84 research outputs found

    Modeling the Observed Site Response from Istanbul Strong Motion Network

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    An extensive site investigation study was carried out in the European side of Istanbul as part of the large-scale microzonation project for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. 2912 borings mostly down to 30m depth with approximately 250m spacing were conducted within an area of 182 sqkm to investigate local site conditions. 55 stations of the Istanbul Rapid Response Network and Ataköy vertical array are located in this area. There have been few small earthquakes in the recent years with local magnitude slightly over M=4. One of these earthquakes took place on 12/3/2008 in Yalova with local magnitude of M=4.8. Vertical array stations at 4 levels (ground surface, at depths of 50m, 75m and 140m) and 23 of the 55 Istanbul Rapid Response Network stations recorded this earthquake. Based on the recorded acceleration time histories on the engineering bedrock at Ataköy vertical array, the remaining recorded acceleration time histories are modeled based on empirical site amplification relationships proposed by Borcherdt (1994) and based on a modified version of Shake91 (Idriss and Sun, 1992). An attempt is also made to model the recorded acceleration time histories during the Mw=7.4, 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake recorded at Ataköy, Fatih and Zeytinburnu stations located in the same area

    High-resolution local seismic zonation by cluster and correlation analysis

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    Site response analysis is essential for seismic hazard and risk assessment and for providing useful data for land-use planning. However, current regional site amplification models do not always have the resolution required for sites such as alpine valleys, in which site response is characterized by complex effects. In addition, even in local studies, site response is usually computed at a limited number of sites because it requires the recording of earthquakes through the installation of seismological stations. To spatially extend the site response to a denser grid of points inside the investigated area, we used k-means cluster and correlation analyses and Voronoi tessellation. The method was applied to the evaluation of the site response of the lower Sarca Valley on the northern shore of Lake Garda. Earthquakes were recorded at 19 sites to calculate site response in terms of amplification and duration functions of ground motion. The results show high amplification values (up to 10) at low frequencies (at about 0.7 Hz) in the center of the valley, where the sediments reach a thickness of about 420 m. Moderate amplification values and duration lengthening of several seconds in the range of 1–10 Hz are found instead at the edge of the valley on the sedimentary deposits, while a lack of amplification is observed for the sites located on the bedrock. Both the amplification and duration functions were assigned to the area covered by the single-station noise measurements to obtain a zonation of the study area, resulting in three zones to which Fourier amplification factors can be assigned for specific frequency values. The results obtained can be used directly for hazard and risk scenarios and to improve regional maps with lower resolution at the local level

    LZER0: A Cost-Effective Multi-Purpose GNSS Platform

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    Recent advances in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology have made low-cost sensors available to the mass market, opening up new opportunities for real-time ground deformation and structure monitoring. In this paper, we present a new product developed in this framework by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics–OGS in collaboration with a private company (SoluTOP SAS): a cost-effective, multi-purpose GNSS platform called LZER0, suitable not only for surveying measurements, but also for monitoring tasks. The LZER0 platform is a complete system that includes the GNSS equipment (M8T single-frequency model produced by u-blox) and the web portal where the results are displayed. The GNSS data are processed using the RTKLIB software package, and the processed results are made available to the end user. The relative positioning mode was adopted both with real-time and post-processing RTKLIB engines. We present three applications of LZER0—cadastral, monitoring, and automotive—which demonstrate that it is a flexible, multi-purpose platform that is easy to use in terms of both hardware and software, and can be easily deployed to perform various tasks in the research, educational, or professional sectors

    GFZ Wireless Seismic Array (GFZ-WISE), a Wireless Mesh Network of Seismic Sensors: New Perspectives for Seismic Noise Array Investigations and Site Monitoring

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    Over the last few years, the analysis of seismic noise recorded by two dimensional arrays has been confirmed to be capable of deriving the subsoil shear-wave velocity structure down to several hundred meters depth. In fact, using just a few minutes of seismic noise recordings and combining this with the well known horizontal-to-vertical method, it has also been shown that it is possible to investigate the average one dimensional velocity structure below an array of stations in urban areas with a sufficient resolution to depths that would be prohibitive with active source array surveys, while in addition reducing the number of boreholes required to be drilled for site-effect analysis. However, the high cost of standard seismological instrumentation limits the number of sensors generally available for two-dimensional array measurements (i.e., of the order of 10), limiting the resolution in the estimated shear-wave velocity profiles. Therefore, new themes in site-effect estimation research by two-dimensional arrays involve the development and application of low-cost instrumentation, which potentially allows the performance of dense-array measurements, and the development of dedicated signal-analysis procedures for rapid and robust estimation of shear-wave velocity profiles. In this work, we present novel low-cost wireless instrumentation for dense two-dimensional ambient seismic noise array measurements that allows the real–time analysis of the surface-wavefield and the rapid estimation of the local shear-wave velocity structure for site response studies. We first introduce the general philosophy of the new system, as well as the hardware and software that forms the novel instrument, which we have tested in laboratory and field studies

