115 research outputs found

    A braneworld puzzle about entropy bounds and a maximal temperature

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    Entropy bounds applied to a system of N species of light quantum fields in thermal equilibrium at temperature T are saturated in four dimensions at a maximal temperature T_max=M_Planck/N^1/2. We show that the correct setup for understanding the reason for the saturation is a cosmological setup, and that a possible explanation is the copious production of black holes at this maximal temperature. The proposed explanation implies, if correct, that N light fields cannot be in thermal equilibrium at temperatures T above T_max. However, we have been unable to identify a concrete mechanism that is efficient and quick enough to prevent the universe from exceeding this limiting temperature. The same issues can be studied in the framework of AdS/CFT by using a brane moving in a five dimensional AdS-Schwarzschild space to model a radiation dominated universe. In this case we show that T_max is the temperature at which the brane just reaches the horizon of the black hole, and that entropy bounds and the generalized second law of thermodynamics seem to be violated when the brane continues to fall into the black hole. We find, again, that the known physical mechanisms, including black hole production, are not efficient enough to prevent the brane from falling into the black hole. We propose several possible explanations for the apparent violation of entropy bounds, but none is a conclusive one.Comment: 16 page

    Cosmological dynamics and dark energy from non-local infrared modifications of gravity

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    We perform a detailed study of the cosmological dynamics of a recently proposed infrared modification of the Einstein equations, based on the introduction of a non-local term constructed with m2gμν□−1Rm^2g_{\mu\nu}\Box^{-1} R, where mm is a mass parameter. The theory generates automatically a dynamical dark energy component, that can reproduce the observed value of the dark energy density without introducing a cosmological constant. Fixing mm so to reproduce the observed value ΩDE≃0.68\Omega_{\rm DE}\simeq 0.68, and writing w(a)=w0+(1−a)waw(a)=w_0+(1-a) w_a, the model provides a neat prediction for the equation of state parameters of dark energy, w0≃−1.042w_0\simeq -1.042 and wa≃−0.020w_a\simeq -0.020. We show that, because of some freedom in the definition of □−1\Box^{-1}, one can extend the construction so to define a more general family of non-local models. However, in a first approximation this turns out to be equivalent to adding an explicit cosmological constant term on top of the dynamical dark energy component. This leads to an extended model with two parameters, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} and mm. Even in this extension the EOS parameter w0w_0 is always on the phantom side, in the range −1.33<w0≤−1-1.33 < w_0\leq -1, and there is a prediction for the relation between w0w_0 and waw_a.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures; v2: cross-reference to 1311.3421 adde

    Supersymmetric Vacuum Configurations in String Cosmology

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    We examine in a cosmological context the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry in N=1 supergravity in D=10 dimensions. We show that the cosmological solutions of the equations of motion obtained considering only the bosonic sector correspond to vacuum states with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. With a non vanishing gravitino-dilatino condensate we find a solution of the equations of motion that satisfies necessary conditions for unbroken supersymmetry and that smoothly interpolates between Minkowski space and DeSitter space with a linearly growing dilaton, thus providing a possible example of a supersymmetric and non-singular pre-big-bang cosmology.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Apparent ghosts and spurious degrees of freedom in non-local theories

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    Recent work has shown that non-local modifications of the Einstein equations can have interesting cosmological consequences and can provide a dynamical origin for dark energy, consistent with existing data. At first sight these theories are plagued by ghosts. We show that these apparent ghost-like instabilities do not describe actual propagating degrees of freedom, and there is no issue of ghost-induced quantum vacuum decay.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. v2: cross-reference to 1311.3435 adde

    Effective field theory approach to the gravitational two-body dynamics, at fourth post-Newtonian order and quintic in the Newton constant

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    Working within the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation to General Relativity, we use the effective field theory (EFT) framework to study the conservative dynamics of the two-body motion at fourth PN order, at fifth order in the Newton constant. This is one of the missing pieces preventing the computation of the full Lagrangian at fourth PN order using EFT methods. We exploit the analogy between diagrams in the EFT gravitational theory and 2-point functions in massless gauge theory, to address the calculation of 4-loop amplitudes by means of standard multi-loop diagrammatic techniques. For those terms which can be directly compared, our result confirms the findings of previous studies, performed using different methods.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Appendix C added with details of amplitude computation

    The gravitational-wave luminosity distance in modified gravity theories

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    In modified gravity the propagation of gravitational waves (GWs) is in general different from that in general relativity. As a result, the luminosity distance for GWs can differ from that for electromagnetic signals, and is affected both by the dark energy equation of state wDE(z)w_{\rm DE}(z) and by a function δ(z)\delta(z) describing modified propagation. We show that the effect of modified propagation in general dominates over the effect of the dark energy equation of state, making it easier to distinguish a modified gravity model from Λ\LambdaCDM. We illustrate this using a nonlocal modification of gravity, that has been shown to fit remarkably well CMB, SNe, BAO and structure formation data, and we discuss the prospects for distinguishing nonlocal gravity from Λ\LambdaCDM with the Einstein Telescope. We find that, depending on the exact sensitivity, a few tens of standard sirens with measured redshift at z∼0.4z\sim 0.4, or a few hundreds at 1<z<21 < z < 2, could suffice.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; v4: minor modifications; the version to appear in PR

    Modified gravitational-wave propagation and standard sirens

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    Studies of dark energy at advanced gravitational-wave (GW) interferometers normally focus on the dark energy equation of state wDE(z)w_{\rm DE}(z). However, modified gravity theories that predict a non-trivial dark energy equation of state generically also predict deviations from general relativity in the propagation of GWs across cosmological distances, even in theories where the speed of gravity is equal to cc. We find that, in generic modified gravity models, the effect of modified GW propagation dominates over that of wDE(z)w_{\rm DE}(z), making modified GW propagation a crucial observable for dark energy studies with standard sirens. We present a convenient parametrization of the effect in terms of two parameters (Ξ0,n)(\Xi_0,n), analogue to the (w0,wa)(w_0,w_a) parametrization of the dark energy equation of state, and we give a limit from the LIGO/Virgo measurement of H0H_0 with the neutron star binary GW170817. We then perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to estimate the sensitivity of the Einstein Telescope (ET) to the cosmological parameters, including (Ξ0,n)(\Xi_0,n), both using only standard sirens, and combining them with other cosmological datasets. In particular, the Hubble parameter can be measured with an accuracy better than 1%1\% already using only standard sirens while, when combining ET with current CMB+BAO+SNe data, Ξ0\Xi_0 can be measured to 0.8%0.8\% . We discuss the predictions for modified GW propagation of a specific nonlocal modification of gravity, recently developed by our group, and we show that they are within the reach of ET. Modified GW propagation also affects the GW transfer function, and therefore the tensor contribution to the ISW effect.Comment: 25 pages, 23 figures: v3: several significant improvement

    Sensitivity of a small matter-wave interferometer to gravitational waves

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    We study the possibility of using matter wave interferometry techniques to build a gravitational wave detector. We derive the response function and find that it contains a term proportional to the derivative of the gravitational wave, a point which has been disputed recently. We then study in detail the sensitivity that can be reached by such a detector and find that, if it is operated near resonance, it can reach potentially interesting values in the high frequency regime. The correlation between two or more of such devices can further improve the sensitivity for a stochastic signal.Comment: Revtex4, 19 pages, 3 figures. Several changes in the calculation of the response function. Accepted by PR
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