). The technologies' front- and back-end properties' semiotic regimes (van Leeuwen, 2005; Djonov & van Leeuwen, 2018a) in different configurations can function as actants by symmetrically translating interests between humans and non-humans, into hybrid existences (Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1994). Humans and technical objects are not rigid and independent substances (Platonic) but beings in constant (re)associations, which modify their existence (Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1994). In that sense, Callon and Latour's claims can be understood in line with the genesis and development of representations that, from a historical epistemological perspective (Wartofsky, 1979), are in constant (re)associations by technologies, cultures, social practices, and humans. As humans mediate by means of their representations (Wartofksy, 1979), the representations are re-shaping and re-shaped through the history of reproduction that impacts interaction, meditation, and meaning-making (Kress, 2010; van Leeuwen, 2005; Wartofsky, 1979). The purpose of this paper is to briefly sketch a future research aspiration striving to theoretically approximate the ANT and representational philosophies and examine what kind of agency digital technologies impose on the users and how the users draw upon that imposition in their meaning-making. Crucially, such a reflection can heighten current understandings of the intricate relationships and networks created by humans and digital technologies in contemporary learning settings such as school to better appreciate students' digital learning from a representational agency perspective integrating the “signifieds-in-transformation” and “actants.” In preparation for future research studies, the following research question guides the theoretical explorations: who acts in the process of signification in learning activities with digital technologies?LIC

    Virtual humans and hybrid robots : whose brain makes the choice?

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    Looking through the window, Manon could barely discern the skyline. There had been many power shortages in the city, and Manon wondered if today’s blurred view was due to a lack of street lighting or if the smog had started to appear again. ‘Mom! Is the wire down again?’ ‘Yes!’ A canned sound wrenched from the bathroom. ‘Shit! Not only the light...’ Manon cursed the situation and searched aimlessly for his t-shirt on the floor. ‘Yet another day in paradise...’ Manon started worrying. He had surgery to participate in—a significant learning opportunity for his final exams associated with his virtual internship at the city hospital.Manon is a medical student aiming for graduation in 2062. During most of his medical training, the constant and almost daily power shortages made things quite problematic for the brain-computer interface (BCI)-based medical activities he was training for in the privacy of his own home. Fortunately, he was still living with his mom, as these shortfalls had lengthened his medical training immensely. When electricity was off most of the day, the sound from the gas-driven gen-erator was everyday life, and the Internet was unwired via an antenna. Activities not demanding a high-speed bandwidth often performed during these times were emailing. However, these old-school activities were insufficient for today’s tasks: the wired connection was necessary for transferring the Internet’s 3D space and intelligent sensors’ zettabyte data.LIC

    Agency and signification in learning with digital technologies : a theoretical approximation of actor-network theory and representational perspectives

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    This paper put an approximation of Actor-Network Theory – ANT (cf. Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1988; Latour, 1993; Latour, 1994) and representational philosophies deriving from the social semiotic multimodal theories (e.g., Hodge & Kress, 1988; Kress, 2010; Kress & van Leeuwen, 2021; van Leeuwen, 2005) to the fore to conceptualize how meaning-making (known as sign-making, learning, the process of signification, Bateman, 2018; Bezemer & Kress, 2016; Kress, 2010) via technologies come about from the technologies' various prompts. It is essential to recognize how representations such as semiotic resources – here, technologies and sign systems – have agency to form social practices. They are agentively selected, interpreted, and acted upon by the user into meaning-making activities (Jewitt, 2008, 2009, 2014). The technologies' front- and back-end properties' semiotic regimes (van Leeuwen, 2005; Djonov & van Leeuwen, 2018a) in different configurations can function as actants by symmetrically translating interests between humans and non-humans, into hybrid existences (Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1994). Humans and technical objects are not rigid and independent substances (Platonic) but beings in constant (re)associations, which modify their existence (Callon & Latour, 1981; Latour, 1994). In that sense, Callon and Latour's claims can be understood in line with the genesis and development of representations that, from a historical epistemological perspective (Wartofsky, 1979), are in constant (re)associations by technologies, cultures, social practices, and humans. As humans mediate by means of their representations (Wartofksy, 1979), the representations are re-shaping and re-shaped through the history of reproduction that impacts interaction, meditation, and meaning-making (Kress, 2010; van Leeuwen, 2005; Wartofsky, 1979). The purpose of this paper is to briefly sketch a future research aspiration striving to theoretically approximate the ANT and representational philosophies and examine what kind of agency digital technologies impose on the users and how the users draw upon that imposition in their meaning-making. Crucially, such a reflection can heighten current understandings of the intricate relationships and networks created by humans and digital technologies in contemporary learning settings such as school to better appreciate students' digital learning from a representational agency perspective integrating the “signifieds-in-transformation” and “actants.” In preparation for future research studies, the following research question guides the theoretical explorations: who acts in the process of signification in learning activities with digital technologies?LIC