    Fingerprint Identification Using Noise in the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio: Retrieving the Impedance Contrast Structure for the Almaty Basin (Kazakhstan)

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    Detailed knowledge of the 3D basin structure underlying urban areas is of major importance for improving the assessment of seismic hazard and risk. However, mapping the major features of the shallow geological layers becomes expensive where large areas need to be covered. In this study, we propose an innovative tool, based mainly on single station noise recordings and the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (H/V), to identify and locate the depth of major impedance contrasts. The method is based on an identification of so-called fingerprints of the major impedance discontinuities and their migration to depth by means of an analytical procedure. The method is applied to seismic noise recordings collected in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan). The estimated impedance contrasts vs. depth profiles are interpolated in order to derive a three-dimensional (3D) model, which after calibration with some available boreholes data allows the major tectonic features in the subsurface to be identified

    Introduction to the special issue of the Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) international guidelines for applying noninvasive geophysical techniques to characterize seismic site conditions

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    Knowledge about local seismic site conditions provides critical information to account for site effects that are commonly observed in strong motion recordings. Certainly, other wave propagation effects can influence these observations, which are attributable to variations in material properties of the paths traveled by the waves, as well as the characteristics of the seismic source. However, local geologic conditions, particularly, when under shear-wave excitation, are known to have a strong influence on the behavior of ground shaking in the frequency range that is expected to directly affect the built environment. Thus, shear waves traveling in the shallow subsurface—defined here as tens to hundreds of meters beneath the ground surface—are the main foci for application and research in the earthquake engineering community. To assess the potential for important site effects, a number of approaches collectively known as site response analyses (SRA) are constantly developed. They are also continuously tested and refined with the aim to reduce the uncertainties associated with each technique. Although SRA can be carried out empirically, a set of popular procedures within the suite of SRA methods relies on numerical techniques (one dimensional [1D] transfer functions) and is further differentiated by earthquake engineers as ground response analysis (GRA). Fundamentally, GRAs require input from measurements through in situ seismic recordings that are generally known as the field data acquisition component of site characterization. Following such acquisitions are the associated data processing and analysis phases that produce the shear-wave velocity (VS) profile as the main output, as well as its derivative, the time-averaged VS of the upper 30 m from the surface (VS30), which is the main site index term in ground motion modeling (Boore et al. 1993; Borcherdt 1994). To advance knowledge about site effects phenomena, special SRA-focused sessions have become common occurrences at internationally held earthquake conferences and scientific journals have frequently devoted special issues (or sections) to document the state of the knowledge (Field et al. 2000; Panzera et al. 2017; Kaklamanos et al. 2021). Recently, Kaklamanos et al. (2021) introduced a collection of papers compiled as a special section entitled Advancements in Site Response Estimation, which originated from a similarly named special session planned for the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America (which was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Through open submissions, the guest editors organized articles into five interrelated sections about various aspects of site response (Kaklamanos et al. 2021), including five papers addressing uncertainties as contributed through the SRA framework, as well as one general section on site characterization. Of the six papers included in this section, only two were primarily focused on VS measurements and both focused on the use of surface wave methods to generate in situ VS models (Hobiger et al. 2021; Stephenson et al. 2021). The study locations of each paper were unrelated, but both papers shared the general approach of comparing surface-wave-based analytical estimates of the site dominant frequencies (fd) to that of earthquake horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (eHVSR). These independent studies found strong agreement between their modeled and observed fd. In a more recent effort, S. Matsushima and others (http://www.esg6.jp/blind.html; last accessed 4 April 2022) conducted blind tests that were mainly focused on SRA through participation by international analysts as part of the 2021 6th International Symposium of the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion. During the past two decades, advancements in the field of site characterization have also benefited from activities that were similarly conducted for SRA. This period coincided with a time when applying cost-effective noninvasive surface-wave approaches gained tremendous popularity worldwide. Particularly important were related crossover efforts that attempted to assess uncertainties propagated from methodologies that apply surface-based site characterization to GRAs. To this end, a number of blind trials on-site characterization methods were conducted and most of these activities were directly followed with developments of guidelines for best practices by organizers of the trials (Cornou et al. 2007; Boore and Asten 2008; Garofalo et al. 2016; Foti et al. 2018; Asten et al. 2022, this issue). Unassociated guidelines, technical reports, and textbooks about the application of surface wave methods were also independently published by authors and many were participants of the aforementioned trials (SESAME 2004; Yong et al. 2013; Martin et al. 2014; Dal Moro 2014; Foti et al. 2015; Martin et al. 2017). Despite these accomplishments, the findings illuminated solutions, which also inherently beget more questions, and thus the continuation of these activities is expected for the foreseeable future (Askan et al. 2022)

