6,852 research outputs found

    The Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae: II. Are they Double-Degenerate Binaries? The Symbiotic Channel

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    In order for a white dwarf (WD) to achieve the Chandrasekhar mass, M_C, and explode as a Type Ia supernova (SNIa), it must interact with another star, either accreting matter from or merging with it. The failure to identify the types of binaries which produce SNeIa is the "progenitor problem". Its solution is required if we are to utilize the full potential of SNeIa to elucidate basic cosmological and physical principles. In single-degenerate models, a WD accretes and burns matter at high rates. Nuclear-burning WDs (NBWDs) with mass close to M_C are hot and luminous, potentially detectable as supersoft x-ray sources (SSSs). In previous work we showed that > 90-99% of the required number of progenitors do not appear as SSSs during most of the crucial phase of mass increase. The obvious implication is that double-degenerate (DD) binaries form the main class of progenitors. We show in this paper, however, that many binaries that later become DDs must pass through a long-lived NBWD phase during which they are potentially detectable as SSSs. The paucity of SSSs is therefore not a strong argument in favor of DD models. Those NBWDs that are the progenitors of DD binaries are likely to appear as symbiotic binaries for intervals > 10^6 years. In fact, symbiotic pre-DDs should be common, whether or not the WDs eventually produce SNeIa. The key to solving the progenitor problem lies in understanding the appearance of NBWDs. Most do not appear as SSSs most of the time. We therefore consider the evolution of NBWDs to address the question of what their appearance may be and how we can hope to detect them.Comment: 24 pages; 5 figures; submitted to Ap

    The Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae: Are They Supersoft Sources?

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    In a canonical model, the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are accreting, nuclear-burning white dwarfs (NBWDs), which explode when the white dwarf reaches the Chandrasekhar mass, M_C. Such massive NBWDs are hot (kT ~100 eV), luminous (L ~ 10^{38} erg/s), and are potentially observable as luminous supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs). During the past several years, surveys for soft X-ray sources in external galaxies have been conducted. This paper shows that the results falsify the hypothesis that a large fraction of progenitors are NBWDs which are presently observable as SSSs. The data also place limits on sub-M_C models. While Type Ia supernova progenitors may pass through one or more phases of SSS activity, these phases are far shorter than the time needed to accrete most of the matter that brings them close to M_C.Comment: submitted to ApJ 18 November 2009; 17 pages, 2 figure

    On-Line Instruction-checking in Pipelined Microprocessors

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    Microprocessors performances have increased by more than five orders of magnitude in the last three decades. As technology scales down, these components become inherently unreliable posing major design and test challenges. This paper proposes an instruction-checking architecture to detect erroneous instruction executions caused by both permanent and transient errors in the internal logic of a microprocessor. Monitoring the correct activation sequence of a set of predefined microprocessor control/status signals allow distinguishing between correctly and not correctly executed instruction

    Luminous Supersoft X-Ray Sources as Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae

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    In some luminous supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs), hydrogen accretes onto the surface of a white dwarf at rates more-or-less compatible with steady nuclear burning. The white dwarfs in these systems therefore have a good chance to grow in mass. Here we review what is known about the rate of Type Ia supernovae that may be associated with SSSs. Observable consequences of the conjecture that SSSs can be progenitors of Type Ia supernovae are also discussed

    Account of the Journey of Hieronimo di Santo Stefano, a Genovese (1495-1496) edited by R. H. Major, re-edited and introduced by Michael W. Charney

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    This translation of Hieronimo di Santo Stefano’s journey to Pegu in 1495-1496 was originally published in India in the Fifteenth Century Being a Collection of Narratives of Voyages to India, edited by R. H. Major, in 1857. The account was written in the form of a letter to Messer Giovan Jacobo Mainer. Only those portions related to Burma have been included in the version below

    Pensar la Iglesia: el Río de la Plata entre la reforma y la romanización (1820-1834).

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    Si existe un eje articulador de los debates religiosos de la era de la revolución rioplatense, es lo que hoy llamamos eclesiología. La preocupación por los problemas eclesiológicos fue una de las varias herencias que el nuevo orden recibió del antiguo en materia político-religiosa. La generación que hizo la revolución, en parte por haberse formado en instituciones en las que esa preocupación latía con fuerza, en parte por haber debido tomar decisiones a menudo impostergables en el terreno de la política eclesiástica, hizo de la eclesiología una veta de reflexión prioritaria. En este artículo se exponen y analizan los principales filones de reflexión eclesiológica que se desplegaron entre 1820 y 1835, período en el que tres temas acapararon la atención de los católicos rioplatenses y encendieron candentes debates entre ellos: el de la reforma eclesiástica, el de la tolerancia de cultos disidentes y el de las primeras relaciones formales con la Santa Sede