    Contemporary forms of relationship between capital and technicality : study about the genesis of microprocessors of proprietary and free license

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    Orientador: Pedro Peixoto FerreiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências HumanasResumo: O objeto desta dissertação consiste no estudo da relação entre tecnicidade e capital a partir da concretização dos microprocessadores da empresa Intel, no período 1971-1999, e dos microprocessadores da comunidade de hardware livre OpenCores, no período 1999-2013, e como essas têm convertido tais objetos técnicos em capital. Compara-se, de um lado, como a empresa Intel têm registrado seus microprocessadores em licenças proprietárias e investido numa indústria internacional para comercialização de microcomputadores de conhecimento técnico restrito às empresas inventoras. De outro lado, como a comunidade OpenCores têm registrado seus microprocessadores em licenças livres e participado de um movimento internacional que disponibiliza integralmente o conhecimento técnico e gera capital a partir da prestação de serviços de montagem e manutenção em microcomputadores. Como referenciais teóricos para compreensão dos conceitos de tecnicidade e de capital, das formas de trabalho e da geração de valor, são estudadas as obras Do Modo de Existência dos Objetos Técnicos, de Simondon, e O Capital, de Marx.Abstract: The object of this dissertation is the study of the relationship between technicality and capital from the Intel's development of microprocessors, in the period 1971-1999, and the Open Cores' development of microprocessor, in the period 1999-2013 ¿ the first a worldwide company, the second an international community of free hardware ¿ and how both had converted such technical objects in capital. It is compared, on one side, how Intel has registered its microprocessors in proprietary licenses and invested in an international microcomputer industry, in which technical knowledge is restricted to inventors companies. On the other hand, how the community OpenCores has registered its microprocessors in free licenses and participated of an international movement that offers full technical knowledge at the same time while generates capital by providing installation and maintenance services in microcomputers. Finally, here, as reference for theoretical understanding of the concepts of technicality and capital, the kinds of labor and value generation, are studied the work of Simondon, The Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, and the work of Marx, The CapitalMestradoSociologiaMestre em Sociologi

    Inequalities and democracy in online education during the COVID-19 pandemic : A comparison between Brazil and Sweden and their representativeness in current global issues

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    This article presents a brief study on inequalities and democracy in online education during the covid-19 pandemic, based on a comparison between Brazil and Sweden. The paper addresses the organization of the educational systems; educational measures during the covid-19 pandemic concerning the frame factor resources such as digital technologies; the effects of these measures on access and use of digital technologies, regarding the digital divide; a problematization of online education with Big Tech digital platforms in the light of an association between liberation pedagogy and socio-technical cartography. As methodology, legislation, speeches, and statistical data from different institutions related to in Brazil and Sweden were consulted and processed through content analysis. These materials focus on the interim March-June of 2020, a period characterized by hasty adoption of measures that defined the technical and political bases of online education present until today. The authors expect that this brief investigation presents results of interest for studies on globalized countries, which shares similarities and differences on socio-educational issues and technologies for online education. Thus, this paper is a contribution to comparative studies about singularities and universalities worldwide, specially, on inequalities and democracy in online education during the covid-19 pandemic.Este artigo apresenta um breve estudo sobre desigualdades e democracia na educação online durante a pandemia covid-19, a partir de uma comparação entre Brasil e Suécia. O artigo aborda: a organização dos sistemas educacionais desses países; medidas de reorganização da educação básica, com ênfase em tecnologias digitais; efeitos dessas medidas no acesso e uso das tecnologias digitais, com ênfase na desigualdade social; problematização da educação online com plataformas digitais Big Tech, à luz de uma associação entre pedagogia libertadora e cartografia sociotécnica. Como metodologia, foram consultadas e analisadas legislações, discursos e dados estatísticos de diferentes instituições relacionadas à educação básica no Brasil e na Suécia. Esses materiais enfocam o ínterim entre março a junho de 2020, período caracterizado pela rápida adoção de medidas públicas que definiram as bases técnicas e políticas da educação online nesse período e que se mantém atualmente. Os autores esperam que esta breve investigação apresente resultados de interesse para estudos sobre Brasil, Suécia e outros países globalizados, que compartilham semelhanças e diferenças tanto em questões socioeducativas quanto em tecnologias para educação online. Trata-se de uma breve contribuição para estudos comparativos sobre singularidades e universalidades, em todo o mundo, especialmente sobre desigualdades e democracia na educação online durante a pandemia covid-19

