39 research outputs found

    GN-z11, Homesickness for Ice, and Literary Theory

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    The essay offers a reflection on the present and possible future of literary theory

    Experimental Insights into the Coupling of Methane Combustion and Steam Reforming in a Catalytic Plate Reactor in Transient Mode

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    The microstructured reactor concept is very promising technology to develop a compact reformer for distributed hydrogen generation. In this work, a catalytic plate reactor (CPR) is developed and investigated for the coupling of methane combustion (MC) and methane steam reforming (MSR) over Pt/Al2O3-coated microchannels in cocurrent and counter-current modes in transient experiments during start-up. A three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation shows uniform velocity and pressure distribution profiles in microchannels. For a channel velocity from 5.1 to 57.3 m/s in the combustor, the oxidation of methane is complete and self-sustainable without explosion, blow-off, or extinction; nevertheless, flashbacks are observed in counter-current mode. In the reformer, the maximum methane conversion is 84.9% in cocurrent mode, slightly higher than that of 80.2% in counter-current mode at a residence time of 33 ms, but at the cost of three times higher energy input in the combustor operating at ∼1000 °C. Nitric oxide (NO) is not identified in combustion products, but nitrous oxide (N2O) is a function of coupling mode and forms significantly in cocurrent mode. This research would be helpful to establish the start-up strategy and environmental impact of compact reformers on a small scale

    Augmented Reality to Guide Selective Clamping and Tumor Dissection During Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: A Preliminary Experience.

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    ABSTRACT Introduction to explore the feasibility of augmented reality (AR) to guide arterial clamping during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN). Patients and Methods 15 consecutive patients with T1 renal mass underwent RAPN guided by AR. The 3D virtual model derived by computed tomography was superimposed on the actual view provided by the Da Vinci video stream thought AR technology. Preoperative plan of arterial clamping based on 2D conventional imaging, on 3D model and the effective intraoperative surgical approach guided by AR were compared using the McNeamar test. Results The plan of arterial clamping based on 2D preoperative imaging was recorded as follows: no clamping in 3 (20%), clamping of the main artery in 10 (66.7%) and selective clamping in 1 (6.7%) and super-selective clamping in 1 (6.7%) cases. After revision of the 3D model, the plan of clamping was modified as follows: no clamping in 1 (6.7%), clamping of the main artery in 2 (13.3%), selective clamping in 8 (53.3%) and super-selective clamping in 4 (26.7%) cases (p=0.03). The effective intraoperative clamping approach guided by AR-guidance was performed as planned in 13 (86.7%) patients. Conclusion AR for 3D guided renal surgery is useful to increase the adoption of selective clamping during RAPN

    The Maximalist Novel: From Thomas Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow" to Roberto Bolaño's "2666"

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    The Maximalist Novel sets out to define a new genre of contemporary fiction that developed in the United States from the early 1970s, and then gained popularity in Europe in the early twenty-first century. The maximalist novel has a very strong symbolic and morphological identity. I set out ten particular elements which define and structure it as a complex literary form: length, an encyclopedic mode, dissonant chorality, diegetic exuberance, completeness, narrratorial omniscience, paranoid imagination, inter-semiocity, ethical commitment, and hybrid realism. These ten characteristics are common to all of the seven works that centre my discussion: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, Underworld by Don DeLillo, White Teeth by Zadie Smith, The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen, 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, and 2005 dopo Cristo by the Babette Factory. Though the ten features are not all present in the same way or form in every single text, they are all decisive in defining the genre of the maximalist novel, insofar as they are systematically co-present. Taken singularly, they can be easily found both in modernist and postmodern novels, which are not maximalist. Nevertheless, it is precisely their co-presence, as well as their reciprocal articulation, which make them fundamental in demarcating the maximalist novel as a genre

    Il romanzo-saggio, 1884-1947

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    Il romanzo-saggio emerse in Francia nell'ultimo quarto dell'Ottocento e raggiunse la piena maturità in Austria e Germania nel periodo tra le due guerre. Discutendo autori come Dostoevskij, Tolstoj, Zola, Huysmans, Strindberg, Proust, Mann, Musil e Broch, Stefano Ercolino inquadra l'emergenza del romanzo-saggio nell'ambito della crisi ideologica che si abbatté sull'apparato simbolico della modernità negli ultimi decenni dell'Ottocento e che raggiunse il culmine a seguito dei disastri della Prima e della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Genere cruciale per una rinnovata comprensione della storia letteraria europea e della varietà dello spettro morfologico del modernismo, il romanzo-saggio costituisce l'ultimo e decisivo capitolo del discorso letterario sulla modernità

    Jean Bessière, "Le roman contemporain ou la problématicité du monde"

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    Che cosa fa il romanzo contemporaneo? Non “come è fatto”, o “come funziona”, ma “che cosa fa”. Questa è la domanda posta al cuore del saggio di Jean Bessière, il cui aspetto più interessante è costituito dal tentativo di definire il romanzo contemporaneo a partire dall’ipotesi di una sua pragmatica, di una sua specifica proprietà di mediazione culturale

    Inverosimile saggistico. Sulla "Montagna magica" di Thomas Mann

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    Il saggio affronta il problema della verosimiglianza nella "Montagna magica" di Thomas Mann alla luce della svolta speculativa occorsa nella letteratura realista europea nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento e accentuatasi, poi, nel modernismo

    Unrestrained Individuation: The Young Franco Moretti

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    This essay focuses on a little-understood phase of Franco Moretti’s work that spans 1976 to 1986. My aim is to shed light on Moretti’s cultural background as it was formed in that period and to account for the transition from the Trotskyist, politically-militant stance of his first book, "Literature and Ideologies in England in the 1930s," to the idiosyncratic, seemingly disengaged character of "Signs Taken for Wonders" and "The Way of the World." Adorno’s concept of "unrestrained individuation" plays a crucial role in the argument. Following a personal political crisis, Moretti opted to enact a form of critical individuation, encoding the explicit social antagonism of the earlier years within a highly personal style and a new theoretical eclecticism. In this way, by disguising it as an alluring form of individualism, Moretti managed to smuggle an antagonistic critical discourse into an increasingly neoliberal world that would soon prove hostile toward it