15 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Student Learning: Technical, Methodological and Result Assessing of PISA-OECD and INVALSI-Italian Systems .

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    PISA is the most extensive international survey promoted by the OECD in the field of education, which measures the skills of fifteen-year-old students from more than 80 participating countries every three years. INVALSI are written tests carried out every year by all Italian students in some key moments of the school cycle, to evaluate the levels of some fundamental skills in Italian, Mathematics and English. Our comparison is made up to 2018, the last year of the PISA-OECD survey, even if INVALSI was carried out for the last edition in 2022. Our analysis focuses attention on the common part of the reference populations, which are the 15-year-old students of the 2nd class of secondary schools of II degree, where both sources give a similar picture of the students

    camillo boito s capannone for the accademia di brera in milan reuse of a railway depot

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    The work concerns the project for the transfer of some departments of the Brera Academy to the area of Scalo Farini located in the centre of Milan. The area is central to the transformations of Milan, and the relocation of the departments of the Academy solves the problem of its development as a school. The transfer occupies the large post office warehouse in the centre of the area, which is the subject of a conservation and evaluation process for the insertion of the new functions

    Decommissioned micro urban structures. Urban regeneration and architectural design: the case of Fidenza (PR)

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    The subject of this research, on the issue of urban regeneration, concerns the phenomenon of the decommissioned micro urban structures, a situation extended to many small European cities that requires the application of specific proceedings. In the current situation of economic contraction, the micro decommission of urban structure phenomenon is broad and extended to different city levels. However, thought economic cycles have shown the ability to allow the redistribution and the recovery of the de-industrialized large areas in a consolidated metropolis, in small European cities, referring to more restricted areas, the urban disposals progression goes on, as a result of the dispersion of urban functions in the suburban space, called sprawl. This research aims to address this issue through the development of unitary process for small cities belonging to metropolitan areas

    Micro-dismissioni urbane. Rigenerazione urbana e progetto di architettura: il caso di Fidenza (PR)

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    The subject of this research, on the issue of urban regeneration, concerns the phenomenon of the decommissioned micro urban structures, a situation extended to many small European cities that requires the application of specific proceedings. In the current situation of economic contraction, the micro decommission of urban structure phenomenon is broad and extended to different city levels. However, thought economic cycles have shown the ability to allow the redistribution and the recovery of the de-industrialized large areas in a consolidated metropolis, in small European cities, referring to more restricted areas, the urban disposals progression goes on, as a result of the dispersion of urban functions in the suburban space, called sprawl. This research aims to address this issue through the development of unitary process for small cities belonging to metropolitan areas

    Period life tables in suburban areas: the case of the Italian municipality of Taranto

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    Using municipal registry sources, validated for more specific territorial disaggregation than the provincial Istat data, we obtained Taranto period life tables which represent an important tool for demographic analysis, structured by gender and neighborhood, in a decade (2010-2019) of strong socio-economic conflict, resulting in the well-known legal proceedings due to the situation of severe environmental pollution of the territory. The use of municipality data can be considered a methodological approach that allows a timely, reliable and costless first-line assessment system of the population status and drive urban planning policies in cities suffering from heavy environmental pressures: from the period life tables in suburban areas, a situation of strong inequality emerges, as Borgo-Città Vecchia, Paolo VI and Tamburi districts are united by the levels of life expectancy very detached from the others, as if they were different cities. The epidemiological and environmental evidence available for the Taranto area shows various critical aspects, claiming for primary prevention interventions and continuous monitoring of the health status of the population which can provide important indications for urban planning policies

    Comparative Analysis of Student Learning: Technical, Methodological and Result Assessing of PISA-OECD and INVALSI-Italian Systems

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    PISA is the most extensive international survey promoted by the OECD in the field of education, which measures the skills of fifteen-year-old students from more than 80 participating countries every three years. INVALSI are written tests carried out every year by all Italian students in some key moments of the school cycle, to evaluate the levels of some fundamental skills in Italian, Mathematics and English. Our comparison is made up to 2018, the last year of the PISA-OECD survey, even if INVALSI was carried out for the last edition in 2022. Our analysis focuses attention on the common part of the reference populations, which are the 15-year-old students of the 2nd class of secondary schools of II degree, where both sources give a similar picture of the students

    Costruzione ed analisi delle tavole di mortalitĂ  a Taranto dal 2003 al 2013 e comparazione tra fonti di dati

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    The excess of pollution in a territory has important negative implications on health and quality of life of residents and populations in strong and continuous contact, such as workers. The consequences that pollutants have on the population are the subject of extensive literature and research, especially in the medical and epidemiological fields and, depending on the type, may have more or less strong interactions with humans. Taranto is a city with strong industrial presence, with large installations, for productions ranging from steel (ILVA) to cement (Cementir) until petrochemical (ENI) and shipbuilding, which can be classified as pollutant sources. The main objective of this paper is to develop the mortality tables separately for the town of Taranto, as an indispensable tool for accurate analysis and comparison of the death rate in the Ionian area, doing some preliminary considerations on official data currently available, which in some cases are misaligned and suffering from errors, integrating and comparing them with the most recent and reliable data, such as post-census and Taranto’s registry office

    Top–down disaggregation of life expectancy up to municipal areas, using linear self-regressive spatial models

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    The paper aims to analyse a statistical procedure for the definition of territorial indicators, such as the biometric function of life expectancy of citizens of a territory e0, applying a methodology of Top–Down spatial disaggregation, using census data from 2011 in Italy. Through spatial regressions with the methodology proposed in 1971 by Chow and Lin with the use of ISTAT elaborations of annual mortality tables, which are structured from the national level to the regional level, up to the smallest details of the main level, as a dependent variable and predictors a number k of census variables plus accidents in regression models, life expectancy can also be defined at municipal levels (not elaborated by ISTAT) and even at sub-municipal levels (Census Area). The structure of the 2011 census was characterized by 152 variables, collected with CAPI and universal CAWI survey on all the survey units, throughout the national territory, divided into administrative areas of competence and 402,677 more granular areas in census sections. This structure represents a very relevant and useful information asset for applying a spatial disaggregation of indicators, based on three fundamental assumptions: 1.Structural similarity, whereby the aggregate model and the disaggregate model are structurally similar, i.e., the relationships between the variables are valid both at the aggregate (Top) and at the disaggregate (Down) level, with the consequence that the regression parameters are the same in the two models. 2.Error similarity: for spatially correlated errors they present the same structure at both aggregate (Top) and disaggregate (Down) levels, significantly testing for zero spatial correlation; 3.Reliable indicators: the variables in the regression models are efficient predictors at both aggregates (Top) and disaggregate (Down) levels, estimable from model efficiency tests. As we see in the following, compared to others, the best predictors of the census and income variables show us a good interaction in terms of active regressors on the estimation variable