    Democracy and Social Inequalities in the Organization of Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic : The Case of Brazil and Sweden

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    Challenges that arise during a time of crisis, as the current COVID-19 pandemic, are a basis for recognizing how different governments handle the governance of units such as schools and issues related to democracy and social inequality. By paying attention to similar or contrasting issues in the political welfare states’ characteristics and organization, the crisis's impact on different countries can be identified and can provide learning examples beyond the study's phenomena. Although Brazil and Sweden are historically and culturally diverse countries, they also share similarities in being politicized by global trends such as neoliberalism. The paper examines the two governments' discourses and how centralization, decentralization, and neoliberalism and the resulting shift to privatized public services can form a basis for understanding declines in democracy and social inequality in schooling in both countries. The following research question guides the work, how are democracy and social inequality expounded in Brazil's and Sweden's way of organizing education during the COVID-19 pandemic? To investigate how democracy and social inequality were expounded in Brazil's and Sweden's way of organizing education during the COVID-19 pandemic, we used a quantitative ethnographic approach to analyze the government's discourses. With quantitative ethnographic techniques we identified how the states organized discussions and actions to investigate and solve socio-educational issues related to democracy and how access to resources for education related to inequalities. The governmental intensity of keeping the economy functioning was observed to be influenced by the advance of neoliberalism in both countries. In organizing the education during the COVID-19 pandemic neoliberalism is pertaining to authoritarianism in Brazil and more culturally contingent actions related to the ethos - "openness" - in Sweden.   lic

    Effects of Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor on physical activity and exercise tolerance in three adults with cystic fibrosis

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    The combination of the corrector lumacaftor with the potentiator ivacaftor has been approved for treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients homozygous for the Phe508del CFTR mutation. There are no reports detailing the effect of lumacaftor–ivacaftor on physical activity (PA) and exercise tolerance. We performed incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and we assessed PA pre- and post 2 years initiation of lumacaftor–ivacaftor in three CF adults. PA of mild intensity improved by +13% in patient 1, + 84% in patients 2 and + 89% in patient 3. Oxygen uptake increased both at anaerobic threshold and at peak exercise (patient 1 + 33%, patient 2 + 42% and patient 3 + 20%). Daily physical activities and exercise tolerance improved after two years of lumacaftor–ivacaftor therapy

    Mycophenolate Mofetil Improves Exercise Tolerance in Systemic Sclerosis Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease: A Pilot Study

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    Introduction: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the overproduction of collagen leading to fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is one of the major causes of death in patients with SSc. Exercise tolerance can be investigated by cardio-pulmonary exercise testing (CPET). First-line therapies in patients with SSc associated with ILD (SSc-ILD) include cyclophosphamide and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of patients with SSc-ILD to MMF by means of CPET. Methods: Ten consecutive SSc patients were enrolled in this study. All SSc patients underwent clinical evaluation, echocardiography, pulmonary function tests, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and CPET at baseline and after 2 years of therapy with MMF. Results: After 24 months of treatment with MMF (target dose 1500 mg twice daily), forced vitality capacity, diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and systolic pulmonary arterial pressure had not improved significantly and there were no significant differences in HRCT findigns. In addition, peak oxygen uptake (V'O2 peak) and ventilatory equivalents for carbon dioxide production (V'E/V'CO2 slope) had not improved significantly. In contrast, there was a significant improvement from baseline to 24 months of treatment in the respiratory exchange ratio [median (interquartile range): 1.07 (0.92-1.22) vs. 1.26 (1.22-1.28), respectively; p < 0.01] and in the Borg scale for leg discomfort [median (interquartile range): 5 (5-7) vs. 4 (3-4), respectively; p < 0.01] . Conclusion: These data from our pilot study on a small cohort of SSc patients are the first to demonstrate that treatment with MMF can improves exercise tolerance and leg discomfort in patients with SSc-ILD. These preliminary results need to be confirmed in large randomized studies