    Towards specific T–H relationships: FRIBAS database for better characterization of RC and URM buildings

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    FRIBAS database is an open access database (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6505442) composed of the characteristics of 312 buildings (71 masonry, 237 reinforced concrete and 4 mixed types). It collects and harmonizes data from different surveys performed on buildings in the Basilicata and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions (Southern and Northeastern Italy, respectively). Each building is defined by 37 parameters related to the building and foundation soil characteristics. The building and soil fundamental periods were experimentally estimated based on ambient noise measurements. FRIBAS gave us the opportunity to study the influence of the main characteristics of buildings and the soil-building interaction effect to their structural response. In this study, we have used the FRIBAS dataset to investigate how the building period varies as a function of construction materials and soil types. Our results motivate the need of going beyond a ‘one-fits-all’ numerical period–height (T–H) relationship for generic building typologies provided by seismic codes, towards specific T–H relationships that account for both soil and building typologies

    Monitoring the Microseismicity through a Dense Seismic Array and a Similarity Search Detection Technique: Application to the Seismic Monitoring of Collalto Gas-Storage, North Italy

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    Seismic monitoring in areas where induced earthquakes could occur is a challenging topic for seismologists due to the generally very low signal to noise ratio. Therefore, the seismological community is devoting several efforts to the development of high-quality networks around the areas where fluid injection and storage and geothermal activities take place, also following the national induced seismicity monitoring guidelines. The use of advanced data mining strategies, such as template matching filters, auto-similarity search, and deep-learning approaches, has recently further fostered such monitoring, enhancing the seismic catalogs and lowering the magnitude of completeness of these areas. In this framework, we carried out an experiment where a small-aperture seismic array was installed within the dense seismic network used for monitoring the gas reservoir of Collalto, in North Italy. The continuous velocimetric data, acquired for 25 days, were analysed through the application of the optimized auto-similarity search technique FAST. The array was conceived as a cost-effective network, aimed at integrating, right above the gas storage site, the permanent high-resolution Collalto Seismic Network. The analysis allowed to detect micro-events down to magnitude Ml = −0.4 within a distance of ~15 km from the array. Our results confirmed that the system based on the array installation and the FAST data analysis might contribute to lowering the magnitude of completeness around the site of about 0.7 units

    Coordinated and Interoperable Seismological Data and Product Services in Europe: the EPOS Thematic Core Service for Seismology

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    In this article we describe EPOS Seismology, the Thematic Core Service consortium for the seismology domain within the European Plate Observing System infrastructure. EPOS Seismology was developed alongside the build-up of EPOS during the last decade, in close collaboration between the existing pan-European seismological initiatives ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology), EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center) and EFEHR (European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk) and their respective communities. It provides on one hand a governance framework that allows a well-coordinated interaction of the seismological community services with EPOS and its bodies, and on the other hand it strengthens the coordination among the already existing seismological initiatives with regard to data, products and service provisioning and further development. Within the EPOS Delivery Framework, ORFEUS, EMSC and EFEHR provide a wide range of services that allow open access to a vast amount of seismological data and products, following and implementing the FAIR principles and supporting open science. Services include access to raw seismic waveforms of thousands of stations together with relevant station and data quality information, parametric earthquake information of recent and historical earthquakes together with advanced event-specific products like moment tensors or source models and further ancillary services, and comprehensive seismic hazard and risk information, covering latest European scale models and their underlying data. The services continue to be available on the well-established domain-specific platforms and websites, and are also consecutively integrated with the interoperable central EPOS data infrastructure. EPOS Seismology and its participating organizations provide a consistent framework for the future development of these services and their operation as EPOS services, closely coordinated also with other international seismological initiatives, and is well set to represent the European seismological research infrastructures and their stakeholders within EPOS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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